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Telephone Operator

Training for
PJ Enterprise

2016 Team 2 and PJ Enterprise. All Rights Reserved.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Table of Contents
Instructor Information----------------------------------------------------------------------iii
About the Facilitation Guide--------------------------------------------------------iii
Purpose of the Facilitation Guide---------------------------------------------------iii
Content Information------------------------------------------------------------------iii
Audience Information----------------------------------------------------------------iii
Course Outline------------------------------------------------------------------------iii
Training Environment----------------------------------------------------------------v
Training Room Setup-----------------------------------------------------------------v
Instructional Strategies---------------------------------------------------------------vi
Preparation Checklist---------------------------------------------------------------viii
Unit 1: Class Overview-----------------------------------------------------------------------1
Lesson 3: Providing Customer Service---------------------------------------------------5
Topic 3a: Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------5
Topic 3b: Photo Etiquette------------------------------------------------------------8
Topic 3c: Handling Difficult Callers----------------------------------------------10
Topic 3d: Partner Exercise----------------------------------------------------------11
Topic 3e: Administering Survey---------------------------------------------------12
Topic 3f: Review and Questions---------------------------------------------------12
Lesson 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide-----------------------------------------13
Topic 4a: Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------13
Topic 4b: Product Guide Orientation---------------------------------------------14
Topic 4c: Hands-on Demonstration of the Product Guide---------------------16
Topic 4d: Hands-on Practice with the Product Guide--------------------------22
Topic 4e: Online Product Guide Scavenger Hunt-------------------------------23
Topic 4f: Review and Questions---------------------------------------------------24
Appendix A: Etiquette Survey/Partner Exercise-------------------------------------25
Appendix B: Course Handouts-----------------------------------------------------------26

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Instructor Information

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

About the Facilitator Guide [AO]

This Facilitator Guide is designed and prepared by Team 2 to enhance effective training of telephone operators at
PJ Enterprises. The facilitator guide is not prescriptive, rather it is prepared to be used by facilitators with the
wiggle room that enables them to incorporate their personal and unique presentation skills and leadership styles
during the training sessions.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Purpose of the Facilitator Guide [AO]

The design and the development of this facilitation guide is aimed at providing training facilitators the nonprescriptive procedural steps required to conduct an effective instructor-led customer service training for telephone
operators at PJ Enterprises. The scope of the training includes the intent to improve the telephone operator's
knowledge of the product catalog/guide and enhance their skills in customer service with regards to closing the
gap in phone etiquette. It is assumed that an effective use of this facilitator's guide will enable the training
facilitators to positively influence the social and psychological perceptions of the telephone operators about their
attitudes to and the services they provide to customers. To this end, the learning outcomes, activities, instructional
strategies, exercises, supplementary materials, the equipment and the learning assessments contained in this guide
would help to catalyze improved customer experience and increase at PJ Enterprises at the end of the year.
Each page of the facilitator guide is divided into two sections. On the left is the script for the facilitator to follow
along with thumbnails of each of the accompanying slides. On the right are instructions for what the facilitator
should do during each part of the training.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Content Introduction [AW]

This training is intended for telephone operators and telephone operator supervisors at PJ Enterprise to
teach them how to handle phone calls and utilize the new online product guide while also providing
excellent customer service.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Audience Information [AW]

The main audience for the course will consist of Telephone Operators. Telephone Operator Supervisors
may attend as well. Below is a description of the target audiences:
Telephone Operators range in age between 18-60. and they are all women. Some have had prior
telephone experience, but for many, this is their first job out of school. All TOs have completed
high school or a GED. Some have attended a few college courses but none of them have a
college degree. This role is considered entry level.
Telephone Operator Supervisors have the same background as the telephone operators. The
supervisors are essentially more experienced telephone operators who have risen through the
ranks by proving themselves through good performance.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Course Outline [AW]

