Handbook: 2499 Main Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541-882-4151 Welcome!

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2499 Main Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

We are so happy that you have chosen ACS as your childs school. We
consider it a privilege to walk hand in hand with you during these important
and formative years of your childs life.

Our mission is to provide a safe, loving environment that nurtures each
student as they:

Develop a meaningful personal relationship with Jesus Christ

Realize who they are as a unique creation who is valued as a son or
daughter of God
Develop good personal study habits using the talents and learning
styles the Lord has blessed him with
Participate in a rigorous, high-quality, well-rounded education
Practice good sportsmanship and teamwork
Participate in service to their community

About our School

Adventist Christian School in Klamath Falls is part of a worldwide system of
schools run by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, a Protestant denomination
founded upon the belief that Jesus Christ is Creator and Savior as revealed in
the Holy Bible. We believe:

The Bible is the inspired word of God.

Salvation is a free gift from a loving Father, through the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ
We can live an abundant, joyful life by following Jesus and His precepts

Adventists have operated Christian schools for over 100 years (over 60 in
Klamath Falls) These schools provide an atmosphere where young people can
strive for spiritual, academic, physical, and social excellence in a caring and
safe environment. We are one of 30 Adventist schools in the State of
Oregon. We are accredited with the Board of Regents of the General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the North Pacific Union Conference of
Education, and registered with the State of Oregon.

Teachers and Staf

Bobbi DeWeber, with 20 years of experience, 12 in Oregon Conference,
teaches first through eighth grade. She holds a Bachelor of Science in
Education and Psychology from Liberty University, a Bachelor of Science in
History from New Mexico University, and a Masters of Education, emphasis in

Reading from New Mexico University. She holds certification from North
Pacific Union in elementary multiple subjects, and secondary history and
reading. She also holds State of Oregon licensure in Early Childhood
Education, Elementary and Middle level multi-subjects, Secondary Social
Studies, and Reading.
She loves to teach, believing that all children are gifts from God and each are
able to learn and grow in the gifts and abilities that God has given them. Her
favorite activities include hiking, photography, and acrylic painting. She
loves to read and spend time with her three sons with her three beautiful
Donna French is our Pre-K, Kindergarten teacher. Donna considers teaching
to be in her soul! She loves it! She believes that it is a privilege to teach
children, and watch them learn and grow. She has 2 grown children and a
beautiful grandson. Besides teaching she loves to sing, play her guitar, read,
kayak, and crochet.
Charity Rivera is our Teachers Aide. She, along with her husband Fabio, is
rearing three children and loves to sing, read, and share the Good News with
those around her. Her education includes Early Childhood Education and
Dental Assisting.
Cheri McMeekin is our volunteer Secretary. She devotes a good portion of
her time at our school helping in innumerable ways. She is also our Home
and School Leader. Her favorite activities include growing a garden, raising
puppies, and acrylic painting.

School Hours
Monday Thursday: 8:30-3:30
Friday: 8:30-1:30
Students may not leave the school grounds during school hours unless a
family member checks the student out from the teacher. After school a
student must leave with a family member unless he/she has written
permission from parent/guardian.

Students will be instructed in the following areas:


Computer Education
Language Arts
Physical Education
Social Studies

Pre-K and Kindergarten includes Kindermusik, a fun and hands-on curriculum

that introduces children to music concepts and movement. Pre-K introduces
children to reading readiness skills and some early math concepts.
Kindergarten employs the NAD approved Stepping Stones curriculum which
includes math, phonics and reading as appropriate for 5 year olds.

General School Policies

The childs education is a cooperative project of the school and the home.
Homework reinforces what is learned at school and teaches responsibility in
the learner.
Students will have homework if she/he does not get the days assignments
In order to learn responsibility students must learn to turn in their
assignments when it is due, usually the next morning, unless it is a long-term
project. Grades will be diminished if assignments are not turned in on time.
Projects will be assigned throughout the year that will require homework to
complete them. For example book reports approximately every 4 weeks will
need to be prepared and practiced at home. Science and Social Studies
projects will also need some time at home to complete.
Musical Programs:
Throughout the year we will have musical or church programs. The
attendance of your child is imperative at these performances and programs.
We are small in number and every student is missed and their part not
fillable if they are not there. Please help us present quality programs by
having your child attend. Grades will be diminished if your child does not
attend without written excuses from parents at least two weeks before the

In addition to regular classroom quizzes, and unit tests, the Iowa Basic Skills
is administered each fall to students in grades three through eight.
Progress Reports:
The school values open and frequent communication with parents. Progress
reports are issued regularly throughout the year. Progress reports are sent
out mid quarter and report cards are sent out at the end of each quarter. In
addition to written reports teachers are pleased to make themselves
available to parents after school hours whenever the parents desire.
Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled at the end of the first and third

Field Trips
Teachers plan field trips throughout the year that complement their
classroom curriculum. Parents are always welcome to participate in these
activities (after they have cleared the background check as required by
Oregon Conference.) Parents who are able to provide transportation and
chaperone responsibilities are a tremendous blessing to the students and
teachers. (a private transportation form and copy of insurance showing at
least $250,000/500,000 must be on file for all who drive other than their own

Parents are welcome to visit the classroom if prior arrangements have been
made. No students should bring relatives or friends to school without the
prior permission from the teacher and written permission from the visitors
parent or guardian. Student guests must observe school regulations.

