Biology-Alternative To Practicals

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Food Tests:

Hydrogencarbonate indicator:

Hydrogencarbonate indicator is purple in alkaline conditions, red in neutral

conditions and
yellow in acidic conditions.

Test for oxygen:

Introduce glowing splint- glowing splint rekindles

How would you use this apparatus to obtain reliable results to show
the effect of
differing light intensities on the production of oxygen?

Two from, for design of experiment:

1. method for setting up different light intensities; (bright light in
introduction - so maybe dimmer or less light but must have detail of how this is
to be achieved/distances away from
light bulb/AW)
2. describe how to control a factor that may alter rate over a certain time
(temperature heat shield, carbon dioxide by adding hydrogen
3. additional feature of design (same time period for comparison of
results/eliminate background light, carry out investigation in a darkened
room/replicates/ repetition/same
piece of pondweed/recovery time
between sets of measurements AW)

Magnification = Observed size/Actual size
Calculation to be stated with x symbol in front
Describe an investigation that you could carry out to show the need
in seed germination for one of the conditions.
1. identification of one workable condition from (a) for investigation - two
sets one with and one without;

2. idea of sample size many seeds, a few seeds must be more than one
seed for repetition idea;
3. some common factor of treatment between the two sets [with and
without the condition] under investigation; (equal watering, equal number
of seeds, same species AW)
4. left to grow for same time period; (if stated minimum 1 + days, accept
up to 3 weeks)
Description of curves:
Use words such as rises steadily, does not rise, rises slightly, flattens etc.
In the human alimentary canal, starch is broken down by amylase. The pH of
the alimentary canal varies between pH 2 and pH 8.5. Suggest how you could
investigate the effect of pH on the activity of amylase.
1 same amount / volume / concentration of amylase;
2 same amount / volume / concentration of starch;
3 same temperature; 4 vary pH, at least 3 for a range ;
5 reasonable suggested detail to obtain a different pH, ideally use of
6 regular timing for testing;
7 repetition;
8 3 named items of apparatus selected; [ to include reference to timer /
white tile/ test tubes / beakers / water bath / stirrer etc]
Determine the surface area of your picture. Explain how you worked out your
The surface area can be determined by counting the number of squares
and marking the
squares which have been counted to avoid
miscounting. Squares which are covered more than half should only be
Outline the importance of seed dispersal away from the parent plant.
reduce competition of seedlings/ stop crowding/ over population; more
space / light / water
/ minerals / nutrients; avp, inhibition/ colonise new
It has been suggested that petal colour is important to attract insects to
collect nectar and to pollinate the flowers. Outline how you would carry out an
investigation to find out which petal colour would attract most insects.
1 choice of one type/same species of flower with different colour
flowers/coloured cards; [not petals alone].
2 arrange flower(s) in separate colour blocks/in separate areas/places;
3 record the number of visits/observe where most insects visit; [easy
4 set time period specified e.g. minutes or hours; [days are too long]
5 keep other variables constant e.g. water/turgidity of
flowers/background/time of day/AVP;
6 repeating experiment;
Some insect-pollinated flowers do not have brightly coloured petals to attract
insects to collect nectar. Suggest how insects might be attracted to these
odour or scent or smell/shape e.g. resemble female insect/detail of flower
to attract insect e.g. honeyguides or markings on petals/brightly coloured
bracts or sepals/reference to UV light for moths

Two cress seeds were germinated in shallow dishes, which were placed in
boxes as shown in Fig. 3.1. The boxes were placed by a sunlit window. The
dishes were removed from the boxes after a week and the seedlings
any four from: 1 idea of repeats/more seeds/more boxes; 2 grown under same
temperature; 3 same species/same number/same age or size; 4 same
watering/humidity/AW; 5 grown in same substrate/cotton wool; 6
measurements calculate average/mean;
Describe how you would test for the presence of reducing sugars in a sample
grind in water;
add Benedicts solution(s);
colour change;

