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Journal Entry 1

May 15, 2016

Hello Dr. B I did not start my internship this week I will start it this week May 16 through May
20th, 2016 thanks so much.
Mozella Harvey
Journal Entry 2
a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques. As I
give consideration to my experiences and course work as an intern, I can observe my
awareness and growth in of the position of an administrator. Im becoming more
competent every time I go to Tenco to finish my internship hours. This week was the first
week of my internship which consisted of two days of employee orientation as an
assimilation process the new hires are introduced to the company and co-workers.
Orientation is typically combined with initial training when you learn the ins and outs of
your job description a lot of information regarding the agency was presented .The agency
still completes timesheets by hand for employees which demands a lot of work and time.
This is a sample of another responsibility of the administrator that demands tolerance and
b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human
Services administrator. As an administrator I would attempt to find a better technique to
assist in making the best use of the time for employees. I trust that the administrator
requires the strength of being open for recommendations from employees as well as
being unbiased with concepts that can enhance the operations of the agency. Today,
technology has become different it permit enhancements on how things are completed. I
am not saying each recommendation, concept or issue has to be followed through but at
least let the employee be heard.

A clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis. I would like to

remind myself to
be stay neutral as an administrator who can be honorable to my staff
and compassionate when it comes to employees necessities.

Journal Entry 3
a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques. Let me begin
by stating that Tenco is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to building opportunities for
people with disabilities to work, learn life skills, and interact in the community.
This week was very insightful on May 23rd me, my site supervisor and another employee drove

to many businesses most of the day requesting donations for the annual upcoming Tenco 2016
Golf Classic. On May 24th in the morning I sat in on Tenco monthly meeting all the managers
attended issues was discussed and monthly flyers with activities was passed around. In the
afternoon me, my site supervisor, the Chief Operations Officer and the Executive Director went
to a meeting in a surrounding town to city hall regarding the contract renewal for a different
Tenco location.
Revenue was the discussion that meeting was very insightful as I never attended one. On
May 25th I worked on a program evaluation project entire day which consisted of staff
satisfaction surveys. On May 26th I completed the program evaluation project, in the afternoon I
sat in on a board meeting two new board members was voted in and also the annual comparison
prior year vs. annual budget was discussed for the fiscal year 2016-2017. The feeling I had this
week as an intern such as visiting many businesses and attending numerous meetings made me
feel overwhelmed and stressed. As I sit down to write this journal, my experience this week
makes me understand the demanding position of a Human Services Administrator.
b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human
Services administrator.
Im now convinced that the administrator is the face of the organization. In saying that, I
trust that I have to be aware of situations that cause me to be overwhelmed and stressed since I
would not want that to influence the organization or my job in any manner.
c. A clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis.
I will constantly remind myself not to be so overwhelmed and stressed by so such information
is presented to me.
Journal Entry 4
a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques.
On May 31st a meeting was schedule in the morning for managers regarding
employee issues such as who displayed physical aggression and who was admitted into
the hospital over the weekend. A second meeting was schedule for the afternoon
regarding the biggest annual fundraiser event which is the golf tournament the discussion
was regarding business donations and the amount donated from each business. There was
a discussion regarding the grill which will be held every Wednesday at Tenco during the
summer. The remainder of the day I worked on the program evaluation for the
stakeholder survey. June 1st an all staff meeting was scheduled regarding employee
benefits this consisted of policies and procedures the Executive Director and Chief
Operations Officer spoke about purchasing a lift hoyer and alligator these items are used
to lift individuals. On June 2nd I worked on the program evaluation project which consist
the client survey. On June 3rd I continued working on the program evaluation project for
client survey. As an Intern, I have learned that listening and self talk will assist me in attaining
my short and long-term goals. Self-talk will be helpful for me to use as a foundation of

