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Cratyr - The Five Pillars

Cratyr's religion, if it can truly be called that, is the most ancient form of clergy and worship
still active in these times. Clerics of the five pillars do not, in fact, worship any kind of god but
the five true pillars of magic: (in order of importance) Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Death.
Acolytes of The Pillars, as they are known, view the worship of otherworldly beings as gods
with disdain and scorn. They believe that the universe was not founded or overseen by
spiritual entities but is a complex magical puzzle that can be understood and applied using
the five pillars. This system of belief is said to have been founded by the most ancient tribes
of Elves though many of the Acolytes now come from a plethora of other races.
Visual representations of the pillars show a semi circle with life at the far left, death at the far
right, that rings the central pillar of knowledge.
Clerics and Paladins of the Pillars are not the same as other religions, they do not pray for
their power but are extremely specialized mages who use their wisdom and understanding of
The Pillars to create much the same effects. In gameplay terms, they are the same but for
flavor their castings are not done through prayer but through more complex systems
of spellcasting.

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