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NTT DoCoMo Technical Journal Vol. 8 No.

Prototype of Mobile
Super Directional
Yusuke Nakashima, Takeshi Yoshimura,
Nobuhiko Naka and Tomoyuki Ohya

A prototype of a super directional loudspeaker to be mounted on a mobile terminal-sized box was built, and its acoustic
characteristics were measured. Thus, the possibility of a
phone call having a high level of privacy, and providing
stereo and 3D audio services of high-level quality with a
high degree of channel separation are presented.

1. Introduction
Along with expanding mobile communication services and
additional mobile terminal functions, the services of providing
spoken and musical forms of listening enjoyment are also
becoming popular. Such audio content is generally being listened to through the loudspeakers of mobile terminals, while
characters and images are viewed on a display. One of the problems posed when listening in such a mobile communication
environment is that the reproduced sound is sometimes diffused
into the surrounding area. Even though headphones or earphones offer an alternative means, such use is not the currently
preferred method. Research is now being conducted on tech*1

nologies used to reproduce a sound field through several loudspeakers so that the sound field is controlled [1]. A super direc*2

tional loudspeaker that forms a beam-shaped sound field by

utilizing ultrasonic waves has also been proposed [2]-[4].
Research on the super directional loudspeaker has been conducted for many years from both theoretical and experimental
standpoints. A report on the acoustic characteristics of a super
directional loudspeaker [5], a proposed modulation method of
reducing distortion [6], and a report on an experimental digital
modulator unit based on this proposal [7] have been released.
Moreover, practical application has been examined [8], and by

*1 Sound field: In this article, a space where audible sound waves exist.
*2 Directional: A characteristic whereby the amplitude of an electromagnetic wave,
optical wave, sound wave, or other wave is higher in a specific direction.
Generally, for a sound wave, the larger the vibrating face of a loudspeaker or the
higher the frequency, the higher the directivity becomes.




improvement of electroacoustic transducer efficiency , a com-

lated wave propagation through the air, a quadratic distortion

mercial product has also been recently released [9]. Such devel-

is generated by the non-linearity of air. This quadratic distortion

opments have been applied to relatively large loudspeakers [9],

is generated along the sound field of the modulated wave hav-

however, and a super directional loudspeaker that can be carried

ing a short wavelength and high directivity, and becomes a vir-

by users has yet to be examined. Conversely, a super directional

tual sound source. The sound of the ultrasonic frequency band

loudspeaker having a relatively small diameter by utilizing a

cannot be perceived by the human sense of hearing, and only

short wavelength ultrasonic wave is suitable for mounting on a

the signal within the audible frequency range included in the

mobile terminal.

quadratic distortion is demodulated and becomes audible.


This article examines utilization modes for a super directional loudspeaker in the mobile communication environment
and describes its usefulness. We also describes the experiment
results of the acoustic characteristics of the super directional
loudspeaker mounted on a mobile terminal-sized box, and
future tasks.

3. Utilization Modes of Super

Directional Loudspeaker in Mobile
Communication Environment
Conventional loudspeakers mounted on mobile terminals
have a small diameter and vibrate air directly by using an audio
signal with a long wavelength so that the reproduced sound is

2. Structure of Super Directional

A super directional loudspeaker, also called a parametric
loudspeaker, forms a sound field having high directivity by utilizing a virtual sound source (parametric array) caused by the

highly diffused as shown in Figure 2 (a). Conversely, when a

super directional loudspeaker is mounted on a mobile terminal
as shown in Fig. 2 (b), it is possible to make the reproduced
sound inaudible to someone near the user.
Moreover, people are beginning to use services that repro-

non-linearity of air, and human sense of hearing. Figure 1

duce stereo or 3D audio signals using multiple loudspeakers on

shows the principle of a super directional loudspeaker. An ultra-

mobile terminals. However, loudspeakers that produce highly

sonic carrier wave with high frequency exceeding 20 kHz that

diffusive sound tend to generate crosstalk, where one ear hears a

cannot be perceived by the human sense of hearing is ampli-

sound wave mixed with one from the other loudspeaker not

tude-modulated by an audio signal such as voice or music. The

directed to this ear as shown in Figure 3 (a). Accordingly, it is

loudspeaker radiates the modulated wave having large ampli-

difficult to control a reproduced sound field, thus confining the

tude that causes the non-linearity of air. In the process of modu-

optimum sound receiving position. On the contrary, it is

believed that by forming a highly directional sound field for
each ear using multiple super directional loudspeakers, crosstalk

Carrier wave

can be reduced as shown in Fig. 3 (b) and the reproductions of

stereo or 3D audio signals can be realized with high accuracy.
Audio signal

Moreover, since a beam-shaped sound wave can be reproduced,


it is possible to ensure a wider optimum sound receiving position in both backward and forward directions.

