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Question 4

Question 4

Name ___________________________

Name ___________________________

Q4. How can you glorify God?

A4. By loving Him and doing what He

Q4. How can you glorify God?

A4. By loving Him and doing what He

Scripture Base: 1 John 5:1-3

Doctrine: WCF16; SC2

Scripture Base: 1 John 5:1-3

Doctrine: WCF16; SC2

Supplementary Questions.
1. Where do we find Gods commands?

Supplementary Questions.
1. Where do we find Gods commands?

2. Are we always able to do what God

commands? Why not?

2. Are we always able to do what God

commands? Why not?

3. How do we overcome this problem?

3. How do we overcome this problem?

Song: How can I glorify God? Judy


Song: How can I glorify God? Judy


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