This course was developed for the Telephone Operators at PJ Enterprise to cover all of their job duties.
Module 1: Course Introduction
1a. Introductions
1b. PJ Enterprise overview
1c. TO job overview
Module 2: Handling Phone Calls
2a. Introduction
2b. Common Call Types
2c. Active Listening
2d. Entering Customer Information
2e. Exercise
2f. Problem Solving
2g. Review & Questions
Module 3: Providing Customer Service
3a. Introduction
3b. Phone Etiquette
3c. Handling Difficult Callers
3d. Partner Exercise
3e.. Review & Questions
Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide
4a. Introduction
4b. Hands on Demonstration of Product Guide
4c. Hands on Practice with the Product Guide
4d. Online Product Guide Scavenger Hunt Assessment
4e. Review & Questions
Module 5: Top 10 Products
5a. Introduction
5b. Review Top 10 Products
5c. Cross-selling products
5d. Jeopardy Quiz Game
5e. Review & Questions
Module 6: Answering Product Questions and Taking Orders
6a. Introduction
6b. Common product questions
6c. Using the ordering system
6d. Practice
6e. Review & Questions

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Training Environment [AO]

The PJ Enterprises-organized training for the telephone operators will be conducted within the company's facility.
The training is designed for 25 trainees that should be divided into two for a 2-day training. Each group should
take two sessions of 4-hour training per day. The two engaging and interactive sessions for each group should
involve problem-solving authentic scenarios, question and answer sessions and opportunities for providing
feedback to participants. Both the facilitator and the trainees will have individual work areas. Additionally, the
following should be available during the training sessions: PowerPoint slides, laptop/desktop with Internet

access for each participant, projector and screen, telephone headsets, flip charts, facilitator's desk, job
aids, the product guide, markers, other training materials, and the information database that should be
available on each participants laptop/desktop. The seating arrangement in the training room should be
flexible to meet the number of participants per session, and also facilitate effective demonstration of the
various role play activities.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Training Room Setup [AO]

Twenty-five telephone operators will participate in this training. Split the participants into two groups (13
participants and 12 participants in each session). Each group on different days should take two 4-hour training
sessions. Use the room structure below (See Figure 1.1) to organize the training room in order to facilitate
effective delivery of instruction, and trainees' active participation in the various learning activities designed for and
outlined in this training.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Figure 1: Training room setup

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Instructional Strategies [AO]

The following instructional strategies will be used during the PJ Enterprises training for the telephone operators:
PowerPoint presentations
Side-by-side buddy
Role plays: Discussions and feedback sessions
Case studies: Discussions and feedback sessions
Small group discussions, and

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Time-line [AW]
The course will consist of two 4-hour training sessions spanning over 2 days. It will require 8 hours of
total course seat time. The charts below can be used as a timeline guide for conducting the 2 trainings
days. The times provided are approximate and can be adjusted depending on the specific needs of the
participants during the training sessions.
Day One
Module 1: Course Introduction

Total time:
25 minutes
10 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
Total time:
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
25 minutes
15 minutes
20 minutes
20 minutes
10 minutes
Total time:
95 minutes
5 minutes
20 minutes
25 minutes
20 minutes
15 minutes
10 minutes
minutes (4

1a: Introductions
1b: PJ Enterprise Overview
1c: TO Job Overview
Module 2: Handling Phone Calls
2a: Introduction
2b: Common Call Types
2c: Active Listening
2d: Entering Customer Information
2e: Exercise
2f: Problem Solving
2g: Review & Questions
Module 3: Providing Customer Service
3a: Introduction
3b: Phone Etiquette
3c: Handling Difficult Callers
3d: Partner Exercise
3e: Administering Surveys
3f: Review & Questions
Day One Total Time

Day Two
Module 4: Utilizing the Online
Product Guide

4a: Introduction
4b: Hands on Demo of Product Guide
4c: Hands on Practice with the Product
4d. Online Product Guide Scavenger
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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Hunt Assessment
4e. Review & Questions
Module 5: Top 10 Products

