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Subject: English

Class: 8

After Twenty Years


What kind of area was the policeman patrolling? Describe it.

The policeman was walking down an avenue that was dark and deserted. Chilly gusts of wind
with a taste of rain in them had depeopled the streets. He was patrolling an area that kept early
hours. Most of the doors belonged to business places that were closed long time back. Only a
few shops, like a cigar store or all night lunch counters were open.

Why did the man in the doorway start speaking to the policeman?
The man in the doorway was a criminal wanted in Chicago. On seeing the policeman walking
towards him, his nervousness made him start speaking to the policeman even before he was
questioned. He did this as he wanted to assure the policeman that there was no suspicious
activity going on there and that he was not a thief or a burglar.

What does Bob say about his life in the West compared to Jimmys in New York?
Bob and Jimmy have different lifestyles which reflect their contrasting values. Bob says that
life in the West was very busy and competitive as compared to that in New York, and that the
West can put a razor edge on a man which means he had to be very competitive and smart to
get his pile. He says that the West gave him everything he asked for and that the West was a
pretty big proposition where he kept hustling around. Also there was a lot of money in the
West whereas in New York, life was monotonous, dull and uncompetitive. There was nothing
novel to look forward to. One gets into a groove trying to settle for whatever he gets.

When did the patrolman recognize Bob, and why did he not reveal to him who he was?
The patrolman recognized Bob when Bob struck a match to light his cigar. He saw that Bob
was a criminal, wanted by the Chicago police. Since he was a policeman and a guardian of
peace, it was his duty to arrest Bob at that very moment. As he was Bobs staunchest old
friend, he didnt have the heart to do so, thus he did not reveal who he was.

From his speech and behavior what picture do we get of Bob? Try to give a short
character sketch of Bob.
Bob was flamboyant, ambitious, materialistic and dishonest. He moved to the West in order to
make money. He could go to any extreme to get rich. His scarf pin as well as his watch
studded with diamonds suggests he was wealthy. Bob was boastful about his career and
success in the West. In spite of all this, he was still a loyal friend as he came to fulfil his
promise made twenty years ago with Jimmy Wells. He was proud of himself as well as his

Subject: English
Class: 8

Give a character sketch of Jimmy Wells.

Jimmy Wells was an honest, hardworking and a lawful man who was humble and content with
what he had. According to Bob, he was the truest and staunchest old chap, trustworthy and
conscientious to his hometown. He was a plodder, meaning he was not competitive and would
not take risks in life. He was loyal as he came to keep the appointment made twenty years ago
with Bob. He was a man of principle as he would abide by the law and thus sent a plainclothes
man to arrest his old friend Bob, whom he recognized as a criminal wanted in Chicago.
Reference to Context
a) Bob says this to the patrolman.
b) That he had come to keep an appointment made twenty years ago.
c) To assure that he was not a thief but a law abiding man.
d) He said that there used to be a restaurant where they stood now, and that he and his
friend Jimmy Wells had dined there twenty years ago and agreed to meet at the same
place same time twenty years later.
a) The plainclothes man says this to Bob.
b) He means the good times as well as Big Joe Bradys.
c) They might have dined at Big Joe Bradys but the restaurant has been closed and soon
Bob would be arrested.

Subject: English
Class: 8

Subject: English
Class : 8
Life Charlotte Bronte

What does transient mean, and what specifically according to the poet is transient in
Transient means temporary, lasting only for a short while. According to the poet the sorrowful
times as well as times of happiness are transient in life. Thus we should celebrate each happy
moment of life.

Why is the phrase clouds of gloom apt?

The phrase clouds of gloom is apt because like the clouds of gloom that are temporary and last
only for a short while in the sky, the gloomy days in our life too last only for a short while.

What remark does the poet make about rain?

The poet remarks that the rain makes the flowers bloom. It is because of the rain that
everything looks bright and beautiful. Thus if a little rain makes the environment pleasant and
beautiful why do we lament its fall. Similarly, the hard times in our life make us stronger, so
we should not lament them. Instead we should face them with courage.

What message is the poet trying to give us? Give evidence for your answer.
In the poem Life, the poet Charlotte Bronte brings out the message that life is full of ups and
downs. Sometimes we are faced with difficult times, but these moments last only for a short
while. In spite of these trials and troubles that demoralise us, she says that happy moments in
life return cheerfully. She mentions that the morning rain makes the flowers bloom, therefore
why do we lament its fall. Similarly the poet feels that why should we lament the hard times in
our life when such moments make us stronger. The poet asks us to enjoy the happy moments
as they flit by. One must cling on to hope that may be suppressed for some time, but like
elastic springs, rises up again. As a dark cloud has a silver lining, so does our life. Hope
emerges victorious and helps us move ahead in life.

