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Net solution is a leading IT Solutions provider in Sri Lanka, the primary role of the
venture to provide Technical support and IT Infrastructure solutions for medium and large
business organizations. Currently the business enterprise has obtained a project from
(ABC) Multinational organization and Net solution is obliged to provide successful
project implementation for adhering their conditions whilst fulfilling their requirements.
Assume that you are the project team leader and following requirements are been put
forward to you by project coordinator.
a. There 5 locations in ABC (IT Service, Agents, Export, Import, Customer service) you
to implement, fully converged routed environments, initial task to identify the correct
hardware devices for implementation.
b. In the above 5 location there are 2 primary router IT service, both the network routers
must converge with back bone server network.
c. Using the appropriate routing protocol you need to build complete routed
environment.( ABC policy to use CISCO products for all networking needs )
d. You need to draw a diagram using PACKET TRACER actual scenario,
e. There is a main ftp server which used by customs department, only the customs
department must be able access ftp service, all other users must be blocked.
f. Common web server available for entire network, only web services must be allowed,
all other traffic to this server must be blocked.
g. Suggest suitable monitoring tools to monitor the performance for designed network

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1. Evaluate and identify correct hardware requirements for routing and compare different
routing protocol and choose the appropriate routing protocol for the given project,
Effectively justify your selection of appropriate routers and the routing protocols.
2. Evaluate the device and network management, by exploring ways to manage routers to
login remotely and draw a network diagram to provide manageability of the project
3. Evaluate the correct security mechanism for above scenario using MD5 and ACL (Access
Control List) basic security control mechanism for network (LO1.3)
4. Design a routed environment for above network using appropriate software (LO2.1).
Justify the software that is selected to design the diagram along with the address
allocations. (M2.5)
5. Evaluate the design and analyse the all interfaces of hardware for perfect workable
network (LO2.2)
6. Implement the appropriate routing protocol above designed network, all the routers must
converge flawlessly. (LO3.1)
7. Test the routed environment. (EX: ping). (LO3.2)
8. Document the test results (routing table, interface configuration, running configuration)
for both the routers in IT Service department only, COMPLETE LOGICAL TOPOLOGY
9. Evaluate the above designed network using an appropriate monitoring and performance
gathering tool. (L04.1)
10. Identify any performance improvement in above given scenario, resolve any performance
bottle neck in network (L04.2)
Provide recommendations on the appropriate and innovative use of latest and
emerging routing network technologies for the proposed network. (D3.6)
11. Self-evaluate your work related to this assignment by providing detailed Lesson learned
report. (D1.3).
12. Provide a detailed description how you have planned managed the activities of
assignment within the given time frame (D2.3).
13. The written tasks of the assignment must be delivered in a proper and standard report
format (M3.1).

Note: Task 6, 7 is covered in the practical evaluation using Packet Tracer (Screenshots must be
included in your assignment).
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Macfarlane J Network Routing Basics: Understanding IP Routing in Cisco Systems (Wiley,
2006) ISBN-10: 0471772739
Medhi D, Ramasamy K Network Routing: Algorithms, Protocols, and Architectures (Morgan
Kaufmann, 2007) ISBN-10: 0120885883

LO1 Understand the impact
of routing technologies
1.1 Evaluate current

PAGE NO/Comments

Written Report

routing Choose the appropriate
cisco routers and routing
Written Report


Evaluate device
network management

and Explain about remote

login and the network
Written Report

1.3 Evaluate current



Explain about MD5 and


Page 3 of 34

LO2 Be able to design

complex routed environments

Written Report

routed diagram
environment to meet a given appropriate software.
Written Report
Evaluate the network
2.2 Evaluate design and analyze design and analyze the
user feedback
network diagram.

LO3 Be able to implement

complex routed environments

Observation Record

a routed
environment from a design Implement the design
without assistance during
the practical period.

3.2 Test the routed environment

Record/Written report
environment with ExPing commands.

3.3 Document and analyze test Written Report


LO4 Be able to troubleshoot Written

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routed Report/observation

Monitor and evaluate Evaluate a monitoring

infrastructure performances and
against a given specification gathering tool for above
designed network.

4.2 Resolve issues to improve

Written Report
Identify the ways to
improve the performance
of the network.

