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Theory Questions


What are Fuels? Give classification of fuels.

What are the characteristic properties of a good fuel?
Define Gross and Net calorific value.
What are the various types of analysis done in proximate and ultimate analysis of
coal? Explain them in brief.
5) What is the significance of proximate and ultimate analysis of coal
6) Explain the process of mining of petroleum
7) Explain the process of refining of petroleum
8) Discuss about the various fractions obtained by the refining of petroleum
9) What is cracking? Explain different types of cracking
10) What are the advantages of catalytic cracking over thermal cracking
11) What is knocking?
12) What is octane number of petrol
13) Define anti knocking agents and give their examples
14) What is power alcohol? state its advantages and disadvantages
15) Define cetane number of diesel
16) What is combustion ?
17)Define biodiesel and discuss its method of synthesis
18)What are propellants? Give their classifications

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