Personal Exploration Paper

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Personal Exploration Paper

Name : Maichael Young

Psychological Wll Being
Module 7 Personal Exploration Paper
Professor Danny Moore
Date: 13th August, 2016

Personal Exploration Paper

Week 1:


Workbook 1 Happiness Profile

My Orientation to Pleasure Score __14__

My Orientation to Engagement Score ___15___

My Orientation to Meaning Score ___13___

My Orientation to Victory Score ___16 ___

As per the score goes, I find the scores very true and it more or less depicts my satisfaction level.
All of the 4 scores are close enough, to state that I am happy and satisfied. I am not at all suprised,
by these scores because these reflects the kind of person I am and how I feel. In real life, I am
highly satisfied as I have a great job, which I am very much content of. It is not a high paying, but
for me that does not matter, what matters is, how engaged I am in my job. Two of my scores are
below 15, which I am suprised but that does not mean I am dissatified. Yes, I would like to have
further opportunities to discover more in my career, but saying that currently I am doing good.

2.) Workbook 2 Self Monitoring Scale

My Self Monitoring score stand s at 6. I was surprised to see this result, as I thought that I would
get High score. I believe that, I can detect frauds or any kinds of deception as I have a sharp mind.
As I have a demanding job, I know how to get the work done. So, I am not very sure if this score is
correct, but I think I need to see what made me gain such a low score.

Personal Exploration Paper

Week 3 :

1.) Workbook 3 Social Avoidance

The score for Social Avoidance and Distress is 20. It is true that I am not one of those who like
social gathering, and I tend to stand alone when I am in a social circle. I have seen at times, that the
questions ask by the people there bothers me. I feel that social parties are not meant for me, there is
some level of anxiety that bothers me, I don't know why. I guess lot of people at one place bothers
me. I have also seen that, in my office parties when I have to give speech, I tend to clear my throat
and fiddle with my ring while talking and I tend to not look into peole's eyes, as it makes me more
concious. Also, I have noticed my behaviour changes and becomes very cold in social circle, as If I
am stonned.

2.) Workbook 4 Assertive Job Hunting

After reversing the scores, the final score after adding 25 items are 82. Before reversing the
numbers, my score was 85 which is also very low. In both the cases my scores are low and I am not
very surprised, to see it. The low score means, I have not much experience in job hunting, which is
true. I have a job now, which I am content with, but to get this job I have to struggle a lot and I had
been rejected 4 times by other companies. I think, lack of preparedness is one reason, and lack-of
confidence too. I can feel in my job sometime, that while preparing reports in word or excel I face
some issues, I think this is because I had not done any training programs, which enhances ones skill
and knowledge. These kind of training programs, helps individuals to know what indutsry standards
are and what is expected of a fresher. These programs, tend to equip and individual with a specific

Personal Exploration Paper

skill set that could be used in interviews. I feel, I need to make myself more open, so that I can
know what things are going on in my line of work.

Week 5:

Workbook 5 Sexuality Scale

The sexual esteem score before reversing is 1 and after reversing is 15. This falls in intermediate to
high score category. I feel before reversing score is the better one for me. Sexual depression score
before reversing is -6 and after reversing is -14. In my original score I can see that I fall in low
score, which means I am content with my sex life. There is a huge difference in sexual depression
that is, -1 before reversing the score and -17 after reversing. The before reversing score falls in
intermediate category, which means I do not think of sex all the time. This means, in a nut shell I
have a good sex life, where as I and my partners are compatible with each other.

I was not surprised to see the scores, as I think I have my sexual desires under control. I am in a
helathy relatiosnhip with my wife and we make sure to talk about SEX from time to time. I think,
talking with someone close makes the person comfortable.

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