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1. Chamberlain SR, Menzies L, Sahakian BJ, Fineberg NA. Lifting the Veil on
Trichotillomania. Am J Psychiatry. 2007; 164(4): p. 568-574.
2. Kell BL, Kress VE. Trichotillomania: Behavioral Assessment and Treatment
Interventions. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy. 2006;
2(1): p. 65-72.
3. Stemberger RM, Stein DJ, Mansueto CS. Behavioral and Pharmacological
Treatment of Trichotillomania. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention. 2003; 3(3):
p. 339-352.
4. Flessner CA, Penzel F, Keuthen NJ. Current Treatment Practices for Children and
Adults With Trichotillomania: Consensus Among Experts. Cognitive and Behavioral
Practice. 2010; 17: p. 290-300.
5. Stein DJ, Grant JE, Franklin ME, Keuthen N, Lochner C, Singer HS, et al.
Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling Disorder), Skin Picking Disorder, and Stereotypic
Movement Disorder: Toward DSM-V. DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY. 2010; 27: p. 611626.
6. Tay YK, Levy ML, Metry DW. Trichotillomania in Childhood: Case Series and
Review. PEDIATRICS. 2004; 113: p. 494-498.
7. RBeeseahrcahvior therapy for pediatric trichotillomania: Exploring the effects of
age on treatment outcome. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health.
2010; 4(18): p. 1-6.
8. Malthora S, Grover S, Baweja R, Bhateja G. Trichotillomania in Children. INDIAN
PEDIATRICS. 2008; 45: p. 403-405.
9. Caixeta L, Lopes DB. Trichotillomania in a dementia case. Dement Neuropsychol.
2011; 5(1): p. 58-60.


1. Kaplan sinopsis
2. Chamberlain SR, Menzies L, Sahakian BJ, Fineberg NA. Lifting the Veil on
Trichotillomania. Am J Psychiatry. 2007; 164(4): p. 568-574.
3. Stemberger RM, Stein DJ, Mansueto CS. Behavioral and Pharmacological
Treatment of Trichotillomania. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention. 2003;
3(3): p. 339-352.

4. Nejatisafa AA, Sharifi V. Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Trichotillomania: Report of

Case Resistant to Pharmacological Treatment. Iran J Psychiatry. 2006; 1: p42-44.
5. Kell BL, Kress VE. Trichotillomania: Behavioral Assessment and Treatment
Interventions. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy. 2006; 2(1):
p. 65-72.
6. Flessner CA, Penzel F, Keuthen NJ. Current Treatment Practices for Children and Adults
With Trichotillomania: Consensus Among Experts. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
2010; 17: p. 290-300.

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