5a: Introduction
5b: Review Top 10 Products
5c: Cross-selling products
5d: Jeopardy Quiz Game
5e. Review & Questions
Module 6: Answering Product
Questions and Taking Orders

6a: Introduction
6b: Common Product Questions
6c: Using the Ordering System
6d: Practice
6e: Review & Questions
Day Two Total Time

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es (4

Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Preparation Checklist [AW]

The checklist below has been created to help guide you in your preparation for conducting the telephone operators
training for PJ Enterprise. Below are checklists for items that need to be completed prior to the training and a
checklist for items that need to be completed the day of the training.
Prior to Training
Review the full facilitator guide (including the appendix) and ensure you understand all of the content
being presented
Set up the PowerPoint presentation for the training and practice
Send a welcome email to the participants providing them with expectations for the training, agenda, and
Ensure the training room has been booked for the training
Test the LCD projector to ensure it is working properly
Order any refreshments and food for participants during the training
Prepare any handouts/materials that will be used during the training
Day of Training
Setup the training room Rearrange tables and chairs to match selected training room setup and setup
refreshment and food table.
Distribute training materials one per participant (make sure to have extras on hand)
Setup all technology that will be utilized in the room (ex: projector, laptop with PowerPoint)
o Have the PowerPoint slide one displayed
o Plug in clicker and ensure it is working
Make sure you ate a meal before the training begins and drank plenty of water
o Have a water on hand during the training

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Unit 1: Class Overview [CU]

Time: _25__ min.


Welcome all telephone operators to

the class, let them know that you
value their time, and are looking
forward to seeing them succeed
throughout the course and after.

Class Details

Briefly go over the course

schedule: We will be taking routine
15 minute breaks throughout the 2day class.
Lay out the expectations for the
course: you expect them to be
tentative and participate because
you see value in the training and
want them to succeed.
Questions: encourage the learners
to ask questions throughout the
presentations because this course is
about them.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training


Instructor: introduce yourself, and

give a bit of background for who
you are and what you do.
Participants: Next, tell the students
to introduce themselves to the
class by telling everyone their
name, their background or
experience with the job, and then a
fun fact that other participants may
not know about them.





Fun fact that no one else knows

Purpose of Training

The purpose of this Telephone

Operator training is to give each
TO an in-depth understanding of
their job duties, and give the skills
needed to succeed with every call
they take.
By providing this training, we
expect to see an improvement in
the call quality, which will in turn
improve the customers
satisfaction. Happy calls make for
happy Telephone Operators.
Even the most well-seasoned TOs
will benefit from training over the
next 2 days as new topics are
covered, and additional resources
are provided to make their jobs

Page 39

Provide training on Telephone Operator duties,

customer service, and the PJ Enterprise Product

Provide practice on call scenarios and utilizing

the Product Guide

Improve the quality of calls, and therefore the

customers' experience

Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training


Day 1: Handling Phone Calls + Providing

Customer Service

Day 2: Utilizing the Online Product Guide, Top

10 Product Overview + Answering Product
Questions and Taking Orders

Training will be conducted over 2

days during 4-hour sessions.
During day 1, we will cover all of
the basic TO functions from
handling the phone calls to
providing quality customer service.
Day 2 we will shift focus and take
a look at products. Were
introducing a new easy to use
online product guide, will give indepth information on the top 10
most frequently called about
products, and will then go over
how to process orders and answer
the customers product questions.

PJ Enterprise Overview

Before diving into your jobs, it is

important to give a quick overview
of the business. PJ Enterprise is a
mail-order catalog business that
has been in operation for the past 6
years. We develop, manufacture,
and market high-quality, gifts,
apparel, and home accessories.
The target market is women
between 25-55, so it is important
to keep in mind that most of the
calls will be coming from that

Page 41

Mail-order catalog business

6 years old

High-quality gifts, apparel, and home


Target market

Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

TO Job Overview

The PJ Enterprise call center is

open 24/7, and staff is broken into
day and night shifts.
List off the 7 job tasks TOs do
during each phone call.

