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London School of Science & Technology

MAssignment front sheet



Unit number, title and level



in Unit 14: Working With and Leading People


Level 5

Student name and ID number

Assessor name
Urmila Chooramun

Date issued
22nd September 2014
Assignment title



Outcom Outcome



Be able to


Completion date
Submitted on
12 December 2014 before 12.00
Working With and Leading People



opportunity to present evidence that

shows you are able to:

Prepare documentation to select and

recruit a new member of staf
Assess the impact of legal, regulatory



and ethical considerations to the


recruitment and selection process

Take part in the selection process


Evaluate own contribution to the


selection process
Explain the skills and attributes needed


for leadership
Explain the diference between

the styles

In this assessment you will have the


leadership and management

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

impact of

Be able to


Compare leadership styles for diferent


Explain ways to motivate staf to


achieve objectives
Assess the benefits of team working for


an organisation
Demonstrate working in a team as a

efectively in

leader and member towards specific

a team



difficult situations
Review the efectiveness of the team in


achieving the goals

Explain the factors involved in planning

assess the

the monitoring and assessment of work


Plan and deliver the assessment of the

t needs of


development needs of individuals


Evaluate the success of the assessment


Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People


goals, dealing with any conflict or

Be able to


December 2014

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An electronic copy of your assessment must be fully uploaded by the deadline

date and time.
You must submit one single PDF or MS Office Word document. Any relevant images
or screenshots must be included within the same MS Office Word or PDF document.
The last version you upload will be the one that is marked. Your paper will be
marked if you have indicated this as your final submission.
Review the mitigating circumstances policy for information relating to extensions.
The file size must not exceed 20MB.
Answer the criteria in order, clearly indicating the pass criteria number.
Ensure that all work has been proof-read and checked prior to submission.
Ensure that the layout of your documents are in a professional format with font style
Arial, font size 12 for the text, font 14 for sub heading and font 16 for main heading,
line spacing 1.5 and justified.
Use the Harvard referencing system, otherwise it will be considered as plagiarised
Ensure that you back-up your work regularly and apply version control to your
Ensure that any file you upload is virus-free, not corrupted and not protected by a
password otherwise it will be treated as a non-submission.
You must NOT submit a paper copy or email of this assessment to any member of
staf at LSST.
Your work must be original with the appropriate referencing

Learner Declaration
(All students must sign this form before submitting their work)
I declare that:

This assessment item is my own work, except where acknowledged, and has not been
submitted for academic credit elsewhere;

I have acknowledged any use of the published or unpublished works of other people

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that no other person has been able to
copy this work either in paper or electronic form.

I acknowledge that the assessor of this item may, for the purpose of assessing this item:

Reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the
School; and/or,

Communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service (which

may then retain a copy of the assessment item on its database for the purpose of
future plagiarism checking).



Date :

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People


December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to
achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor
M1 Identify and apply strategies
to find appropriate solutions

Indicative characteristic/s
Efective judgements have been made.

M1: To achieve the M1: you will identify two
diferent ways to improve on the above
recruitment and selection process using recent
innovations in technology. (Task 1).

M2 Select / design and apply

appropriate methods /

Appropriate methods/techniques have

M2: Based on your answer provided in 2.4,

been applied.

select one technique that can be applied to

motivate staf across the three levels of
management (i.e. Directors, Managers and

M3 Present and communicate

appropriate findings

Communication is appropriate for

familiar and unfamiliar audiences and
appropriate media have been used.

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

supervisors). (Task 2)
M3: To achieve M3, your work will be presented
in a report format where you will show evidence
of research has been done in a professional and
structured format. You will also make satisfactory
use of Harvard referencing system throughout
the task. (Task 3).

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

D1 Use critical reflection to

evaluate own work and justify
valid conclusions

Conclusions have been arrived at

through synthesis of ideas and have

D1: Based on your answer provided in 2.3,

been justified.

evaluate the qualities that a manager needs to

possess to be a good leader.

D2 Take responsibility for

managing and organising

Activities have been managed.

D2: To achieve D2, you will take the

responsibility of forming a team of 4 members
for the restructuring project. To complete this
task you will make reference to Belbins theory
and identify four main roles that you will

/lateral / creative thinking

Innovation and creative thought have

consider necessary to complete the task.

D3: To achieve D3, you will demonstrate an

been applied.

alternative strategy that you would adopt to

assess the work and development needs of
individuals if you were the owner of the

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Assignment Brief
Unit number, title and Unit 14: Working With and Leading People

BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Date issued

22nd September 2014

Completion date

12th December 2014 before 12.00 midday


Urmila Chooramun

Assignment title

Working With and Leading People

Purpose of this assignment
An organisations success depends very much on the people working in it, and
recruiting the right people is a key factor. Organisations with efective recruitment and
selection processes and practices in place are more likely to make successful staffing
In competitive labour markets this is a major advantage that well-organised businesses
will have over their competitors. It is important, therefore, for learners to appreciate
that the processes and procedures involved in recruitment and selection to meet the
organisations human resource needs are legal.
This unit aims to develop the skills and knowledge needed for working with and leading
others, through understanding the importance of recruiting the right people for the job.
Learners will examine these key areas and appreciate how an efective team leader
can motivate and develop individuals within teams.
This assignment has four tasks with individual scenarios.
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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London School of Science & Technology

Source: /

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Task 1 - This task offers you an opportunity to achieve L.O. 1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4 and M1
Following a restructuring in an organisation of your choice, you have been asked to
participate in a team activity to recruit, select and retain a new dynamic team in your
department as the new HR manager.
a) Prepare a job description and a person specification (using the sevenpoint plan approach) for the HR Administrators post, identifying the main
duties/responsibilities and employment conditions. (1.1)
Guidelines: Learners will have to prepare both documents for the post
identified (You can use the templates provided in the BPP Book-Management:
Leading People and professional development).
b) Assess the legal and ethical considerations that will impact on the recruitment
and selection process of the above post of HR Administrator. (1.2)
Guidelines: Learners will have to explain and evaluate the 5 main legal and
ethical considerations that will impact on the recruitment and selection of the
above posts.
c) Describe your main responsibilities as the Human Resource Manager in the
selection process for the posts of HR Administrator. (1.3)
Guidelines: In this question, learners will have to describe at least four
responsibilities of a Human Resource Manager in the selection process for
the above posts.
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

d) Using the seven point plan approach to the persons specification in 1.1,
evaluate 3 points that you will consider in shortlisting two suitable
candidates for the posts of HR Administrator. (1.4)
Guidelines: Learners will have to choose 3 points listed in the job
specification and explain why these criteria are critical to the role of HR
Completion Date: 18th October 2014

M1: To achieve the M1: you will identify two diferent ways to improve on the
above recruitment and selection process using recent innovations in technology.

