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Huge Troll

Level 14
Size 7 Speed 6
Red, Red, Blue, Green
Power Attack (Red)
Cleansing Attack (Green)
Bears Posture (Red)
Raging Attack (Blue)
Giant Size
Blood Drinker
DF 5 Blunt

Power Attack
Amplify Amplify Amplify
Preform an attack with a +2
damage bonus
Cleansing Attack
Amplify Multi Weapon
Preform a weak attack action
and heal yourself or an adjacent
ally by 1 and reduce the
intensity of a condition by 1
Bears Posture
Maintain Amplify Maintain
Gain 1 PF

PF 2
Raging Attack
Amplify Amplify Amplify
Perform a weak attack action +1
damage and Put a 1 intensity
rage condition on yourself
Giant Size
Already factored
Already factored
Your first attack in a round
applies the degeneration
condition +1 (Counter P)
Blood Drinker
During upkeep heal 2, and an
additional 4 if adjacent to a
bloodied enemy

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