Human sense
of hearing

audio signal


the use of a loudspeaker not mounted on the mobile terminal but

installed on a wall or ceiling instead can be considered as shown

Virtual sound source


When mobile terminals become smaller than existing ones,

in Figure 4. When the mobile terminal held by a user deter-

Figure 1 Principle of super directional loudspeaker

mines the position of the user, a super directional loudspeaker

*3 Electroacoustic transducer efficiency: The efficiency of converting an electrical

signal into an acoustic signal.
*4 Non-linearity: In this article, a characteristic whereby a signal having a frequency
other than the input signal frequency is generated. For example, a characteristic
when a sine wave of 1 kHz is input to a loudspeaker, two or three times of the
input signal frequency is generated.

*5 Quadratic distortion: The frequency component of an output signal having a frequency that is two times that of the input frequency. For example, a frequency
component of 2 kHz of an output signals, when a sine wave of 1 kHz is input to a
*6 Audible frequency range: The frequency range of sound that can be perceived by
the human sense of hearing. Generally, 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

NTT DoCoMo Technical Journal Vol. 8 No.1








(a) Reproduction by conventional loudspeaker

(b) Reproduction by super directional loudspeaker

Figure 2 Sound reproduction by loudspeaker mounted on mobile terminal



(a) Reproduction by conventional loudspeaker



(b) Reproduction by super directional loudspeaker

Figure 3 Sound reproduction for left and right ears using two loudspeakers mounted on mobile terminal

Wall, ceiling, electric pole and elsewhere



Wall, ceiling, electric pole and elsewhere



(a) Reproduction by conventional loudspeaker



(b) Reproduction by super directional loudspeaker

Figure 4 Sound reproduction toward moving user via external loudspeaker

directed toward the user reproduces a highly directional sound

directional loudspeakers to be mounted on a mobile terminal-

field that is inaudible to people nearby. We believe that since

sized box that we built, along with the measurement results of

mobile terminals will be further miniaturized, the reproduction

acoustic characteristics.

of super directional sound fields from acoustic equipment

installed on walls, ceilings and elsewhere will become increasingly important.
This article, in considering the utilization modes shown in
Fig. 2 (b) and Fig. 3 (b), describes the prototype of two super

4. Prototype of Mobile Super

Directional Loudspeaker
4.1 Requirements for Mounting on a Mobile Terminal
In order to mount a super directional loudspeaker on a com-


mercial mobile terminal, the conditions listed in Table 1 are

required to be satisfied, in consideration of the specifications
and characteristics of loudspeakers mounted on existing mobile
terminals. When the sound pressure at a listening position
becomes 140 dBSPL (Sound Pressure Level)


or higher, a

problem may occur whereby audibility is temporarily reduced,

50 mm
(a) Radiating face side

for example [10]. However, a super directional loudspeaker is

usually necessary to radiate sound with high sound pressure in
order to generate the non-linearity of air.
4.2 Specifications of Prototype
In order to examine the acoustic characteristics and possibility of services for a mobile terminal on which a super directional loudspeaker is mounted, we built a prototype. Table 2 lists
the specifications of this prototype shown in Photo 1 (a). The
commercially available power supply, modulator, and amplifier
used are installed separately from the prototype. As shown in
Photo 1 (a), the prototype is small enough to be held in the

(b) Usage example

Photo 1 Prototype of mobile super directional loudspeaker

hand. The prototype includes two independent loudspeakers

installed at both ends of the box for reproducing stereo or 3D

of several dozen centimeters, each loudspeaker can be directed

signals. Each loudspeaker channel consists of 16 piezoelectric

toward the corresponding ear as Photo 1 (b).


transducers that are densely mounted to increase radiation efficiency. Moreover, by providing a hinge mechanism at the cen-

