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Performance Analysis Report

for Team 2

Introduction and Background [MP]

PJ Enterprises is a mail order catalog business that is experiencing rapid growth
in sales, and is anticipating continued robust growth in the near future. While
growing at a rapid pace, company executives would like to maintain profitability,
improve their customer-service scores by 10%, and make sure PJ Enterprises has
a quality work environment including staff development.
PJ Enterprises has expressed that they are struggling with their customer service
and have requested that we design, develop, and deliver a learning program for
their telephone operators and supervisors. There are currently 25 telephone
operators. They are all female, generally have a high school or equivalent
education, and range in age from 18 to 50s and 60s. Currently, there is a
dedicated training room with a projector available, as well as individual
employee workstations. Each workstation is equipped with a computer (without
sound card). Workstations are located in a single room, without dividers between
stations. By providing proper training, company stakeholders believe that catalog
sales will increase and customer complaints will decrease.
To ensure that training is the appropriate solution, we have completed a gap
analysis of PJ Enterprises operations and have prepared a report on our findings.
This report details potential issues that may prevent the organization from
meeting its goals, as well as a number of possible solutions that can bridge the
gap between current performance future goals.

Purpose of the Report [MP]

This report will inform key stakeholders at PJ Enterprises of our findings.
Important issues affecting the companys performance are summarized, and
several different approaches to addressing these issues are proposed. With the
information contained herein, the leadership team at PJ Enterprises will be able
to make important strategic decisions on how to proceed to address these issues
based on the quantitative and qualitative data our team has gathered.

Analysis Methods [MP]

As part of our gap analysis we used the following methods:

Performance Analysis Report

Interviews with key management stakeholders, frontline supervisors, and


A survey of telephone operators

An analysis of recorded calls and call service data

A job shadow of a telephone operator on a typical day

A business analysis comparing PJ Enterprises business practices to those

of other businesses in the mail-order catalog industry.

Data Summary: Telephone Operators Electronic survey [KS]

The Telephone Operators; TO; were given an electronic survey to complete. A
summary of the data indicates several issues. Most felt that the day training
was not adequate, that training would be more beneficial if it was presented in
smaller chunks and if the training was presented with a more visual and hands on
approach, TO were unhappy with the efficiency of their computers and/or the
software. The frustrated feelings that the TO are experiencing are not helped by
the fact that most of them feel that Management is not easy to approach or
communicate with.

Data Summary: Customer Complaints [KS]

The number of customer complaints have risen 30% over the past year is a major
concern due to the fact that this has a direct impact on the sales figures and the
profits of PJ Enterprise. Approximately 2/3 of the complaints are focused on

Performance Analysis Report

customer service, the Telephone Operators, in the areas of product knowledge,

etiquette, and timely responses from the operators. A more detailed picture of the
types of complaints is pictured below.

Data Summary: Work Observations of Operations &

Supervisors; Call Reports [KS]
To get a better understanding of the day to day happenings of the TOs; 15
recorded calls were listened to and 5 TOs were Y-jacked for three calls each; a
total of 30 calls were analyzed. The length of the calls and the service provided
to the customer were observed and noted. The length of the calls ranged from
less than 10 minutes to over 20 minutes. Only 10 of the calls were found to be
under 10 minutes, this length is on par with the operators handling 6 calls an hour
which is their goal. Out of all of the calls only 1 call was long due to a chatty
customer. The issues associated with customer service basically fell into 5
different categories that include impatient customers and frustrated TOs.

Performance Analysis Report

Call Report Data-Call length

Performance Analysis Report

Findings, Needs, and Recommended Solutions [MP]

Below is a comprehensive list of the issues identified in our gap analysis, along with proposed solutions. This list contains
all of our findings, not just findings that are directly addressable through this project.
Current training offerings are not
seen as useful by staff. Staff
meetings are also not seen as


Recommended Solution

Employees see value in the training

they take, and also see the staff
meetings as a useful activity that
they are willing to participate in.

Current call center staff training

does not address staff needs.
Revise it (see recommendations
Create specific, positive goals for
staff meetings, hold supervisors
accountable for meeting those
goals, and pay staff for attending
Instead of having large monthly
meetings that not all call center
staff can attend, switch to regular
pre-shift meetings led by customer
service supervisors.

Customers often call with similar


Performance Analysis Report

Most customers call to place

orders, only a few ask detailed

Review the company catalog. Seek

to answer common customer
questions in the catalog itself to
reduce the volume of questions that
customers ask over the phone.

