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John Jay High School

Class of 66 ~ 50th Reunion!

September 16-18, 2016
Friday night ~ 5:00 8:00pm
Meet & Greet @ Le Fontane
137 Somers Town Road, Katonah, NY
Appetizers , Pastries & Coffee
$20/pp - Cash bar
Saturday 10:30 11:30am
Tour of JJHS
Saturday night ~ 7:00pm-midnite
Reunion @ Holiday Inn, Mt Kisco
DJ, Appetizers, Buffet, dessert
$100/pp ~ Cash Bar
Brunch @ Holiday Inn 9:00-11:00am
Breakfast, juice & coffee $25/pp

Picnic & Hootenanny @ Pound Ridge Reservation noon ~ 5:00ish $20/pp

Bring your instruments & voices
to play and sing along
Til we meet again!
Rooms blocked off for JJHS 50th @ $145/night
Make reservations before 8/16 when blocked rooms will be released 8/16
Please register and send payment by 8/15 to cover our deposit costs and to guarantee venues and food.
Please invite other classes! They are welcome too!
The more the merrier!
Looking forward to contacting and gathering, as many of our classmates as possible.
We need your help to get the word out
Please send in this page with your check
Make checks payable to: JJHS Class of 66
Mail to: Jack Gullen, 33 Pines Bridge Road, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Registration for Class of 66 50th Reunion
Name (s) (including maiden name and class)

Friday Meet & Greet


Saturday am -JJHS Tour

Saturday pm Reunion




Sunday Brunch @ Holiday Inn $25/pp





Hootenanny @ Pound Ridge Reservation


(site reserve, parking and food



Any and all checks must be made out to John J. Gullen

Its going to be such fun!! Please join us!!
Thank you all! -Reunion Committee
Jack & Ann Hayden Gullen, Ralph Becker, Randy Lawrence, Ginger Etzold Jones, Nancy Ward Jones Niven

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