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Needs Assessment Cycle

Krista Jackson
September 14, 2015
Justin Atwood


Needs Assessment Cycle

Table of Contents:
Page 1: Cover Page
Page 2: Table of Contents
Page 3 - 4*: Speakers notes
Page 5 - 11: Needs Assessment Cycle Outline
Page 12 - 22: Needs Assessment Proposal
Page 23 - 24: Budget Example
Page 25: Specific Dates to mark on the calendar
Page 26: References

*Speakers notes pages will only be included in their copy of the Needs Assessment. They will
assist the speaker while making the proposal for the needs assessment cycle meeting.
*Speakers notes: Introduction (Getting their attention.)


What brings all of us here today is an experience I had that made me realize there may be
a need out there that is not being addressed. I live off of the access road of North Interstate 35. I
hear tire blowouts all of the time, and I can tell the difference between the sound of an accident.
They are a pretty common occurrence around here in San Marcos. I heard a terrible crash very
early in the morning, so I grabbed my keys and cane and went outside. Two cars had finally
stopped, and both were on either side of the truck, but not too close, and they were each standing
by their cars just staring at this truck that was flipped over. I started running as fast as I could and
asked where they were, one said I do not know, and the other said I called 911. I immediately
walked around the vehicle assessing on how to get in and checking for any gasoline smell. The
young man could not get out of either door and before I could help with the side door, he
climbed out of the small back window we got open. I told him there was no gasoline smell, to
take his time, and that everything was okay. I asked if there was anyone else in the car, and there
was not. I asked if he had been drinking, and explained it was not for the police. It was in case he
sustained any internal injuries he may not be feeling while in shock and under the influence of
any substance. He used the lady's phone to call his parents, and then I started assessing his
mental state. I asked him his full name, the month, the date, the day, the president, and if he had
hit his head or was feeling any pain anywhere. I had him sit down because he was in shock, and I
kept talking to him until the EMT's got there and let them know what had happened. They took
over from there, but no one else at the scene even got close to the vehicle, and then I was already
helping, so they just watched. I was amazed that they were just standing there while I was trying
to help. They had no idea what to do, and the truck was flipped over. They thought the worst, and
they did not know how to handle a situation like that.
What do you think the need(s) are in this story?


What is something that just does not seem right in this story?
What would you have done in the situation compared to the other two individuals?
Do you see something that is possibly missing?
Is there even a need that should be looked into more?
(Give them time to answer these questions, and have an excellent discussion about the story.
Have them think about their responses, and to bring up more at any time.)
* "I feel like there may be a need related to the number or car accidents in this town."

*Page 3 & 4 are both Speakers notes, and they will not be in the copy for the audience.

*(True story with names omitted.)


Needs Assessment Cycle

Planning Phase
Step 1: What is the problem or issue?

A Felt Need, (Royse, 2010, p. 57): Knowledge of what to do on the scene of an accident
to help before professionals get to the scene.

Step 2: Who would your target population be?

The San Marcos City


Local Residents

Community-based assessment

Step 2: Who would be a part of a secure a stable planning team.

Krista Jackson (Myself)

Student Volunteers (at least one with technology experience)

Official EMT

Other Staff not on the planning team

o Volunteers
o Individual with technological experience
o Affordable expert help if necessary
o Other community individuals concerned about the problem and want to get

Step 3: Are there any existing data and information?


There is not any existing data on a needs assessment, program, or assistance that deals
with this topic that I could find.

Step 4: What are the diverse characteristics of the target populations?


Local residents

The rest needs to be collected in statistics during the data collection

Step 5: What data do you need to collect?

Population of San Marcos

o Population of students

The students age range

The students driving records (accidents or totaled cars)

o Population of Local Residents

The age ranges of local residents

The driving records of local residents (accidents or totaled cars)

o Any other population that may be located during the data collection

Number of Car Accidents a Year for the past 10 to 20 years from the Police Department
o Percentages of car accidents each year
o Percentages of totaled car accidents each year


o Percentages of fatal car accidents

Percentage of People who have knowledge at the scene before professionals get there.
They would only have a CPR certification because there is not one for this needs
assessment yet. It would be impossible to find this information out, but they could try
during data collecting. Police do not talk to the people who were on the scene unless they
saw the accident, so anyone else that was around or helped has to back up, and let them
do their job.

