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Find length of string,

1. To reverse string,
2. Given a string containing only lowercase letters, generate a string with the
same letters, but in uppercase. (a = 97, A = 65)
3. Strcmp implement
4. 3rd max element in an array
5. N digit number in an n sized array, add 1 to the number
6. Maximum window sum
7. 1s and 2s complement of a binary number in array

8. One non repeating element in the array find the element

9. To find non repeating character in string.
10.In a string which characters are odd occurring and which are even
11.Check if Array is a palindrome
12.Sort an binary array
13.Sort an array with 0, 1, 2 as its elements

14.What is paging and segmentation?

15.What are ACID properties in DBMS?
16.What is transaction and how is concurrency control done?
17.Differentiate between mutex and semaphore?
18.Can you override private and static members?
19.Contiguous and non-contiguous memory allocation?
20.What are Smart pointers?
21.Scheduling algorithms
22.OOPS concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and
23.Normalization forms, join, creating table, keys- primary and foreign, drop a
table, inserting a row, inserting a column,
24.What is the difference between string builder and string buffer?
25.Abstract class, static, public members, types of inheritance in java, over
riding and overloading difference, inner class, interfaces,
26.What is string pool in java?
27.What is JVM, JRE, JDK?

28.9 balls 1 defective

29.Wine cellar problem
30.2 eggs 100 floors
31.25 horses puzzle - group of 5. Discard all last 2s. race between 1 st of all.
Discard 2 groups. vc
32.3 ants and a traingle
33.100 people in a circle with gun puzzle

34.check linked list is palindrome or not in single traversal

35.nth element from the end in a linked list
36.loop in a linked list Floyed cycle finding algo
37.2 Linked list joining at a point find the meeting point

38.Tree traversal in, pre, post order, level

39.Print leaf nodes of a tree
40.Search element in a BST
41.Stack and queue- convert one to another , basic operations
42.Number of words in a document and print them in reverse order

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