Grade Descriptors for

M1 Identify and apply
strategies to find appropriate
M1.1 Effective judgments have
been made
M2 Select/ design and apply


PAGE NO/Comments

Written Report:
Identify the appropriate
device and compare link
state and distance vector
and choose one.
Written Report:

Justify the selection of

the chosen software over
design other similar softwares.
methods/techniques has been
M3 Present and communicate
Written Report:
appropriate findings
Academic reporting
M3.1 The appropriate Structure guidelines must be
followed. Harvard
and approach has been used.
referencing style is a

Page 5 of 34

Grade Descriptors for
D1 Use critical reflection to
evaluate own work and justify
valid conclusions
D1.3 Self Criticism approach
has taken place

D2 Take responsibility for

managing and organizing
D2.3 activities have been


PAGE NO/Comments

Written Report:
Complete Lesson learned
report should be attached
with detail explanations
and critical analysis of
your own work related to
the assignment.
Written Report:
Provide a Gantt chart to
plan you work. Justify
the time allocation for
each task. Justify the
decisions you made to
manage the changes.

D 3 Demonstrate convergent/ Written Report:

lateral / creative thinking
D3.6 Receptiveness to new
ideas is evident

Demonstrate ways to
improve bottle neck on
networking using
appropriate technology.

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Formative feedback from the Assessor

Module name ..
Student name ..
Student number
Assessor Name..

Area Covered


Signature of the

Student signature .

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Routing Concept

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Net solution is a leading IT Solutions provider in Sri Lanka, the primary role of the venture to
provide Technical support and IT Infrastructure solutions for medium and large business
organizations. Currently the business enterprise has obtained a project from ABC Multinational
Company and Net solution is obliged to provide successful project implementation for their
conditions whilst fulfilling their requirements. ABC Company wants to implement the Cisco
product for entire network. In this ABC Company have a five separate department like Export,
Import, IT, Agent and Customer service departments. All of the departments are interconnected
and some of department traffic is block in the ftp server.

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Task 1.............................................................................................................................................15
Identify correct hardware requirements for routing and compare different routing protocol and
choose the appropriate routing protocol for the given project...................................................15
Distance Vector and Link State Routing Protocols................................................................17
Task 2.............................................................................................................................................19
What is Telnet................................................................................................................................19
Network Diagram..........................................................................................................................20
Task 3.............................................................................................................................................21
Access Control List (ACL)............................................................................................................21
Task 4.............................................................................................................................................24
Network Diagram & IP address.....................................................................................................24
Cisco Packet Tracer.......................................................................................................................25
Task 5.............................................................................................................................................26
Network Diagram Description.......................................................................................................26
Task 8.............................................................................................................................................28
Task 9.............................................................................................................................................30
Monitoring Tool.........................................................................................................................30
Task 10...........................................................................................................................................32
Task 11...........................................................................................................................................33
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Gantt chart.....................................................................................................................................36

Figure 1 Cisco Switch....................................................................................................................15

Figure 2 Cisco Router....................................................................................................................16
Figure 3 Telnet Configuration........................................................................................................19
Figure 4 Telnet verification............................................................................................................19
Figure 5 Network Diagram............................................................................................................20
Figure 6 Stranded Access List.......................................................................................................21
Figure 7 Stranded Access List code...............................................................................................22
Figure 8 Extended Access List......................................................................................................22
Figure 9 Extended Access List......................................................................................................23
Figure 10 Network Diagram..........................................................................................................24
Figure 11 Network Ping.................................................................................................................26
Figure 12 Testing Telnet................................................................................................................27
Figure 13 Running Configuration Table........................................................................................28
Figure 14 Running Configuration Table........................................................................................28
Figure 15 Running Configuration Table........................................................................................29
Figure 16 Monitoring Tool............................................................................................................30

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Task 1
Identify correct hardware requirements for routing and compare different routing
protocol and choose the appropriate routing protocol for the given project.


A switch is a device that connects multiple computers together within one Local Area Network;
its used to establish a network. A switch is an intelligent device used to transfer data from one
computer to another is specific destination. Switch is a commonly used to establish a network.
There is lot of switches in the world, the recommended switch brand for this company its Me
4900 Series Ethernet Switch.
The recommended switch
The Cisco Catalyst 6503-E switch is suitable to this company. This switch supports the IEEE
802.3 standards and it is proved to be more suitable for the organization since the recommended
standard is also 802.3. It has advanced security features and troubleshooting jobs can be easily
Features and Performance
This switch has a greater convergence in a network and it consists of fast Ethernet Ports with
IEEE 802.3. The security level is also advanced of this switch since it has content service,
firewall and IP security features. Concerning the performance levels of Cisco Catalyst 6503, it
has a maximum forwarding speed of 150Mpps that supports IP Version 4.

