Topics For Debate

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1. Are we heading for another race war?
2. Can a man dress up like a woman without being harassed by
the society for doing so?
3. Could a common consciousness benefit the society?
4. Is the idea of gender (masculine and feminine) a product of
the society?
5. Should the government be allowed to legalise medical
6. Should the government be allowed to castrate its citizens?
7. Why are transgenders discriminated in public places?
8. Would the first wave feminists be astonished by the
ideologies of the second and third wave feminism?
9. Should abortions be a personal choice, only for the
concerned woman, or a public choice, concerning the decisions
of the people around her?
10. Do you think Russia is preparing to conquer the world,
thereby threatening world peace?
11. Has there been an overall drop in ethics?
12. Do the Indian airlines use a lot of fixing?
13. Is poaching of animals just as bad as murder?
14. Is it ethical to instruct the supermarkets to provide food to
the needy?

15. Is this country being overrun by senseless murders?

16. The child rescue network says Stranger Danger must go.
Does this phrase still leave many children at the risk of abuse?
17. The statistics reveal that the number of women joining the
combat section of the army is increasing. Do you think women
can justify their abilities when it comes to combat?
18. Is suicide actually a solution for individuals willing to
commit the act?
19. Do you believe that women and men have entirely different
roles to play in the society?
20. Should Yulin Dog Festival in China be allowed to continue,
considering its inhuman and heinous rituals?
21. Would you excel at work more if you are not judged by your
22. Are terrorist attacks against the police a justified way of
23. Should rapists be hanged?
24. Do you believe that only men are the spiritual head of the
25. Should polar bears be kept in captivity, in the artificially
modified environment of the zoos?
26. India has planted nearly 50 million trees in the recent
times. Do you think we are doing enough to protect our
27. Does Pakistan breed and sponsor terrorism?
28. Is social profiling a huge threat to the society?
29. Is globalisation indirectly related to stagnant incomes?
30. Should men be the dominant gender in the human species?

31. Will barbaric and inhuman actions of the various terrorist

outfits finally turn away people from joining these
32. Should rapists face chemical castration?
33. Is revolution on general terms necessary?
34. Was the Iraq war justified?
35. Should abortion be regarded as foeticide?
36. Should more funds be allocated in order to contain cybercrimes?
37. Should same sex marriages be legalised in India?
38. Is racial diversity necessary?
39. Can genocide in the name of religion be justified at all?
40. Can Muslims be blamed for the rise in terrorist activities of
Islamic organisations like the ISIS, Al-Qaeda, etc.?
41. Do humans automatically tend to subjugate themselves to
taboos and superstitions?
42. Can the use of Clean Coal be justified?
43. Should more initiatives be taken to restore and update the
status of animal rights in the world, even if it requires the
stretching of the monetary fabric of a nation?
44. Can animals be used for entertainment of the public?
45. Can humans be debarred from entering wildlife sanctuaries
and national parks?
46. Should there be a ban on Antarctic exploration?
47. Should factory farming be banned?
48. Should mountaintop removal for coal mining be banned?

49. Should endangered species be protected from human

50. Which a more feasible option for drinking, bottled water or
tap water?
51. Is carbon emission trading ethical?
52. Should China slow down its economic growth in favour of
the environment?
53. Is contraception for the purpose of population control
54. Is drinking bottled water feasible for the economy?
55. Is celebration of Earth hour hypocritical?
56. Is eco-tourism taking a toll on wildlife in the protected
conservational habitats?
57. Should flash farming be banned?
58. Should free marketing environmentalism be encouraged?
59. Is climate change a result of human development?
60. Global warming- a crisis.
61. Should ivory usage be banned?
62. Should liquid nitrogen economy be encouraged?
63. Should light pollution be seriously handled?
64. Should oil drilling in wildlife refuges be banned?
65. Protecting wildlife with trade bans should not be
66. Is reforestation a wholesome solution to global warming?
67. Heat trade should be sealed.
68. Should India agree to limits on Carbon Emission levels?

69. Plastic shopping bags should be banned in totality.

70. Should the developing world use chemical fertilizers and
pesticides like DDT?
71. Is sustainable development a fool proof solution to
environmental degradation?
72. Should underground nuclear waste disposal and storage be
73. Is rearing of animals for meeting human requirements
74. Would unmitigated climate change turn out to be
75. Are we moving to a phase of another industrial revolution?
76. Fossil fuels vs nuclear energy.
77. Is the usage of nuclear energy sources safe for humans?
78. Is wind energy feasible for the economically backward
79. Should all countries comply with the same vehicle fuel
emission standards?
80. Can art hold any environmental impact or damage in terms
of ethics?
81. Is the culture of death domination over culture of life?
82. Does recycling actually impact the environment in a
positive way?
83. Can acid rain be actually checked?
84. Is veganism/vegetarianism the right step for protecting
the environment?
85. Debate on the current environmental issues.

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