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Experiment No.


Date ___________________

Kjeldahl Method for Determination of Nitrogen

Nitrogen is one of the five major elements found in organic materials such as protein. The
Kjeldahl method of nitrogen analysis is the worldwide standard for calculating the protein
content in a wide variety of materials ranging from human and animal food, fertilizer, waste
water and fossil fuels.
The Kjeldahl method consists of three steps:
A. Digestion
B. Distillation
C. Titration
A. Digestion of the sample
Digestion is the decomposition of nitrogen in organic samples utilizing a concentrated acid
solution. This is accomplished by boiling a homogeneous sample in concentrated sulfuric acid.
The end result is an ammonium sulfate solution. The general equation for the digestion of an
organic sample is shown below:
Protein + H2SO4 (NH4)2SO4(aq) + CO2(g) + SO2(g) + H2O(g)


Sulfuric acid has been used alone for the digestion of organic samples. The amount of acid
required is influenced by sample size and relative amount of carbon and hydrogen in the
sample, as well as amount of nitrogen. A very fatty sample consumes more acid. Also, heat
input and digestion length influences the amount of acid loss due to vaporization during the
digestion process. Initially an organic sample usually chars and blackens. The reaction may at
first be very vigorous depending on the matrix and the heat input. With organic decomposition
the digestion mixture gradually clears as CO2 evolves.
The problem with using sulfuric acid alone for digestion is very long digestion times result with
many samples due to the slow rate of organic decomposition. The addition of an inorganic salt
to the digest elevates the boiling point of the H2SO4. The solution temperature of concentrated
sulfuric acid alone is about 330 C. Addition of a salt such as K2SO4 can elevate the solution
temperature of the digestion mixture to 390 C or more, depending on the ratio of salt to acid.

This significantly increases the rate of organic decomposition in the digestion mixture,
shortening the length of time required for digestion. There are several precautions to keep in
mind concerning salt addition. First, it is possible to raise the solution temperature of the
digestion mixture too much. If the temperature goes much above 400 C during any phase of
the digestion, volatile nitrogen compounds may be lost to the atmosphere.
Remember that as acid is gradually consumed during the digestion process, for the various
reasons mentioned above, the salt acid ratio of the digest gradually rises. This means that the
hottest solution temperatures are attained at the end of the digestion. Heat input, consumption
of acid by organic material and vaporization, salt/acid ratio, digestion length, and physical
design of the Kjeldahl flask, are all interrelated. Each has an effect on the final solution
temperature. A second precaution is that if the salt/acid ratio is too high, a considerable amount
of material will salt out upon cooling of the digest. Concentrated acid pockets can be contained
within the cake. These can react violently when concentrated base is added in the distillation
process. A certain amount of salting out can be managed by diluting the digest with water while
it is still somewhat warm, but not too hot.
Several catalysts have been employed by Kjeldahl chemists over the years to increase the rate
of organic breakdown during the acid digestion. Mercuric oxide has been the most effective and
widely used. However, mercury forms a complex with ammonium ions during digestion. The
addition of sodium thiosulfate or sodium sulfide after digestion and before distillation will break
the complex and precipitate mercuric sulfide. This is also important from a safety point of view,
as mercury vapor might escape to the atmosphere during the distillation process. Because of
environmental concerns over the handling and disposal of mercury, other catalysts are coming
more into favor. Many methods employ copper sulfate. Titanium oxide and copper sulfate in
combination have been found to be more effective than copper sulfate alone. Selenium is
frequently used. Commercially prepared mixtures of potassium sulfate and a catalyst are
available from laboratory chemical suppliers.