Describe the processes involved in the changes of directional growth of the

shoot of the seedling.
1 phototropism;
2 geotropism
; 3 positive or negative ( in context);
4 growth;
5 mitosis;
6 leaf / cell enlargement;
7 differentiation into xylem or phloem;
8 photosynthesis;
9 respiration;
10 auxins;
Woodlice prefer dark and moist conditions. Suggest how this behaviour might
help woodlice to survive in their natural habitat.
largest number in damp conditions; to stop drying out and/or to be less
conspicuous; hide under cover for survival; not exposed to sun and dry out;
Fig 3.1 shows a choice chamber. This apparatus can be used to study the
behaviour of small invertebrates, such as woodlice, in different conditions. 60
woodlice were introduced through the central hole. The four sections of the
choice chamber had different conditions as shown in Fig. 3.1.
dark and dry
dark and moist
light and dry
light and moist
The choice chamber was left undisturbed for 10 minutes.
The numbers of woodlice in each section were counted.
The numbers were recorded in Table 3.1.
These woodlice were released into their natural environment.
The investigation was repeated with three more samples of woodlice.
Suggest how you could improve this investigation to make the results more
fresh sample so first time / no previous experience/AW;
different chambers no scent;
more woodlice;

equilibrate apparatus between trials;

monitor temperature / one named variable;
level bench / turn or rotate chamber
Explain why it is necessary to measure the length of more than one seedling
and calculate the mean.
variation / reliability / reduce (percentage) error / reproducible / to eliminate
differences / mutation / AW ;
A nutritional drink was said to contain simple sugars and protein. Describe
how you could find out if these food substances were present in the drink.]
1. separate sample for each test;
2. equal volume of each sample;
3. simple sugars :- Benedicts ;
4. heat / boil; ignore warm
5. stays blue is negative
6. blue to green / yellow / orange / brown / red / AW;
7. protein:- biuret or sodium/potassium hydroxide + copper sulphate;
8. blue to mauve / purple/violet;
9. repeat;
10. safety -not tasting;
11. general safety point;
Accept as alternative to points above 3a clinistix; 6a pink to purple; 7a
albustix; 8a yellow to green;
Describe an investigation you could carry out to compare the reducing sugar
content of these two fruits. Include any safety precautions you will need to
Procedure: any four from: 1 equal sample of fruit; 2 crush fruit/chopping into
small pieces; 3 Benedicts/Clinistix; 4 heating/boiling; (not warming) 5 same
time for heating/look at same time; 6 comparison of colours/check
colours/see which changes colour fastest; (pink to purple for clinistix) 7 AVP;
(including same volume of Benedicts/water) Safety: any two from: 8 safety
glasses/goggles; 9 lab-coat (for protection); 10 test-tube holders or tongs 11
caustic chemicals/clear spillage/point away from people; 12 tie back hair (to
prevent burning)/tuck in ties;
Humans and other mammals are able to maintain a relatively constant body
temperature, despite widely ranging environmental temperatures. Mammals,
unless adapted to living in water, seem to prefer not to get wet. Three flasks
were set up as shown in Fig. 1.1. Each flask represents a hot mammal cooling
down. Flask A had nothing around the flask. This represents a hairless
mammal. Flask B had a dry covering of cotton cool around the flask. This
represents a mammal with dry fur. Flask C had a wet covering of cotton wool
soaked in water around the flask. This represents a mammal with wet fur.
Each flask was covered with a lid through which a thermometer was
suspended. The bulb of the thermometer was immersed in the water, but did
not touch the sides of the flask. Each flask was filled with an equal volume of
hot water. The temperature of the water in each flask was measured as it
cooled. Readings were taken every 2 minutes and recorded in Table 1.1. A
laboratory clock was used to check the time.
Describe three ways in which this investigation was a fair test.
same size containers/same (shape) apparatus; thermometers similar
range/suspended in same position/did not touch glass; same

volume/amount of water; start at same temperature/70 C; readings at

same time intervals/AW; lids (the same);
Describe two improvements which would increase the accuracy and reliability
of this investigation.
same (external) conditions/surrounded by shield/prevent draughts; equal
cotton wool for B and C; repeats/calculate the average; more frequent
readings (not continuing for longer time); more accurate/digital
thermometer; stirring water/heat evenly distributed; use of stop clock/own