Performance Analysis Report

Performance Analysis Report

The current ordering system takes

several days to learn. Telephone
operators must learn it on-the-job,
as there is limited time spent on
training. Because of the high
turnover in operators there are
often operators taking calls who are
not up-to-speed with the system.
This negatively affects customers

Telephone operators are proficient

with the ordering system before
they start taking customer calls.

Design an effective training

solution that adequately prepares
new hires before they start taking

Telephone operators do not feel

adequately trained on products for
sale. The current training is not
meeting their needs, and this is
affecting their ability to provide
quality customer service.

For telephone operators to have a

functional working knowledge of
PJ Enterprises products so that they
can provide quick, accurate service
to customers.

A revised product training program

that better meets the needs of
telephone operators. This training
will focus more on skills operators
need to do to efficiently take
orders, answer questions, and
provide superior customer service.
Time spent learning about
individual products will be
reduced. Only key products will be
covered, and whenever possible
product suppliers will be tapped to
provide content.

Lack of telephone etiquette is the

single largest customer complaint.
While PJ Enterprises values polite
customer service, no standards for
what this looks like exist, and no
support is provided to telephone
operators to help them establish
and maintain positive relationships
with customers.

For telephone operators to be able

to maintain high levels of customer
service while dealing with the
diverse issues that they may
encounter working with customers.

Develop clear standards for what

good customer service looks and
sounds like. Create an initial
training for new hires that
effectively teaches how to
implement these standards, and
additional materials that can be
used to support the continued
growth in the operators customer
service skills after their initial

This new training should be rolled

out along with the new ordering
system, and initially be provided to
all telephone operators.


Performance Analysis Report

Performance Analysis Report

The current product guide provided

to telephone operators is not easy
to use. Products are difficult to
find, and the information in the
guide does not help answer some
common questions that customers
have. These issues contribute to the
high number of customer
complaints about both operators
product knowledge and the long
call times experienced by many

A new system for providing

telephone operators with detailed
information on products that is
efficient user friendly.

Customer call times are too long.

This negatively affects customers
experiences, decreases the
efficiency of the call center, and
puts increased strain on telephone
operators customer service skills.

Call times are reduced to industry

standard times.

Long term solution: Integrate the

product guide with the new digital
product ordering system. IT
indicates that the new system has
this capability, but does not plan to
roll it out in the near term because
of a lack of bandwidth.
Short term solution: Until IT is
able to implement the digital
product guide, create an online
product guide hosted on PJ
Enterprises intranet. The design of
this guide will be based on
telephone operators feedback,
ensuring that product information
is easy to find, and the information
provided corresponds with the
questions most frequently asked by
Addressing issues with the product
guide and customer service training
will also bring down call times.

Customer service supervisors are

unable to provide adequate support
to telephone operators. They spend
a large percentage of their time
dealing with customer issues, are
rarely visible in the call center, and
often do not create a positive and
supportive environment for their

Supervisors will be able to provide

effective support of staff and help
them develop their skills. They will
also be able to motivate staff to go
above and beyond in their job,
increasing sales. Finally,
supervisors will also have the time
available to do all of the above

Currently, supervisors are

promoted from the ranks of
telephone operators based on their
ability to handle customer calls
efficiently. They are not vetted for
management skills, nor are they
trained on those skills.

Training will be provided to the

telephone operators allowing them
to handle a wider range of issues
themselves, freeing up the
supervisors to spend more time
supporting staff.
Supervisors will be promoted
based on both their abilities as
telephone operators and their
abilities to support and train
Supervisors will receive additional
training in management skills to
help them build a positive working
environment and support the
professional growth of the
telephone operators.
Train supervisors in implementing
the new HR evaluation system.

Performance Analysis Report


Telephone operators do not feel

well compensated for their work.
They do not feel that their pay,
while matching industry standards,
adequately compensates them for
the difficulties they experience
with the product guide and with
dealing with customers.

Telephone operators feel that their

pay is commensurate with the work
they do. The incentive system
serves to boost employee

Revise the incentive program to

either give cash bonuses or extra
vacation time.

Operators do not feel the current

incentive system is adequate.

Performance Analysis Report

Addressing the issues listed above

will make the current telephone
operator pay seem more worthwhile, as many of the difficulties
operators currently deal with will
be ameliorated.

Telephone operators feel

overwhelmed by call volume
during high seasons.

Staffing is adequate during high

season to maintain customer
service standards

Hire temporary staff during high

seasons. Provide temporary staff
with same high-quality onboarding
training that new full-time hires

Turnover of telephone operators is

very high leading to an unstable
and inexperienced workforce.

Turnover of telephone operators is

low leading to a stable and
experienced workforce.

