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6 May 2014 0:13

Can someone tell me when the organized criminals of the world staged a coup d'ta
I must have missed it.
Because suddenly you have all these lobbyists and bought politicians acting agai
nst the public interest. Only a few years ago they would have been seen as utter
ly corrupt. When exactly did it become acceptable for a politician to pretend to
represent everyone, whilst only working for a small clique of vested interests?
This is essentially how the mafia used to operate, via corrupt politicians. Exce
pt now the organized criminals are indistinguishable from businessmen. Or rather
many businesses now appear to be operating like gangsters used to operate.
Also these corrupt politicians aren't clever. They're stupid and unreflective. T
hey can go on their brain dead anti-environmentalist purges, but it won't make a
ny difference, because soon the chickens are going to come home to roost, and no
one will be able to deny that the environmentalists were right. These anti-envi
ronmentalist politicians are going to face the mother of all public backlashes w
hen it becomes apparent that they were lying to the public about the seriousness
of the problems we face. If they're not careful they will get lynched by the ve
ry same anti-environmentalist useful idiots, that they misled. The most vengeful
are normally those that got misled and wrapped up in a failed enterprise they l
ater deeply regret.

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