Admission Policies
Adventist Christian School has a non-discrimination policy towards students
of color, national or ethnic origin. Students must agree to and support the
principles and regulations of the school.

Enrollment Procedures
Parents of prospective students should call to make an appointment for a
school tour and interview. Prior to entry an enrollment packet will be given.
Enrollment is considered complete and the students may begin school when
the school receives the following:

Completed application form


Registration fee and 1st months tuition

Signed statement of commitment
Academic records from the previous school
Immunization records
Signed parent/student pledge form
A financial agreement signed by all parties responsible for the account
School Board approval

*Note to parents: please submit all paperwork required for admission a

minimum of two weeks prior to the start of school so that the paperwork can
be processed through Finance Committee and School Board.

Criteria for Admission

The School Board makes their decision on student admission based on the

Pre-K is for 4 and 5 year olds

Kindergarten students must turn 5 by September 1st.
First graders must be six years old by September 1st.
Returning students review of prior academic and behavioral
Pre-K, K, and Grade 1 students not in school before are accepted on a
two- week trial basis to determine readiness for school. If not ready,
tuition and registration fee is returned and parent is welcome to
reapply next year
Students transferring in from other schools-review of academic and
behavioral records from prior schools accepted on a 30 day trial
Special needs students- ability of the school to meet the needs of the

Parent Commitment:
Parents or guardian must:

Be in agreement with the philosophy and policies of the school as

outlined in the handbook
Fulfill their financial agreement
Arrange for the transfer of official transcripts from previous schools,
including current immunization records and copy of birth certificate

Student Commitment:

Students must:

Be in agreement with and be willing to cooperate with the philosophy

and policies of the school as outlined in the handbook.
Desire to be a part of a Christian community and be able to behave
and treat others as the Lord would direct
Give evidence of potential academic success in the schools program
Desire to pursue excellence and to develop their God-given abilities
and interests to the full.

Adventist Christian School cannot meet the educational needs of all

students. While the school desires to be a blessing to all, and respects the
value of every child, it cannot adequately accommodate the highly
specialized needs of some students who are academically or behaviorally
challenged. The school board reserves the right to request parents to
withdraw a student whose needs cannot be properly accommodated.

Please notify the teacher of absences for medical or emergency reasons prior
to the absence. Absences for reasons other than illness or emergency must
be pre-arranged with the students teacher. It is the parents responsibility
to ensure the child understands and completes missed classwork.

Immunizations must be current in accordance with Oregon State Law.
Alternately, the parent must follow the state guidelines for exemptions and
provide the form to the school.
By law, teachers are not to administer medication to students without a
written, signed statement from the parent explaining dosage and method of
administration, along with a doctors prescription. If a medication must be
taken at school the parent must give the medication to the teacher to be
locked up until the need to dispense the medication.
Student Injuries:
Minor injuries will be treated with first-aid supplies under the care of the
teacher on duty. In cases of injury or sudden illness that restrict the student
from normal school activity, the parent or parent-designated other person
will be contacted to take the student home. In the case of serious injury or
illness that requires immediate medical attention, and parents cannot be
contacted immediately the student will be taken by ambulance to the
Student Medical Insurance:

All students are covered by school medical insurance. The coverage is for
students engaged in school sponsored and supervised activities. This
insurance is secondary to a familys health insurance plan and covers injuries
only, after the familys insurance pays their part. Any accident must be
reported immediately to qualify for insurance coverage.

Student Appearance Guidelines

The dress code at Adventist Christian School is based on the principles that
students clothing should be neat, clean, modest, and appropriate for the
place and activity without ofending or distracting others.
Specific Guidelines:

Uniforms will be worn to school and school functions. (Jeans and school
T-shirts may be substituted at certain functions as directed by the
o Uniforms consist of white, navy, hunter green, or burgundy polo
shirts (no logo) and khaki or navy twill pants.
o Shorts must be no more than 4 above the kneecap
o Skirts/Jumpers can be navy, burgundy, or khaki. No more than
2 above the kneecap
o Only school supplied (or ordered through the school) sweatshirts
may be worn in class and on school events
Clothes must be free of rips or tears.
No open toed shoes will be worn, shoes in the gym will have a nonmarking sole
Performance attire is black pants and white dress button-up shirt for
boys and black skirt and white dress blouse for girls
Clothing must not allow underclothing, cleavage, or mid-body to be
Hats, hoods, and sunglasses are not to be worn inside
The wearing of jewelry, such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or rings
is inappropriate at school.
Cosmetics, nails, and hair are to be of natural color