Explain why it is advisable to repeat readings at least three times

reliability / reduce error / show anomalies
Describe how you would carry out tests on the garlic and the potato to
compare the starch content and the reducing sugar content. Include any
necessary safety precautions.
1 two equal samples (by mass or size) / equal reagents (by volume or
concentration), 2 comparative point e.g. intensity of colour / positive and
negative; (ignore time factor) Starch 3 iodine solution / iodine in KI; 4 black if
positive / remains colour of iodine solution if negative; Sugars 5 crush / grind /
extract with water; 6 add Benedicts solutions or named chemicals; 7 heat
(not warm); 8 colour change given green / yellow / orange / red / remains blue
if negative; Safety S9 use of water bath safety; S10 test tube holders; S11
safety / laboratory spectacles; S12 use of lab coat; S13 tie / hair tied back;
Suggest why it is possible to feel the pulse at the thumb and wrist.
)1 artery; (R vein and capillary) 2 surge / wave / AW of blood; 3 near the
surface; 4 pressure against bone or cartilage;
Potato crops are grown for their carbohydrate content.
Describe how you could safely test the two species of potato to compare
their carbohydrate content.
starch equal sample size of each potato; ONCE iodine solution / iodine in KI /
iodine reagent; same concentration / volume of iodine solution; expected
colour change; (yellow / orange / red brown to blue / blue black / purple)
compare colour change; (how fast / darker) (using colorimeters) Safety one
from: Tie back hair / tie; ONCE Safety goggles / spectacles; ONCE Lab coat;
ONCE 2. equal samples same volume of water / same preparation / grinding;
ONCE Benedicts reagent; same volume / amount of Benedicts solution;
heating; expected colour change; (blue green / orange / red) compare
colours; (intensity of colour or timing of colour change) (use of colorimeters)
Safety one from: water bath; test-tube holders; same as above
Design an experiment to find out the effect of pH on seed germination.
1. same batch of seeds / same type / same maturity; 2. same volume of
solution; 3. same environmental conditions of oxygen; 4. same environmental
conditions of light / warmth; 5. same number of seeds for each test; 6. wash
surface of seeds first to remove juice of fruit chemicals / bacteria / spores /
AW; 7. suitable range of pH solutions / suggest 3 or more named pH / acid
solutions; 8. how obtained such as use of buffers or named liquids e.g.
vinegar.; 9. same period of time for soaking or germinating; 10. repeat whole
procedure / two + dishes or use replicas at the same time; 11. plot graph;