motivation. Listening will be helpful since the site supervisor title Director of Operations I am
working with have the experience and position in that I am attempting to obtain.
b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human
Services administrator.
I have found that the many skills I learned in this internship are also valued in
administrative work such as the program evaluation. I have been working my
interpersonal skills both individually and in the group meetings. I have become more
inclined to loosen up and speak about my concerns whereas when I begin this internship I
was stressed. Surrounded by individuals with disabilities have given much more respect,
trust, listening, understanding the needs of others, self-awareness, self-reflection, and
motivation as a future administrator. I have the ability to learn quickly and leadership
qualities. I am in need of the leadership experience to accompany my degree.
Ic. A clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis.
My stress level has decreased a little since I begin my internship I do some deep
breathing techniques when I feel like this internship including class work is so
overwhelming for me. This is so much information to take in so little time. I trust that I
need to continue to work on my self-assurance as it related to my career goals.
Journal Entry 5
a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques. On June 6th I
continued working on the program evaluation project client surveys this is the longest of all. I
shadowed my site supervisor as she tour the facility to discuss issues with other employees. On
June 7th Tuesday the weekly morning meeting was scheduled that included team leaders,
supervisors, the Executive Director, Director of Operations. The discussions that were held
pertained to employees incidents that occurred over the weekend, prevocational supportive
employment, respite, SPL services, and recruitment every 90 days. Each employee took a 5
minute break the since second part of the meeting was scheduled for discussion regarding the
annual golf tournament which is the biggest fundraiser of the year. The discussion entailed the
tents volunteer t-shirts, hole-in-one sponsorships donations raffles, cups beverages, food, and
trash can hospitality. Other discussions were regarding which businesses were gold, silver, and
bronze members The Director of Operations spoke about social workers duties for clients was to
complete the appeal process back in 2011.June 8th & 9th I finished working on the program
evaluation project. Im so happy to have chosen this organization the meetings are very insightful
I learn so much each time I attend.
b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human
Services administrator. As I my internship begin the week at Tenco as I sat there at the table in
the meeting observing a room full of educated professionals this made me proud to attend
college and at the same time gave me strength. I became aware of the many different demands of
the administrative role just by shadowing and observing my site supervisor at the meeting. Im
building early personal and professional experiences, yet I sometimes find what I want to do
regarding my internship since it have me assisted in applying what I learned in real world. While,
gaining more considerable professional experience, and beginning to develop a network of
people in a field that interest me, my internships also assisted me in understanding a profound

way, clarifying my values, and testing my knowledge and skills in a new setting that is more
sophisticated in my learning over time.
c. A clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis. Im thinking back to when
I begin this internship I feel like I have made significant progress. I can say without a shadow of
a doubt that I grew as a person during this stressful time. Sometimes I catch myself thinking
about mindless activities that could lead me nowhere. I feel like Im spending my days in a rush
trying to instill so much information at once. I now control the power of having a precise plan
that lies in the fact that Im able to focus all my activities in the right direction kicking my gears
in my development and personal growth as an intern.
Journal Entry 6
a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques.
My reflection for the first day of the week is I was responsible for typing all of the information
regarding program evaluation project inputting each one individually into Word Excel
spreadsheet. The next day Tuesday is the weekly support staff team (SST) meeting scheduled for
this morning which I was invited to attend by my site supervisor. A new employee titled
Program Coordinator was introduced in the meeting she has joined the Tenco team. I received a
copy certificate of completion for Child and Dependent Adult Abuse and Additional Dependent
Adult Abuse from the Human Resources Director I took this course as a part of orientation. As I
reflect on my internship this will be my final week as I have completed my 120 hours.
I thanked my site supervisor for allowing me this opportunity, the Executive Director, the Chief
Financial Officer and the remaining employees who supported me throughout this learning
experience. It was a sad day for me since I established s professional and personal relationship
with so many wonderful people. My knowledge has expanded due to my experience of reflective
listening, paraphrasing, empathy, and open-ended questions are skills I use daily now.The more
I use these skills, the better I become at using them.
My internship site has provided a great opportunity to apply what has been learned in the
classroom to the field. I have developed stronger personal ethical standards, which validate the
value of all individuals. I have enhanced my development of varying diverse populations and
cultures in order to respect others points of view. As I look back at my experience as an intern
with Tenco, it has been a very interesting learning process.
b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human
Services administrator.
My nonjudgmental attitude and my willingness to learn new things, helps me display to the
organization my strength of being open and flexible. It also shows that I am able to adapt to my
surroundings. These qualities show that I have the ability to perform the duties of an
Administrator. I felt as though my strength as it relates to Human Services Administrator was the
ability to sit in the meetings and write down all of the information that will assist me. I was
excited this week, I felt as if I was at my kitchen table completing one of my intern assignments.
There was a lot of information to follow up on for the program evaluation project. I reviewed this
with my site supervisor and she agreed that I could complete this project with her assistance and

