Litcomp Syllabus

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Sophomore Lit/Comp/Speech

Instructor: Mrs. Ross

Room: 231
Class website:
Remind: Text To: 81010
Message: @3rdross
Turnitin: Class Code: 13266231
Passcode: bhsross
Course Description:
In this course students will study communication in two ways: spoken and
written. Each student will be listening to speeches, giving speeches, studying
writing, and writing on their own. This class is a speech, literature, and
composition class in one.


Grade Break Down:

Effective Communication

70% Summative
--Major Tests
--Major Essays
30% Formative
--Class Work

12 Angry Men
To Kill A Mockingbird
Group Presentations

Classroom Expectations and Procedures

TRY: if you try, I can help

Communicate: from bathroom passes to extra time, tell me what you need
BEFORE time runs out
Be Prepared for Class: bring your supplies, leave your burdens
Be Kind to Everyone: I will not tolerate any remarks at another persons expense.
Anyone making disparaging remarks about another student will receive a
warning and then a detention and parent meeting if necessary. In this class we
build each other up; we do not tear anyone down.

Class Work and Grading

Grades are earned according to particular assignment requirements. All major

assignments will be accompanied by a grading rubric.
IF YOU DO NOT COMMUNICATE: Late homework will drop one letter grade for
each class day late. Work is considered late if it is not complete when you enter
the room. Homework assigned during an excused absence is due two class
periods after the excused absence.
You are welcome to e-mail any assignments to me, but these will be counted late
if they arrive after the due date (without an excused absence) or cannot be
You may rework essay assignments for a higher grade after a conference with me;
reworked essays are due within two weeks of the date they were returned to you.

Speech Procedures

All speeches must be accompanied by a written outline.

Students must dress-up on days when presenting speeches to the class. Any
student with concerns about appropriate dress clothes should see me before the
day of the speech.
All speeches must be clean and legal. Speech is meant to be informative
and often entertaining. I encourage each of you to have fun with your topics and
presentation. Anyone concerned about the appropriateness of a speech topic
should clear his/her topic with me before planning the speech.
Students may not talk during class on speech days unless presenting a speech.
Students are required to listen attentively to all speeches as well as to complete a
rubric for each speech given by a team member. Students must be respectful and
encouraging to other speakers and must applaud at the end of each speech.
Students participating in disruptive behavior during a speech will be given one
warning (this warning may not be verbalit may come in the form of a look), if a
second warning is required the disruptive student(s) will receive a classroom
detention. If a third warning is necessary, the student(s) will be sent to the dean.

Substitute Procedures

Hopefully I will not have to leave the classroom often. However, if the situation
arises that I must miss class, all students should be helpful and cooperative for
the substitute. Any discipline/ detentions given by a substitute will be doubled
upon my return. I expect nothing but perfect behavior in my absence.

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