30 Things You May Be Doing Wrong As A Parent

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you may
be doing
as a

Source: http://svetvbezpeci.cz/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/sb10063680d-001.jpg

Parenting is an art. Theres no manual you can refer to or one-size-fits-all

solution for all your concerns. Its really trust-your-instincts way of going about.
Though you only want the best for your child and certainly you know what you
are doing, lets not forget humans make mistakes and parents are humans too.
So browse through the list and check if youre doing any of these mistakes

1. Panicking at anything and everything


New parents, especially, tend to fret at almost anything and everything. You
need to relax and take it easy. The calmer youll be the better itll be for both
you and your baby. Remember to ask for help or seek guidance when in
doubt, the experts will be more than happy to help.

2. Not letting your child cry it out

It sure breaks your heart to see your little one cry, but you also need to
understand you cannot always control or avoid it from happening. Also by
running to them each time they cry youd encourage an unhealthy
dependency which wont be helpful in a longer run.

3. Trusting unreliable sources of advice

The way youd ignore unsolicited advice about your health, career and
anything important, the same way do avoid parenting advice from unreliable
sources. Such advice may simply prove futile than being helpful most of the

4. Not letting your child to do anything on their own


Parenting is all about guiding and helping the children to learn to be able to be
on their own. They are individuals who will eventually venture out in the world
unaccompanied by you as they grow. If you keep brushing their teeth or tying
their shoelaces, they are going to remain big babies even at an age of 20!

5. Making your child the center of the universe

It isnt always about their school, their homework, and their choices. Of course,
you love them but that doesnt mean nothing else exists beyond them. Also
loving doesnt mean you literally worship them and forget everything else.


6. Expecting your children to be perfect

No one is perfect, we all know this. Yet, if you are expecting your kids to be
perfect youre totally being unfair. Youre taking away the pleasure from your
life of watching them explore, experiment, fail, learn and grow.

7. Gender biasing through color choices/toys, etc.


Why cannot your little girl like a blue truck toy? Or why cant your boy enjoy
making tea and cupcakes in summer holidays? Wouldnt it be better to let
them make their own choices and be happy than imposing ours?

8. Not correcting them when they commit mistakes


By always apologizing on their behalf or ignoring their mistakes, youre

encouraging the child to be arrogant and insensitive. You do not have to
lecture them but you must point out their mistakes lovingly and discipline them
at the right time.

9. Encouraging screen addiction


Theres more to the long exposure of screens and its many unhealthy and
physically damaging effects. It also takes away all the creativity and
imagination out of a child. If you cannot completely avoid screens, try limiting
the time and engaging them in other creative activities.

10. Ignoring their opinions

If you don't listen to what your kid has to say simply because you think they are
too young for their view or opinion to be considered, youre making them feel
unimportant. This feeling of not being loved will eventually hamper their
confidence and they may grow up to be someone who would hesitate to
voice their opinions forever.


11. Not being respectful

Everyone needs to be careful when talking to children. They are young, sure,
but they are individuals too and therefore deserve to be spoken with respect.
Weigh your words and pause to think for a moment if thats how you would talk
to a grown-up.

12. Expressing your anger in a hurtful manner

Alright youve had a long day or are stressed over something. Whatever your
reasons are, you just cannot vent it out on children. If you think children are
carefree and forget things easily, youre wrong. Children are very sensitive and

you will only cause deep scars to their young hearts and minds by yelling and
throwing hurtful words at them.


13. Asking the children to shut up

It is extremely rude and harsh to use those words to anyone, including children.
The child may have been annoying but asking them to shut up is simply not
done. Take a deep breath, calm down, use milder words to convey your
message and that would do the trick.

14. Comparing them with others


Every child is unique and has his own individuality. By comparing them with their
siblings or other kids, over and over, youre showing them that they are not
loved for who they are. This will gradually damage their self-esteem and sense
of pride.

15. Threatening the children

Children need to be taught things as they are growing and parents facilitate
them in learning important things of life. This includes disciplining them.
Discipline should be to teach them and not to punish or threaten. Some parents
push discipline far too much defying its purpose.

16. Living your dreams through your children


It is obvious to dream big for your child but if youre living your dreams through
your children then this is the most unfair thing you would do to them. Guide
them and encourage them to chase their dreams, not only will they be happy
in their lives but also make you proud someday.

17. Being a competitive parent

It is but natural to want the best for your child. Pause and check, whether in the
process of being the best parent you are being a competitive parent.
Remember by competing with other parents you would only end up putting
unnecessary pressure on your child and this is definitely not what you want for
your child.

18. Losing it on their childish activities


If you are a parent who does not appreciate a childs play, then you must
rewind and look at your own life. Play is an integral part of growing up. Children
are supposed to play. Thats how they learn and theres no better way than

19. Not practicing what you preach

Teaching your children not to tell lies but making up excuses for things you
dont want to do, or yelling at them or others when angry but telling them to
speak politely. Be careful, children are watching and learning from you!

20. Judging other parents

Okay so you do not agree with someones parenting style? Fair enough, dont
follow it. But judging them - no you cannot do that. It may not work for you, but
maybe it works great for them. So instead of judging others, it is best to focus on
figuring out what works best for us.


21. Judging other children

This certainly isnt a very nice thing to do. Judging other children because of
their parents or whatever reason is pretty immature. Also think what example
you would set for the child youre raising to grow into.

22. Fighting in front of your kids

Little arguments, minor disagreements between parents or grown-ups is
something every child will grow up seeing. The problem arises when these turn
into serious fights that go over the top. Children feel stressed and anxious, even
to a degree where they feel that the parents are fighting because of them.


23. Praising them even when not needed

Every child is precious for their parents and they feel proud of every little
accomplishment of their children. While appreciating them on occasions is a
good way of encouraging but constantly telling them how special they are
without a reason will only make the child snobbish and overconfident.

24. Being overprotective


Being careful and cautious is a natural parental trait, but at the same time
youre required to prepare the children to be independent and strong. So let
them fall - thats how theyll learn to walk and let them fail thats how they

learn to win. Be around to help them but let them take charge and fight for

25. Lecturing them through all waking hours

Admit it - you never liked being lectured by your parents or teachers when you
were growing up. No one does. So do you think its any good an idea to lecture
your children all the time? Besides, children have very little attention span, so if
you are even halfway into that lengthy and detailed explanation, chances are
the child may have already lost track of the conversation.


26. Demanding respect

As we all know, you dont demand respect you earn it. And if you have to
demand the children to respect you, something is not quite right. We all make
mistakes and its okay as long as we realize and work on them.

27. Disciplining when angry

Discipline is an integral part of raising children. However, disciplining when
youre angry does not work. Also we tend to shout and speak harshly when in
anger; this too, doesnt go well with the aim of why we are disciplining and
what we are teaching a child.


28. Being inconsistent

Giving consistent messages and clear instructions is the key to have an
uncluttered communication. Letting the child know clearly what is expected of
him/her avoids the confusion and frustration that might pile up otherwise.

29. Always saying yes (or no)

This is a tricky one. If you always give in to your childs demands youre
definitely spoiling them and if you are always rejecting their requests youre
being unfair. The key is to find a perfect balance where youre not always
saying a yes or a no. Give them the reason for your responses so they know
why is their demand getting approved or denied and they will learn out of it.

30. Not trusting your child


This is the worst thing one would ever do their children. Parents are the first
people whom a child would turn to if anything bothers him/her. By not trusting
them youre putting them and yourself in unknown threats from trivial to
serious ones. If they are telling you something, there must be some truth behind
it find it out first before concluding that they are making up stories.

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