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The Anoixi Herald www.theanoixiherald.weebly.


Field trip of the newspaper club

Visit to the local newspaper Voria Proastia
A leisurely day in the
forest where we
-had an ice cream
and some juice
-enjoyed a walk in t
he sun
-had a picnic
-played ball games

Inside this issue:

Helen Beatrix
Potter amazing

A consumers

How much do
you know about
computer programming?

tellers 4

Editors note

ready for
more action?

Who can say no to ball games?

May 2016

May 2016 -edition 2550 cents

Lead Story-Visit to local newspaper

On Thursday the 7th of April,
a small part of our schools
newspaper club visited the
local newspaper called
Voria Proastia and we interviewed the owner Mr. Nick

Q:Can you tell us a few

words about your newspaper? A:We deal with
issues that concern our
local community. It is a
monthly paper and it is
free of charge.
Q: What kind of newspapers are there? A:There
are daily, weekly, monthly
and periodical newspapers. The more often a
newspaper is issued, the
more people it needs.
Q:Do you think that
printed newspapers will
soon become a thing of
the past? A: I don't believe that printed newspapers will disappear. At
least not any time soon.
You see, the feeling of
actually touching, smelling and enjoying paper is

not something that can be

easily replaced. However,
maybe in twenty years, on
-line newspapers will most
likely dominate the market
Q:Which version do you
prefer? Printed or on-line?
A:I like both forms.
Younger generations
seem to prefer on-line editions whereas older generations go for the printed
Q:What are the qualities of
a good journalist? A:First
of all, you need to have
very good knowledge of
your field, be familiar with
the basic principles of journalism which are the
where, the when and ,if
possible, the why and, of
course, one should have
critical thinking.
Q:Has the financial crisis
affected your job?A:The
financial crisis has affected everything, everybody and every part of our
life. Editors are forced to
print fewer newspapers

maybe with fewer pages.

What hasn't changed is
the drive and the will to
do it. What we Greeks
call .
Q:What motivated you to
become a journalist?
A:Well, basically, it was
the need to keep people
informed at a local level
and the need to give
them the chance to communicate.. Actually, our
reporters are the people
Q:What is the most difficult thing in becoming a
successful journalist?
A:Writing in a way that
will address people of
every age so that everybody will get to read your
article and respond to it
accordingly. It is an innate talent, I believe!
Q:How expensive is it to
issue a newspaper nowadays? A:You don't need
as much money as you
did in the past.
(continued on p.4)

May 2016

Page 2

Helen Beatrix Potter

THE NEWSPAPER CLUB cessful botanist, who
was also a scientific illusHelen Beatrix Potter was
trator. In addition, she
born on 28 July 1866 in
drew illustrations for
Kensington, London.
some of her favourite
Beatrix and her brother,
stories, such as AlBertram, loved to draw
ice's Adventures in
and paint animals and
Wonderland and Cinderplants. They sometimes
ella. Some of her demade sketches of their
signs also appeared on
pets, which were rabbits,
greeting-cards. Her camice, frogs, lizards,
reer as a storyteller besnakes and a bat. She had
gan with the story of Petwo pet rabbits, Benjamin
ter Rabbit and many
and Peter, which were her
more followed. What
first artist models.
makes Beatrix special is
that she was also a successful businesswoman.
She made the first Peter
Rabbit doll herself in
Beatrix became a sucA MODERN TREND :
There isn't any doubt that
buying things daily is necessary but when we buy a
lot of things we don't
need ,it is not a good idea.
Beautiful backgrounds, low
prices, amazing advertisements, brilliant clothes and
jewellery are the reasons
why people want to get
everything immediately
without thinking.
First of all, we stock too
many things. You never

know,one day they may be

useful for someone who
really wants them to live, in
particular for poor families.
On the other hand, if we
put them into a container
they take up a lot of space.
If someone burgles our
house we have expensive
jewellery so all of them will
be stolen. In this case, the
most important thing is
thata lot of money will be
In my point of view, buying the most beautiful and
not cheap jewellery you
waste a lot of money.
Something else, if you want

