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Here are resources available for you.

You are not alone.

In an emergency, call 911.

Rubin, A. (2012). Clinicians guide to
evidence-based practice: Programs
and interventions for maltreated children and families at risk. Hoboken,
NJ: Wiley and Sons.
Stannard, S., Hall, S., & Young, J.
(1998). Social marketing as a tool to
stop child abuse. Social Marketing
Quarterly, 4(4), 64.
Wissow, L. S. (1995). Child abuse and
neglect. New England Journal of Medicine, 332(21), 1427.
United States Department of Health and
Human Services, Administration for
Children and Families, Child Abuse,
Federal Child Abuse Prevention and
Treatment Act of 2010, (2010).
Kalichman, S. C. (1999). Mandated reporting of suspected child abuse:
Ethics, law, & policy . American Psychological Association, 112.

National Child Abuse Hotline


National Domestic Violence Hotline


Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network


National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Child Welfare Information Gateway

(2006). Preventing abuse of children
with disabilities. 77.

Mount Calm ISD

200 North Coates Avenue
Mount Calm, TX 76673
Phone: 254-993-3000
Fax: 254-993-2611

S TO P C h i l d
M a l t re a t me n t
http://s atcherchildwel

What is Child
Abuse or Neglect?
Child abuse is defined by the
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (2010), as
any recent act or failure to act
on that results in a childs

What To Look For

If youre being abused

Wi s s ow (1995 ) st at es, th ere

a re m an y si gns for th e m an y
di fferen t form of abu s e, but
th e followin g is a good p la c e
t o st a rt :

If you are being abused, the main

B e ha vio r al :

teacher, counselor, school nurse,

or non-abusing parent what is hap-

serious physical or emotional

harm, sexual abuse, exploitation or death. An act or failure to act that presents a risk
of serious harm to a child is
also considered to be child
abuse (USDHS, 2010).

Types of Maltreatment
Neglec t


P h ys ica l abu s e


S exua l abu s e

Oth er

9 .3%

E m oti on a l/p s ych ologica l

abu s e
7 .1%
M edi ca l n eglect

2.0 %
14. 3%

Behavior extremes, such as

appearing overly compliant and
passive or very demanding and
Withdrawn and/or overly sensitive behaviors
Increased fear or avoidance of
a specific person and/or situation
Difficulty expressing thoughts
and feelings
Substance use

priority is to get you to safety. When

you feel secure, you really need to
tell someone you can trust like a

pening. The police station is always

a great option as well. This may
seem scary, but know that there
are people that can help you and
want to see you safe (Stannard,

More Stats
Boys and girls are equally likely to
suffer maltreatment. In 2005, 47.3

Changes in eating and sleeping


percent of child victims were male,

An xi et y and/ or exc es si ve
worr yi n g

Victimization rates were highest

and 50.7 percent were female.

among the youngest population of

P hy s i ca l :

children, birth to 3 years, at a rate

of 16.5 per 1,000 children,

B rui s es, welt s or s wellin g

(Kalichman, 1995).

Sp rain s or fra ctu res

Approximately 10 percent of the

Bu rn s

children in this country have a

La c era ti ons or ab rasi on s

disability or chronic illness (Child

Freq u ent ph ys ica l c om p la int s, such as s t oma ch a ch es and h eada ch es

Welfare Information Gateway,

Fa ti gu e
B ed wet tin g


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