Answers will vary.

Reference to Context
a) The reader.
b) Life is not a dream.
c) The poet uses the analogy of a bird with golden wings that is strong enough to lift us
out of our troubles.

The word Death is personified and the word Best is used for our loved ones. .
So what if Death steps in and takes away our loved ones.
The poet says that we might be overcome with grief and sorrow.
By remembering that this is just a temporary phase in our life and we need to cling on
to hope.

Subject: English
Class : 8

Subject: English
Class :8
The Necklace Guy De Maupassant

In what ways was Mme Loisel a daughter of the people?

Mme Loisel was a daughter of the people as she was born in a family of clerks. She belonged
to a class of ordinary people. She had neither caste nor rank. She had no dowry or social

Why was Mme Loisel so angry and tortured?

Mme Loisel was unhappy as she thought she had fallen from her proper station and it was by a
mistake of destiny that she was born in a family of clerks. She was dissatisfied being married
to a humble government clerk and felt that with her beauty and charm she should be enjoying
a life of social status. She felt she was born for all the delicacies and luxuries in life. She
suffered incessantly from the poverty of her apartment and the wretched look of her walls and
curtains. All these things, of which another woman of her rank would not have been conscious
of, tortured and made her angry.

Why did Mme Loisel not like to visit her rich friend?
Mme Loisel did not like visiting her rich friend because that made her even more aware of her
poverty and lowly existence. Also she felt miserable when she returned back home as she felt
that she was denied of the extravagant lifestyle only because of her low rank.

Would you agree that Mme Loisel was spoilt? Give examples to support your answer.
Yes, Mme Losiel was spoilt as she should have been grateful for whatever she had. She had a
roof over her head, a loving husband, and enough food for her existence. However she wasnt
satisfied with all this and always longed to have something better.She dreamt about palatial
houses, fancy clothes, delicate furniture and an extravagant lifestyle.

Why did Mme Loisel feel the need to borrow a necklace?

Mme Loisel had been invited to the ministerial ball. Her husband had given her 400 francs to
buy a suitable dress but she did not want to go without jewels as she could not bear the pitying
looks of the rich women present there. Thus Madame Loisel borrowed the necklace from her

In what way did Mme Loisels life change after she and her husband borrowed money?
Mme Loisels life changed drastically. She had to do heavy housework as they had to dismiss
their servant. She cooked, cleaned and washed, and carried the water buckets up the stairs to
the garret where they lived. She lived like an ordinary woman and learned to save every penny
to repay their loan.She learned to bargain with the butcher and the grocer. After five years of
such an existence, her appearance changed completely.

Do you think Mme Loisel got what she deserved?

Yes, Mme Loisel got what she deserved as she had been foolish in her desires to possess fancy
jewels, clothes and a luxurious lifestyle. She was never content and satisfied with whatever
she had. When Monsieur Loisel obtains an invitation to the ball, Mme Loisel not only wants a
new dress but also matching jewellery so that she does not look poor in comparison to others.
She also coveted the rich fur coats that the other women wore, which highlighted the
shabbiness of her wraps. Her pride made her ungrateful. Her endless desire of wanting what

Subject: English
Class :8

others possessed led to her downfall. Mme Loisels selfish actions and thoughts made her pay
a heavy price in the end.

Reference to Context
a) Mr Loisel to Mme Loisel.
b) He had not thought that she would need a good dress to wear at the ball.
c) She started crying.
a) Mme Forestier to Mme Loisel.
b) She agrees that she has more jewellery and Mme Loisel can select what she likes.
c) She is looking for an ornament that will match her dress which she will be wearing at
the ministerial ball. She looks for it in a black satin box that Mme Forestier brings out.

Subject: English
Class :8

Subject: English
Class :8
The Postmaster by Rabindranath Tagore

In what ways did the postmaster feel out of place in the remote village?
The postmaster was a city bred urbane and literate young man. He wasnt used to the mundane
and rustic life of the village. He missed the metaled roads, buildings and the hustle and bustle
of the city. He felt ill at ease with the illiterate indigo plantation workers.

