Cur516 Instructional Design Phases Earthy Refresh Preparation Final 1

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Instructional Design Phases

Krista Jackson
April 20, 2015
Carrie Miller


Instructional Design Phases

Earthy Refresh Preparation: Creating Experts on Making Drinks
At Starbucks, our taste and presentation are essential to our customer's refreshment so we
will be focusing on our beverages in this training. Starbucks will be implementing a training
session to improve drink preparation and presentation. Handouts with ingredients and
presentation photographs will be provided for studying. There is a training session on the
computers in the back room to complete a multiple choice quiz. Lastly, employees will
experience face-to-face training evaluating how successful they are in what they learned. The
face-to-face training will give the employees precise learning from the store manager who has
been proficiently trained.
Our target audience is all of our employees in each of our local community stores. The
employees included are baristas, shift leaders, assistant managers, managers, and district
managers. Experienced employees will all need to take this course. New hires that have little or
no knowledge will benefit, so no prior knowledge required. Ages of employees range from 16 to
65 with male and female employees that work at our stores. Education can be from in high
school to college, and we offer a program for college students. Technology skills will only
include being able to operate a computer and mouse.
The delivery modalities will be handouts, computer training and quizzes, and face-to-face
training sessions. The computer training will be available on the two computers in the back of the
store with two weeks to complete the course on the computers with the multiple choice quiz.
Face-to-face training will be broken up into groups of four employees for each session. The
course will be completed in two sessions for each group for two hours.
We have set two goals for this training session on refreshing on our beverages.
Employees will identify ingredients and the different beverages. Objectives are as

Given the Starbucks drink handouts of specific drinks and ingredients, employees will
be able to identify both beverages and ingredients with 100% accuracy.

Given the Starbucks drink handouts of specific drinks and ingredients, employees will
take a multiple choice quiz mastering it with 100% accuracy with their knowledge of
the beverages and drinks.


Employees will prepare the beverages correctly and look as advertised. Objectives are as

Given four total employees in a group, employees will be given thirty minutes to
demonstrate mastery of these four tasks:
o Pulling perfect shots
o Steaming milk and making perfect foam
o Correct drizzle technique of caramel or mocha
o Proper whip cream style and amount

Given an observation by a manager, groups of four employees will prepare five

successful beverages in a row, with each one being made correctly and look as
advertised to the satisfaction of their knowledgeable and trained manager.

The objectives presented are collaborative learning and performance-based learning.

Performance-based learning shows how they will have to accumulate more comprehension and
techniques and skills to complete the course. While the collaborative learning shows how they
will work in groups of four, to watch and learn from each other during the face-to-face part of the
The strategies and activities will be flyers let the employees know of the training course,
handouts to study will be given out, and then computer course will gauge their knowledge gained
with a multiple choice quiz. In person, training activities will ensure to demonstrate their abilities
to create the specific drinks as illustrated without errors. Employees will get a survey at the end
of the course to evaluate the training.
The instructional technologies given are a computer course and multiple-choice quiz that
will be used at the beginning of the instruction of this course. Particular Starbucks machinery
will be used to make the drinks: espresso machines with steaming wands, blenders, coffee
grinders, and coffee makers.
We will have one week to inform the employees of the new course coming up. The next
week they will have a week to look over the handouts. Then they will have two weeks to
complete computer multiple choice quiz with 100% accuracy. Lastly, the employees will be
given two weeks to face-to-face training, which will be two sessions for two hours for each


Dates that we will be following for implementing the course:

