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Fill in the blanks: (5 Marks)

1. The tool used for the measurement of an interior angle is the ________ tool. (Angle)
2. A computer simulation is the technique of representing the ___________ world with the help of computer program.
3. The menu command used for hiding the axes is _______ (Axes)
4. ________ specification was created to make documents readable across platforms and machines. (Unicode)
5. In 21st Century, global economy is fuelled by ______ (information)
Q2. State whether the following statements are True or False: 5 Marks
1. EDI stands for Electronic Data Intercom. (False)
2. E commerce stands for electronic commerce. (True)
3. Internet banking can be called e banking. (True)
4. ICT tools do not help students to manipulate diagrams dynamically. (False)
5. ICT cannot be used in evaluation process. (False)
Q3. Multiple choice questions : 6 Marks
1. _________ is important in creating knowledge societies.
a. ICT
b. Computer
c. Education
d. Software
2. Simulation creates a/an ______ model of a system.
a. artificial
b. natural
c. map
d. data
3. Transliteration is related to _______
a. phonetic
b. translation
c. compression
d. encryption
4. The Google Translate ______ makes a website available in other languages.
a. Search Element
b. Web Element
c. Engine
d. Indexing
5. In GeoGebra, the _______ tool is used to measure the area of a polygon.
a. Area
b. bisector
c. Compasses
d. Slider
Q4. Multiple choice questions : Attempt any two of the following: 4 Marks
1. One use of ICT in mathematics is to explore the effects of varying values and look for ______ and________
a. accuracy
b. mistakes
c. invariance
d. covariance.
2. ICT can be used at both school and higher education levels for _______ and _________
a. evaluation
b. student
c. promoting idea
d. remedial teaching

3. 21st century has created a new global economy which is powered by _________ fuelled by _________and driven by
a. information
b. learning
c. simulation
d. technology
4. A computer model refers to the ________ and_________ used to capture the behaviour of a system being modelled.
a. algorithm
b. equations
c. program
d. summation
5. Every object in GeoGebra has _________ and ______representation.
a. algebraic
b. text
c. geometric
d. spreadsheet
Q5. Answer in brief. (Attempt any six of the following) 12 Marks
1. Define information highway.
2. Define knowledge society.
3. Explain how blogs can be used in education system.
4. Explain trade cycle of e commerce.
5. Explain e market.
6. State the benefits of ICT in science and mathematics.
7. How can information be shared and updated with the use of ICT?
8. What is Transliteration?
Q6. Answer the following: (Attempt any two of the following) 8 Marks
1. Explain the scope of ICT in education.
2. What are the challenging skill requirements due to ICT?
3. Write a short note on the role of ICT in science with examples.
4. Write a short note on the role of ICT in mathematics with examples.

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