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Task 2 -This task offers you an opportunity to achieve LO2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, M2, D1
a) Explain the skills and attributes for leadership needed for the post of HR Administrator. (2.1)
Guidelines: Learners will identify and describe five skills and qualities that the two candidates will
need to have for leadership.
b) Following a discussion with your team, you realise that some of them are confused about the terms
leadership and management. In an email, explain the difference between leadership and management
to your team, this explanation will be used as part of the induction process for the new staff. (2.2)
Guidelines: Learners will have to address the email to their team explaining the difference between
the two terms with the use of examples.
c) Compare the leadership styles that you, as the HR Manager, would use in both situations;

Induction process of the new recruits.


Communicating the vision of the company to the rest of the organisation

Guidelines: Learners will have to show the similarities and differences between the two leadership
styles that will have to be adopted in both situations identified above.
d) Following the restructuring of the organisation, you have noticed that the staff morale is low in your
HR department. Explain three different methods that you will use to boost the morale of your team in
order to help meet the short term objectives of your department.(2.4)
Guidelines: Learners will have to describe three different ways of motivating staff at the intermediate
level of management in order to boost morale.

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Completion Date : 8th November 2014

M2: Based on your answer provided in 2.4, select one technique that can be applied to motivate staff
across the three levels of management in your chosen organisation (i.e. Directors, Managers and

Guidelines: To achieve the M2, learners will have to choose one specific technique that can be applied to
motivate the directors, managers and the supervisors of their chosen organisation.

D1: Based on your answer provided in 2.3, evaluate the qualities that a manager needs to possess to be a
good leader.

Guidelines: To achieve the D1, learners will identify 3 main qualities that a manager needs to possess to
be a good leader.

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Task 3 -This task offers you an opportunity to achieve LO3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, M3, & D2
a) Based on the organisation you chose in task 1, assess three benefits of team working for the new
recruits within the chosen organisation.(3.1)
Guidelines: Learners will evaluate three benefits of working in a team to the new recruits of your
b) Some trainees tend to learn better by example. Provide an example of when you have worked within
a team as a leader and team member to complete a task or project. (3.2)
Guidelines: Learners will have to give evidence of a time where they have worked within a team as a
leader and member to complete a task or project. Explain what happened? Who did you work well/not
so well with? What specifically did you do to make sure the group worked well? What did you learn?
Give a brief example of when you acted as a leader of a group of people, set direction for them, gained
their commitment and led them to achieve outstanding results? How have you coped with
disagreement in a team/leadership situation?
c) Organisational changes have been made as a result of the recession. Identify three quantifiable and
three qualitative factors that you would use to review the effectiveness of the new team in achieving
organisational goals. (3.3)
Guidelines: Learners will have to give a brief explanation of the quantifiable (3) and qualitative (3)
factors that will help review the effectiveness of the new dynamic team.
Completion Date : 30th November 2014
M3: To achieve M3, present your work (Task 3) in a report format and provide evidence that research has
been conducted in a professional and structured manner. Use the Harvard referencing system throughout
the task.
D2: To achieve D2, you will take the responsibility of forming a team of 4 members for the
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

restructuring project. To complete this task you will make reference to Belbins theory and identify four
main roles that you will consider necessary to complete the task.

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Task 4 -This task offers you an opportunity to achieve LO4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, &
a) As the HR Manager, write an email to your director explaining the factors
that you would use in the planning, monitoring and assessment of work
performance of the new trainee following the successful completion of their
probation. (4.1)
Guidelines: Learners will write an email to the director. Outline what is involved
in the planning, monitoring and assessment of work performance of the
new trainees. Include an explanation of at least three factors.

b) With the changes in technology and budget cuts, you are to plan and deliver the
assessment of the development needs of your staf before the end of the
financial year (4.2)
Guidelines - You may use the template provided by your lecturer or adopt any
other template that you find suitable to meet the assessment criteria. The
template must include objectives, success criteria, time-frame and review date.
c) Write an article for an in-house newsletter aimed at Directors, explaining how
you would evaluate the success of the assessment process. (4.3)
Guidelines: Learners will have to identify a minimum of three factors that they
will take into account in evaluating the success of the assessment process.

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Completion Date : 12th December 2014

D3: Demonstrate an alternative strategy that you would adopt to assess the work
and development needs of individuals if you were the owner of the organisation.

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Answer Sheet

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Task 1 (L.O. 1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, & M1)

Unilever Limited is one of largest multinational business firm in the world. Over the last four decades, Unilever
Bangladesh has been constantly bringing new and world-class products for the Bangladeshi people to remove
the daily drudgery of life. Over 90% of the countrys households use one or more of our products. It provides
sixteen verities brands and try to mitigate all types of human demand by introducing with new innovative
products. Unilever Operations in Bangladesh provide employment to over 10,000 people directly and through
its dedicated suppliers, distributors and service providers. 99.5% of UBL employees are locals and they have
equal number of Bangladeshis working abroad in other Unilever companies as expatriates. Unilever wants to
attract the best graduates to join in their leadership actions. This report enlightens what type of recruitment
opportunities offered by Unilever Bangladesh Limited for university students and how the students can access
that opportunity. Unilever look for passionate people who want to do real business and have the potential to be
highly motivated by brands, and are enthusiastic, creative and rigorous. They want people who are hungry for
success and can work confidently in teams.
I would like to choose an organisation called Woodford Cars and Couriers London based company
has completed its tenure in 2013. They would like to open another branch in Richmond. They would
like to appoint HR Manager.
The job description and the person specification are basic elements of the recruitment and selection
process. Both documents have helped to avoid unlawful discrimination and provide the basis for the
advertisement, which help to structure of the interview and finally the selection of the successful
Job Description Definition;
Job description define the job place in the organisation provide information of person need and basis
on employment contract. Job description is a written statement of what a jobholder does.
Job Description for HR(For H R Administrator post)
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Job title; Human Resources Administrative

Department; HR
Date; 29/09/2014
Prepared by; Asma Ahmed HR manager
Age Range; 25 to 40
Grade of the post; n/a
Reporting to; HR manager
H R Administrative Job Purpose;

HR administrator job support to human resources department for screening and interviewing
applicants, preparing payroll; orienting new employees, employee benefit programs

H R Administrative Job Responsibility;

Writing up professional job adverts.

