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Budgeting inventions - checklist

Group members:
How many times have your parents said this? Sorry kiddo, we dont have
money for that right now. What if you didnt have to ask your parents for money?
What if you had your own? What invention could you create to make a profit?

Math Content
____ Did you list and identify the number of items and unit price in your budget?
____ Did you
(when necessary) to find the total amount for each of the items in your

____ Did you use all
to find the total amount of money you might spend on your
____ Did you decide how much you will sell your invention? (think about
____ Did you
calculate your profit
if you sold
987 prototypes?
239 prototypes?
____ prototypes?

Science content
____ Did you create a survey (at least 2 questions) to find out the needs of your audience?
based on the
we have studied up to now?
____ Did you develop an idea for an invention based upon the questions answered by your
____ Did you write a paragraph explaining how you are using the technique (rubbings, carbon
printing, chromatography) in your invention?
____ Did you build and test your invention?
____ Did you create your
in a way that will convince the audience to invest in your

____ Are you ready to present?
____ Did you respectfully listen, interact, discuss and pose questions to all members of the
team during discussions and help direct the group in reaching consensus?

____Did you create an effective and elaborated visual design in layout, graphics, and color to
convince the audience to invest in your invention.

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