Figure 1 Cisco Switch

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A router is a device that forwards data packets along network. This component also helps to
establish a network. Most importantly it used to connect a private network to a public network
such as the Internet in order to provide resource sharing and communication facilities with
distant networks. The router manages the routing information by managing a database called a
routing table. Router is recommended to connect the switches to the router which gives access to
a public network.
Recommended router for the company
Cisco C881W Integrated Service Router:
Performance and functionalities: This router has wireless connection features and it is said to be
suitable for small organizations. The router has a speed of 10/100Mbps for fast Ethernet WAN
and the performance level is high thus increasing the productivity.
Features of Cisco C881W Integrated Service Router:

Consists of wireless technology features and consists of WAN security

Four 10./100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Managed Ports
Primary and back-up connections
Built in Security
Cisco brand offers high security options such as intrusion prevention thus increasing the
security level.

Figure 2 Cisco Router

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Distance Vector and Link State Routing Protocols

Distance Vector and Link state are the two routing protocols used by routers to transfer data
between networks; the intended job of the routing protocol is to transfer data from all the
networking paths and to select the best route to reach the destination. Distance Vector and Link
State are used to classify routing protocols into two categories based on how they choose the best
route to reach the network destination.

Distance Vector Routing Protocol

Distance vector means that routes are advertised as vectors of distance and direction.
Distance is defined in terms of a metric such as hop count, and direction is simply the next hop
router or exit interface. This routing protocol needs very little hardware to run on and is energy

RIP- (Routing Information Protocol)

RIP is a dynamic, distance vector routing protocol based around the Berkely BSD application
routed and was developed for smaller IP based networks. This routing protocol uses a Hop count
and it uses 15 as the maximum metric. There are versions of this protocol, and they are RIP
version one and two. Since this a Distance vector protocol the routing tables are updated all the

IGRP-(Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)

IGRP manages the flow of routing information within connected routers in the host network or
autonomous system. The protocol ensures that every router has routing tables updated with the
best available path. IGRP uses bandwidth as the metric and calculates the best pathway for data
transmissions over a network by calculating the bandwidth and delay.

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EIGRP-(Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)

EIGRP is the improve version of the IGRP protocol and also this protocol is developed by
cisco. The convergence properties and the operating efficiency of this protocol have improved
significantly. Using EIGRP a router keeps a copy of its neighbor's routing tables. If it can't find a
route to a destination in one of these tables, it queries its neighbors for a route and they in turn
query their neighbors until a route is found. This routing protocol support for both IPv4 and
IPv6 networks.

Link State Routing Protocol

Link State routing protocols are routing protocols whose algorithms calculate the best paths to
networks different than the Distance vector routing protocol. Link State routing protocols
calculate their network routes by building a complete topology of the entire network area and
then calculating the best path from this topology or map of all the interconnected networks.
OSPF - Open Shared Path First
OSPF is a robust link-state interior gateway protocol (IGP). This protocol used with in larger
autonomous networks. OSPF is designated by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as one
of several Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP). OSPF multicasts the updated information only
when a change has taken place.
IS-IS - Intermediate System to Intermediate System
IS-IS was developed as part of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) stack of protocols. It uses
OSI protocols to deliver its packets and establish its adjacencies. IS-IS routers need to be
assigned OSI addresses, which they use as a Router ID to create network structure.

I recommend the EIGRP routing protocol for this company, because they are going to use cisco
products, EIGRP developed by Cisco Company and when using cisco products configuring the
routing its easy to maintain.
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Task 2
What is Telnet
Telnet enable to user for remote access for the routers, switches and access point. Telnet is a
network protocol used to provide the command line interface for communicating with the
network devices. This protocol can use for large network environment for routers and switches
maintain. Using telnet protocol can login to the all of the routers and switches with one single
pc, all of the changes can do with one computer in entire network.
Below pictures showing how to create a telnet protocol and how to login from pc to another

Figure 3 Telnet Configuration

Above picture showing how to create a telnet protocol in the router. Using line vty 0 15 code,
can access from 0 to 15 number of computers for that router. We can use any number between 0
to 15. We have to create a password for the login access.

Figure 4 Telnet verification

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This picture showing the how to log in to the router using a pc command line. When login to the
router it ask the password for the login verification for the router.

Network Diagram

Figure 5 Network Diagram

Above network diagram shows ABC Company interfaces interconnection network

environment provided by NET Solution Company. In this diagram show the all the
department routers connected to the two routers in the distributer network and these two
routers connected to one main router in the core network. In the distributer network layer
have two routers because if one router got fail in the network other will take the over the
network transmission. In the core network layer have two servers, ftp and web server.