1903. She licensed all her

creations and Peter Rabbit is the world's oldest
licensed literary character.
She created tea sets, bedroom slippers and even a
board game for two players. She wanted all her
products to be faithful to
her original illustrations.
Beatrix died in 1943 but
her books are still very
popular. Today, more than
two million Beatrix Potter
books are sold across the
world every year- four
books every minute!!!
Penny Boukaki A2

Do we really
to be like other people. you
buy the same precious
things because you want to
have the same financial
status as them.
In my opinion we must buy
only the products we need
every day and if we want to
give a present we can buy it
the day before. You never
buy something you do not
need because YOU DON'T
DAY WILL BE!!!!!!!!!

need everything we buy?



Hello ! My name is Theo Dervos and I would like to tell you about software programs. A lot of people from over the world love playing games but almost anyone knows how to create a
game or generally a program. To create a program you must know a programming language like C
(objective) , C++ , C# , Pascal , Visual Basic , Java , Java Script , Python ect. All programming languages have a a large number of principals which arenecessary in programming. In addition to using the
principles you should know the syntax of the programming language. Except for the programming of a
program you need to know how to use the graphics to make your program more impressive.In general,
these are the basics to create a program.I started programming when I was 12 years old and I continue
up until today.I can program in languages C(oblective) , C# ,Vusial Studio and Java.
Thank you for your attention !!!
Theo DervosC1
Note from the editor: Thank you Theo for your contribution all these years. You have come a long way, like so
many others, We will miss all third graders a lot next year. The school will never be the same without you guys! So
thank you Mary, Irene, Vasilis, Alexandra, Martina, Efi,Athanasia, Melita, Simos,Christian,George,Anna, Costan-

tine, Evridiki, Anastasia, Ioanna, Eva, Sofia, Artemis, Aggeliki, Victoria, Helen, Constantina,
mention just a few!!! We all wish you the best of luck in life and dont forget you have to studyHARD!!!

STORY TIME . SPOOKY TELLERS 4 by Rinio Karagianni A1

age 3

--Good morning kids

-Good morning Ms . Emma
-How was your weekend...?
-I hope fine...I have got a surprise for you...
-No ! Not again histrorical project !!!
-Calm down Emily it is just a new student ..come in Shailene...
New student ...and it is girl ..that's cool !
-I hope you will make her feel comfortable ... Tyler.. I am talking about you...emm.... Sit down next to Ever, honey !
-Who is that girl?
-The red haired one ... I believe you will be OK
-Emmm...hello my name is Shailene..
-Duh..nevermind ..
-You needn't be so good to me...
-Shailene looks like a good girl...we may help her make new friends....Ever is to weird for her ....
Nah...I think they will be best friends...
-Brain ...are you serious ? are a girl can start a conversation with her at lunch time....
-Nice the way you know something new about Skyl....
-Sorry Claire the bell rang ....see you ...
-Duhhhh .....hey Shailene
-Oh emmm...hi
-How are you ?
-I think I am OK ...what's your name ?
-My name is Claire ...nice to meet you ...Shailene...
Shailene Heather ....
-Oh ok !
-What 's matter with Ever?
-Basically ...I don't know...and I don't want to find out, either.
-Ok ...emmm...I have to go, bye...
-Ok bye...ouch hey !! Look where you are walki....oh..I am sorry ...
-Are you ok ?
-Oh I am fine thanks
-Sorry about that ...I am too nervous about my first day at this school...I am sorry again
-Don't mention it ! It's ok ...
-See ya..
........................................................Claire !
-Oh my god ! Who is he? He is so handsome! I can't even see his thoughts...
-Hush !
-He is the most awesome boy I 've ever seen!!!!
He is..
His eyes ! His lips !! His name is
His brown messy hair!! I MUST LEARN HIS NAME !!
-Claire!!!! I have been trying to tell you his name for 5 minutes now!!! His name is Deimen...he is a new student !!
-.....yeah he is really cool ! We should be friends
-Hahaha a guy like you can't be friend with a boy like him!! It is a law of physics !!
-Ha ha ha ...funny !
-I'm making fun of you cause you are my best friend !....oh I forget it ....something's wrong with Shailene ...she is a
weirdo ...ohhh...what about Skyller too I didn't notice her at French lessons ! Something's smells bad here!
-It is my smell...I had physical education
Brain !!! Please concentrate !
-Ok I am sorry...but...I have to go now..
-Ok I got my eyes on you !!--What is that ?? I can hear someone thinking my name ...I am sure I have ever seen him before-

Page 4

Who can say no to ball games?