Makes sure the job is reflected clearly which describe in an advert any duties listed are up to

If the role is heavy physical work then must explain the role and describe the environment.
Those way candidates can determine if they can meet these criteria.

The job description must be review each time before it is post to be advertised.

New posts must be job-evaluated under HERA (Higher Education Role Analysis) before

A statement that the HR administrator will actively follow department policies including Equal
Opportunities policies.

Setting up, monitoring and then tracking employee probationary periods

H R Administrative Job Duties;

Documents human resources actions by completing forms, reports, logs.

Keep update human resources records by recording new hires, transfers, terminations,

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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London School of Science & Technology

changes in job classifications, increases payments; tracking vacation, sick leave, absences
holiday leave, and personal time.

Calculating pay; distributing checks; maintaining records

Investigate phone calls, check emails, letters and personal visits.
.If necessary give professional advisory support to company employees.
(UCL, 20140)( 2014.

Employment condition;

Shift working patterns, health clearance from an NHS Trust, the requirement for a criminal
check record Wages 7.25 ph
Hours continuous rotating on week days and weekends.

Person Specification Definition;

The person specification is an important document that sets out the essential and any desirable
skills, qualifications, and experience the postholder needs in order to perform the duties of the job,
The desired candidate for the post of HR administrator will possess the following qualities:
Essential *These are attributes that must be in place on day one.
Desirable Knowledge ,Skills or experience that is necessary for the job, but
not from day one.
Person specification is an important document in recruitment and selection process is to be taken
decision fairly with the equality policy of department.
Person Specification(For H R Administrator post)
Physical attributes;
Essential ; Good health
Desirable: Age 25 to 40
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology


A good standard of education(4 GCSC or equivalent including Maths and English)

Desirable; Degree in HR and 2 years experience in marketing.


Demonstrable experience of using a Human Resources

Knowledge of general IT systems and applications.
Experience of maintaining comprehensive records.


Ability to communicate effectively at all levels.

Excellent customer service skills.
Ability to deal with confidential information.
Awareness of equal opportunities


Analytical abilities
Experience of statistical information
Willingness to work flexibly.
Ability to travel to other offices within the County if required


Social ,like to work for friendly

Essential; work as team player, High tolerance
Desirable.; Initiative

able to work late shift, Shift work


able to travel for work any time or located in area of office

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

Recruiting and Selection;
Recruitment is about acquiring new staff and appointing existing staff to new roles. This could be due
to growth and diversification or simply replacing people who have left the organisation. But Woodford
Cars and Couriers opening it new branch they required HR Manager so HR department is following
the selection which is that part of the recruitment process that matches candidates to the specific
requirements of individual positions. Effective recruitment and selection ensures that the organisation
has the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to fulfil its responsibilities and achieve its
Legal and Ethical considerations
Recruiting a new employee to the company; (Woodford Cars and Couriers) is a very complex
process. From the interviewing and referencing of candidates to the final selection, the
process is bound by many ethical and legal restrictions.
Ethical and legal implication that may have an adverse impact on the business. Ethics take
many forms, but in its most fundamental nature, ethics can be regarded as a set of principles of
which governs the right conduct of a person (Draft and Marcic, 2008).
The laws are implemented to ensure that;

The recruitment process will be equal and fair


People are not discriminated against on the ground of age, sex or ethnicity


Applicants have the right to work in the UK

The Impacts of legal and ethical consideration to the recruitment and selection process of the HR
administrator can be describe as follows:

Impact of law in Advertising stage :As a HR Manager I must make sure that there is no discriminatory against any sex, age, race,
ethnicity, gender, nationality or religion etc. HR Manager should make sure that the job
advertisement must not break the law of land.

Impact of Interview stage:Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

The interview board should not ask any question that affect one`s religious view or nationality. They
should not use any sexist comment. They should treat people equally and avoid personal biasness.
They should not treat disable person in interview as a disable (Dessler, 2011).

Impact of right to employment:When we interview an HR Administrator, always check if he/she has a legal right to work in the UK.
Anyone in UK or within the EU will have that right automatically. It is important to also do a criminal
records check on anyone that will be working with children or in a position of trust.

Impact of statement of employment:A new HR Administrator is now entitled to a written statement of employment within their first two
months. This will give all the details of his/her job such as salary, hours of work and holiday
entitlement. It also clarifies the business's policies on sick leave as well as the disciplinary and
grievance procedure.

Impact of Sex Discriminatory Act

The Sex Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an applicant for
a job in an establishment in the UK on grounds which include their sex or marital status:

In the arrangements made for determining who should be offered employment.

In the terms on which employment is offered, or

By refusing or deliberately omitting to offer employment.

Discrimination may be direct or indirect.

Direct Discrimination occurs where someone is treated less favourably on the ground of
her/his sex than a person of the opposite sex is or would be treated.

Indirect Discrimination is where an employer applies a condition, criterion or practice which

would apply equally to a person of the opposite sex

Impact of Equality (Age) Regulations:Young as well as old citizens get same benefit in recruitment and selection process. If the human
resource managers of will gives special privileges to any of two group, it will be unlawful and break
the provision of equality (age) regulation.

Impact race relation act:If any job advertised for particular race or nationality, that will break the provision of race relation act.
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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The person who has authorised to work legally in UK is qualified for the job regardless to his/her
nationality or race

Impact of Disability Discrimination Act:The employers should avoid discrimination in, for example, specifying the job, advertising the job,
and the processes of selection, including the location and timing of interviews, assessment
techniques, interviewing and selection criteria.