How did the postmasters family become very much a part of Ratans life?
The postmaster and Ratan share a symbiotic relationship. The postmaster needed
companionship in the alien rural world of Ulapur. Ratan experiences the joy of human contact
when she meets the postmaster. She immerses herself in his world. She feels that it is a means
to strengthen their bond. Ratan cant form images of her own biological family. So, she tries
to construct a family wherever it exists. Hence, She had a complete picture of each one of
them painted in her little heart.

Why do you think both the postmaster and Ratan spoke so often about their families?
The postmaster is lonely and miserable in the isolated village of Ulapur. Ratan is an ignorant
orphan. The two form an inexplicable bond and are connected by each others memories. The
postmaster needs a companion to pour out his sorrow of separation with the city and family.
His stories of his family provide the missing pieces in Ratans fragmented memories. In the
absence of their biological families the discussions about them fills in the vacuum of love for

Why did the words, What an idea! haunt Ratan? What did the words mean to her?
The postmaster says What an idea when Ratan says that she wants to accompany him to
Calcutta. These words symbolize the gap between what Ratan feels for the postmaster and
what he feels for her. He dismisses the idea as completely absurd. Her fears are confirmed
when he decides to leave Ulapur without her. She is shocked by his callous dejection.

When did the postmaster finally take the decision to leave the village?
The exile of loneliness in Ulapur deeply tormented the postmaster. He longed to be back in the
city with his family. The last straw was his prolonged illness. He missed the love and care of
his mother and sister. As soon as he recovered, he requested for a transfer out of Ulapur.
When his application for transfer was rejected, he resigned and decided to leave Ulapur for

Why does the author say: Inscrutable are the ways of a womans heart? What does
this mean, and to which incident is he referring to?
Ratan is devastated at the prospect of being forsaken by the postmaster. Her relationship with
him is way beyond that of a master and servant. She had assumed whichever role was required
of her in order to strengthen the bond. She turned from slave to friend to student to mother
with equal dedication. The postmasters reassurance that his successor would look after her,
seemed to demean her commitment to him. Even though kindly meant, his words shatter her
heart more than his scoldings had. Thus the author makes a generalized comment about the
difficulty in understanding the complexities of a womans heart.

What thoughts did the postmaster have on departing? How were these different to those
of Ratan?

Subject: English
Class :8

The postmaster is a literate man who uses philosophy to accept the meeting and parting with
Ratan as the cycle of life. Death, he explains, is the culmination of all parting. Ratans simple
nature forces her to hope for her dadas return. According to the author, hope surpasses all
reason. Ratan prefers to be lost in hope instead of accepting the bitter truth. While the
postmaster looks forward to a reunion with his family and city, Ratan has only hope and
memories to survive.


Reference to the Context

But no one knew, or could believe, that such an idea might also take possession of an ill-paid
village postmaster in the deep, silent midday interval of his work.

What was the idea that had taken possession of the postmaster?
The postmaster was suffering from an intellectual and emotional vacuum in Ulapur. He
needed a kindred soul to share his feelings. He decided to make Ratan his companion.

What action did the postmaster take to change his current situation
The postmaster started teaching Ratan the alphabet. Ratan was a quick and diligent learner and
got to the double consonants soon.

No more of this, said he with decision. I must get a transfer.

Who said these words, and when were they said?

The postmaster was lonely, gloomy and physically weakened by the illness in Ulapur. He had
been confined to the bed and became desperate to leave the place. Thus he decides that he has
tolerated more than necessary and must get out of the physical and mental trauma in Ulapur.

Why were the words said with decision? What does this imply?
The postmaster was contemplating the idea of leaving Ulapur for better prospects in the city.
His prolonged illness was the last straw. Once he regained some strength he makes a final
resolution to end all problems by leaving Ulapur.

Give atleast two reasons why the speaker wanted a transfer.

The postmaster was lonely in Ulapur for lack of appropriate companionship. The only
companions he had were the illiterate indigo workers or the underage uneducated orphan
Ratan. He missed his friends, family and the hustle and bustle of city life. His state of
loneliness and gloom resulted in his prolonged illness. He was also underpaid for his job as
the postmaster. Thus he realized that his stay in Ulapur was not worth it from any aspect.
Thus, he requested for a transfer.

What action was taken by the speaker immediately after this?

The postmaster immediately wrote to Calcutta an application for a transfer on the grounds of
the unhealthiness of the place.

Subject: English
Class :8

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