During surveys and questionnaires, we can figure out in the needs assessment the
percentage of people who are interested in the idea of a type of emergency medical
o Percentage of people who would take a class for free
o Percentage of people who would pay to take the class

How many people die of injuries each year because they did not get help in time? (5
mins, 10 mins, 15 mins, 20 mins, and etc.).

Interviews with
o Paramedics/EMT
o Emergency Response Team
o Police
o Fire Departments
o Each will have valuable information and data on skills that would be beneficial in
situations to prevent further injuries or death


Available resources
o Budget for starting costs
o Starting resources available
o Budget for extra costs in the future
o Estimate of any extra costs for savings
o Any foundations that would help fund the needs assessment
o Other creative ways to fund the needs assessment

o Our team
o Residents of the community
o Drivers
o Families
o EMT, and other assistance that arrives at the scene

Time allotted for the needs assessment

o One year to gather enough information, and do the needs assessment to assess if
there is a need

Step 6: What would your data collection methods be, and why?


Secondary Data Analysis: To get the statistics, percentages and information, (Royse,
2010, p. 62).

Accredited and currently up to date information online, in the library, or any other source
of data, this can also be used for the secondary data analysis

Nominal Group Technique: To go along with the introduction story, so we can assess if
we see a significant issue. (Royse, 2010, p. 66).

Survey 1: To see if others in the community feel the need for the problem/issue. If they
do, then we can continue one, and if they do not then, we know to cease the idea.

Survey 2: To see how many people have any type of certification, medical knowledge, or
knowing the protocol.

Questionnaire: To see how much knowledge the population of San Marcos has on this

Data Collection Phase

Step 7: What will the sampling strategy be?

Probability Sampling will be used to select the surveys for samples

o They are random selections of the population of the surveys
o They will show more accurate and unbiased information
o One of the volunteers on the planning team should be experienced with sampling

Their experience will assist in training for other personnel keeping the
budget free from this expense



o Samples should not be too large to compare the data on the population of students
to community residents. We plan to survey the whole community, so we just need
an idea for smaller samples.
Step 8: How would you design and pilot the data collection instrument?

First, we would assess as a planning team how we would like to collect information

Second, with the idea of knowledge of what you do at the scene of an accident
o An EMT would have to help with the questions
o The survey would be broken up into three sections:

True or False (Truth or Myth), to get their interest

Multiple Choice questions on their knowledge of procedures and safety at

the first at the scene of a car accident.

Open-ended questions with the story at the beginning added to this part.
These questions will tell us if they see the same need or if other needs are
more important that we are missing and do not realize it.

o To make sure the survey is sound I would contact a former facilitator or colleague
to look it over for the feedback.
o We would have out samples to students on campus that want to be involved in the
pilot test, and then go out in the community.
Step 9: How will we gather and record data

There will be a data team that gathers specific information:



o One person should talk to the professionals on protocols for medical emergencies
for car accidents
o One person should collect the police data and percentages
o One person should give out the surveys to students and local residents and collect
the data
o One person should organize all of the data after the other three have looked over
their work

Interviews are possible, but with all of the data we are gathering, I would suggest very
few just to get an idea of if they are helpful to our needs assessment

Most data will be collected with the surveys and questionnaires

o The experienced in data gathering volunteer on the planning team will help with
recording the data.

They will also be training the planning team and other volunteers helping
with this portion of the needs assessment

o The data is qualitative and quantitative, so those need to be focused on more.

They will yield the most accurate recorded data
Data Analysis and Reporting Phase
Step 10: How will we analyze data?

The data analyzed will be collected from the community

Two types of data:



o Quantitative: There will be a simple spreadsheet to input the descriptive statistics

information from the surveys and questionnaires
o Qualitative: The planning team should go through these and use the information
they gathered. If part of their information were a different focus on another need,
it would be put aside for further discussion. More than one planning team member
will look at the qualitative data.