Tax responsibilities:When HR Manager employs someone to a particular post, during their induction Manager should
collect all his/her taxation details (P45 etc). When manager process their pay, don't forget that it is his
responsibility as the employer to ensure that Pay as You Earn (PAYE) and National Insurance
deductions are correctly made, as well as any student loan payments.

Responsibilities in the selection process for the post of HR Administrator:

As a Human Resource Manager I will have to undertake various responsibilities to ensure an appropriate
selection for the ideal candidate. I will follow the Seven Point Plan (Rodger 1970):
1. Physical Attribute- health and fitness, physique, appearance, bearing and speech;
2. Attainment education, qualifications, training, relevant experience;
3. Intelligence - fundamental intellectual capacity;
4. Aptitude numeracy, literacy, manipulative skills and dexterity, mechanical, musical or artistic;
5. Interest Intellectual, practical, constructional, physically active, social, artistic and
6. Disposition acceptability, influence over other, reliability and steadiness, dependability;
7. Circumstances domestics situation, eg. Ability to travel occupations of family etc.
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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London School of Science & Technology


for the post of HR administrator Woodford Cars and Couriers

i) Degree or Equivalent in Business administration or
ii) Diploma in Business administration with 3 years Experience
Experience: in the same field 3 to 5 years work experience in School HR Dept.
Skills and abilities:i) Must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills.
ii) Bi-lingual (i.e., English/Spanish) oral and written a must.
iii) Must be proficient in Microsoft Office Suite.
iv) Knowledge in (Timekeeping Software) and Lawson (HR Software) a plus.
v) Ability to multi-task and work in a fast paced environment.
vi) Must be able to work in a team and possess strong analytical and interpersonal skills

As well as general intelligence, HR Administrator should have understanding of emotional and
Cultural intelligence. This ability helps to deal with the cultural milieu, both external and
Inter-organisational in which he operates. Typically, emotional intelligence is considered to involve
emotional empathy; attention to, and discrimination of ones emotions; accurate recognition of ones
own and others moods; mood management or control over emotions; response with appropriate
(adaptive) emotions and behaviours in various life situations (especially to stress and difficult
situations); and balancing of honest expression of emotions against courtesy, consideration, and
respect (i.e., possession of good social skills and communication skills).

Aptitude Aptitudes are natural abilities to learn particular sorts of activities quickly and easily. Were all
familiar with aptitudes: numeracy, literacy, manipulative skills and dexterity, mechanical, musical or
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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London School of Science & Technology

To make better hiring decisions and avoid high job turnover rates, organizations often use ability and
aptitude testing. The following characteristics of aptitude are important for HR administrator:

Meeting people.

Helping others.

Leadership/management skills.

Organizational skills.

Clerical skills.

Manual dexterity.

Numerical/mathematical skills.

Scientific skills.

Creative/artistic skills.

Creative/literary skills.


Language use.

Spatial perception. Verbal reasoning.

Numerical/mathematical ability.

Abstract reasoning.

Space relations.

Language usage.

Perceptual speed and accuracy. Etc..

1.4 (d)
The person specification should contain the essential criteria required to carry out the post, if an applicant does
not have all of the essential criteria then they must not be shortlisted. The person specification should also
contain desirable criteria that would be of benefit to the post if the applicant has those skills, but are not
essential to carry out the post.
In the given task evaluation of 3 points from the persons specification for the purpose to short listing two
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

suitable candidates I preferred at first attainment, 2nd Intelligence and the aptitude.
Actually person specification describes the requirements a job holder needs to be able to perform the job
satisfactorily. I used the person specification as a base for selection decision at short listing because selection
criteria should be specific rather than general. Attainment criteria ensure skills, qualification and experience met
exactly as vacancy advertised. Intelligence, personal qualities and, increasingly, competencies used, but
basically their purpose is the same: to set down the minimum requirements that an applicant must possess
before being considered for a vacancy. As I discussed above that cultural intelligence, emotional intelligence
has enhanced leadership capabilities which provided good future team leader. Aptitude (e.g. verbal reasoning;
numerical aptitude) means a candidate should have understanding of problem and it solutions logically with
short time of period.
So I can conclude with this remark that the any HR Manager want to write selection criteria he must need to
consider how we assess each candidate measureable against the criteria.

Task 2 (LO2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, M2, & D1)

Please type your answer here
Before to discuss skills and attributes for leadership needed for the post of HR Administrator we
should understand the leadership.
Definition:- "Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated,
building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential.
Warren Benni
Skills and attributes refer to the qualities that enable us to apply knowledge in a practical way to get
something done. While a certain skill level is necessary to do a job, the fact is that attitude
determines whether the job is done well, and whether the job holder makes a real difference to their
organisation, colleagues and environment.
The ability to lead effectively is based on a number of key skills. These skills are highly sought after
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

by employers as they involve dealing with people in such a way as to motivate, enthuse and build
respect. Few of them are as under:
1. Interpersonal and communication skills This is one of the most important qualities that a HR
Administrator has to have and develop-the skills to be able to communicate effectively and manage
people easily.
2. Critical Reasoning, Problem-Solving Skills HR Administrator can analyze a given situation
and formulate a strategy to solve a problem. If one has technical skills that always help to managed
crucial situation effectively.
3. Emotional Intelligence When working with a team, the confident manner with which HR
Administrator interact with them, and the empathy that he shows to your co-workers indicate his
maturity and self-control. HR Administrator should be able to motivate people and himself. There will
be many tense situations in the workplace and HR Administrators capacity to handle the emotions
well will help him to survive in the firm.
4. Professional Knowledge This is the next most important trait that the company will look for. Indepth, current knowledge of your domain and the expectations of the position you have applied for,
should match. If the candidate can offer the kind of expertise that the employer is looking for,
candidates are sure to be hired.
5. Motivation, Incentives and Capacity Motivation is a very important ability characteristic which
one should have as HR professional/leader. Motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and
persistence of behaviour. Incentives on the other hand are external measures that are designed and
established to influence motivation and behaviour of individuals, groups or organizations. Incentive
systems or structures are combinations of several more or less coherent incentives.