June 1st 8th: Informing employees verbally and with a flyer that the course is coming up.
June 8th 15th: Employees will look over and study the handouts given to them. Get them ready
to take and ace the multiple choice quiz on the computer.
June 15th 29th: Take the computer quiz and complete it with 100% accuracy.
June 29th July 13th: Face-to-face training with the divided up groups.
Managers and all employees will be the only individuals required. The resources and
materials we will need are: flyers to be created, handouts prepared, new pins ordered for the
employees hats or aprons, and the natural work environment (including cups, lids, straws,
espresso machines, steaming pitchers, espresso beans, espresso shot glasses, syrups, ice, whip
cream, drizzles, and toppings) for the role play activity and face-to-face training.
The key details of the plan will be communication of the plan, building interest and
commitment to the plan, and selecting participants. Communication of the plan consists of
managers talking to all of the shift leaders being informed to tell employees a week before the
handouts are given out. Managers will also communicate with all of the employees while
working with them. If an employee is not working or absent that week, they will be contacted by
phone. Flyers will be posted on the back wall, and put into the employee schedule binder for
reminders. While building interest and commitment we will have the flyers be inviting and
playful to get the employees excited about learning. The training is on the job, so the employees
will be paid, and allowed over time for the training if their hours go over. The employees will
have knowledge that this is a required course for the store. The employees will receive a new pin
upon completion to add to their collection for their hats or aprons. The training will be taken into
consideration during their next review for a raise, and if they have kept up the exceptional work
they will get some money added to the standard raise. Selecting participants is easy because all
employees in the local stores are required participants in this course.
The formative assessment will have four goals in assessing their training. One, the
managers will assess how many times it took each employee to pass the multiple choice quiz
with 100% accuracy. Two, at the beginning of the training with the manager, each group member
will make the same two drinks to start off the training. The drinks will be a Grande Caramel


Frappuccino and an Iced Grade Caramel Macchiato. The manager will observe to assess their
pre-instruction knowledge. At the end of the course these two beverages will be in the list of five
beverages they will have to make correctly in a row. The group members will not see each
others drink until they are all finished, and the drinks will then be compared to show what is
positive and what needs to be worked on with the beverages. Three, managers will observe
behavior when assessing drink and ingredient clarification when the manager asks questions
during the face-to-face training. Lastly four, in the closure of the face-to-face training, managers
will observe the employee's performance when they make five drinks, including the two first
ones again, in a row accurately to specifications of the ingredients and presentation.
Managers will perform evaluation criteria to meet after the assessment is finished. One,
employees will complete an anonymous survey to evaluate how they felt about the training. The
employees are encouraged to make notes of ideas to improve the training and changes will be
made accordingly. Two, managers will have each employee make a random drink to critique each
week for four months to observe and assess if the training helped the situation. Lastly three,
managers will observe and write notes for four months assessing each employee on how they are
doing on the bar making drinks. How the employees make the drinks with the ingredients, and
how they are presenting them to the customer. Managers performing this task will not let the
employees aware they are still being assessed, and their performance being observed.
The managers will need two main evaluation instruments to conduct the evaluation of the
training course. First, the manager needs to create an anonymous survey that needs to be given to
the employees after the course is over. The survey should include the attitudes toward the
training and if they feel they have improved. There will be a few questions with blank space to
allow the employees to write ideas or comments about the training course. Second, the managers
need to keep a notebook with them at all times specifically for notes for further evaluation for the
next four months.
There are a few evaluations this course could bring for the future. First, since the training
is a short enough duration that it could be used once a year for employees locally. The handouts
of new drinks would have to be made again for current beverages, and a new fun flyer would be
preferable. The employees could use the flyer as a creative project to see which flyer wins, and
the flyer will get them interactive before the training course begins. Next, the trainings efficacy
can make the course mandatory once a year for all of our stores instead of just locally. The


training course could also be optional for the employees for a chance at a higher raise when it is
time for their evaluation. Then, the same layout could be used for different training courses that
employees may need in the future that we observe in local stores. There are always new
problems developing that sometimes training is the only way to fix the issues. Next, if the layout
and the design are effective, then the organization could look into using the format for different
training courses for all of their stores in the future. The store should send their design and
evaluation for the company to look over more thoroughly. Lastly, the notebook the manager uses
can be used as an example and reference if the organization makes the class mandatory for all of
their stores. Making the information into outlines, graphs, and paper with the information
collected would be good to include when you send in the design and evaluation.

