Zycus Puzzles

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How will you drive a truck through a tunnel when the

hes less than that of the truck?
ANS:Remove air from tyres and you can drive.

tunnel's height is inc

2. How can you identify a heavier ball from 7 similar looking balls?
ANS:put them in a bucket of water the one which sinks first is the heaviest.
3.You are given two candles that can be burnt from both the sides and each can
dle takes 1 hour to burn off completely. How can you measure 45 mins with these
ANS:Simple, Burn one of the candles from both the sides and the other from only
one side. The candle burnt from both sides will burn off completely in 30 mins .
Immediately burn the candle initially burned from only one side(IT WOULD BE HAL
F BURNT IN 30 MINS) and it would exactly take 15 mins to burn this off completel
y. So 30+15=45 mins
4.There is a water tank that takes exactly 20 days to fill completely and the qu
antity of water is doubled every consecutive day! How much will the tank be fill
ed in 19 days?
ANS: Half
5.There are 2 hour glasses.one of 7 min and other of 11 min.. How will you count
15 min using them ?? The time count should be continuous..
6.How will you check no. of marbles that fit in a bottle?
7.U hav 7balls of different weights. U hav weighing scale find the heavy ball.
8.you have n elements and n-1 blocks. How can you find which n elemts are their
in n-1 blocks. solve it in O(n) time complexity.
9.Cut the 3D cake in 8 pieces , using three cuts only
10.cut the 3d cake into 6 equal parts in 3 strokes of the knife..
11.20% of 80 is 16 and 80% of 20 is also 16 so is it true that A% of B equals to
B% of A?
12.you have 10 balls,9 equal weight and one lighter than the rest, a balance, fi
nd min no of tries to find the lighter ball
13.you have 10 balls,9 equal weight and one lighter than the rest, a balance, fi
nd min no of tries to find the lighter ball
14.1 out of 9 Balls weighted different best possible way to find in less no of a
15.What is the palindrome which can be used seen on Keyboard.
16.How will you join a framed pictured which is broken into 20 unequal pieces?
17.How many white maruti cars do you see on the road on a monday?
18.The number of lilies in a pond double every day. So, on the first day of the
month there is one lily. On the second day, two lilies. Then the next day four l
ilies, then eight, sixteen, thirty two, etc. If the pond is full on the 30th day
of the month, what day is it half full?
19.There are 5 caps 2-black and 3-White. Three mens A , B and C are standing in

a row and each of them randomly wear a cap. C can view the caps of B and A , B c
an view the cap of A. When they are asked if they know what colour cap they are
wearing C says NO , B says NO , But A has a right Guess . A isn't a bluff . How
does A know ?
(It might be asked in different ways.)
ANS:A <- B <- C 2-black caps 3- white caps.
Since there are 2 black caps and C can view the colours of A and B's caps, so if
A and B are both wearing black coloured caps then C is sure that he is wearing
a White cap. But if either of A and B if wearing a White cap then C will be conf
used of which cap he is wearing as he has an option from 1 black cap and 2 white
caps and says a "NO". Now It's B who is now sure from C's answer as "NO" that e
ither A or B has a white cap. As B can see what cap A is wearing and if it is Bl
ack then B will be sure that he himself is wearing a white cap. But what if A is
wearing a white cap that means B will have option from 2 black caps and 2 white
caps so B is unable to answer and says "NO" . Thus from the answers of C and B
as "NO" A is sure that he is wearing a WHITE coloured cap. husshhh!

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