2.2) a.
Cc: xyx@
Subject; induction
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Dear All,
Following to last workshops question and answer session, I realise that there are some of our
team members still confused about the terms leadership and management. Last night an idea comes
in my mind to write you about it briefly.
Leadership and management must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing. But they are
necessarily linked, and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause more
problems than it solves.
Still, much ink has been spent delineating the differences.
Definition of Leadership;
A relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people
The traditional view abot leadership as about:
Decision-making ,Command & Control Decision-making .In modern view has leadership having a
wider role, including

Inspiration Creating a vision ,Building effective teams

Definition of Manager
The managers job is to plan, organize and coordinate. The leaders job is to inspire and motivate.
Warren Bennis in his book On Becoming a Leader, (1989) composed a list of the differences:
Difference between leadership and manage;
o The manager administers; the leader innovates.
o The manager is a copy; the leader is an original.
o The manager maintains; the leader develops.
o The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people.
o The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.
o The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective.
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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o The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.
o The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; the leaders eye is on the
o The manager imitates; the leader originates.
o The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
o The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person.
o The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing.
Possibly there was a time when the calling of the manager and that of the leader could be separated.
A foreman in an industrial-era factory probably didnt have to give much thought to what he was
producing or to the people who were producing it. His or her job was to follow orders, organize the
work, assign the right people to the necessary tasks, coordinate the results, and ensure the job got
done as ordered. The focus was on efficiency.
But in the new economy, where value comes increasingly from the knowledge of people, and where
workers are no longer undifferentiated cogs in an industrial machine, management and leadership
are not easily separated. People look to their managers, not just to assign them a task, but to define
for them a purpose. And managers must organize workers, not just to maximize efficiency, but to
nurture skills, develop talent and inspire results.
The late management guru Peter Drucker was one of the first to recognize this truth, as he was to
recognize so many other management truths. He identified the emergence of the knowledge
worker, and the profound differences that would cause in the way business was organized.
With the rise of the knowledge worker, one does not manage people, Mr. Drucker wrote. The task
is to lead people. And the goal is to make productive the specific strengths and knowledge of every
I am hoping that now you must be understood the basic difference of terms, if you have any query do
not to hesitate to contact me.
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Best Regards
Asma Ahmed

Induction Process
An induction programme is an important process for bringing staff into an organisation. It provides an
introduction to the working environment and the set-up of the employee within the organisation. The
process will cover the employer and employee rights and the terms and conditions of employment. As
a priority the induction programme must cover any legal and compliance requirements for working at
the company and pay attention to the health and safety of the new employee. Wikipedia, the free
encyclopaedia. [Accessed 12 November 2014].

Discussion of leadership style for the following two situations:

1) Induction Process of the new employee:
2) Communicating the vision to the company to the rest of the organisation ;

If go through the following chart amongst the all types of leadership the democratic leadership is
best. Because in democratic leadership all employees participate in decision making process. Hence,
they feel motivated. If the person follows the autocratic leadership, it will increase dissatisfaction
among employee. Because in autocratic leadership the manager only takes all decision. If the person
follows the paternalistic approach of leadership, it will also have the chance of raising dissatisfaction
among employee. Because in paternalistic approach of leadership no employee is given
independence, all decision is taken by the manager. But in real case employee demand freedom and
they want to take part in decision making process. So, paternalistic approach of leadership is not
suitable for the Woodford Cars and Couriers.
In Laissez faire approach of leadership all employees are decision maker. So, it creates conflict
among the employee because the manager does not play any role in decision making. Laissez faire
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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approach of leadership is not suitable for new branch. According to graphical analysis we can
conclude that the Democratic style is best suitable approach.



2..4 (d)
The following three different ways are low cost and effective to boost employees morale to achieve
their specific short term objectives.
A key problem in many organisations is the perception of disconnect between management and staff
lower down the chain. If we are to keep our employees happy, it is vital that we listen to their
concerns and ideas and, where possible, act upon them.
In this case, I simply feel that if they are being listened and properly addressed their grievances it will
be enough to improve my teams morale. So regular meeting is a first step to bring out them from
stress and give them confidence. Further I suggesting company Intranet can be a great way to keep
the lines of communication open and it can be used to incorporate social aspects of business too.
For example:

In the early days of Hewlett-Packard, "the HP Way" included the practice of

"management by walking around," says Bob Kalsey, whose father started working at HP in the 1950s.
Founders Dave and Bill spent time on the shop floor talking with individual employees, asking
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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questions, and soliciting ideas

In general employees want supervisors to be aware and appreciative of their work. Create an
employee-of-the-month program or a wall of fame to recognize workers notable contributions. Such
programs demonstrate an employer's appreciation and also offer incentives for other staff members
to increase their productivity.
So following the above method I would offer to members of my team when they are doing fabulous
job. They should be appreciated and praised in staff meetings, or thank them in a handwritten note.
Whatever the message, the most important thing is that employees know that we notice and
appreciate their hard work. Employee recognition needs to stay within the office walls. If am
particularly impressed with an employees work. I must show handwrite a note or send flowers or a
gift certificate to demonstrate my gratitude. My personal attention will make the recognized employee
feel valued and unique.
According to Robert Bilotti Novita 2013, One of the top reasons employees leave a company is lack
of development opportunities, so providing your employees with professional effective training is sure
to boost morale, .
?What I think......... In this ever-evolving world of new technologies and ideas, employees need to
stay up-to-date with developments in their field. Some time they feel bored doing one job continually
so job replacement/promotion and training is essential to boost up employee morale. It is always
productive that periodically we arrange training workshop and seminars with dinner or lunch, which
provide the more confidence and productivity.
1. Course Book
2)10 inexpensive ways to boost employee morale | Articles | Main . 2014. 10 inexpensive ways to
boost employee morale | Articles | Main . [ONLINE] Available at
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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[Accessed 28 October 2014]
3) Training, Onboarding and so much more. | Novita. 2014. Training, Onboarding and so much more.
| Novita. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 October 2014]

Task 3 (LO3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, M3, & D2)

Please type your answer here
a) Based on the organisation you chose in task 1, assess three benefits of team
working for the new recruits within the chosen organisation.(3.1)
Guidelines: Learners will evaluate three benefits of working in a team to the new
recruits of your organisation