Call center open 24/7

Handle phone calls

Provide customer service

Process returns

Answer product questions

Upsell and cross-sell

Take orders

Administer survey

Course Objectives

By the end of this 2-day class,

TOs will be able to succeed in
their jobs by doing the following:
By being able to successfully
complete these tasks TOs will be
able to confidently take calls and
provide homeowners with great
customer service.

Utilize the new product guide with ease

Identify PJ Enterprise telephone etiquette


Respond to customer product inquiries

Identify the top 10 products

Take customer's orders


Ask if anyone has questions before


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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Lesson 3: Providing Customer Service [KS]

Time: _95__ min.

Topic 1

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Learner visuals and PPT slides

Instructor Notes and Directions

The introduction to the module should last about 10
minutes. The introduction includes the slides that are
shown on the left.

Welcome & introduction

parking lot




PPT slide
Say: Welcome to Module 3. During the next 95 minutes
we will be practicing phone etiquette and how to deal
with the difficult caller.
Say: If during the training you have any questions or
observations, write them on a sticky note and place
them in the parking lot. (point out the chart paper
parking lot), at the end of the session we will take the
time to discuss them.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Talk about the importance of good customer service.
Having a positive experience with a customer means
return business which is good for the bottom line.
PPT slide
Say: Here at PJ Enterprises good customer service is
the backbone of our company. Therefore, how we treat
and work with our customers is of the utmost

Module 3 is all about the customer.
PPT slide
Say: Module 3 will focus on proper etiquette on the
telephone and using those techniques with a difficult

Go over the objectives for the


In this lesson, youll:
Practice proper telephone etiquette

Page 49

Apply the proper etiquette when working with a

difficult customer.

Demonstrate the proper technique when dealing

with a difficult customer through role playing

Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

This lesson includes the following topics:


1 Introduction
2 Phone etiquette
3 Difficult callers
4 Partner exercise
5 Wrap up-Review and questions

Telephone Etiquette

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Learner visuals and PPT slides

Instructor Notes and Directions

Place copies of the survey on each table (see Appendix
A and below). Set a timer for 5 minutes, warn the
learners at the1 minute mark. Show the leaners the
answer slide; give them time to make corrections or
write a few notes on the survey.
PPT slide
Say: Before we begin lets see what we already know.
In the middle of your tables is a survey, a copy is shown
on the screen too. Take 5 minutes to read through the
directions and make your selections

Say: Here are the answers. How

did you do? Are there any
suggestions? Lets learn some
more techniques.
Lesson 3: Etiquette Survey

Listed below are several statements. Some of the

statements are examples of the proper way that a PJ
Enterprises TO communicates with a customer. Some of
the statements are examples of impolite communication
that is frowned upon by PJ Enterprises.
Place an X next to the statements that show the correct
way to interact with customers.

___x__ Thank you for your order, have a nice day.

_____ What do you want?
____x_ Im sorry, can you repeat that please?
___x__ Hello, this is _____. How can I help you
___x__ Please hold while I contact a supervisor, thank
_____ Buh Bye!
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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Continue review and discussing the slides.

PPT Slide-Answering questions
Some helpful phrases when answering questions takes

I'm sorry it's taking so long.

May I put you on hold while I find the


Please hold while I locate that item.

The important thing is to keep smiling.

PPT slide-ending the call and checking the order
...closing out an order should look like this:

...and that concludes your order. Let's double

check that... your total is...I am shipping this should arrive in ___days. Before you go
can I interest you in our item of the day which
is our grumpy cat mug. No. Thank you for
choosing PJ enterprises we look forward to
helping you in the future.