B. Distillation
Distillation is adding excess base to the acid digestion mixture to convert NH4+ to NH3, followed
by boiling and condensation of the NH3 gas in a receiving solution. This is accomplished by;
1) raising the pH of the mixture using sodium hydroxide (NaOH solution). This has the effect of
changing the ammonium (NH4+) ions (which are dissolved in the liquid) to ammonia (NH3),
which is a gas.
(NH4)2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH Na2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l) + 2NH3(g)


2) separating the nitrogen away from the digestion mixture by distilling the ammonia
(converting it to a volatile gas, by raising the temperature to boiling point) and then trapping
the distilled vapors in a special trapping solution of boric acid (H3BO3). The ammonia is
bound to the boric acid in the form of ammonium borate complex.
H3BO3+ NH3 NH4+ + H2BO3-


The majority of the NH3 is distilled and trapped in the receiving acid solution within the first 5 or
10 minutes of boiling. But depending on the volume of the digestion mixture and the method
being followed, 15 to 150 ml of condensate should be collected in the receiving flask to ensure
complete recovery of nitrogen. Further extension of the distillation times and volumes collected
simply results in more water being carried over to the receiving solution. Excess water does not
change the titration results. Distillation times and distillate volumes collected should be
standardized for all samples of a given methodology. The rate of distillation is affected by
condenser cooling capacity and cooling water temperature, but primarily by heat input. Typically
the heating elements used for distillation have variable temperature controllers. A distillation rate
of about 7.5 ml/minute is most commonly cited in accepted methods. Connecting bulbs or
expansion chambers between the digestion flask and the condenser is an important
consideration to prevent carryover of the alkaline digestion mixture into the receiving flask. The
slightest bit of contamination of the receiving solution can cause significant error in the titration
step. When very low levels of nitrogen are being determined, it is advisable to precondition the
distillation apparatus prior to distillation. This can be done by distilling a 1:1 mixture of ammoniafree water and 50% NaOH for 5 minutes just before sample distillation to reduce contamination
from atmospheric ammonia.

C. Titration:
There are two types of titration: back titration, and direct titration. Both methods indicate the
ammonia present in the distillate with a color change and allow for calculation of unknown


Potassium sulfate, K2SO4+Se tablets (2 for each digestion tube)

Concentrated H2SO4 (in the hood)

35 % (w/v) NaOH for each digestion tube (already prepared).

4.0 % (w/v) Boric acid, H3BO3 (already prepared)

0.1 M HCl (already prepared, exact concentration will be given)

Methyl orange (in droppers)

Erlenmeyer flasks


Digestion tubes

Milk: Do not forget to bring any brand of milk.

1) Sample: 5.0 mL fresh cows milk in a digestion tube.
2) Reagents for digestion: to each milk sample and also to an empty digestion tube (blank)
add the followings:
- 2 tablets of K2SO4 + Se catalyst
- 10.0 mL of concentrated H2SO4 (98%)
3) Digestion: heat for ca. 30 minutes at 420C.
ATTENTION: Do not inhale the gases evolve in reaction 1.
4) Cooling and diluting: let the digestion tubes to cool to 50-60 C and add to each add 50
mL of distilled water.
ATTENTION: Let the tubes stand in air to cool, cold water may break the tubes.
5) Distillation:

Place the digested samples in digestion tubes to the distilling unit and add 50.0
mL of 35% (w/v) NaOH.


The sample is distilled until 100 mL of distillate are collected in 25.0 mL of 4.0 %
(w/v) boric acid.

6) Titration: add 2-3 drops indicator to the Erlenmeyer flask and titrate it with 0.1 M HCl.
7) Calculate the amount of protein (% protein) and compare the result with the value give on the

Read the introduction from the manual.

List name of three steps in Kjeldahl Method.

What is the purpose of digestion?
Describe the digestion procedure.
Write three catalysts that can be used in Kjeldahl Method. Which one will be used in this
5) Write down the purpose of distillation and explain each step in the distillation by writing
chemical reaction(s).
1) What is the aim of using K2SO4 in this experiment?
2) What is back titration? How is it used in Kjeldahl Method?
3) Which reagent will be used to change ammonium ions to ammonia? Write down the
4) Explain the role of H3BO3 in this experiment.

Name surname:



Volume of HCl for replicate 1:

Volume of HCl for replicate 2:

% protein in milk sample:

% protein written on the label:

Concentration of HCl, M:

TA`s Name and Signature:


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