..or to some peace & quiet?

Page 4
f it is on-line next to nothing, really. The printed
version, though, has unavoidable expenses, so
having sponsors is invaluable help.
Q:Do you always write
the truth? A: the truth
can be rather subjective!
We always stick to the
facts but it is the way
somebody chooses to
present the facts that
makes all the difference!
When you are the editor
of a newspaper you have
to be very careful with
the wording you use,
otherwise you can end
up in serious trouble.
Q:How old is your newspaper? A:We started in
March 2006 so that
makes it 10 years.

Time for picnic!!!

Some girl time!

Q:What kind of articles

do you include in your
newspaper? A:Local
news that concern the
areas of Ag. Stefanos,
Anoixi, Dionysos, Drosia,
N. Erythraia and Oropos,
political, financial news
as well as athletics and
cultural events that take
place in our Municipality..
Above all, it is a mancentered newspaper!
Q:How long and how
many people are needed
to issue you newspaper
every month? A:There
are 5 people working
here every day and altogether we need around
1500 hours of work per
month! There was a time
when we had to stay at
the office for 19 hours in
a row! But, of course,
that's not the rule!
Q:What are the advantages and disadvantages
of being a journalist?
A:The feeling and the
satisfaction you get
when you have your own
column or when you discover a story and bring

to light is simply amazing! On the downside,I

would say that until you
become established you
don't have any money.
But once that happens,
you can lead a respectable life.
Q:Do newspapers today
affect people the way the
used to in the past?
A:No, I don't think they
do and that's due to the
multiple sources of information people are exposed to nowadays.
People have become
suspicious and we all
need to cross-check
what we read or hear!
Q:Does your job affect
your everyday life?
A:Of course! Wherever I
may be, there will be
somebody that will bring
something to my attention and ask me to write
about it!
Q: Do you do anything to
protect the environment?
A:Absolutely! We
changed the chemical
paper we used originally
to wood parer, which
may be more expensive
but it is eco-friendly! After the catastrophic fires
of 2009, we also organized three reforestation
campaigns in our area,
which were very successful! After all, we
must practise what we
preach! As they say, actions speak louder than
Q:Would you change
anything in your newspaper? A:We have a lot of
ideas about what we can
do to improve our newspaper! One should constantly try to become
better. Making mistakes
is fine as long as you
learn from them and you
don't keep repeating

Q:Under what circumstances did you become a

newspaper editor? A:Well,
I had just returned from
my studies abroad and I
was looking for a job. I
ended up Head of the P.R.
department of the Municipality and it was then I
realized there a need for
setting up a local newspaper. We started as a group
of 2-3 people but soon
enough I was left on my
own with a newspaper to
run! Thank God, the team
I work with are excellent!
Q:How many people are
there needed to publish a
newspaper? A:The oldest
local newspaper
employs about
15 people and it runs on a
weekly basis. Daily newspapers may employ even
300 people.
Q:What is the process of
issuing a newspaper?
A:The first days of the
month, we collect our material, then we get together
and we decide what to
include and what our main
issue will be. After we decide who will do what, we
start researching. When
our articles are ready, the
graphic designer takes
over to give the paper the
form that you see.
Q:How much do you depend on advertisements?
A:Quite a lot, actually. We
used to have 25% of ads
and 75% of written texts
but now it is 50-50. It's the
crisis, you see!
Q:Are you satisfied with
what you do? A:I am but I
don't rest on my laurels!
You can always do something better and improve1
That's what we all try to do
Thank you Mr. Kokkalas
for the wonderful interview! We learned a lot!!

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