5. Acoustic Characteristics

ter of the box to make a folding type unit, the directions of the

5.1 Characteristics in a Free Sound Field


radiating faces of the loudspeakers can be adjusted. As a result,

First, the acoustic characteristics of one loudspeaker channel

when a user holds the box in front of his/her face at a distance

of the prototype were measured in an anechoic room, having a

free sound field with little reflection and echo. Figure 5 shows

Table 1 Required conditions

Power supply, modulator, amplifier, and

Power consumption

1 W or lower

Sound pressure of
modulated wave

140 dBSPL or lower

Sound pressure of
demodulated wave

70 dBSPL or higher

Table 2 Specifications of prototype

Number of loudspeakers

2 channels

Number of transducers

16 per channel

External dimensions
(W H D)

About 250 65 20 mm

*7 dBSPL: A unit of sound pressure level. In human perception, an increase of 10

dBSPL is usually perceived as sound twice as loud. A typical conversation is
about 60 dBSPL.
*8 Piezoelectric transducer: An element that utilizes a characteristic possessed such
as by a crystal whereby a voltage is generated when pressure is applied, or an
opposite characteristic, and is used as an oscillator circuit, filter, etc.


Sound pressure level (dBSPL)

Integrated devices







Frequency (kHz)

Figure 5 Sound pressure frequency response of loudspeaker

*9 Hinge mechanism: A structure that connects two parts together and allows opening and closing, just like a hinge. Also used in folding-type mobile terminals.

NTT DoCoMo Technical Journal Vol. 8 No.1

Anechoic room

Modulated wave





Carrier wave

Audio signal

Measured sound

A/D: AD converter
D/A: DA converter

Figure 6 Measurement configuration

the sound pressure frequency response of the loudspeaker. An

input voltage of 6.35 Vrms (root mean square voltage)


supplied to the loudspeaker, and measurement was performed at

a distance of 50 cm on the central axis of the loudspeaker. The
loudspeaker had a resonant frequency of about 40 kHz, and
sound pressures of 120 dBSPL and higher were measured
through a frequency band between plus and minus 3 kHz of said
resonant frequency.

Sound pressure level (dBSPL)



Next, the demodulation characteristics of the super directional loudspeaker were measured using the configuration


shown in Figure 6. A carrier wave of 40 kHz was amplitude*11

modulated by an audio signal using a modulation factor

of 1,


Frequency (kHz)

and the resulting modulated wave was input to the loudspeaker

Figure 7 Sound pressure frequency response of

demodulated wave

for electroacoustic conversion. A microphone was used to mea-

was 140 dBSPL at a distance of 25 cm and 134 dBSPL at a dis-

sure the sound wave from the loudspeaker. In the sound wave

tance of 50 cm.

measured, the one with the same frequency as the input audio
signal was selected as the demodulated wave.

Figure 8 shows the directivity of the demodulated wave at

a distance of 50 cm. As the input audio signals, single sine

Figure 7 shows the sound pressure frequency response of

waves of 1 kHz, 2 kHz and 4 kHz, respectively, were used. For

the demodulated wave of the loudspeaker measured at a dis-

demodulated waves of 2 kHz and 4 kHz, the sound pressures

tance of 50 cm and directional angle of 0 degrees. A modulated

reduced by 3 dB at an angle of 10 degrees or lower, thus indi-

wave with an input voltage of 10 Vrms was applied to the loud-

cating high directivity equal to or higher than that of each com-

speaker, with the same settings retained in the following steps.

mercial super directional loudspeaker [9]. Figure 9 shows the

It was verified that the sound pressure of the demodulated wave

sound pressure spatial distribution of the demodulated wave for

was approximately flat at around 70 dBSPL in a bandwidth of 2

a sine wave frequency of 2 kHz for the audio signal. The hori-

to 10 kHz, and that the sound pressure tended to drop by about

zontal axis indicates the distance from the central axis of the

10 dB when the frequency becomes one half from 2 kHz and

loudspeaker in the perpendicular direction; the vertical axis

lower. The sound pressure including that of the modulated wave

indicates the distance from the loudspeaker in the central axis

*10 Vrms: The root mean square value of a voltage.

*11 Modulation factor: A ratio of peak-to-peak amplitude of a modulated component
to a carrier component.


linearly with respect to the logarithmic distance. From Fig. 9, it

Sound pressure level (dBSPL)

1 KHz
2 KHz
4 KHz


is possible to verify that the sound pressures of the demodulated

wave are distributed along the central axis with a beam shape.
Up to a distance of 90 cm from the loudspeaker, it was possible
to assure that the sound pressure of the demodulated wave was


70 dBSPL or higher at a spatial distance of about 5 cm from the

central axis. Up to a distance of 50 cm from the loudspeaker, a


beam-shaped sound field is considered to form along the central

axis when attenuated by 10 dB or higher at a distance of 20 cm





from the central axis.