Say: Now lets move on to dealing with a difficult


Handling Difficult Callers

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Read over each slide with the learners. Ask learners

to share any experiences that they may have had
with a difficult customer. Ask the individuals if it
had a positive outcome. Elaborate and add your
own insights.
Say: Now lets talk about how to deal with the difficult
customer. We are going to talk about the types that you
may encounter and how to work with them and keep
them calm.
PPT Slide-types of difficult customers







PPT Slide-ways to deal with the difficult customer

Be professional

Stay calm

Keep a positive attitude

PPT Slide-more ways to deal with the difficult customer

Page 57

Get control of yourself

Listen and let the customer vent

Show the customer you care

Don't blame the customer or the company

Try to solve the problem, or get someone who


Don't make promises that you can't keep.

Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Partner Exercise

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Say: Now we are going to practice what we have

Read over the slide with the learners. Answer any
questions about the directions. Give each person an
envelope with their role information. Prior to the
training, the roles will be copied and placed in
envelopes for the learners. The facilitator will have a
master copy of all of the roles. (see Appendix A) Give
each partner about 7-8 minutes to practice their role.
After, have the learners share their experiences if they
desire to.

Lesson 3: Partner Exercise

The following difficult customer scenarios will be

given to each person. Partners will take turns, TO
being the TO that handles the specific difficult
customer or they will be the difficult customer.
After about 4 minutes you will switch roles. Make
sure to use the phrases and techniques that we
learned previously.

Angry customer-accuses the TO of entering the

wrong information.
Impatient customer- Rushes the TO through the
order process
Intimidating- Threatens to speak with the
supervisor if the TO doesnt give them a discount.
Talkative- A lonely senior citizen ordered on item,
but has kept the TO on the phone for over 10
Indecisive- Customer keeps changing their mind
about what they want to order.
Page 61

at the
Module 4: Utilizing
the Online

it outOperator
on theTraining

Review and Questions

The instructor will go to the parking lot and gather
any sticky notes that have the questions and or
observations from the students. The instructor will
answer any of the questions, or clarify any
misconceptions. If there is time the instructor can
address any questions or concerns from the audience.
Say: Its now time to wrap things up.
Read and answer any questions from the parking lot
or from the audience.
Say: Are there any additional questions or concerns?
Answer if there are.
Say: Thank you for participating have a nice day.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Lesson 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Time: 70 min.

Say: Welcome to Lesson 4. During
the next 70 minutes we will be
learning about the new online
product guide.

Say: The Online Product Guide

will be your new tool for
answering customer questions.


Explain: That it has been designed

to make it as easy as possible for
you to deliver superior customer
Explain: That the learners will
have the chance to practice using
the guide so theyll be ready to use
it with customers.
Go over: The lesson objectives.


The Online Product Guide will is a new tool for

answering customer questions. It has been designed to
make it as easy as possible to deliver superior customer


In this lesson, the learner will:
Use all the key functions of the product guide

Page 65

Locate information for customers in a timely


Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Go over: The lesson topics

This lesson includes the following topics:


1 Introduction


2 Product Guide Orientation


3 Hands on Demonstration of the Product



4 Hands on Practice with the Product



5 Product Guide Scavenger Hunt


6 Review and Questions


Product Guide Orientation

Explain: The key features of the
Product Guide

Compare: The online product

guide to the old, paper product

Features of the Product Guide:



Continuously Updated

User Friendly

Differences between the Online and Paper

Product Guide
Multiple ways to search
Design based on input from telephone operators
about how a product guide can best meet their
Quickly locate information
Adaptive: Can log questions
Made out of electrons, not paper

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Hands On Demonstration of the Product Guide

Ask: Learners to follow along on
their workstations as you
demonstrate using the product

Demonstrate: Logging in
Tell: Learners to use the same
credentials as they use for the
ordering system

1. Log onto your workstation.

2. Find the icon titled Product Guide on the desktop
3. Double-click to launch
4. Log in
Wait: Until all learners are logged in to continue

