Final Part VI Fact Sheet and Communication Plan

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When life is chaotic and too much to handle

Storytelling about a playspace experience:

Work has always been a stressful, uninviting, filled with communication barriers,
and estrangement among the employees. I wanted to come to work happy because
that is what I had been working for my whole life. I was having a difficult time most
of that year personally, and it was discouraging and not motivating when I went into
work. I needed a break from the usual, but I had no outlet to get my mind off of
everything. My organization came up with a playspace in the workplace, and an
online playspace for employees to interact with every day. I could finally go to work
excited because I knew I would have those breaks during the day to make work a
peaceful place to go to for fun. Who knew that work could bring more peace with a
small change, than being at home with everything else going on chaotically?
Coming together as an organization, getting to know each other, and taking fun
breaks in our playspace; helped all of us refresh for the rest of the workday.
Everyone, including myself, was in better moods, and it was not rare to see people
smiling anymore. Work can be a fun place to go to, and still get a mental break
from everything in life. I am excited for the playspace that my organization created
because they finally started paying attention to
employees and their needs. Paying attention to our
needs helped with motivation and production. If the
playspace had not been created, then my life would
have continued to spiral, and I am thankful that my
organization took a step back to care about their
--- Anonymous---

When life settled down I had organization and connections

in my life at work. Work was colorful and exciting when the
playspace was created.

Fact Sheet for Playspace Training Program

What is a Fact Sheet?
Developing a fact sheet before preparing the actual copy is helpful. The questions on
the fact sheet are the same ones that program planners answer when preparing the
actual program: who, what, when, where, why, and how. (Caffarella & Ratcliff, 2013, p.

1. Who? : Who is the Marketing Message For?

Employees at the University of Phoenix

People listed in the Stakeholders and Goals section of the evaluation plan.
Facilitators will use the playspace for adult learners in online classes.
Adult learners when they start the playspace training program in the online

2. What? : What is the Marketing Message For?

It is for the Playspace Training Program

To get the idea out in the open and get attention, notification, and updates
To give the readers some idea of what they are marketing or creating mystery
and intrigue.

3. When? : When is the Marketing Message Being Used?

It is being used now for the Playspace Training Program starting January 2017.
For each Facilitator that is new because they have to go through the training
For new adult learners when the playspace training program is introduced to
them in the online classroom.

4. Where? : Where is the Marketing Message Being Used?

It is being used:
The University of Phoenix website
Emails to employees
Phone calls or texts
Company Videos

5. Why? : Why is the Marketing Message Being Used?

It is being used because the playspace training program needs recognition.

Employees at the University of Phoenix need to be informed and ready.
To make sure that everyone knows about the training program.
To make the training program more exciting and inviting.
To bring some humor to the new playspace training program to help with
employee motivation.

6. How? : How is the Marketing Message Being Used?

It is being used to inform employees about the training program through:

A logo
A slogan
A Fact Sheet

Caffarella, R. S., & Ratcliff Daffron, S.(2013). Planning programs for adult learners: A
practical guide (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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