Describe how you would safely test samples of green leaves and meat to find
out which has more fat.
Fat: equal amounts food; equal amounts reagents; grind up / homogenise
food; add ethanol / alcohol/methanol; dissolve the fat; pour / decant into tube
of water / add water; emulsion / cloudiness / goes white / milky; compare;
safety precautions;
Some students investigated the variation in the number of spines on the holly
leaves. Fig. 2.2 shows the outline of twenty holly leaves that they collected
from the same tree. Count the number of spines on each leaf and complete
the tally chart in Table 2.1. Suggest how you might improve this investigation.
larger sample size ; leaves from trees of same species; use leaves of the
same maturity / size / age / AW; sample set number of leaves from growing
point e.g. 3rd leaf back; make sure all from same height of tree;
Bar Graphs
A axes orientation and labels; S scale to fill greater than half of grid and to
be even (as far as possible); P heights of columns; N neat lines ruler used
and columns of equal width
Students investigated samples of amylase from 100 goats. 100 small filter
paper discs were each soaked in a different sample of goat amylase. The
students tested the activity of these amylase samples using plain paper. Plain
paper contains starch. A circle of plain paper was placed into a Petri dish as
shown in Fig. 1.1. Iodine solution was used to stain the starch in the plain
paper. Suggest two reasons for the differences in amylase activity of the
age difference / gender difference / different types of goat / genetic difference
/ health of goat / concentration of enzyme (in saliva) / diet / hunger level /
Suggest three ways in which you could improve this investigation
longer final time period; 2. more frequent readings; 3. do a control or
description of boil and cool the saliva or use water; 4. One control variable
( paper, pH, temperature, saliva amount, same volume of sample, type of
goat etc); 5. repeats or replicates; 6. calculate mean / average; 7. more
precise timing device;
Suggest and explain how changing weather conditions would: help disperse
the fruits away from the parent plant, allow them to germinate in a new
dispersal: 1. dry / windy seeds blown away; 2. increase of surface area /
bigger to catch the wind / breeze / air currents in the dry; 3. wet drop to
the ground / are not dispersed; 4. to spread away from parent plant / to new
place / habitat; 5. avoids competition with parent plant / each other / avoids
overcrowding / more space; germination: 6. wet / damp soil / place / humid; 7.
enzyme activation / working / respiration ORA; 8. warmer;
Lotus plants live in water. Suggest and explain an adaptation of the lotus
stem to its water habitat.
holes / vessels / tubes / AW; floatation / buoyancy / gas filled / gas exchange/
cylindrical / bends / flexibility; resist currents / prevents damage;
smooth / surface area less; Less pressure from water;

The cells of lotus roots contain starch grains. Describe how you
would prepare a microscope slide of the cells of a lotus stem to show
the starch grains.
1.cut (thin) section / piece of lotus root / grind / dissect / blend / mash / rub /
layer of cells;
2. place on microscope slide / glass slide / slide / glass / slab;
3. stain with iodine solution;
4. cover slip used / AW;
5. look for blue / black stained grains / granules / spots / areas;
Some students carried out tests for vitamin C. They were provided with three
vitamin C solutions, S1, S2 and S3. S1 had a concentration of 0.2% vitamin C.
S2 had a concentration of 0.05% vitamin C. The concentration of S3 was not
known. The students measured 1cm3 of starch solution into a test-tube.
They added 1cm3 of solution S1. The students added iodine solution,
counting drop by drop, until a blue colour appeared. This was the end-point
for solution S1. They repeated the test on solutions S2 and S3.
Suggest four ways in which you could improve this method to find the
concentration of an unknown vitamin C solution.
Repeats / replicates the original experiment / AW; Average / mean; Use more
precise instrument to measure volume of drops; Measure volume in cm not
drops alone; Use a colorimeter / white card to judge colour / AW; Narrow the
range between the concentrations on either side of unknown / increase
concentrations between S1 and S2 / AW; Control variables (iodine solution /
starch solution / size of tubes);
Some students investigated the effect of different conditions on onion leaves.
n an experiment an onion leaf was cut into three pieces each 2cm long. Four
cuts were made in each piece as shown in Fig. 1.2. 2 cm four cuts hollow leaf
Fig. 1.2 The first piece was put into water. The second piece was put into salt
solution. The third piece was put on dry filter paper. The three pieces were left
in their different conditions for 10 minutes after which the students made
their observations. Suggest how this investigation could be improved
more leaf pieces / samples / repeats ; leave for longer time ; reference to
controls eg same type / age / species / thickness ; determination of mass /
weight ;
Explain exactly how you would safely test another 2 cm piece of onion leaf for
the presence of reducing sugar.
preparation of sample e.g. cut / grind make into solution ; add Benedicts
[solution] ; heat ; safety aspect, e.g. goggles / tongs / lab. coat ;
The reducing sugar test can tell you that: reducing sugar is absent
reducing sugar is present at a low concentration reducing sugar is present
at a high concentration Explain how you can tell the difference between these
possible results
(if absent) stays / turns blue ; (if low concentration) changes to green /
yellow ; (if high concentration) changes to orange / red ;
A axes label and scale ; S size to fill at least of grid ; P plot ; C
columns touching and equal in width ;

