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Pre-marital sex should always be an issue that we should look up to because

nowadays, it became a social norm that everybody is accepting and embracing it. I
believed that marriage should always come first before sex because based on my own
experience of engaging myself in pre-marital sex and had an early pregnancy; sudden
change of your life status is not easy. From being a single person that can do anything
what you want in any time you want to a married person that has many responsibilities
to think of before anything else. Adjusting period was one of the hardest phases of my
life and acceptance was one of the factors.
I am against pre-marital sex, not only because of the consequences that I faced,
but because I believed that our body should be reserve for the man that we truly love
and the one to whom we will spend the rest of our life. I know, I cant go back to the past
when I can make things right but I still have the present and the future to influence the
youth and let them realize that having pre-marital sex is not a good decision in life. I will
let them know what are those important things that they should give up once they
engaged in pre-marital sex and bears the fruits of what they have done. Furthermore,
according to the Bible, those who engage in premarital sex are in danger of losing their
friendship with God. And I concur with that saying because we are not living on His will
of not being immoral if we do that and means that a person needs to stay as far away
as possible from anything that could lure him or her into sexual immorality.
And with all the above-mentioned facts, I strongly disagree that pre-marital sex
become a social norm and be accepted by many because our body is the temple of God
and should always be respected with all means and be protected by anything evil in this

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