Go over: Features of the home


Product Guide Home Page

Functions accessible from the homepage:
Search for products
Access catalogs
Review new products
Search discontinued products
Find answers to frequently asked questions

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Tell: Learners about the news and

announcements section

News and Announcements:

Information and announcements about products are also
displayed on the Homepage
Old announcements can be accessed by clicking on the
Previous Announcements button
Demonstrate: Accessing previous announcements
1. Click on the Previous Announcements button on the
2. Choose a date from the calendar to see the
announcements posted on that day

Remind: Learners that searching

for product information is the
primary use of the product guide
Tell: Learners that there are two
ways to search

Searching for Products

Products are searchable in two ways:

By catalog number

By item name

Demonstrate: Navigating to the Search page by

clicking on Search Products on the homepage.

Remind: Learners that this is the

same number customers use to
order products. It is listed in the

Search by Catalog Number

Enter the product number is the Catalog

Number field. This is the same number
customers use to order products

Entering the number will automatically pop up

the product information

Demonstrate: Searching by catalog number. Enter


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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Explain: What to do if the

information a customer needs is
not in the product guide.

What if the information a customer wants isnt

in the product guide?
1 Log the question, so that it can be tracked
and added to the product guide later
1. Click Log Unanswered Question
2. Type in the customers question in the
3. Click Submit. You will be returned to
the Product page
4. Click Contact Supervisor to bring up
the Instant Messaging app for
contacting supervisors
2 Contact a supervisor to get an answer for
your customer
Demonstrate: Closing the product information and
returning to the search page.
Click the X in the upper right hand corner of the
product information page to return to the search page

Explain: That all related results

will be displayed. It will be up to
the learner to determine which
item is the one the customer is
asking about.

Search by Name:
Type in the name of the product that the customer gives
you into the search box and hit Enter.

All related results will be shown

Choose the result that best meets the customers


Demonstrate: Searching by name. Enter the search

term fruit bowl
Demonstrate: Closing Search page and returning to the
Click the X in the upper right hand corner of the search
page to return to the homepage

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Explain: That they can use this

when customers have questions
based on the images and text in the
catalog, or when the information in
the Product Guide differs from the
information the customer sees in
their catalog

Product Catalog
Use the Product Catalog to see what customers are
seeing. Use this when customers have questions based
on the images and text in the catalog, or when the
information in the Product Guide differs from the
information the customer sees in their catalog. All
catalogs from Winter 2012 to the present are included.
Demonstrate: Using the Product Catalog.
1. Click on Product Catalog on the homepage.
2. Select the Summer 2016 catalog from the first pull
down menu
3. Select Page 41-42 from the second pull-down
Demonstrate: Closing Catalog page and returning to
the homepage.
Click the X in the upper right hand corner of the
Catalog page to return to the homepage

New Products List

Explain: That regular customers

like to know what our latest
products are

Some regular customers want to know what the latest

additions to our catalog are. Use this to help them.

Tell: Learners that they can scroll

through the products or search by

Demonstrate: Using the New Product List.

1. Click on New Products on the homepage.
2. Click on the more button to scroll through the
new products.
Demonstrate: Closing New Products page and
returning to the homepage
Click the X in the upper right hand corner of the New
Products page to return to the homepage.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Explain: That if someone is

looking for a discontinued product
they can find it here.
Tell: Learners that some
discontinued products are still
available by special order. If this is
the case, the information will be in
the product information.