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The Benefits of working in a team of new employees, in Woodford Cars and Couriers
Team consists of employees from diverse managerial and professional backgrounds working for a
specific period of time on certain projects. According to Fundamental of Management Stephen
Robbins, 2014, a work team is a collection of people whose individual efforts result in a level of
performance which is greater than the sum of their individual contributions. Teams generate synergy
by coordinating the efforts of the individual members which leads to success. Working within a team
is culture which represents the success of Woodford Cars and Couriers.
The opportunity to work with others, rather than on your own, can provide distinct benefits.( Stephen
Robbins, 2014)
Advantages of Team work;
1. Increased productivity and performance:
Groups that work well together can achieve much more than individuals working on their own.
A broader range of skills can be applied to practical activities and sharing and discussing ideas
can play a pivotal role in deepening understanding of a particular subject area.
2. Skills development:
Being part of a team will help you develop ones interpersonal skills such as speaking and
listening as well as team working skills such as leadership, and working with and motivating
others. Some of these skills will be useful throughout individuals academic career and all are
valued by employers.

3. Improves job satisfaction:

Working towards a common aim creates a sense of unity within a team, which helps everyone
feel more settled and confident in their role. A positive work atmosphere helps to improve job
satisfaction for everyone working as part of the team.
Disadvantages of Team work;
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Unequal Participation;
With some teams, there can be a tendency for members to sit back and let others do most of the
work. This can cause resentment in the workplace, especially if as a business owner recognize only
the efforts of the team and not those of its leaders. Conflict may occur as a result, which can have a
detrimental effect on workplace morale.

Not Team Players;

Some workers may not function well as part of a team, preferring to work on their own. If work
environment requires working as a team to accomplish a task, need to be sure that screening
out the "loners" during the hiring process. While these individuals may be excellent workers in
the right environment, they will likely have difficulty fitting into this work culture, resulting in
Limiting Creativity;
Teamwork may also limit creative thinking. Employees may be so focused on working for the overall
good of the team and fitting in to the team concept that they put their own ideas on the back burner.
This lack of innovative thinking may keep your company from moving forward, resulting in stagnation.

3.2 b)
I was working as a team member in a factory . There I was experiences so many thing about the team like what
the benefit of working in a team and whats kind of hurdles have faces during to completing the task or whats
kind of difficulties to face other team members on the other team members death.
During my work one of my clique and member of my team has been passed away.
On that time all team members are affected by the death of another team member, personal loss, or
serious illness, or the team members loss of a family member, managers and supervisors are faced
with the challenge of insuring that team members are adequately supported while work
responsibilities are being met.
How are Team Members Affected?
Team members working in departments who have experienced the loss of another team
member or the return of a team member who has lost a family member due to death may experience
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a number of feelings over the days and weeks following the team members return.
This is because strong personal bonds are often formed within work groups, and the experience of a
returning grieving co-worker can be profound. The
intensity of reactions will vary among
numbness, shock and disbelief
decreased concentration and memory
increased anxiety
sleep disturbances, fatigue
change in eating habits
sadness, tearfulness
headaches, muscle tension, stomach ache
irritability, frustration
depression, emptiness
numbness, shock and disbelief
How is the Workplace Impacted?
Departments and teams that have recently experienced a team member who has lost a
family member and who is returning to the workplace are presented with a number of
issues. There may be difficulties with productivity and attendance for those most affected
by the loss. If new information about the deceased emerges regarding the death, or if
events surrounding the death are upsetting, some employees may be shocked, anxious
or confused. Some co-workers may be overly inquisitive and curious. Some co-workers
may become avoidant out of fear of saying the wrong thing.
What Steps Should Take
Be sensitive and straightforward. Create an atmosphere of open communication for
everyone. Make contact with any grieving employee as soon as possible. It is important
to acknowledge their grief and loss openly, even though it may feel awkward to initiate a
conversation. Feel free to share a caring reaction to their loss while being sensitive to
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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the confidential nature of personal or medical information.

Expect to do more listening than talking. Patience, compassion, optimism and availability
are helpful qualities to demonstrate. Be sure to ask what you can share and what is
confidential, and ask about specific things you can do to help. Don't be surprised if the employee
needs to talk about the loss many times, especially
during holidays and anniversaries, which may be very difficult. It is common for people
who have experienced a loss to exhibit periodic tears, low spirits and uneven productivity
for a while. It is up to them to initiate any discussion.

The Global financial crisis of 2007-2009 resulted in the worst recession the world has witnessed for
over six decades. The downturn quickly evolved into a global jobs crisis and Organisational changes.
In order to increase understanding of these complex changes of organisational structure and
strategies to achieving its goal and objectives. The quantifiable and qualitative factor those can be
use to review the effectiveness of new teams achievements of organisational objectives are as

Team Effectiveness
Team effectiveness of base on these key factors.
Team workers skills and ability.
Size of team if there are large number of worker in a team result may not be good cause more
complication in communication.
An effective team has two main characteristics,
1) Achieves its task objectives
2) Maintains co-operative working through the satisfaction and interrelationship of its members
In other word we can say there are two dimensions for team effectiveness.
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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Ability to achieve organisational goal.

Ability to satisfy all members of staff individually.

