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LIFE is the EUs financial instrument supporting environmental, nature

conservation and climate action projects throughout the EU. Since 1992, LIFE
has co-financed some 4306 projects. For the 2014-2020 funding period, LIFE will
contribute approximately 3.4 billion to the protection of the environment and

Outcome of the referendum in the United Kingdom

The Statement of 29 June of the Heads of State or Government of 27 Member States, as well
as the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission, confirms that until the
UK leaves the EU, EU law continues to apply to and within the UK, both when it comes to rights
and obligations. This includes the eligibility of UK legal entities to participate in and receive
funding from the EU LIFE programme.

Contribute now to LIFE mid-term evaluation

27 June 2016The mid-term evaluation of the LIFE Programme is now open. Everyone, citizens,
organisations and public authorities alike, are welcome to contribute to this consultation, which
runs until 9 September 2016.


LIFE launches 2016 call for action grants: more than 330
million available

19 May 2016The LIFE programme launched two calls for proposals, underlining its commitment to
supporting projects that protect the environment and tackle the impact of climate change.
The 2016 call for action grants for the LIFE programme was launched on 19 May 2016 and covers
proposals for both environment and climate action sub-programmes. The total budget for project
action grants for this call is 337 536 184. Of this amount, 273 936 184 has been allocated to
the sub-programme for environment and 63 600 000 has been allocated to the sub-programme
for climate action. At least 55% of the environment allocation will be dedicated to projects
supporting the conservation of nature and biodiversity.
For the sub-programme for Environment, this call will cover action grants for "Traditional"
projects, Preparatory projects, Integrated projects, Technical Assistance projects.
For the sub-programme for Climate Action, this call will cover action grants for "Traditional
projects", Integrated projects, Technical Assistance projects.

Italy launches online environmental Knowledge Platform

12 August 2016 The Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea (Directorate for Sustainable
Development, Environmental Damage, European Union and International Affairs) has produced a
Knowledge Platform, which serves as a valuable online resource for sharing best environmental
practices and climate-related techniques and approaches.

The European Commission has funded or co-funded many significant projects through a range of
programmes, including LIFE, and these have demonstrated a wide variety of innovative
environmental methodologies. They have moreover contributed to the knowledge base for
implementing EU legislation as well as informing policy-making.
The Knowledge Platform was set up to provide opportunities for those who have developed good
practices, and thus added to this knowledge base, to network with potential replicators.

Bulgarian LIFE project releases ten Lesser Kestrel

11 August 2016 On 5 July 2016, Ivelina Vasileva, the Bulgarian Minister of the Environment and
visited the Lesser Kestrel Recovery (LIFE11 NAT/BG/000360) project centre to see firsthand the final preparations for the release of ten young lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)
into the mountainous Sakar region in south-eastern Bulgaria.
The batch of ten chicks was the last of this years hatched Lesser Kestrel taking part in the
adaptation and release module in the village of Levka, in the Svilengrad municipality.
The Lesser Kestrel is included in Bulgarias Red Book in the category Critically endangered
species. This is why the project for reproducing these birds is very useful. It is directly financed
by the European Commission, and was entered in the Commissions classification as one of the
best managed, Minister Vasileva said.

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