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Membership Value Assignment

There are possible more ways to assign
membership values or function to fuzzy
variables than there are to assign probability
density functions to random variables [Dubois
and Prade, 1980]

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

Membership Value Assignment

Rank ordering
Angular fuzzy sets
Neural networks
Genetic algorithms
Inductive reasoning
Soft partitioning

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross


Derived from the capacity of humans to

develop membership functions through their
own innate intelligence and understanding.
Involves contextual and semantic knowledge
about an issue; it can also involve linguistic
truth values about this knowledge.

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

Types of Membership Functions

The most commonly used in practice are

Bell curves
Gaussian, and

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Triangular MF

Specified by three parameters {a,b,c} as follows:


(x a) (b a) a x b
triangle(x : a,b,c) =

(c x) (c b) b x c

x >c

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Trapezoidal MF

Specified by four parameters {a,b,c,d} as follows:


(x a) (b a) a x < b

b x < c
trapezoidal(x : a,b,c,d) =
(d x) (d c) c x d

x d

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Gaussian MF

Specified by two parameters {m,} as follows:

(x m)2
gaussian(x : m, ) = exp

Where m and denote the center and width of the function, respectively
A small will generate a thinMF, while a big will lead to a flatMF.

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Bell-shaped MF

Specified by three parameters {a,b,c} as follows:

bell(x : a,b,c) =

Where the parameter b is usually positive and we can adjust c and a to vary the
center and width of the function and then use b to control the slopes.

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Bell-shaped MF

bell(x : a,b,c) =

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Sigmoidal MF

Specified by two parameters {a, c} as follows:

Sigmoidal(x : a,c) =

1+ e

a(x c)

Where c is the center of the function and a control the slope.

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Sigmoidal MF

Sigmoidal(x : a,c) =

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

1+ e

a(x c)

Hedges: a modifier to a fuzzy set

Hedge modifies the meaning of the original
set to create a compound fuzzy set
Very (Concentration)
More or Less(Dilation)

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Hedges: Very & MoreOrLess

Very :
veryA ( x ) = [ A ( x )]

MoreorLess :
MoreOrLessA ( x) = A ( x )
Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Hedges: Very

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Hedges: VeryVeryVery (Extreme)

Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, PrenticeHall

Use knowledge to perform deductive
reasoning, i.e . we wish to deduce or infer a
conclusion, given a body of facts and

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

Inference : Example
In the identification of a triangle
Let A, B, C be the inner angles of a triangle
Where A BC
Let U be the universe of triangles, i.e.,
U = {(A,B,C) | ABC0; A+B+C = 180}

Let s define a number of geometric shapes


Approximate isosceles triangle

Approximate right triangle
Approximate isosceles and right triangle
Approximate equilateral triangle
Other triangles

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

Inference : Example
We can infer membership values for all of
these triangle types through the method of
inference, because we possess knowledge
about geometry that helps us to make the
membership assignments.
For Isosceles,
i (A,B,C) = 1- 1/60* min(A-B,B-C)
If A=B OR B=C THEN i (A,B,C) = 1;
If A=120,B=60, and C =0 THEN i (A,B,C) = 0.
Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

Inference : Example
For right triangle,
R (A,B,C) = 1- 1/90* |A-90|
If A=90 THEN i (A,B,C) = 1;
If A=180 THEN i (A,B,C) = 0.

For isosceles and right triangle

IR = min (I, R)
IR (A,B,C) = min[I (A,B,C), R (A,B,C)]
= 1 - max[1/60min(A-B, B-C), 1/90|A-90|]

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

Inference : Example
For equilateral triangle
E (A,B,C) = 1 - 1/180* (A-C)
When A = B = C then E (A,B,C) = 1,
A = 180 then E (A,B,C) = 0

For all other triangles

T = (I.R.E) = I.R.E
= min {1 - I (A,B,C) , 1 - R (A,B,C) , 1 - E (A,B,C)

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

Inference : Example

Define a specific triangle:

A = 85 B = 50 C = 45

R = 0.94
I = 0.916
IR = 0.916
E = 0. 7
T = 0.05

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

Rank ordering
Assessing preferences by a single individual, a
committee, a poll, and other opinion methods
can be used to assign membership values to a
fuzzy variable.
Preference is determined by pairwise
comparisons, and these determine the
ordering of the membership.

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

Rank ordering: Example

Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications: Timothy J. Ross

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