instruction. As I worked throughout the day my site supervisor would sit down with me and I
would bring her up to date on what I had found and she would give me feedback, offering
advice. I feel as though we got a lot of work accomplished and yet, we still have a long way to
c. A clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis.
I hope to learn a lot from this experience and the level of academic expectations that are
expected. My site supervisor understands the goals of me the intern and structure the internship
to fulfill them. I wanted to become proficient and successfully communicate with her.
Additionally, I wanted to learn how to offer new ideas in a group setting, observe meetings and
reflect with my site supervisor on trends and effective methods, attend weekly staff meetings,
along with other meetings and interact with clients, view information from the previous days and
prepare questions. I would like to continue to be flexible with the willingness to learn about new
things such as culture and beliefs of the population we serve. Personally, Ive learned that I have
to be less critical of myself and to be more confident in myself.
Journal Entry 7
a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques.
Before joining Tenco, I taught at a local school here in town as a Substitute Teacher focusing
much of my time on assisting students in identifying their interests. The excitement of
internships is that they can serve various objectives for various students. For me I was just
beginning to figure out my career choice and interests. My internship assisted me to become
conscious of the many different types of organizations encompassing the world of work. Build
early professional experience, and find what I dont want to do.
Nevertheless, for me an internship assisted in apply what I learned in the real world setting
acquired more essential professional experience, and initially develop a network of individuals in
a field that interest me. This internship challenged me to take an active role in charting both my
short-term and long-term ambition. Regardless of the path I take this internship has help me
understand in a heartfelt way that college is a time to explore my interests, clarify my values, and
test my knowledge and skills in new settings.
When I took part in the Blackboard collaborate this week I didnt know what to expect as I
listened to Dr. B ask questions and the students respond I now know. I gained so much
knowledge regarding their cultures and how my classmates feel regarding this issue. I must
admit some issues that were discussed was very insightful which is why I think blackboard
collaborate session is good for people to vent and express their opinions regarding subjects and
b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human
Services administrator.
I recognize my strength as a human service professional is Im driven to succeed in assisting
individuals and organizations achieve at their best level. As a future human services

administrator I must have a range of skills and knowledge to assist me to understand individuals
and within groups. This involves knowledge of different elements in human behavior. The
human services administrator must be familiar with human development, how culture and
society impact behavior and the influence of structures on human behavior. My work week was
quite challenging as I had several students who experienced personal issues at home and
obviously brought their anger issues into the classroom I refer them to counselor.
c. A clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis.
As I reflect on the end of my internship my site supervisor agreed that everything I learned
during this internship were attainable goals, which would definitely assist in my career. As the
last day progressed, my site supervisor met with me to discuss my ideals and visions for the
future. She felt as if it would greatly benefit the moral of having this internship experience.
Overall, I felt, as this day was very productive in regards to vocalizing my overall goals for this
internship. Hopefully, I will continue to receive support from both my site supervisor so I can
accomplish my goal as a administrator of human services professional.
Journal Entry 9

Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques.

The previous week was great I completed a lot of housecleaning that was well over due. Later in the
week I decided to go to the grocery store to purchase some whipped cream and half & half to mix
together for some homemade ice cream and to actually blend it in ice cream maker which I purchased
several years ago. I hadnt used the ice cream maker this summer because I normally make homemade
ice cream throughout the entire summer. I observed my deceased grandmother whenever she made
homemade which is how I learned to make ice cream. I freeze the ice cream overnight then distribute
it to friends and family members, I love ice cream, but I only eat a small portion because I dont want
to gain anymore weight. Though me and my family went fishing on Saturday we caught a lot of
bluegills and sunfish I really enjoyed this time surrounded by nature is always a peaceful environment.


Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human Services
As I reflect on the previous week my strengths as they relate to my performance as a Human
Service Administrator are I am fair to everyone, I enjoy working with others and I trust that
everyone can contribute something under the right conditions. I am a highly ethical person and
dedicated to completing assignments. My needs as they relate to my performance as a Human
Service Administrator are I must completely participate in reflective planning and thinking, I
need to ask certain questions to fully comprehend what I am expected to do, I want to learn to
expand my thinking to include thinking about the complete situation and not just the pieces of
something, and I need to prepare and plan to arrive on time to work.


A clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis.

My self-improvement plan includes increasing my knowledge regarding information I need to
present by researching asking questions, reflecting, actively studying, and proofread my
assignments as this relates to school. I also need to plan ahead and be prepared to within my
control to be on time. To effectively integrate my experience and knowledge with an intentional
and united effort which assist me to acquire the experiences.
Journal Entry 10
a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques.
My week has been great I have received several phone calls from family members regarding an
issue with my adolescent nephew this stresses a little but in the end it was resolved. Im sure we
all have experienced adolescent issues within our family. My intent before I began college was to
major completely major in Psychology because Im more of a listener than a talker. Dr. B I wish
I can communicate like you I often freeze up when it comes to communicating especially in the
presence of other individuals I know you noticed this is weakness I really need to work on. I feel
like I have to really know a person to be comfortable in their presence. Dr. B you have great
communication skills I admire your strength and the fact that you have a Ph.D.
b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human
Services administrator.
While reading my school book I often found the influence a human services professional has on
society which is very important. The effects of the human services professionals are felt
throughout society from, elder care, public policy planning health care, criminal justice, and
education. The human services professional fulfill a variety of vital services that makes the
individuals and organizations they influence perform at a more safer, healthier, and organized
level. The entire community benefits from the immense effect of the human services
professional. I have never worked in the human service field, yet Im anxiously waiting because
I would like to make a difference in this world by assisting individuals. I know one of my
strengths is active listening skills giving full attention to what other individuals are saying and
taking time to comprehend the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not
interrupting at inappropriate times.
c. A clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis.
As I reflect on the past year I feel like I made significant progress I grew as a person, yet I catch
myself wasting important time on mindless activities that lead me nowhere. I want start to write
a development and personal growth plan this will my number one thing to do when this term is