Quantifiable factors.
There are list of quantifiable factors that can help to an organisation for review the effectiveness of
the team.
1) Low rate of labour turnover
2) Low accident rate
3) High output
4) Productivity
5) Low absenteeism
6) Good quality of output
7) Individual target are achieved
1, Low rate of labour turnover;
A company with low turnover is generally quite productive. This is because the employees know and
trust each other and are better at their specific roles than a group of employees that sees more
turnovers would be.
Employees are likely to be more loyal to the company and more willing to devote their personal
energy to the job. Low turnover makes it easier for the company to focus its time and energy on the
business at hand rather than adapting to new staff. In addition to improved productivity and quality, an
organization's major benefits from the use of teams are improved quality of work life for employees,
reduced absenteeism and turnover, increased innovation, and improved organizational adaptability
and flexibility.
2. Low absenteeism
A satisfying and rewarding work environment helps to lower absenteeism and turnover. Teams are
particularly effective in this area. Membership in a work team gives an employee a sense of
belonging, interaction with others on a regular basis, and recognition of achievements. All of these
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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help to eliminate a sense of isolation within the organization. Team members identify with and feel
pride in the work they are doing and come to rely on one another being there. At some companies,
employees are evaluated based on their contribution to their team's effort.
3. Productivity
Productivity is doing the right things in the right way. Once we ensure employees are being effective
and efficient, we will see a rise in productivity. We should start measuring this productivity on a daily,
weekly and monthly basis. We can use metrics such as number of units produced, sales or customersatisfaction surveys. With effectiveness and efficiency in place, we will be able to establish some
baseline measures of the productivity of our company.
Effectiveness and Efficiency are the base of productivity.
Qualitative Factors.
There are so many factors which can help to assess the effectiveness of the team in achieving goals.
1) Cohesiveness
2) Clear understanding of the team work
3) Trust and open communication between members
4) Idea sharing
5) New idea generation
6) Mutual help and encouragement
1. Cohesiveness
7) Group problem solving, addressing root causes
Successful business strategies are usually
carried out by an effective team with a high level
of team cohesiveness. Highly cohesive teams are
more committed to the goals and activities, are
happy when the team succeeds and feel part of
something significant, all of which increases selfesteem which in turn increases performance.
Members of a highly cohesive team focus on the
process, not the person; they respect everyone on the

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

team, assuming good motives; and they fully commit

to team decisions and strategies, creating

December 2014

in cohesive teams because of increased team member

communication, friendly team environment, loyalty
and team member contribution in the decision-making

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2) Mutual help and encouragement

There is a readiness to be involved and committed. Individuals abilities, knowledge and experience
are pooled and used by the team. There is acceptance of each others strengths and weaknesses. To
develop this:

Provide opportunities for the whole team to have an input for example in team planning.

Enable different team members to work together on larger projects.

Clarify each persons role or input on joint projects.

Encourage experienced people to support or coach less experienced team members

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3) Group problem solving, addressing root causes

People express themselves openly and honestly. There is a willingness to work through difficult
situations or conflict constructively. To develop this:

Develop team ground rules that value being open and giving constructive criticism as well as

Find a good balance of being supportive and being challenging. (An overly supportive team
can become too cosy with little learning. On the other hand too much challenge can feel

Facilitate some getting to know you exercises. See Team building events for more on this.

Jointly appraise team performance.

Give positive feedback and constructive critical feedback.

Make sure feedback is evenly distributed and not aimed at only one or two people.

Openly discuss differences before they develop into major conflict.

If there are major conflicts invite a third party to facilitate discussion.

Allow people to express frustration or anger openly and respectfully. Otherwise it can come out

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Task 4 (LO4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, & D.3)

Please type your answer here
To: Director
Cc: xyx@
Subject; Assessment of work performance of the new trainee

Dear sir,
As you asked me that, how would I do planning, monitoring and assessment of work performance of
the new employee or trainee for successful completion of their probation period?
As a process, performance measurement is not simply concerned with collecting data associated
with a predefined performance goal or standard. It is complex process which consist factors and cofactors activities. Three factors those always followed in each case of measurement of employee
performance are (1) Performance Management, (2) Appraisal and (3) Feedback
Performance Management:
As we know that the performance management process provides an opportunity for the employee
and performance manager/HR Manager to discuss development goals and jointly create a plan for
achieving those goals. Achieving the overall organisation goal requires several ongoing activities,
including identification and prioritisation of desired results, establishing means to measure progress
toward measuring progress toward results, exchanging ongoing feedback among those participants
working to achieve results. Feedback is given and assistance with corrective actions is required
where the performance does not match the standard set. The appraisal interview is the vehicle for
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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giving feedback to the employee through which they can find out about their strengths and
weaknesses and discuss what steps to take to improve further performance. As such it is a crucial
part of the appraisal process.
An organisation is concerned with performance in the pursuit of its goals. The performance of an
organisation as a whole determines its survival. The performance of individual determines pay and
promotion prospects. So I believe to achieve set goal of the organisation initially we should follow the
control performance method. Control involves setting standards, measuring performance against
standards, taking decisions about the extent to which performance is satisfactory, and taking
appropriate action to correct deviations from standards, shown in the figure below:
Planning Objectives
And targets
Establishing standard of

Compare deviation

Monitoring actual

Take correct action

BPP Learning Media, 2013

2. Appraisal: To get the most out of their employees, the appraisal process should include listening,
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observing, giving constructive feedback, and providing recognition. Generally performance

management solutions include writing assistants and coaching tools to help managers find just the
right words to give constructive analysis of the employees performance. The most important part of
the appraisal is to provide feedback about what the employee has successfully learned and still
needs to learn and create a plan to provide the opportunity for the employee to develop those
necessary skills. This can be an important factor not only in the employee's growth, but also in the
health of the entire organization since employees have a greater sense of loyalty to companies that
develop talent from within and thus become more engaged in their work. These development plans
also allows the company to create a pool of talent for strategic succession planning.
3. Feedback: Feedback of performance helps with the productivity of the organisation. Feedback
enables employees to understand the company's expectations (goal & objectives) of them. It also
identifies development areas the employee needs to work on to improve their performance. With this
information, employees have the information necessary to improve their job performance and stay
motivated. Feedback can be positive and negative or constructive but there are two main types of
feedback; both are valuable to enhance the performance and development of an employee.
(1) Motivational feedback and (2) Development feedback
Motivational feedback: is used to be remuneration and reinforce positive behaviour and
performance by praising and encouraging the individual. Its purpose is to increase confidence or to
make realise the hidden talent can be used.
Development feedback: It is used when a particular area of performance needs to be improved,
helping the individual to identify what needs to be changed and how this might be done. Its purpose
is to increase competence.
Read more :

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A successful training needs analysis will identify those who need training and what kind of training is
needed. It is counter-productive to offer training to individuals who do not need it or to offer the wrong
kind of training. A Training Needs Analysis helps to put the training resources to good use. The
following Performa has been developed for the same purpose.







address required

the needs


to the success dates

support the of

Mr. Ian







Mr. Simon




time time




for information

of course






the review and

Flexibility of Completion



Job Completion

time practice

of training




Mr. Clements


skilled lifting

Ms. Sofia

IT Training

On job


time Training






2 days


One hour a


10 wk

on completion


Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

2 days a wk

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4.3. In-house news letter.


