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The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance Socrates

A people that value its privileges above its principles soon loses
both Dwight D. Eisenhower
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in
practice, there is Yogi Berra
A little inaccuracy can sometimes save a ton of explanation H.H
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex and more
violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in
the opposite direction Albert Einstein
A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what
no one believes individually Abba Eban
Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with
good Mohandas Gandhi
Whatever government is not a government of laws, is a despotism,
let it be called what it may Daniel Webster
Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while
bad people will find a way around the laws Plato
Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work
hard at work worth doing Theodore Roosevelt
It is dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong Voltaire
The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any
government, and to protect its free expression should be our first
object Thomas Jefferson
No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation Woodrow
Wilson (28th U.S President)
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without
work Emile Zola
The world is full of educated derelicts Calvin Coolidge
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a change
to get its pants on Winston Churchill
Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the
dog Mark Twain
Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your hearts
desire, the other is to get it Socrates
If women didnt exist, all the money in the world would have no
meaning Aristotle Onasis
Men are not disturbed by things, but the view they take of things
As a rule, men worry more about what they cant see than about
what they can Julius Caesar
Read more at CrunchPrep: 21 Killer GRE Essay Quotes You Should Be
Using Right Now

1) Topic sentence: introduce the main argument of the paragraph

In recent years, machines have undoubtedly transformed our lives for the
better in ways both large and small.
2) Expand on your argument: 2-3 sentences
Only a few decades ago, staying in touch with family and friends required
a complex dance of phone cards, long-distance plans, and missed
connections; today, in contrast, we can Skype and text with people half a
world as away, conversing with them as clearly and quickly as if they were
in the next room. On a more serious note, recent developments in
prosthetics have allowed soldiers injured in battle or people injured in
accidents to resume normal lives.
3) Introduce the outside perspective: 1 sentence
In fact, as perspective 1 suggests, so-called intelligent machines
have created possibilities that would have been unthinkable in the mid20th century. (Note how this sentence summarizes the perspective
without parroting it word-for-word).
4) Tie the perspective back to your argument with a specific
example: 4-6 sentences
For example, consider the impact of new technologies on the victims of
the Boston Marathon bombing. One of the largest-scale tragedies in
recent memory, the 2014 attack left three people dead and more than
100 wounded some requiring multiple amputations. In the past, people
who suffered these types of injuries would likely have been consigned to
wheelchairs or been forced to make do with heavy, unwieldy prosthetics.
Now, however, smart prosthetics are both lighter and able to mimic
the movements of natural limbs, responding instantly to the wearers
muscles and allowing them carry out a full range of daily activities. In
fact, one of the marathon victims (specific example) whose leg was
badly mangled actually elected to have it amputated rather than live in
constant pain. Her rationale: a high-tech prosthetic would allow her to
return to a normal life much more quickly.
5) Tie it back to the outside perspective: 1-2 sentences
Far from creating the science fiction nightmare suggested by movies such
as Terminator and Jurassic Park, the integration of machines into human
bodies has permitted people who would otherwise be seriously disabled to
live normal lives. In the best possible way, these machines have indeed
altered traditional ideas of what human beings can be.

(Abridged) prompt: Automation is generally regarded as a sign of

progress, but what is lost when we replace humans with
machines? Given the accelerating variety and presence of
intelligent machines, it is worth examining the implications and
meanings of their presence in our lives.
Perspective 1: What we lose with the replacement of people with
machines is some part of our humanity. Even our mundane
encounters no longer require from us respect, courtesy, and
tolerance for other people.
Thesis: Technology should be seen as a force for good because it creates
new possibilities for people as well as a more prosperous society.
1) Topic sentence: introduce your argument (1 sentence)
Over the past few decades, new forms of technology have created ways
for people communicate with one another more quickly and easily than
ever before.
2) Elaborate on your argument, and provide a specific example (23 sentences)
From Skype to iphones apps to Facebook, technology erases borders,
allowing us to talk to people halfway around the world as if they were in
the next room. I have personally benefitted enormously from these
technologies: my family immigrated to the United States from China when
I was 6 years old, and over the past decade, gathering around the
computer to chat with my grandparents and my aunt in Beijing has
become a weekly ritual. Although I am sorry that we no longer live next
door to them, as we did when I was little, I am nevertheless grateful to be
able to see their faces and keep them updated on the details of my daily
life something that would be impossible without smart machines.
3) Introduce outside perspective: 1-2 sentences
Not everyone is so enthusiastic about the effects of new technologies,
however. Perspective 1 offers a typical complaint, namely that the
replacement of people with machines causes us to lose some part of our
4) Acknowledge that the perspective isnt entirely wrong, and
explain why (2-3 sentences)
On one hand, this complaint does have some merit. Walking down the
street or sitting on the subway, I am often struck by the sheer number of
people staring glassy-eyed into their phones. Sometimes they are so busy

texting that they nearly bump into others, demonstrating a clear lack of
courtesy and tolerance (notice how this statement weaves the viewpoint
naturally into the writers argument).
5) Transition back to your argument and reaffirm it (3-4
On the other hand, though, the benefits of technology far outweigh an
occasional unpleasant sidewalk encounter at least from my
perspeective. Rather than isolate me from the world (notice how this
statement indirectly refutes the counterargument), smart technology
has served primarily to facilitate my relationships with others, not to
replace them.

Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit?

Perspective 1: Knowledge is essential and beneficial to live a sustainable
life on planet Earth; ignorance will only lead to eventual death.
Perspective 2: Many greed for knowledge and use it selfishly as a force of
Perspective 3: Knowledge in itself is inert and harmless; it is in the hands
of mankind that it becomes a tool used for good or evil.

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