Discontinued Products List

Some regular customers want to know what happened
to favorite products they can no longer find. Use this to
help them.
Demonstrate: Using the Discontinued Product List.
1. Click on Discontinued Products on the
2. Click on the more button to scroll through the
new products
Demonstrate: Closing Discontinued Products page and
returning to the homepage

Click the X in the upper right hand corner of the

Discontinued Products page to return to the

Say: Customers often have general

questions. This section of the
Product Guide contains answers to
the most frequently asked

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Customers often have general questions. This section of
the Product Guide contains answers to the most
frequently asked questions.
Demonstrate: Using the Frequently Asked Questions
1. Click on Frequently Asked Questions on the
2. Choose Questions about Shipping from the
pulldown menu.
Demonstrate: Closing Frequently Asked Questions
page and returning to the homepage
Click the X in the upper right hand corner of the
Frequently Asked Questions page to return to the

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Hands on Practice with the Product Guide

Introduce: The practice activity.

Practice Using the Product Guide

Learners will practice

using the product guide by
completing practice

Hand out: Lesson 4, Handout A to the learners. See the

next page for the hand out and answer key

They can ask for help at

any time

Watch: Learners practice. Offer assistance where

needed or requested.
Wait: 20 minutes before moving on.

Ask: If the learners have any
questions about the product guide.
If someone asks a question you do
not know the answer to, write it
down and pass it on to the learners

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Lesson 4: Handout A
Product Guide Practice Scenarios
1. Find the product announcement from 7/12/2016
2. Locate product #3459921
3. Find the red lacy shower curtain
4. What is featured on page 101 of the Winter 2013
5. Which new product comes from Peru?
6. When was the Artisanal Home Cupping Kit
7. How long do our fruit baskets last when refrigerated?

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Lesson 4: Handout A Answer Key

1. Find the product announcement from 7/12/2016
1. From the homepage, click on Previous Announcements
2. Click on July 12th 2016 on the calendar
3. Read the announcement Chocolate Liberty Bells (Item #1650283)
are now on sale. Be sure to let customers know about this limited
time offer!
2. Locate product #3459921
1. From the homepage, click on Product Search
2. Enter 3459921 into the Search by Catalog Number field and hit
3. See the product information displayed for Halloween Gummy
3. Find the red lacy shower curtain
1. From the homepage, click on Product Search
2. Enter red lacy shower curtain into the Search By Name field and
hit Enter
3. Choose the item that best matches the description (Romantic
Bathroom Gift Set: Red)
4. What

is featured on page 101 of the Winter 2013 catalog?

From the homepage, click on Product Catalog
Select Winter 2013 and page 101-102 from the drop down menus
See Woolly Booties for your Cat featured on the page

5. Which new product comes from Peru?

1. From the homepage click on New Products
2. Type Peru into the search field and hit enter
3. See all items listed (Handwoven Peruvian Rug. Peruvian Potato Gift
Set. Nazca Lines inspired Peruvian Pottery Collection.)
6. When was the Artisanal Home Cupping Kit discontinued?
1. From the homepage click on Discontinued Products
2. Type Artisanal Home Cupping Kit into the search field and hit
3. See the product information (discontinued in spring 2015)
7. How long do our fruit baskets last when refrigerated?
1. From the homepage click on Frequently Asked Questions
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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

2. Choose Product storage and handling from the pull-down menu

Scroll down to find the answer (2-3 months). Product Guide

Scavenger Hunt
Explain: The rules of the
scavenger hunt:

Product Guide Scavenger Hunt

Each learner will work

independently to find
answers to all the

Hand out: Lesson 4, Handout B to the learners. See the

next page for the hand out and the answer key.

They will have 10 minutes

to complete the tasks

Begin: The scavenger hunt by starting the timer.