Our expert on gathering data volunteer on the planning team plays a

significant role in this part of the needs assessment also.

Step 11: How will we manage data?

Always back up all of your information that you obtain

Information should be inputted electronically with some "code" so others cannot

understand the information without the code breaker.
o The code breaker should be kept with two of the members of the planning team,
including one as the leader
o The leader will also have two backup copies of all information on two different
external hard drives just in case anything happens to the computers and one of the
hard drives.
o All information will stay protected under the planning team.
o Information on when paper copies should be shredded, or other information
dealing with data will depend on circumstances, like who is funding us.

Step 12: How will we synthesize information and create a report?



The steps will be followed for the needs assessment:

o Problem: There are very frequent car accidents in San Marcos, TX. Before
emergency personnel get to the scene, the injured person could possibly need help
immediately, so it will help not sustain any further injuries or death.
o Cause: People using the information that they have been told, or do nothing
because they have no idea what to do.
o These will all be shown with all of our steps we will follow to complete our needs
assessment. For the final documentation, there will be a presentation and visuals
of if there is a "need". This document was created as a paper/summary form for
our presentation of information of a potential needs assessment.
o No information will be omitted to favor our results because that is unethical

*Layout of the outline, (Needs Assessment, 2015).



Needs Assessment Proposal

I think most of us have been in a car accident, or knows someone who has been in a car
accident. For this proposal, it is a felt need, meaning that this need was perceived as being
necessary and beneficial, (Royse, 2010, p.57). There are too many car accidents in such a highly
college populated town, and people do not know exactly what to do if they are first on the scene.
We should be thinking of the lives of these students and residents, and how we can help them in
emergencies as a community.
. The purpose of this proposal for a needs assessment is the possibility of more
knowledge of how to handle a car accident when you are first at the scene of an accident. More
than one person must feel or see that there is a potential need, and I hope the evidence in my
proposal will be helpful with feedback.
Car accidents seem very common in San Marcos, TX, and I believe it does not help that it
is a highly populated college student town. In our community, I feel like we should care and help
others when we have the knowledge, especially if they are in dire need of assistance. The needs
assessment would just be a community level needs assessment to begin with for easier budgets
and funding. Knowledge of what to do first on the scene of a car accident is the purpose of the
proposal of a possible needs assessment.
Time Allotted:
We would like a year to complete the planning and needs assessment to assess if there is a
need, and if we can do anything to assist in the situation.
Existing Data:



There are no information or programs out there on this problem/issue, and a reasonable
amount of time needs to be allotted for the needs assessment. More time to gather data would
help get the most accurate information in the results in the end to assess if there is a need.
Target Population & Target Populations Characteristics:
Our target population would be the City of San Marcos, TX, students, and local residents.
We do not want to overwhelm the needs assessment, even though there are areas nearby that
would benefit. Starting small to see if there is a possible need is the main focus, so just assessing
the whole population of this smaller town would be more attainable and affordable. If the target
population participates in our needs assessment, then it can still yield just as accurate information
of a larger population because we are assessing a whole town. The target population's
characteristics that are the main focus are the residents: students or local residents. Their
background, ethnicity, culture, gender, or age does not affect the idea of more knowledge. We
want to stay ethical; it is best to stay away from those topics because they are not relevant to the
information needed at this time.
Planning Team:
Next, we would make a secure and stable planning team that would consist of a few
individuals to guide the needs assessment. Other staff will be needed for this assessment, but the
first focus is who the main top decision makers. That would include Leader Krista Jackson,
Official EMT, and a couple student volunteers with at least one with technology experience. The
Leader and Official EMT would plan out most of the process since the EMT has more
knowledge and expertise he would give us more information. Using student volunteers helps
with the budget because they are volunteering and want a good recommendation on their resume.
They will be even more motivated because they would be with the head of the team, and that



does look even better on a resume. Interviews with the right volunteers for the head of the team
would be looked at closely. The extra staff for the needs assessment would be volunteers, more
student volunteers, more individuals with technological experience, and any other individuals
concerned about the problem and would like to be involved. Volunteers that are not paid should
only have to work 4 to 8 hours a week on their responsibilities. They can request more time to
work on the assessment if they would like. Everyone that wants to participate, even if it is just
filling out a survey, is always welcome in the needs assessment.
Data Gathering:
One of the most important parts is gathering the data for analysis. Data gathering should
be one of your first things to focus on to get more information. During the data gathering we may
realize that there is not a need, so to pursue and go any further would be a waste of resources.
The first data to focus on would be statistics and percentages of data, and most of the census data
can come from, (Royse, 2010, p. 62).
1. Key information to gather for in the San Marcos, TX target population:

Population of students in San Marcos, TX

o The student's age ranges percentage
o The students driving records with accidents or totaled cars included for more
thorough data collected

Population of the local residents of San Marcos, TX

o The age range of local residents compared to drivers
o The driving records of local residents with accidents or totaled cars included for
more thorough data collected



Any other population differences we may have to include if seen necessary

2. Key information to gather for in the San Marcos, TX car accidents and information:

The number of Car Accidents a Year for the past 10 to 20 years. We will compare the
information and see if there has been an increase or decrease or a variation.
o Percentages of car accidents each year, and if they have increased or decreased
over the years
o Percentages of totaled car accidents each year, and if they have increased or
decreased over the years
o Percentages of fatal car accidents, and if they have increased or decreased over
the years

Number of People who know what to do on the scene of an accident to help the drivers
that may have injuries or need help. The help of surveys and questionnaires will help
assess this topic.

During surveys and questionnaires, we can figure out in the needs assessment the
percentage of people who are interested in the idea of a type of emergency medical
o Percentage of people who would take a class for free
o Percentage of people who would pay to take the class

Interviews with



o Paramedics/EMT
o Emergency Response Team
o Police
o Fire Departments
o Each will have valuable information and data on skills that would be beneficial in
situations to prevent further injuries or death

How many people die of injuries each year because they did not get help in time?

o 5 minutes?
o 10 minutes?
o 15 minutes?
o 20 minutes? Etc. If it is relevant and helps
From here we would look at the information and discuss the data gathered.

The data could show that since this is such a highly populated college student town there
are more accidents.

The data could show that many people sustain worse injuries or die because of no
immediate help before professionals get there.



The data could show the number of local residents that have accidents compared to the
college students.

The data could show you that people want to know more about what to do except call
911. If the people feel there is a need, then you could have a valid needs assessment that
would be more likely approved.

After, we can figure out if there is any more data that might need to be included to make the data
sound. Another list of data you should have is the stakeholders in the needs assessment. In this
needs assessment, the stakeholders are the team because when you have no team there would be
no recognition of the problem trying to be addressed. The drivers are big stakeholders in this
needs assessment because we are focusing on the driver and passengers. The residents of the San
Marcos community would be safer potentially and more knowledgeable, so they are part of our
stakeholders as well. EMT's and other rescue services that help in accidents are stakeholders
because knowledgeable individuals would be a great asset especially if it takes them a while to
arrive at the scene. It is essentially everyone in the community that could be, and they are the
stakeholders in this needs assessment.
Available Resources & Budget:
Next we have to talk about the budget and available resources that we have already for
the needs assessment. At this point in time, we need to know our budget for starting costs, and
our resources we are starting out with in the beginning. We also need the estimated budget for
costs in the future and save the money for any difficult situation. Our budget is listed on page 14



for a more in-depth look at the budget. We will only have a limit of $2,500 to start out with on
our budget, so we have to get the essentials, and the first part of our assessment materials first.
We have to assess what our budget is, and if any other foundations or community services would
help with donations. There may be creative or different ideas not thought of yet for help funding
with the needs assessment that can be collected during the data collection. For example, we are
lucky to live in a highly populated college town that needs volunteer experience on their
resumes. Lastly, the resources available at this time are limited, but because of the topic of the
possible need it would be easy to get local donations to help protect students and local residents.
This information can also be gathered and documented with data gathering. As a planning team,
we would have to come together to decide on what resources we would use once we have
information on who will donate or help. In the beginning though we can talk to local churches to
get started on funds so that we may start our needs assessment. They are usually more willing to
donate, and especially for a good cause that could help keep people in their community and their
church community safe. Other ideas will be discussed in the budget area while we go through
assessing if there is a need.
Data Collection Methods:

Lastly is how we would be what methods we would use to collect data, and why
we would choose these methods. There are four methods the planning team has decided
on using to collect data, and if we need more diverse methods for the needs assessment,
we will reconvene for other ideas. The four methods we will use are secondary data
analysis, online data, nominal group technique, surveys, and questionnaires. The
secondary data analysis will give us the statistics and percentages of information that is
needed. Individuals that are good with technology should be doing anything to do with



gathering data when it is on a computer. Accredited and currently up to date information

online, in the library, or other sources of data would be useful to compare statistics and
percentages. The nominal group technique goes along with the introduction story. We can
use it to assess the problem to see if it is an important issue for "need". We will conduct
surveys to see if others in the community feel the need for the problem/issue. We will
conduct a second survey to see how many people have had any type of certification,
medical knowledge, or knowing the protocol for the situation. The volunteers will mail
the surveys to every individual, and had them out in public areas and the school. They
should mention to the only turn in the survey once. Their opinion matters a lot, and if
they do not see a need, and they would not participate, and then we know there is no
need. Lastly, volunteers would hand these out, and we would use questionnaires to see
how much knowledge the population of San Marcos has on this problem/issue.
Decide on a Sampling Strategy:
The sampling strategy we would use would be the probability sampling for the survey
samples. They will yield more accurate results of the population as a whole because they are a
random selection of the surveys to sample. The random selection helps where the process holds
no bias information that could be detrimental.
On the planning team, there will be one volunteer that is experienced with sampling and
data gathering to assist us without affecting our budget. When sampling for surveys, do not pick
the whole population, but a decent size to back up your purpose of the needs assessment. The
main focus will be hoping that we can pick a decent amount of the two main populations (college
students and local residents) during random selection. The volunteer with more experience will
be able to use the percentages of students to local residents, and if we picked enough random
surveys to represent each with the differences in the population of the two main residents.



The Pilot and Data Collection Methods:

First, we would assess as a planning team in a meeting on how we would like to collect
the information together cohesively as possible. Second, it should have the idea of knowledge
from professionals of how to help someone at the scene of a car accident. The EMT would help
with gathering good informative questions.
The survey would be broken up into three sections:

Truth or Myth (True of False): this will get the individual filling out the survey interested.
It would have a few common myths to answer that the EMT would clear up the answers
for us.

Multiple Choice Questions: These would be on their knowledge of procedures and safety
at the scene of a car accident.

Open Ended Questions: Include the story in the beginning, so we can assess if they see
the same need that we did, or if they see other needs that we should be looking more into

We must make our survey sound, so I would contact a former facilitator or colleague to look over
the survey for feedback. We would hand out samples to students on the campus that would like to
be involved in the pilot test. Then we would follow the same direction going out to get the
community involved in the survey as well. We need the whole community to come together on
safety issues.



Gathering and Reporting Data:

Interviews are mentioned, and they are possible, but with all of the data we are gathering
I would suggest a small sample of interviews to begin with just in case. We need to know if they
are helpful or not because they could be a waste of time and resources with all of the other
information we have gathered already. This data will be collected with the surveys and
questionnaires mentioned. The experienced volunteer in data gathering on the planning team
would help with recording the data. They would also be head of the training process for the
volunteers that would like to be involved. The data is qualitative and quantitative with our
methods so far, and should be more of our focus because they can give us the most accurate
recorded data.

There will be a data team that gathers specific information:

o One person should talk to the professionals on protocols for medical emergencies
for car accidents
o One person should collect the police data and percentages
o One person should give out the surveys to students and local residents and collect
the data
o One person should organize all of the data after the other three have looked over
their work