Student Conduct Guidelines

Students at Adventist Christian School agree to conduct themselves in a
manner that honors the Lord Jesus Christ and the school. This is true not
only at school but in of-campus activities as well.
Students agree to:

Encourage and facilitate learning

Model and sponsor Christian qualities and principles

Respect and dignify people

Play and behave in a manner that maintains safety for all
Respond positively to authority
Value and care for property (parents are responsible for compensation
for any loss or damage)
Keep their hands, feet, and bodies to themselves unless otherwise
directed by a teacher

In very extreme instances, a student may be suspended or expelled for
defiance or disrespect to teachers, staf, or fellow students, for fighting,
stealing, cheating, dishonesty, damaging school property, profanity,
possession of illegal or harmful substances (including tobacco, alcohol, or
non-prescription drugs) possession of a weapon, verbal or physical
harassment of fellow students, or for repeated violations of school or
classroom regulations.
Each case will be handled on an individual basis depending on the specific
nature of the ofense, and always with an attitude of Christian concern. A
conference with the student, parents, and principal will be held at the time of
suspension, and/or before the suspended student can be readmitted to
school. The principal determines the time of suspension of a student, which
may be from 1-5 days. For very serious matters, expulsion results as an
action of the school board. See Discipline Policy p. 12

Grievance Policy
Matthew 18:15-17 is the model for any disagreement or grievance. If
parents or students have a concern about a school situation, please go
directly to the teacher to discuss the concern after school hours. If the
concern is still an issue please make an appointment with the teacher and
board chair to discuss the situation further.

Financial Policies
The school board reviews tuition and fees annually, and rates for the coming
year are published at the time of re-registration. Every efort is made to keep
tuition at a reasonable level so that families of limited means are not
excluded. All students attending ACS pay reduced tuition due to local and
statewide subsidies.
As a Christian institution, we keenly sense the duty to meet our own financial
obligations to staf and vendors on time. This is only possible when parents
make their tuition payments on schedule. Tuition payments are due on the

first day of each month. Families experiencing temporary difficulty in making

a payment must contact the Finance Committee immediately.
The school will do all it can to work with the family in an understanding
manner. The account for the previous year must be paid before the student
is permitted to enroll for the current school year unless arrangements have
been made with the school finance committee. If the monthly payment is
not received within 30 days of the due date, the students enrollment will be
discontinued automatically unless satisfactory financial arrangements have
been made with the school board.

2015-2016 Fees
Entrance Fee:
$360.00 is a non-refundable fee charged to all students, regardless of
entrance date. It is collected to cover costs for student insurance, library
materials, art supplies, science and PE equipment, textbooks, and to help
subsidize field trips. Entrance fees are due at registration time. Entrance
fees are refunded if a student is not accepted for admission.

$310.00 for nine months
Financial Aid:
Adventist Christian School ofers limited financial aid for tuition when there is
a financial need. Please see the Finance Committee Chair for details.

Home and School Association

The Home and School Association exists to help provide materials and events
that enrich students. The Association consists of parents, teachers, and
church members that have a desire to provide an excellent education and
fun activities to our students. They meet regularly and invite any parent or
interested party to attend and be an important part of our school. See Cheri
McMeekin for further information.

Contact Information
Adventist Christian School
2499 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601



Bobbi DeWeber


Interim School Board Chairman

Fabio Rivera


School Treasurer
Marilee Ager


Steve Dayen


Associate Superintendent
David Davies




Parent and Student Pledge

Parents or guardian pledge:
I agree to and will uphold the philosophy and policies of the Adventist
Christian School as is outlined in the ACS handbook.
I will support and encourage my child/children to follow and uphold the
expectations and policies of Adventist Christian School.
I will volunteer, as Im able, in order to enrich the school and its program.
I will fulfill my financial agreement with Adventist Christian School.
As a parent of a new student, I will arrange for the transfer of official
transcripts from previous schools, including current immunization records
and copy of birth certificate.
Parent Signature


Parent Signature


Students pledge:
I am in agreement with, and am willing to cooperate with the expectations
and policies of ACS as outlined in their handbook.
I desire to be a part of a Christian community and will behave and treat
others, as Jesus would have me to.
I will listen during instruction and respect and obey my teachers.

I will do my personal best on my school assignments.

I will turn my assignments in on time, understanding that a grade deduction
will be given if I dont.
I will be respectful to adults, and students at my school.
_______________________________________________________ _____________________
Student Signature



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