Wait: Ten minutes

Congratulate: The learners who

completed the scavenger hunt on

Page 85

Note: The learners who did not complete the

scavenger hunt. Plan on offering them additional

Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Lesson 4: Handout B
Product Guide Scavenger Hunt
1. An important announcement was made on 8/1/2016,
but you were out sick. What was it?
2. Does item #7800101 contain lead?
3. A customer wants to order the green socks with the
bells on them
4. A customer wants to know if the Kona Koffee Kremer
Karosel comes with everything in the picture. Shes
looking at page 5 of the spring 2014 catalog
5. A customer wants to know if weve gotten any new
New Years noisemakers in.
6. A customer wants to order another Custom Kitchen
Potato Grinder, but it isnt in the new catalog. What
7. A customer wants to know if we are hiring.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Lesson 4: Handout B Answer Key

1. An important announcement was made on 8/1/2016, but you were out
sick. What was it?
1. From the homepage, click on Previous Announcements
2. Click on August 1st 2016 on the calendar
3. Read the announcement Wedding cake toppers now available in
multiple gender combinations upon request. See specific product
descriptions for details.
2. Does item #7800101 contain lead?
1. From the homepage, click on Product Search
2. Enter 7800101 into the Search by Catalog Number field and hit
3. See the product information displayed for Leaded Glass Lantern.
In the item description it states that the product does contain lead.
3. A customer wants to order the green socks with the bells on them
1. From the homepage, click on Product Search
2. Enter green socks with bells into the Search By Name field and
hit Enter
3. Choose the item that best matches the description (Festive Elven
4. A customer wants to know if the Kona Koffee Kremer Karosel comes with
everything in the picture. Shes looking at page 5 of the spring 2014
1. From the homepage, click on Product Catalog
2. Select Winter 2013 and page 101-102 from the drop down menus
3. See Kona Koffee Kremer Karosel featured on the page
4. Note the fine print that states pictured coffee maker sold
5. A customer wants to know if weve gotten any new New Years
noisemakers in.
1. From the homepage click on Discontinued Products
2. Type New Years Noise Makers into the search field and hit enter.
3. Note that three noisemakers have been added to the catalog
6. A customer wants to order another Custom Kitchen Potato Grinder, but it
isnt in the new catalog. What happened?
1. From the homepage click on Discontinued Products
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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

2. Type Artisanal Home Cupping Kit into the search field and hit
3. See the product information (removed from the catalog in spring
2014, but still available for special order via drop-shipment from
the manufacturer).
7. A customer wants to know if we are hiring.
1. From the homepage click on Frequently Asked Questions
2. Choose Company Information from the pull-down menu
3. Scroll down to find the answer (look at our careers page on our

Review and Questions

Tell: The learners that they are now
ready to use the product guide.

Explain: That they can use this

guide to help them remember how
to use the guide.

Review: Using the job aid, review

what the learners have learned.

Page 91

Hand out: The Quick Guide to the Product Guide job
aid to each learner. The handout is on the next page.

The Quick Guide to the Product Guide

Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Ask: If the learners have any

questions about the product guide.
If someone asks a question you do
not know the answer to, write it
down and pass it on to the learners

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Appendix A: Etiquette Survey/Partner Exercise

Lesson 3: Etiquette Survey

Listed below are several statements. Some of the statements are examples of the proper way that a PJ
Enterprises TO communicates with a customer. Some of the statements are examples of impolite
communication that is frowned upon by PJ Enterprises.
Place an X next to the statements that show the correct way to interact with customers.

_____ Thank you for your order, have a nice day.

_____ What do you want?
_____ Im sorry, can you repeat that please?
_____ Hello, this is _____. How can I help you today?
_____ Please hold while I contact a supervisor, thank you.
_____ Buh Bye!

Lesson 3: Partner Exercise

The following difficult customer scenarios will be given to each person. Partners will take turns, TO and
bad customer.

Angry customer-accuses the TO of entering the wrong information.

Impatient customer- Rushes the TO through the order process
Intimidating- Threatens to speak with the supervisor if the TO doesnt give them a discount.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

Talkative- A lonely senior citizen ordered on item, but has kept the TO on the phone for over 10

Indecisive- Customer keeps changing their mind about what they want to order.
Angry- Angry at the world, takes it out on the TO.
Demanding Demands that the shipping is free.

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Module 4: Utilizing the Online Product Guide

Telephone Operator Training

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