over. I know I need to work on communicating and public speaking as these are my weaknesses.
I believe I need to continue to work on my self-confidence also as it pertains to my career goals.
Journal Entry 12
a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques.
The beauty my internship is it served a different purpose for me to figure out my choice of major
and career interests it assisted to become aware of the many different kinds of organizations
comprised of the world of work and to build early professional experience, and it made me
discover what I dont want to I am much clearer about my career interests and academic pursuits,
the internship help me apply what I are learned in the real world settings, gain more substantial
professional experience, and begin to develop a network of people in field that interest me. The
internship challenged me to take an active role in both my short-term and long-term plans. I may
decide to add a second major or use my elective credit to complete a certificate or minor or may
change major completely. Regardless of the paths in a profound way college is a time to explore
my interests, clarify my values, and test my knowledge and skills in new settings.
b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human
Service Administrator
While there are many challenges I will face in adapting to an administrative role, this will require
an adaptation of knowledge and skills rather than a comprehensive and essential retraining and a
trust that an administrative background can be a strength which I dont have. The biggest
surprise to me was to find that I could do some of the things I thought I couldnt or end up
applying the principles to myself, I understand group dynamics. It gave me insight into Tenco
organization as I observed the administrators who are often more aware of clients needs and
social work values, and therefore can influenced me.
c. Clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis.
Helping people is where my heart is and I would take additional years to major in counseling, but
I dont know if I can commit to so many more years of college, yet I know it will pay off in the
end. According to BLS counseling is a specialty within professional psychology that maintains a
focus on making it possible for personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span. This
specialty pays particular attention to emotional, social, culturally-sensitive practices that help
individuals improve their well-being, alleviate distress, resolve crises, and increase their ability
to function better in their lives which is the environment that I want to be of assistance and be
surrounded by.
Journal Entry 13
a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques.

The beauty my internship is it served a different purpose for me to figure out my choice of major
and career interests it assisted to become aware of the many different kinds of organizations
comprised of the world of work and to build early professional experience, and it made me
discover what I dont want to I am much clearer about my career interests and academic pursuits,
the internship help me apply what I are learned in the real world settings, gain more substantial
professional experience, and begin to develop a network of people in field that interest me. The
internship challenged me to take an active role in both my short-term and long-term plans. I may
decide to add a second major or use my elective credit to complete a certificate or minor or may
change major completely. Regardless of the paths in a profound way college is a time to explore
my interests, clarify my values, and test my knowledge and skills in new settings.
b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human
Service Administrator
While there are many challenges I will face in adapting to an administrative role, this will require
an adaptation of knowledge and skills rather than a comprehensive and essential retraining and a
trust that an administrative background can be a strength which I dont have. The biggest
surprise to me was to find that I could do some of the things I thought I couldnt or end up
applying the principles to myself, I understand group dynamics. It gave me insight into Tenco
organization as I observed the administrators who are often more aware of clients needs and
social work values, and therefore can influenced me.
c. Clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis.
Helping people is where my heart is and I would take additional years to major in counseling, but
I dont know if I can commit to so many more years of college, yet I know it will pay off in the
end. According to BLS counseling is a specialty within professional psychology that maintains a
focus on making it possible for personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span. This
specialty pays particular attention to emotional, social, culturally-sensitive practices that help
individuals improve their well-being, alleviate distress, resolve crises, and increase their ability
to function better in their lives which is the environment that I want to be of assistance and be
surrounded by.

Journal Entry 15
This is my final week of class I cannot express how much I have learned about myself
personally and professionally. While the last week was very relaxing, the assignments were
intense. I thought very much about how time passed very fast now that class has come to an
end, I feel very happy to say that I have overcome my journey in this course. Honestly, this
course and internship has been a valuable lesson for my education and future.

I enjoyed my time at Tenco and learned a lot throughout this experience it allowed me the
opportunity to work in a Human Service agency other than education. I was taken outside of
my comfort zone of working with individuals with disabilities. The staff was very helpful and
willing to assist me along the way as I completed my internship. I have been blessed for Dr.
Shavonne Brathwaite as my professor and a greater education at Wilmington University.

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