Fig. 2.3 shows a banana and a similar fruit called a plantain. Suggest an
investigation to find out if fruit flies are more likely to feed on banana or
method: two containers one with banana, one with plantain / AW ; OR one
container / choice chamber containing banana AND plantain / AW ; controlled
variable: idea of same time period / same mass fruit ; collecting results:
record number flies seen / find change in mass of banana and plantain AW ;
conclusion: if more flies in banana than plantain it is preferred fruit and vice
versa / AW / larger loss in mass of preferred fruit and vice versa ;
Fruit flies feed on fruits such as bananas. Bananas contain carbohydrates.
Describe how you could safely test a piece of banana for two different
Use of reducing sugar and starch test reagents only ; reducing sugar test:
crush / mix with water / AW ; add Benedicts solution ; heat ; starch test: add
iodine solution ; Safety feature: goggles / lab. coat AW / tongs / heat in water
bath ;
Describe the observations expected if these two carbohydrates are present
Observation for reducing sugar test: to green / yellow / orange / red ;
Observation for starch test: to blue / black
Apple tissue changes colour in the air. Apple cells are thought to contain an
enzyme which is a catalyst for the reaction: colourless compounds + oxygen
in the air coloured compounds enzyme Some students investigated this
reaction. The students cut a slice of apple with a knife as shown in Fig. 1.1.
This slice was broken into two pieces as shown in Fig. 1.2. Each piece was put
into a different dish. The dishes were labelled 1 and 2. A few drops of water
were put on the cut surface and the broken surface of the piece of apple in
dish 1. A few drops of lemon juice were put on the cut surface and the broken
surface of the piece of apple in dish 2. Every five minutes for 20 minutes the
students observed the pieces of apple and recorded their observations in
Table 1.1. Using your knowledge of enzyme activity, describe another
experiment that would test the idea that enzymes are involved in this colour
Method: put apples in high or very low temperature ; Result: no or less colour
change / not or less brown ; Explanation: high temperatures denature
enzymes OR cold temperatures inactivate enzymes / stops enzyme activity ;
Describe how you could safely test a sample of albumen for reducing sugar.
Benedicts reagent / solution / test; heat / boil; safety feature: goggles / water
bath / tongs; correct colour change: blue to green / yellow / orange / red;
Two students wanted to investigate the effect of concentration of acid on
albumen. For this investigation, suggest a suitable: variable to change;
variable to measure or observe; variable to control.
variable to change: concentration / strength of acid / pH of acid; variable to
measure: rate / speed of change (to cloudy) / amount of white solid / degree
of cloudiness ; variable to control: volume or amount of albumen /
An investigation was carried out on the growth of onion seedlings. Onion
seedlings were grown in a tray. One millimeter was removed from the tips of
all of the onion seedlings on the left side of the dividing line, as shown in Fig.

3.1. Ten onion seedlings were cut at soil level from each side of the tray. The
heights of these onion seedlings were measured and recorded. These are
shown as the start heights in Table 3.1. After three days, ten more onion
seedlings were cut from each side, measured and recorded. The heights are
shown in Table 3.1.
Suggest why the onion seedlings were cut and removed from the tray before
they were measured.
easier to measure
State why a sample of ten onion seedlings is better than a sample of three
onion seedlings.
(more) reliable / identify anomalies
Germinating seeds produce enzymes that change stored food into soluble
materials. Suggest a method similar to that in (a) that you would use to find
out if germinating pea seeds produce the same enzyme as in enzyme
solutions 1 and 2.
remove testa / germinate peas; 2 preparation of enzyme from seed; 3 leave
for 15 mins and then add iodine solution; 4 look for colour change / black to
clear; 5 repeat for reliability / or to calculate an average; 6 controlled
Describe how you would carry out a test for starch
Iodine solution or reagent/iodine in KI; brown/orange/yellow to
blue/purple/black /AW
Describe how you would safely carry out a test for reducing sugars.
safety water bath/AW ; Benedicts ( solution ) ; heat/boil; blue/to green/

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