Analyze Data:
The data analyzed will be collected from the community including college students and
local residents. The two types of data that we will analyze are quantitative and qualitative. The
quantitative data will be inputted in a simple spreadsheet of the descriptive statistics information
from the surveys and questionnaires. It is all about numbers and how things are measured



visually. Qualitative data collected will be with the planning team because they will go through
these and use the information they gathered. If the participant brings up a valid point, we will put
it aside for further discussion on the topic. More than one planning team member will look at
each one for more accurate qualitative analyzed data. The expert on gathering data on the
planning team will play a big role in this part of the needs assessment in guiding us and training
us effectively.
Manage Data:
Our data management will be very safe and secure where no one else can access the
private information of individuals. Even if their name is not included the information provided
can give someone an idea of the person or people. We back up all of the information we obtain
on the computers and two external hard drives. The information should be inputted electronically
with some "code" (Needs Assessment, 2015), so that others cannot understand the information
without the code breaker. The code breaker should be kept with two or three of the planning team
members, including one as the leader of the planning team. The leader will also have two backup
copies in different safe locations. The copies will ensure that if anything happened to the
computers and one of the hard drives there is still one more backup. All of the information
gathered will stay protected under the planning team. Information on paper copies, or other
information that may need to be disposed of, depending on who is funding us, and the sensitivity
of the information.
Synthesize Information and Make the Report:
All of these steps will be followed for our needs assessment and documented for the
report. Our main focus is the problem and cause. Our problem is that there are frequent car



accidents in San Marcos, TX. Before emergency personnel get to the scene, the injured person
could possibly need help immediately, so it will help not sustain any further injuries or death.
The cause is that people are using the information they have been told, or they do nothing
because they have no idea what to do. If you do not have the right knowledge, it is a safety risk
to anyone that may ever be in a car accident. All of this information will be shown with all of our
steps we are going to follow to complete our needs assessment. For the final documentation,
there will be a presentation and visuals if there is a "need". This document was created in a
paper/summary proposal form four our presentation of information for the potential needs
assessment. The information will not be omitted to favor our results because that would be
unethical. Nothing unethical will happen under this needs assessment while I am the leader, and
if a volunteer does I would deal with the situation appropriately.
In this proposal, I have educated you on how I would set up my needs assessment of this
problem/issue. I believe that our "need" is that we need some program to help gain knowledge on
what to do in these situations. The program could lead to some certificate, as you would have for
CPR. The program if it is needed could go nationwide if we can get the essential and accurate
data, and improve during each needs assessment of the potential program. Every program that is
started has the potential of getting bigger, but you must have patience, and you must always be
thorough in your needs assessment.



Budget Example
Starting Budget:

$2,500 and this will cover our beginning costs of starting our assessment and more. The
extra will be put aside for extra costs in the future.

No Cost:

Student Volunteers

Volunteers from the community

Any donations or funding

Members bringing food to meetings

Volunteer EMT


Paper & Ink

Possible incentive for surveys or questionnaires

If there was no other choice, possible professional help



People who are looking for payment and not volunteer work, but you could make it
volunteer only except for essentials.

Postage & Envelopes

Time, but the dedication pays off in the end

Starting costs:
Computers: depends on our funds, but at least four would be good to start with
Paper and Ink: for the surveys and questionnaires
Postage & Envelopes: for mailing out surveys or questionnaires

Starting resources:
Planning team: to get the assessment started
EMT: to get specific data for information after an accident
Donations from churches or local businesses: this is to start off the assessment with funds
before we locate more funds if necessary
*There are not any estimated costs that could be defined accurately without starting data analysis
on the needs assessment. These are examples of costs/no costs that will occur in the budget.



Once we know there is a need, we can make a more accurate estimate of the budget, but I have
reduced costs by using different resources and my community as an asset.



Specific Dates to Mark on the Calendar

We will begin at the beginning of 2016:
January 2nd May 1st, 2016: Time to collect data and plan with the planning team.
May 1st July 1st, 2016: Time to look at all of the data that was filled out and organize the
July 1st December 28th, 2016: Time to look at the reports and figure out if there is a need, and
start planning the best way to go about the final decision.
*Each month we will all come together as a whole team to discuss any topics and due dates.
*Each month the planning team will meet twice a month at least; to stay up to date on the
information and what it is going on.



Needs Assessment. (2015). Retrieved from NOAA Coastal Management:
Royse, D., Thyer, B., & Padgett, D. (2010). Program evaluation: An introduction (5th ed.).
Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

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