*An outline is attached to the information provided on the next page.


Title: Earthy Refresh Preparation: Creating Experts on Making Drinks

Description: At Starbucks our taste and presentation are essential to our customer's refreshment
so we will be focusing on our beverages in this training. Starbucks will be implementing a
training session to improve drink preparation and presentation. Handouts with ingredients and
presentation photographs will be provided for studying. There is a training session on the
computers in the back room to complete a multiple choice quiz. Lastly, employees will
experience face-to-face training evaluating how successful they are in what they learned. The
face-to-face training will give the employees precise learning from the store manager who has
been proficiently trained.
Target Audience: Our target audience is all of our employees in each of our local community
stores. The employees included are baristas, shift leaders, assistant managers, managers, and
district managers. Experienced employees will all need to take this course. New hires that have
little or no knowledge will benefit, so no prior knowledge required. Ages of employees range
from 16 to 65 with male and female employees that work at our stores. Education can be from in
high school to college, and we offer a program for college students. Technology skills will only
include being able to operate a computer and mouse.
Delivery Modality and Length of Session: The delivery modalities will be flyers, handouts,
computer training and quizzes, and face-to-face training sessions. The computer training will be
available on the two computers in the back of the store with two weeks to complete the course on
the computers with the multiple choice quiz. Face-to-face training will be broken up into groups
of four employees for each session. The course will be completed in two sessions for each group
for two hours.
Session Goals:
Employees will identify ingredients and the different beverages.
Employees will prepare the drinks correctly and look as advertised.

Session Goals

Learning Objectives (ABCD Format)


Given the Starbucks drink handouts of specific
drinks and ingredients, employees will be able to
identify both beverages and ingredients with
100% accuracy.

Employees will identify ingredients and the

different beverages.

Given the Starbucks drink handouts of specific

drinks and ingredients, employees will take a
multiple choice quiz mastering it with 100%
accuracy with their knowledge of the beverages
and drinks.

Given four total employees in a group, employees

will be given thirty minutes to demonstrate
mastery of these four tasks:
Pulling perfect shots
Steaming milk and making perfect foam
Correct drizzle technique of caramel or
Employees will prepare the beverages correctly
Proper whip cream style and amount
and look as advertised.
Given an observation by a manager, groups of
four employees will prepare five successful
beverages in a row, with each one being made
correctly and look as advertised to the satisfaction
of their knowledgeable and trained manager.

Learning Style(s): The objectives presented are collaborative learning and performance-based
learning. Performance-based learning shows how they will have to accumulate more
comprehension and techniques and skills to complete the course. While the collaborative
learning shows how they will work in groups of four, to watch and learn from each other during
the face-to-face part of the course.
Strategies & Activities: Flyers to let the employees know about the training course. Handouts to
study will be given out, and then computer course will gauge their knowledge gained with a
multiple choice quiz. In person, training activities will ensure to demonstrate their abilities to
create the specific drinks as illustrated without errors. Employees will get a survey at the end of
the course to evaluate the training.
Instructional Technologies: A computer course and a multiple choice quiz will be used at the
beginning of the instruction of this course. Particular Starbucks machinery will be used to make


