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The Sejarah Melayu Library is perhaps the largest public on-line collection of books and

otherdocuments on the history of the Malay archipleago and its surrounding region.
Consisting ofnearly 3000 books, academic papers and articles in electronic PDF format,
the library is divided into eight broad sections:
GENERAL includes miscellaneous books related to specific topics in the history of the
Malay archipleago and its surrounding region; HISTORIES AND OTHER
REFERENCEScontain general histories, encyclopedias, geography texts and other types
of references;TRAVELOGUE consists of books and accounts by various travellers,
explorers and visitors to the Malay archipelago; LANGUAGE houses dictionaries,
vocabularies, grammar and other texts related to the Malay language and related
languages; FICTION has novels, fables, short stories and other fictional works set in or
with links to the Malay archipelago;JOURNALS houses key scholarly journals related to
Malay studies; PAPERS AND ARTICLES contains selected academic papers and journal
articles on various aspects of Malay history and culture; and NEWS
AND DISPATCHES contains selected news, dispatches, reports, articles and other short
snippets from historical newspapers, chronicles, gazettes and other publications.
Click on the '+' symbol of the relevant section folder to expand the folder and view the list
ofbooks available. Then click on any of the book icons listed to view summary information
on it and a download link.
To quickly search for book or article titles using your browser's in-built search facility,
select 'List ALL Documents' in the library and use CTRL-F to search.

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