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Who We Are

About IDG
The Integrated Development Program was launched in Spring 2010. The idea for
the Integrated Development Program came out of the needs expressed by nonprofit and sustainable development organizations for help getting access to
services that help them to fulfill their missions. By offering these services pro-bono
to non-profit and sustainable development organizations, we aim to assist in the
development and future sustainability of these organizations. Today, 95% of nonprofit organizations say that their social impact would grow with the support of
pro-bono assistance.
The Integrated part of the program is a key component to our success. We
believe that an interdisciplinary approach gives the non-profit and sustainable
development organizations we work with a wide range of skills and services that
students from a single discipline could not. Therefore our team is composed of
graduate and undergraduate students from different disciplines and backgrounds
in order to provide a more compressive skill base to the team. This also allows for
personal and professional growth amount the IDG Team as we work together on
specific projects.
What We Do
The Integrated Development Program selects several non-profit and sustainable
development organizations each semester and academic year to provide pro-bono
service assistance. Each non-profit and sustainable development organization fills
out an application and submits it to the Integrated Development Program and
details areas that they are looking for pro-bono assistance. The Integrated
Development Team then reviews the applications and selects the organizations
based on the feasibility of the projects, the skill set of the current team, and the
projects ability to provide sustainability to the organization. Next, the Team drafts
a Memorandum of Understanding between the program and the organization. The
Team works under a strategic action plan for each project with deliverable
deadlines to the organization. At the end of each project, the Integrated
Development Team and the organization complete separate evaluation reports on
the completed projects. These evaluation reports are then reviewed and any
relevant or necessary changes are made to the operational structure of the
program. The evaluation allows for both sustainability and growth of the program,
as well as allowing for the development of more effective pro-bono service
Mission Statement
The Integrated Development Group (IDG) is a student driven management
consulting firm for social entrepreneurship and seeks to accelerate high impact
social entrepreneurs through an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving.
Program Services
The Integrated Development team offers several different consulting services.
Since the Integrated Development Team changes each academic year, the range of

projects selected by the team will depend on the particular skill set of the current
team. The Integrated Development Team also brings in students to participate on
projects, which might have a particular skill set; this also helps fulfill recruitment
needs for future team members adding to the sustainability of the program. Probono services provided by the team, include event planning, marketing and
marketing campaigns, website and logo design, fundraising, grant writing,
business planning, feasibility studies, community impact assessment reports,
research, short and long range planning, and new program development and
design. The team welcomes innovative ideas from organizations of how the
Integrated Development team can assist in organization development and
sustainability planning.

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