Evaluate the

A performance appraisal is a formal system of

success of


review and evaluation of individual or team








organizational process that is conducted to



performance evaluations is like painting a


room. If you do all the prep work diligently

all the sanding, speckling, taping and priming
the actual painting is easy.

So too with

employee evaluations.

maximize the productivity of employees with







organizations effectiveness. It is strategic in

nature and involves every person and all HR
processes in the organization. All are directly
tied to achieving the organizations goals.

A vital aspect of any sort of evaluation is its

The performance appraisal is a periodic event

effect on the person being evaluated.

to reflect and evaluate past performance with

Feedback is essential for people to know how

the intent to identify strengths and weaknesses

they are progressing, and also, evaluation is

of an employees performance and to identify

crucial to the learner's confidence too.

developmental goals. A performance appraisal

And since people's commitment to learning

relies so heavily on confidence and a belief that
the learning is achievable, the way that tests
and assessments are designed and managed,
and results presented back to the learners, is a

is just one part of a performance management

system. (Source: Mondy, R. (2008). Human resource
management, 10th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall,

2. Recording Success and Failure:

very important part of the learning and

development process.

Once you establish clear objectives is that

4 efficient steps always help you with effortless


and successful evaluation.

numerous business events occur over the

Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading

1. Establish SMART goal, agreed-upon.

Performance management is a goal-oriented




Contd. 2.

of a year, and as December
a manager

essential you have a reliable record of the

important stuff. Both the good stuff and the









It naturally has to be a fair and

balanced account, recording successes and


If you come to year end without

hard data and youre both just relying on


youre inviting differing

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& Technology





unpleasantness at evaluation time.

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3. Periodic Evaluation:
Our organizations require this but many dont.
Regardless, do yourself (and your employees) a
favour by doing a formal evaluation at midyear.
This will impose rigor on the process and force
you to gather the necessary data to make a
meaningful assessment plus it will make the
process a whole lot easier when you get to year
end. Some companies take this a step further and
even do formal quarterly evaluations, but to me
this seems overkill a trifle bureaucratic and
obsessive as if youre spending too much time
assessing work rather than doing work.

4. Meaningful Feedback:

In the final analysis, most manager- employee

relationships (like any relationship, be it a
marriage or a friendship) founder on the shoals
of poor communication. In my own experience,
when Id done my job as manager well
throughout the year, final evaluations were
pleasant as apple pie. When I hadnt, they were
messy. And the fault was mine. As a manager,
I hadnt done what I needed to, avoiding
the hard
documentation or both, and in the endgame I
paid the price.
So to return to my initial painting similarity
its all about preparation. If you do the prep
work diligently, there should be no surprises
and performance evaluations become an
afterthought, just the final step in an logical,
well-managed process.

Immediate feedback, both good and bad, and

Personally, I would prefer to hold weekly half1. BPP Learning Media 2013
hour meetings for relatively new employees
2)Performance Evaluations - Forbes. [ONLINE] Available at
(or for veteran employees if there were issues be resolved) and meet once every two
weeks with employees who knew the job and
. [Accessed 25 November 2014]
were performing well. But theres no right or
3) (Source: Mondy, R. (2008). Human resource management,
wrong as to exact frequency whatever suits
10th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 224-225.)
your business needs. And of course theres no
point wasting valuable time in meetings; if
everything is perfectly fine and theres nothing
to discuss, just end the meeting after two
minutes and get back to work.
But you can still incorporate certain elements
and failures,
5 HND Diploma
Unit 14: Working
with and Leading People
December 2014
52 candidly discussing whatever needs to be said
to make this years process as smooth as
possible and then start the cycle in its entirety,

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-: 2 :-

Alternative strategy to access the work and development needs of individuals as owner of a business
I understood that training always provide tremendous advantages for development and growth of
business. We can improve customer service and employee productivity, motivate our staff and keep
our operation current. We should remember to analyse our needs at the outset and choose the right
type of training for our requirements.
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

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At first I would prefer to assess whether we currently need to train our employees.
Assess the Business: Has it changed? For instance, if weve recently installed a point-of-sale
program or upgraded our computer system, training can make the transition easier for staff
and customers alike. Employees are more accepting of change if they receive adequate
training. They will likely feel more supported, and valued, as members of our organization.
Understand our Demographics: Are there new factors to be taken account? For instance,
has the growing number of baby-boomers resulted in a higher demand for internet services?
Keeping an ear to the ground for changes in our customer base will provide us with
opportunities for growth, and may result in new training requirements.
Seek Feedback: Have we asked customers, managers or employees for feedback? We may
discover some hidden training needs that translate into opportunities to improve service
delivery. There are simple ways we can collect this information, such as customer survey
cards and forums for staff to communicate with senior management.
Act on Complaints and Frequent Problems: Receiving complaints from customers or staff
doesnt necessarily indicate an employee is a lost cause and must go. Perhaps there is simply
a deficiency that could be easily rectified with training. When errors or complaints are brought
to our attention, analyze the problem and determine whether training might solve it.
Prepare New Hires: When we hire new front-line workers, they often lack advanced skills in
customer service and communications. We should address these right away. Quality of service
impacts the visitor experience, which affects our bottom line: training is a must for new hires.
Retain Employees: Recruiting new hires is one issue; retaining them in the long-run is
another. We can reduce employee turnover by making training opportunities available to those
seeking to advance their careers within the industry and within our organization.
Accept the Limits of Training: Not every problem can be solved with training. For instance, if
an unhappy employee receives training for a promotion, He/she might still quit after they
receives it, leaving us to train a replacement. Nor will training ensure that a previous problem
wont emerge again. For instance, after he receives training, that front-line worker might still be
the target of customer complaints. We might discover that he or she more suitable in another
position, or another line of work.

Prioritize: Take time to evaluate what our own organization as a whole stands to gain by
training its employees. Where can we make the best use of training? Who can benefit most?
Develop a strategic plan we can use in the longer term.
Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

London School of Science & Technology

By being proactive in supporting employee training and development on an ongoing basis, we can
help our employees to work to their full potential. Assessing where training will be of greatest value in
our organization and implementing it in the long-term will ultimately better the customer experience
and improve our bottom line.


Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14: Working with and Leading People

December 2014

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