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Jacking Joker

With this ebook you'll become
a pro at jacking most social
media accounts out there in
no time, it will teach you
various techniques related to
abusing and manipulating the
policys and features phone
carriers have in place to assist
in jacking these accounts.

Method I. Sim Swapping

When peoples phones break or get lost
people usually get a new sim with their
number attached, this can be abused to
swap your targets number onto a fresh
sim you own and inserted into your own
phone allowing you to receive/send all
calls and texts which allows you to reset
any account that allows SMS based resets.
To do this first you wanna go to your local
phone carriers retail store or order them
on ebay from a third party a bunch of sim
cards, you should also have a burner
phone handy.Once this is done you want
to have these 2 things before calling the
targets carrier: the targets phone number
and either the last 4 of social or the 4 digit
PIN, Tmobile and Verizon are the easiest to
sim swap because you just need l4 of
social for validation before the agent will
proceed with the sim swap, Sprint and ATT
are alot tricker because to do sim swaps
on sprint you need either the 4-6 digit pin

or the security question answer. One

technique to get the ASQ on sprint is
called the guess and check method you
simply go into sprints live chat which can
be found via google and when the agent
asks for the SQA you say your not sure
and then you say let me think for a
moment, then say does it begin with an A,
B, C, etc you go char by char and since
agents can confirm but not giveaway
answers you can continue to do this untill
you get the full answer which may take a
few minutes to a few hours depending on
how fast you get agents and how many
characters the agent lets you guess before
they sketch out and not help further. In
some rare cases on sprint live chat you
can get the agent to give you hints where
they will straight up just give you the
characters but the accuracy of that
happening is low so just stick with the
guess and check technique.On ATT most
accounts have a PIN set up so not even
the last 4 of social will work, to reset the

PIN you can SE the agent to do a PIN reset

and they will ask you for either billing
related stuff on your statement, last 4 of
social or IMEI of the phone these 3
questions will be asked randomly by ATT
reps so it varies on a case by case basis
when doing a PIN reset which is usually
required for most ATT's.Once you have the
targets number and necessary validation
info(Be it Pin, L4 social or ASQ) call the
tech support line of the targets phone
carrier and tell them your phone broke
and you have a new sim card, if you spoof
your number as the targets when calling
verizon it will make the process easier
cause if verizon agents see a VOIP
gateway number if your using google
voice or skype they will give you a hard
time so when doing verizons make sure to
use a number spoofer when calling but
anyways after you mention you have a
new sim card the agent will ask you to
provide the sim card number, give it to
them and they will insert the sim data into

the database and apply it to your targets

account, once it's applied insert the sim
into your phone and wait for them to tell
you when to reset the device, when it's
reset it should say the service is active
and you'll be able to take all of your
targets accounts before the target
eventually calls and reverts the sim back
to their own, one thing to note is sims
cannot be reused if the agent flags the
sim number as lost or stolen, once that
happen the sim card becomes useless and
you need to move on to the next sim.You
can also only apply one sim to one
account meaning you can keep sim
swapping the same persons number using
that same exact sim card with it's
corresponding sim number untill they add
a security pin which only makes it slightly
harder you just need to gather more
validation info to do a PIN reset on that
specific carrier, PIN resets are usually only
needed on att's because mostly every att
these days have a security pin by

default.This method will never be patched

it's unpatchable by design sim swaps are
needed for legitamate reasons mainly
when a device is lost or stolen, but it will
become increasingly harder because soon
all carriers will have security PINs by
default not just ATT so a targets number
and l4 of social won't cut it because
eventually you'll need more validation info
to do a security PIN reset.

Method II. Device Swapping

This is an alternative to sim swapping I
found called device swapping, barely
anyone knows about this method but
basically how it works is you buy a fresh
phone from your targets carrier needs to
be a fresh postpaid burner flip phone for
like 15-20 dollars and you can give the
MSID of that phone and have the agent
activate the phone on your targets line
allowing you to use their number without

needed to use a sim swap, but sim swaps

tend to be easier for people, the validation
mentioned in method I is pretty much the
same before the agent will proceed with a
device swap.This method was only tested
on sprint but it should work on every
single carrier.

Method III. Abusing a phone

carriers online/cloud based
texting web applications
ATT, Verizon and Sprint have web
applications where you can send and
recieve text messages when your logged
into your targets phone carrier account,
you mostly just need to use the employee
pretext or father with crying baby pretext
on most carriers to get easy resets, as an
employee you can get the l4 from the
agent then have them reset the account
for you if you mention your tools or down
or you can pose as a father while playing a

fake crying baby sound effect while

repeatedly telling the baby to shush, some
agents will feel bad and reset the account
as soon as possible without knowing no
info on the account aside from the targets
phone number. On ATT and Verizon the
web application is known as "Messages"
which can be found by a quick google
search, heres some links though: and and even but anyways
once your in the targets phone carrier
online account you can receive and send
text messages from the web app and
using this ability again anything can be
reset that has SMS resets enabled.

Method IV. Phone Number

This method takes slightly longer 24-72

hours but it used to be used alot more

frequently then sim swapping for financial
related fraud(people taking bank accounts
by abusing SMS resets) but increasinly
account jackers are also using it. Porting is
the process of transferring one number
from one carrier to another and this can
be abused for example to port a number
from someones carrier to google voice, for
this all you need is to purchase porting on
google voice for 25 dollars and follow the
instructions for the specific persons carrier
and wait untill the victims number shows
up in your google voice account, its a
good idea to send a fake SMS to the target
saying their carrier is having maintenance
for 72 hours because they might get
suspicious and cancel the porting process
ahead of time.

Bonus! Method V. Google

Voice Integration
Note: This is a sprint exclusive method, it

does not work on any other carrier

Google voice and sprint have a special
partnership and sprint is fully integrated
with google voice, if google voice detects
a sprint number it will offer a special third
option aside from porting and google voice
lite which is a sprint only option which
allows you to send and receive texts from
sprint only numbers, you need access to
the targets sprint account for this and
require ASQ for validation before even
getting access into the account. I included
this little method in case people are too
lazy to do the other 4 methods and they
have a target that uses sprint.

I hope you all enjoyed these methods and

once mastered you'll be able to take any
account with a phone number linked and
any site that supports resets via SMS
options.Another little tidbit is these
techniques can also be used to bypass 2
step on gmails and other places if you

already know the targets password that is.

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