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Task 3
Access Control List (ACL)
Access Control Lists are a network filter utilized by routers and some switches to permit and
restrict data flows into and out of network interfaces. When an ACL is configured on an
interface, the network device analyzes data passing through the interface, compares it to the
criteria described in the ACL, and either permits the data to flow or prohibits it. The primary
reason is ACL provide a basic level of security for the network. ACL are not as complex and in
depth of protection as firewalls, but they do provide protection on higher speed interfaces where
line rate speed is important and firewalls may be restrictive. ACL are also used to restrict updates
for routing from network peers and can be instrumental in defining flow control for network
There are two kind of access list,

Stranded Access List

Extended Access List

Stranded Access List

A standard access list is simple; it filters based on source address only. You can filter a source
network or a source host, but you cannot filter based on the destination of a packet, the
particular protocol being used such as the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or the User
Datagram Protocol (UDP), or on the port number. You can permit or deny only source traffic. In
the stranded access list have a range 1 to 99.
After the Access list coding, this is the way showing the command in the router.

Figure 6 Stranded Access List

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These are the hard coding for the Standard Access List.

Figure 7 Stranded Access List code

Extended Access List

An extended access list gives you much more power than just a standard access list. Extended
Access List check both the source and destination packet addresses. They can also check for
specific protocols, port numbers, and other parameters, which allow administrators more
flexibility and control. In the extended access list have a range 100 to 199.
After the Extended Access list coding, this is the way showing the command in the router.

Figure 8 Extended Access List

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When trying to login from the pc it denied.

These are the hard coding for the Extended Access List.

Figure 9 Extended Access List

MD5 is an algorithm known as a cryptographic hash algorithm. This hash algorithm format is
hexadecimal. This algorithm is a one way function method, it mean the message convert in to a
fixed string of digits. After the convert there is no way to decrypt again.

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Task 4
Network Diagram & IP address

Figure 10 Network Diagram

From above network diagram shows how the entire department inter connection.
IP Address Range for above network diagram.

IP Address


IP Address

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Cisco Packet Tracer

Cisco packet tracer is network simulation software developed by Cisco Company. Using this
program easily can do the cisco router and switch configuration as like physical environment.
This software made for IT network training student. This software is very helpful for creating
network diagram for the training. User can build the network topologies connecting routers and
switches virtually. This is Graphical User Interface software with the command line interface.
According to the scenario above network diagram designed using packet tracer software, its
easy to use and configuration can do perfectly.

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Task 5
Network Diagram Description
ABC Company has 5 departments according to scenario. They are IT department, Agent
department. Export department, Import department and customer service department. The entire
departments interconnected using routers all of the network interfaces are Cisco products. C class
IP range and EIGRP routing protocol used in entire network and all of the IP range are given in
the task 4 with the diagram. After the all the routers connected with the servers and the main
router, after the IP assign and the EIGRP configuration, all other ports in the network going to
green, thats mean all of the port connected perfectly.
Using the access control list the main ftp server blocked for the other department only the
customer service department can access to the ftp services. Web server available for entire
network, but all of the other traffic are blocked in the web server.
Below screen shot showing the how the network is working.

This screen shot showing the how the network is pinging.

Figure 11 Network Ping

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This screen shot showing the how is the telnet is going to work

Figure 12 Testing Telnet

After the entering the password we can log in to the router using telnet with another device.

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Task 8

Running-Configuration Table

Figure 13 Running Configuration Table

Above screen shot showing the Router name and the router login password. All of the passwords
are encrypted thats why the password shows as an alphanumeric combination.

Figure 14 Running Configuration Table

Above screen shot showing the router interfaces IP address configuration with the subnet mask.
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Routing Table

Figure 15 Running Configuration Table

Above screen shot showing the connected IP range between routers and connected EIGRP
protocol between routers.

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Task 9
Monitoring Tool

Solorwind Network Performance Monitor

Solorwind NPM is a tool can monitor a LAN network and its easy to deploy and easy to use and
helps to increased operational efficiency. This tool product by Solorwind Company. NPM is built
on a scalable and modular architecture. The ABC Company using the Cisco products for the
entire network and this NPM tool support the cisco product also then easily can do the network
troubleshooting, resolves network performance problem, network outages and optimization.
Using NPM is simple and does not require any additional training on the product.
Benefits of using NPM

NPM is suited for any networks of all sizes (Small, medium and large companies)

NPM support multi-vendor devices like Cisco, Juniper and Nortel etc

NPM can support any number of network devices on a network.

Quickly discover performance related the issues.

Reduce the time spent on troubleshooting and analysis.

