1 Classexpectations

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MYP Arts Expectations

Class Expectations

1. Respect Yourself: Always try your best. Come prepared and ready to

2. Respect Others: Be Kind. Be Polite. Keep your hands to yourself. Please

dont touch other peoples work or belongings!
3. Respect the Art Environment: Clean up after yourself and take care of
the materials

Late Work Policy

You will have a 24 hr. grace period to turn in late work. Late work must be
received by 8:35 am the next morning to receive full credit for an assignment
You have one (1) week from the original due date to turn in an assignment
for a reduced grade. It is always better to turn in an assignment late than get a zero.
If you need additional time on an assignment you need to come see your
teacher before the due date

1- Warning: If you are not meeting the class expectations you will receive a warning
2- Lunch or After School Detention: If you have to be reminded a second time you will
receive a lunch detention and be asked to move seats

3- Email Home: An email home or phone call will be made to your parents

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