Angle (degree)

5.2 Acoustic Characteristics near the Ears

Figure 8 Directivity of demodulated wave

In order to measure the acoustic characteristics of human

hearing, a Head and Torso Simulator (HATS)

Distance in the central axis direction (cm)


65 70

the head and upper body. As shown in Figure 10, the loudspeaker was placed on the central axis at a distance of 50 cm in



was used to

simulate the reflection and diffraction of sound waves around




front of the HATS, and at the same height as that of both ears of


the HATS. By changing angle , which is formed by the central


axis of the HATS and central axis of the loudspeaker, the loud50

speaker was rotated toward the left ear side of the HATS. Two


microphones were placed near both respective ear canal





Figure 11 shows the angles of the loudspeaker and sound






entrance points of the HATS for measurement (Photo 2).


pressures of the demodulated wave at the left and right ears.

Numerical value:
sound pressure level (dBSPL)









Distance in perpendicular direction from central axis (cm)

= Measurements this time

The sound pressure of the demodulated wave at the left ear

became a local maximum when angle of the loudspeaker was
about 12 degrees. While the sound pressure at 2 kHz was about
75 dBSPL at the left ear, it was about 60 dBSPL at the right ear.

Figure 9 Sound pressure spatial distribution of

demodulated wave (2 kHz)

Microphone (R)
50 cm

direction. Since the transducers are arranged to be line symmet7.5 cm

rical on the radiating face of the loudspeaker, and the sound


radiated from the radiating face is assumed to be line symmetrical, the directional angles were only measured for one side with
respect to the central axis of the loudspeaker radiating face. The



Microphone (L)

gap between two adjacent measured points is interpolated linearly based on the assumption that sound pressure is attenuated

Figure 10 Placement of HATS and loudspeaker

*12 HATS: A simulator used to simulate the reflection and diffraction of sound waves
around the head and body size of average adult. Standardized in ITU-T
Recommendation P.58 (Head and torso simulator for telephonometry).


NTT DoCoMo Technical Journal Vol. 8 No.1

Table 3 Performance of prototype



Integrated devices

2 channels of loudspeakers

Power consumption

5 W or higher

Sound pressure of
modulated wave

140 dBSPL or lower

(further than distance of 25 cm)

Sound pressure of
demodulated wave

70 dBSPL or higher (2 kHz or higher)

speaker on a mobile terminal when compared to the required

conditions shown in Table 1, several conditions still remain to
be satisfied. Specifically, the power supply, modulator, amplifier, and loudspeaker must be miniaturized and the power consumption reduced. In addition, the demodulation efficiency
must be increased even more. We believe that the sound pressure of a demodulated wave of less than 2 kHz must also be
Photo 2 Placement of microphone

increased to 70 dBSPL, while maintaining the demodulated

wave at 140 dBSPL or lower at every position.

Sound pressure level (dBSPL)


1 KHz
2 KHz
4 KHz


6. Conclusion
In order to realize a sound field having a high level of priva-


cy in the mobile communication environment, we built an prototype of two super directional loudspeakers to be mounted on a


mobile terminal-sized box, and measured the acoustic character60

istics of the prototype. It was verified that the demodulated

sound pressure on the central axis of the loudspeaker at a dis-


Solid line: Left ear

Dotted line: Right ear

Angle (degrees) of a loudspeaker

tance of around 50 cm from the loudspeaker was 70 dBSPL or


Figure 11 Angle of loudspeaker and sound pressure of

demodulated wave

higher, and that a beam-shaped sound field having high directivity was formed along the central axis while being attenuated
by about 10 dB at a distance of 20 cm from the central axis.
Moreover, it was also verified that a high degree of channel sep-

The degree of channel separation was about 15 dB.

aration was possible where the difference in sound pressure

Considering the fact that the difference in sound pressure

between both ears was about 15 dB. Still, there are remaining

between both ears is usually about 20 dB even after performing

issues to be addressed in the future for mounting super direc-

crosstalk cancellation processing when reproducing a stereo or

tional loudspeakers on mobile terminals, and certain conditions

3D audio signal from conventional loudspeakers, such process-

must be satisfied. Specifically, the equipment must be further

ing may become unnecessary for super directional loudspeak-

miniaturized, power consumption reduced, radiation and


demodulation efficiency improved, and the safety level


5.3 Future Tasks

Table 3 lists the performance of the prototype based on the
measurements. In order to mount the super directional loud-

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