Addressing the above issues will

decrease telephone operator


Proposed Solutions for Consulting Firm to Carry Out [CU]


Performance Analysis Report



Create better onboarding

training for Telephone Operators
including phone etiquette

We recommend starting with

creating a new, intensive
onboarding training course. By
starting at the beginning with
new operators, we will ensure
that moving forward there will
be qualified operators to take
calls. This training will include
instructor led etiquette training,
as well as one-on-one sessions
using Y-split headset
connections to work alongside
already qualified operators.

Design ongoing product training

as well as a better product guide
(to be eventually included in the
new computer system)

There must be ongoing product

training to ensure that all TOs
get properly trained on
products. Based on call volume
per product, we will know
which products to focus on the
most, and will allocate time
accordingly. Moving forward,
each TO will have a newly
organized product guide with
product specs and information.
This can be a physical paper
copy, or designed as an online
resource built through an eLearning tool so that TOs can
access the information straight
from their computer screen. In
the future, this information will
be included in the call system
itself so that it is easier to


Create specific, positive goals

for the Telephone Operators, and
rewards in the form of bonuses
or vacation time

We will sit down with

management and create
specific, positive goals that can
be achieved by the TOs based
on the calls that they take. Once
the new goals and standards are
in place, we can decide on a
proper reward system that will
result in monetary
compensation or additional
vacation time for the TOs. This
will lead as a main motivator
for TOs, and will result in lower

Provide supervisor and

management training

Finally, we would like to

provide supervisor and
management training. This
training will include
management skills so that they
can help build a positive
working environment. This
training will also include time
management skills to help free
up their time to assist TOs with
important matters, so that they
can become a better, more
approachable resource for the

Evaluation Plan [AW]

We will work with PJ Enterprises to conduct four levels of evaluation that will
span across a time period of one year to ensure that: the learners value the new
training and training materials, they are able to apply the training to their jobs
and the training is contributing to the overall goals of the company.
Level One Evaluation: Reaction
It is very important that we measure how the trainees react to the training. We
want to make sure the trainees see the training as valuable and get their feedback
on the instructor, the presentation of the content and the training materials. This

Performance Analysis Report


will help us to see what improvement need to be made for future trainings and
identify what might be missing to ensure effectiveness.
To evaluate the trainees reactions, we will ask them to complete a training
evaluation questionnaire at the end of the training. We will review the results
after the training and make any necessary adjustments before the next training
Level Two Evaluation: Learn
Its also really important to identify if the trainees knowledge increased as a
result of the training. This helps to identify what trainees are retaining and helps
us to make improvement for the future.
To evaluate the trainees knowledge of the content, we will have them complete a
test at the conclusion of the training consisting of True/False, multiple choice,
and fill in the blank questions (delete). Role-play scenarios will be used to
evaluate trainees ability to handle calls and answer questions on the spot.
Level Three Evaluation: Behavior
We also want to measure if the trainees behavior changes as a result of the
training. To do this, we would need to conduct observations to see how the
trainees are applying the information from the training directly in their job. A
rubric will be created that details the behaviors to be measured. Evaluators will
use the rubric to measure trainees progress towards mastering the skills taught in
the training. Observations will be conducted after month 3, 6, 9 and 12. Call
record analyses will also be conducted after month 5, 8 and 11 for the TOs.
Customer satisfaction and call time data will continue to be gathered in the same
manner as before the training. This data will be compared to the pre-training data
to identify how the training has affected customer service outcomes.
For management, we will ask their direct reports to complete a survey that will
ask questions about their managers current management skills. 6 months after
the training, we will send the survey to the direct reports again and review the
results which, if successful, will show positive improvements. We will also
compare data from before and after the training on employee retention to assess
how this training has improved the workplace environment.
Level Four Evaluation: Results
Finally, we will measure the results. We will want to look at the companys
overall goals and analyze the data to see if the changed behavior is having an
impact on the overall goals of the company.
PJ Enterprise Goals:

Performance Analysis Report

Focus on quality and customer service with 10% improvement on

customer-service scores
Increase employee satisfaction


Current state: More than half of the total number of telephone

operators were informally interviewed and indicated
dissatisfaction with their jobs to the point of leaving

Reduce Turnover Levels


Current state: On average, one staff member resigns or is

terminated every other month

To measure the results, we will compare the data before the training to data from
6 months and 12 months after the training to see if the training as helped
contribute to the overall company goals.

Request for Proposal [AW]

Team Two is willing and able to develop appropriate solutions for PJ Enterprises
performance issues in order to ensure the company achieves its overall goals.
Team Two possesses the proper knowledge and skills needed to make this project
successful. At your request, we would be happy to submit a proposal to move
forward with the solutions proposed in this report.

Performance Analysis Report


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