the drinks: espresso machines with steaming wands, blenders, coffee grinders, and coffee
Timeline: One week to inform the employees. Next week they will have a week to look over the
handouts. Then two weeks to complete computer multiple choice quiz with 100% accuracy.
Lastly, they are given two weeks to face-to-face training, which will be two sessions for two
hours for each group/employee.
June 1st 7th: Informing employees verbally and with a flyer that the course is coming up.
June 8th 14th: Employees will look over and study the handouts given to them. Get them ready
to take and ace the quiz on the computer.
June 15th 28th: Take the computer multiple choice quiz and complete it with 100% accuracy.
June 29th July 13th: Face-to-face training with the divided up groups.
Individuals Required: Managers and all employees
Resources and Materials:
Flyers created
Handouts prepared
New pins ordered for their hats or apron
The natural work environment for the role play activity
The natural work environment for the face-to-face training including:
o cups, lids, and straws
o espresso machines
o steaming pitchers, espresso beans, and espresso shot glasses
o syrups, ice, whip cream, drizzles, and toppings
Key Details of The Plan:
Communication of the plan Managers will inform all of the shift leaders to tell
employees a week before the handouts are given out. Managers will also
communicate with all of the employees while working with them. If an employee
is not working or absent that week, they will be contacted by phone. Flyers will
be posted on the back wall, and put into the employee schedule binder for
Building interest and commitment The Flyers will be inviting and playful to get
the employees excited about learning. The training is on the job, so the
employees will be paid, and allowed over time for the training if their hours go
over. The employees will have knowledge that this is a required course for the



store. The employees will receive a new pin upon completion to add to their
collection for their hats or aprons. The training will be taken into consideration
during their next review for a raise, and if they have kept up the exceptional work
they will get some money added to the standard raise.
Selecting participants All employees in the local store are required participants
for this course.

Formative Assessment:
1.) Assessing how many times it took each employee to pass the multiple choice
quiz with 100% accuracy.
2.) At the beginning of training with the manager, each group member will make
the same two drinks to start off the training. The drinks will be a Grande Caramel
Frappuccino and an Iced Grande Caramel Macchiato. The manager will observe
to assess their pre-instruction knowledge. (At the end of the course these two
beverages will be in the list of five beverages they will have to make correctly in a
o The group members will not see each others drinks until they are all
o The drinks will be compared with what is positive and what needs to be
worked on with the beverages.
3.) Observable behavior when assessing drink and ingredient clarification when
asked questions during the face-to-face training.
4.) At the closure of the face-to-face training, observe their performance making
five drinks, including the first two again, in a row accurately to specifications of
the ingredients and presentation.
Evaluation Criteria:
1.) Employees will complete an anonymous survey to evaluate how they felt
about the training. The employees are encouraged to make notes of ideas to
improve the training and changes will be made accordingly.
2.) Have each employee makes a random drink to critique each week for four
months to observe, and assess if the training helped the situation.
3.) Observe and write notes for four months assessing each employee on how they
are doing on the bar making drinks. How they make them with the ingredients,
and how they are presented to the customer. Doing this while the employees are
not aware you are still assessing and observing their performance.
Evaluation Instruments Needed:



An anonymous survey needs to be made and given to the employees after the
course is over. The survey should include the attitudes towards the training and if
they feel they have improved. There will be a few questions and blank space to
allow them to write ideas or comments about the training course.
Notebook for the manager to keep with them at all times specifically for notes for
further evaluations for the next four months.

Evaluation Overview for the Future:

The training is a short enough duration that it could be used once a year for
employees locally. The handouts of new drinks would have to be made again for
current beverages, and a new fun flyer would be preferable. The employees could
use this as a creative project to see which flyer wins, and the flyer will get them
interactive before the training course begins.
The trainings efficacy can make the course mandatory once a year for all of our
stores instead of just locally. The training course could also be optional for
employees for a chance at a higher raise when it is time for their evaluation.
The same layout could be used for different training courses that employees may
need in the future that we observe in local stores. There are always new problems
developing that sometimes training is the only way to fix the issues.
If the layout and design are effective, then the organization could look into using
the format for different training courses for all of their stores in the future. The
store should send their design and evaluation for the company to look over more
The notebook the manager uses can be used as an example and reference if the
organization makes the class mandatory for all of their stores. Making the
information into outlines, graphs, and paper with the information collected would
be good to include when you send in the design and evaluation.

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