Sotelo Email Exchange

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Cardenas, Imelda


Sotelo, Yolanda
Monday, May 23, 2016 12:29 PM
Carmona, Alma; Toro, Teresa; Romero, Augustine
Rosthenhausler I, Frank; Montano, Rafael; Fennema, Laura
RE: Seniors

May 23, 2016

When the senior CR classes were left without a teacher at the end of 2nd semester, I stepped up and took over because I
did not want to see the students get cheated again. I taught at Pueblo for 31 years because I love the students. I love
teaching here. I pride myself on teaching a curriculum that is academically rigorous so that students that continue their
education will be ready and successful.
I now find myself in a dilemma that I should not be in. I asked students to read and show comprehension of the novels
they read. I asked them to write a research paper, analysis and argumentative essays that are required of the CR
program but also required of any English class.
With the expectation of five personal days, I was in class the 94 days that was required of me and every day I was on
time. I created academically rigorous assignments. I let students through the whole year know what was expected. I
made sure they knew where they stood in the class. I called parents when I needed to; I stayed after school once a week
and even showed up in the mornings of the AZ Merit testing to help those that needed help with the essay I
mentioned. Auggie, I did what I said I would do to help students so that they would go into the 4th quarter with a better
chance of passing the semester.
After reading all the emails that have been going around, let me reiterate that the four students in question did not
write the analysis and that is why they failed.
received a 0 on the essay because he turned in a
plagiarized essay. He copied word for word the summary of the novel straight from the Stella Pope Duartes website.
My professional integrity is very important to me. I pride myself in creating and teaching a curriculum that will prepare
students for their next stage of their educational career. I can say without reservation that I have done my job. After
speaking with Maria Federico Bummer, she reminded me that my position was that of a substitute teacher. She said
that my job ended on Friday and now I have CR duties that I must complete.
So even though my earlier email mail said I would look at essays if they had them, I will no longer do so. If you all want
to make an administrative decision to override and change grades, that is your decision.
Respectfully submitted,
Yolanda Sotelo
From: Carmona, Alma
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 11:02 AM
To: Toro, Teresa; Sotelo, Yolanda; Romero, Augustine
Cc: Rosthenhausler I, Frank; Montano, Rafael; Fennema, Laura
Subject: RE: Seniors

In looking at

attendance, he might not be a good candidate

Alma L. Carmona-Alday
Assistant Principal of Transformative Pedagogy
and Academic Associated Projects


From: Carmona, Alma

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 10:36 AM
To: Toro, Teresa; Sotelo, Yolanda; Romero, Augustine
Cc: Rosthenhausler I, Frank; Montano, Rafael; Fennema, Laura
Subject: RE: Seniors


be a candidate for this as well??

Alma L. Carmona-Alday
Assistant Principal of Transformative Pedagogy
and Academic Associated Projects

From: Toro, Teresa

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 9:51 AM
To: Sotelo, Yolanda; Romero, Augustine
Cc: Carmona, Alma; Rosthenhausler I, Frank; Montano, Rafael; Fennema, Laura
Subject: RE: Seniors

Can we include



From: Toro, Teresa

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 9:48 AM
To: Sotelo, Yolanda; Romero, Augustine
Cc: Carmona, Alma; Rosthenhausler I, Frank; Montano, Rafael; Fennema, Laura
Subject: RE: Seniors
Importance: High

Thank you for this opportunity! Im sitting here with Auggie; we need clarification on which essays you are referring to.
From: Sotelo, Yolanda
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 9:41 AM
To: Romero, Augustine
Cc: Carmona, Alma; Rosthenhausler I, Frank; Montano, Rafael; Fennema, Laura; Toro, Teresa
Subject: RE: Seniors
If they have their essays for me, I will look at them to determine whether they "earned" enough pts. They need to be
turned in to Laura (I hope you don't mind) and they need to be turned in today . She needs to verify that it was turned
in today and the time it was. If they are in today, I will look at them on Wednesday.

From: Romero, Augustine
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 8:30 AM
To: Sotelo, Yolanda
Cc: Carmona, Alma; Rosthenhausler I, Frank; Montano, Rafael; Fennema, Laura; Toro, Teresa
Subject: RE: Seniors

I totally get your perspective; however, grades are not finalized until 550 pm on Wednesday, May 25, 2016.
Therefore, there is still time for these two to earn the points needed to graduate.
I truly hope you would give these two the opportunity to earn the points needed to earn the opportunity to
graduate with their class; especially, given that we still have more the 57 hours left until we finalize grades.
Thank you for your consideration,
Augustine F. Romero, Ph. D.
Pueblo Magnet High School
Tucson Unified School District
"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he
sends forth a tiny ripple of hope ..." Robert F. Kennedy
From: Sotelo, Yolanda
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 8:09 AM
To: Romero, Augustine
Subject: RE: Seniors
Yes, they were both close. I told each class how important it was to write the analysis on the 3rd quarter reading. Not
all of them did it. When you look at
points, that assignment it would have earned them a passing
grade. I know they want to graduate. The other students who wanted to pass the class wrote the essay. If they had
each done possibly one more assignment, they would have earned the points to pass the class.
I am sorry at this point, according to the points they earned, let's not forget that word earned, they did not pass the

From: Romero, Augustine

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 5:23 PM
To: Sotelo, Yolanda
Subject: RE: Seniors

Yollie, what about the seniors who are close:

anything be done for students like this?


Augustine F. Romero, Ph. D.

Pueblo Magnet High School
Tucson Unified School District

are 6% and 7% away from passing? Can

"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he
sends forth a tiny ripple of hope ..." Robert F. Kennedy
From: Sotelo, Yolanda
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 4:51 PM
To: Romero, Augustine
Subject: Seniors

Auggie, as of 4:30 on Friday afternoon, I have 17 seniors who failed the class. I was not out to fail students, but some
did not do the class work and homework that was required of them and/or some did poorly on the final. To quote Dr.
Sanchez,theres a right way of doing things and you work hard and you earn the grade and pass the class .
Those that failed didnt work hard enough and they failed. They knew what they had to do to pass the class. Im sorry I
would have liked to have seen more pass.
I am taking a personal day off on Monday and will be at Pueblo on Wednesday.


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