Chapter-1:-Introduction 1-57

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1.1 Concept of Rural Development------------------------------------------------------------2

1.2 Rural Development in India----------------------------------------------------------------3
1.3 Rural Development Shifting Paradigms and Strategies-------------------------------10
1.3.1 Rural Development in Pre-Independence Phase
1.3.2 Rural Development in Post-Independence Phase
1.4 Community Development ProgrammeA Welfare-Oriented Strategy-------------15
1.4.1 Agricultural Development Programmes
1.4.2 Area Development Programmes
1.5 Specific Target ProgrammesA Group Specific Strategy-----------------------------22
1.5.1 Anti-Poverty/Unemployment Removal Programmes
1.6 Review of Literature------------------------------------------------------------------------33
1.6.1 Empirical Studies/Other Reports
1.6.2 Articles
1.6.3 Book Reviews
1.7 Rationale of Study--------------------------------------------------------------------------55
1.8 Objectives------------------------------------------------------------------------------------55
1.9 Hypotheses-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------56
1.10 Methodology-------------------------------------------------------------------------------56


2.1 Organisational Structure of MNREGA--------------------------------------------------61

2.2 Main Provisions of MNREGA------------------------------------------------------------62
2.2.1 Implementing and Monitoring Authorities

2.2.2 Principal Authorities for Planning and Implementation

2.3 Mandatory Features of Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme----------------------68
2.4 Minimum Entitlements of Labourers under MNREGA-------------------------------69
2.4.1 Responsibilities of Implementing Agencies
2.5 Amendments to MNREGA----------------------------------------------------------------71
2.6 MNREGA Operational Guidelines, 2013-----------------------------------------------75


3.1 Performance of MNREGA at National level--------------------------------------------77

3.2 Socio-Economic Profile of Punjab-------------------------------------------------------79
3.2.1 Performance of MNREGA in Punjab
3.2.2 District Level Scenario in Punjab
3.3 Socio-Economic Profile of Sahib Ajit Singh (SAS) Nagar (Mohali) ---------------89
3.3.1 Performance of MNREGA in SAS Nagar District
3.4 Socio-Economic Profile of Haryana-----------------------------------------------------93
3.4.1 Performance of MNREGA in Haryana
3.4.2 District Level Scenario in Haryana
3.5 Socio-Economic Profile of Rohtak District--------------------------------------------103
3.5.1 Performance of MNREGA in Rohtak District


4.1 Socio-Economic Profile of Beneficiaries----------------------------------------------108

4.1.1 Gender Profile of the Respondents
4.1.2. Age Profile of the Respondents
4.1.3 Education Profile of the Respondents
4.1.4 Occupational Profile of the Respondents
4.1.5 Economic Profile of the Respondents

4.2 Perception of Beneficiaries Relating to the Implementation of the Scheme ------113

4.2.1 Awareness among the Respondents
4.2.2 Method of Registration for Issuing Job Cards to Beneficiaries
4.2 .3 Time Taken in Issuing Job Cards
4.2.4 Problems Faced in Getting Job Card Issued
4.2.5 Custody of the Job Cards
4.2.6 Entries in the Job Cards
4.2.7 Whether Job Cards bear Photographs of Beneficiaries
4.2.8 Issue of Receipt for Job Cards Application
4.2.9 Period for Which Employment Was Provided
4.2.10 Time Taken for Providing Employment
4.2.11 Payment of Wages
4.2.12 Satisfaction from the Wage Rate
4.2.13 Discrimination in Payment of Wages
4.2 .14 Time Taken in Payment of Wages
4.2.15 Mode of Payment of Wages
4.2.16 Provision of Basic Amenities at Work Site
4.2.17 Utility of Works Completed under MNREGA Scheme
4.2.18 Execution of Work under the MNREGA Scheme
4.2.19 Assessment of Impact of MNREGA
4.2.20 Prevalence of Corruption under the MNREGA Scheme
4.2.21 Number of Working Hours
4.2.22 Availability of Weekly Rest
4.3 Perceptions of MNREGA Functionaries-----------------------------------------------144
4.3.1 Mode of Generation of Awareness

4.3.2 Method of Issuing Job Cards

4.3.3 Problems in Issuing Job Cards
4.3.4 Discrimination in the Payment of Wages
4.3.5 Payment below Prescribed Rate
4.3.6 Utility of the Works Completed under MNREGA Scheme
4.3.7 Execution of Work under MNREGA
4.3.8 Assessment of Impact of MNREGA
4.3.9 Prevalence of Corruption under the MNREGA Scheme
4.3.10 Mode of Payment of Wages
4.3.11 Reservation to Women in Allocation of Work under MNREGA Scheme
4.3.12 Conduct of Social Audit
4.3.13 Impact of MNREGA over Migration of Workers
4.3.14 Facilities at Worksite
CHAPTER-5:-FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS-------------------------------------------159-173
5.1 Perceptions of MNREGA Beneficiaries and Functionaries-------------------------159
5.1.1. Awareness among the Respondents
5.1.2 Job Card Related Issues
5.1.3 Issues Regarding Provision of Employment
5.1. 4 Wages Related Issues
5.1.5 Provision of Basic Amenities at Work Site
5.2 Other Observations------------------------------------------------------------------------167
5.2.1 Utility of Works Completed under MNREGA
5.2.2 Execution of Work under the MNREGA
5.2.3 Assessment of Impact of MNREGA
5.2.4 Prevalence of Corruption under MNREGA

5.2.5 Number of Working Hours

5.2.6 Weekly Rest
5.2.7 Mode of Payment of Wages
5.2.8 Reservation to Women in Allocation of Work under MNREGA
5.2.9 Conduct of Social Audit
5.2.10 Impact of MNREGA over Migration of Workers
5.3 Suggestions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------170
5.3.1 Generation of Awareness
5.3.2 Facilities at Work Site
5.3.3 Technical Support
5.3.4 Participative Planning
5.3.5 Strengthening Monitoring
5.3.6 Mobilization of Public Support
5.3.7 Innovative Training to Panchayat Functionaries
5.3.8 Co-ordination
5.3.9 Extension of Employment Period
5.3.10 Proper Social Audit
5.3.11 Provision for Disabled Persons
5.3.12 Women Participation in Implementation


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