Figure 16 Monitoring Tool

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According to the above scenario network have five department interconnected with the routers
and main two servers (web and ftp). Some of department cant access for the ftp server they are
blocked with the access list control. Also the other traffics are blocked in the web server. Using
Solorwind Network Performance Monitor these can easily the analyses and monitor the network
transmission in the company. Also can trouble shoot the network issues in the routers and network
ports. This monitoring tool support for the Cisco product and that is a good advantage for the
company also. If in the network got a problem with the IPs the monitoring tool automatically
identifying the error and its show on the dashboard.

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Task 10
According the given scenario wants to improve the performance of the network. We can improve
some security, file transfer speed, new routing protocol, upgrade in the servers. Doing these kind
of changing can improve the performance in the given scenario network.
The bottleneck is remaining on the two places in the networks one is the server and other is the
network circuit. The first is the network server. In this case, the client computers have no
difficulty sending requests to the network server, but the server lacks sufficient capacity to
process all the requests it receives in a timely manner. The second location is the network circuit,
connecting the LAN to the corporate backbone network. In this case, the server can easily
process all the client requests it receives, but the circuit lacks enough capacity to transmit all the
requests to the server.

Using firewall in the servers can improve the security for the network and also using
some encryption methods can secure the file transmission in the entire network.

Using Disk Stripping method can if we are using several hard drives for data storages we
can combine them in to one logical hard drive where the data is stripped across the hard
Improving the server performance

Use the faster NOS for the servers, it will can fast the performance of the servers.

Hardware improvements use new hardware for the servers.

If the network is overloaded to servers apply a another server for the network, it will
balance the load in the network

Increasing the server memory.

Upgrading to the fastest computers.

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Task 11
When we are talking about the Routing Concept subject its little hard from the first days, there
are routing protocols and command for these protocols its bit hard first we starting that subject.
When we are doing the practices with Cisco packet Tracer software and its kind of getting easy
to learn. Doing the coding in the routers and connecting each of computer and routers using IP
address, its very helpful for the learning the lessons using packet tracer software.
When doing the assignment its easy to start, because of all of the routing protocols we covered
in the lessons and the practical sessions with the command line. Designing the network diagram
is easy, because we designed lot of network diagram when we doing the lessons. In the
assignment showing the screen shot of the router configuration and other command lines what
we learn from the subject its very helpful and easy to complete our assignment.

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According to the scenario briefly explained the Cisco product for the according to the company
requirements, and recommended the cisco router and switch for the company network. When its
come to the routing protocols there are two main routing protocols distance vector and the link
state routing protocols and there are sub categories in the main two routing protocols. After
briefly explained about those routing protocol I recommended the EIGRP protocol for the
company interconnection network. In the next task explained about the telnet and what is the
purpose of using that and there are some screen shots of telnet configuration.
Also explained about the security mechanism what we can use in the network and how can we
configure them, in that task showing the screen shot for further explanation. There is an
explanation about the Cisco packet tracer software, that I used for design the network diagram
and how is going to help for the network lessons.
According to the scenario explained how the network is will going to work and how are they
transmit the data properly, with the screen shots. There is also showing the test results of the
network. There is mention about the monitoring and performance analyzing tool for the company
and how is it working for the network. Finally providing the how we going to improve the
company network and how can we used in the network.

Page 31 of 34


Cisco, 2014. Routing Protocols [Online] Available at :<> [Accessed on
31th of January 2015]

Cisco, 2014. Switch [Online] Available at :<>
[Accessed on 31th of January 2015]

Cisco, 2014. Router [Online] Available at :<> [Accessed on 31th of January 2015]

Webopedi, 2014. Telnet [Online] Available at :<> [Accessed on 3rd of February 2015]

Cisco, 2014. Access Control List [Online] Available at :<
cls.html> [Accessed on 5th of February 2015], 2015. What is MD5 [Online] Available at :<> [Accessed

on 5th of February 2015]

Solorwind, 2015. Monitoring Tool [Online] Available at :<> [Accessed on 9th of
February 2015]

Page 32 of 34

Gantt chart

In this assignment task 1 and 2 were sort of hard as it was all about the theory, but I was able to
manage it in 3 days. The network diagram was a bit complicated to draw but somehow I
managed, after drawing I started assigning the IPs for the routers, got some errors while doing
EIGRP as the components were not pinging properly. Solving the errors took time therefore the
task got extended for a while and had to do it later. Tasks 3, 4 and 5 were not so hard; its about
describing the diagram and evaluating it. After getting some feedback from the lecture for the
diagram some aspects of it had to be changed as the structure was incorrect, after completing the
diagram and implementing it the network worked perfectly. Other tasks were not as hard as they
were related to the assignment and since I have a clear idea on what to do it was easy to complete
the tasks.

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