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Ellis Scott Frison, Jr., J.D.

August 6, 2016

White Paper
Donald Trump
And the Communist Agenda

Donald Trump sees the world through ignorant eyes.

He has been played by his Communist handlers and doesnt know it.

The Khrushchev Doctrine

In the sixties, Nikita Khrushchev was the undisputed Ruler of the Soviet Union. While
speaking at the United Nations he pounded the table and threatened America with the line
That promise of our demise under the boot of communism energized our entire Nation
and forged American will to accept our place as the only bar to communist hegemony.
Khrushchev and the Russian people felt the entire weight of American nationalist pride
and determination and were forced to back down in various hot spots around the world,
the most public being Cuba.
Forced to withdraw under threat of War, Khrushchev tried to explain away his threat.

Re-grouping, Khrushchev developed a program of passive-aggressive engagement with

the objective of using Americas strengths to infiltrate and undermine the bonds that
makes America Great. In a twenty - two (22) page document Khrushchev detailed how

Soviet operatives would infiltrate the American economy, communities, police, and other
public service institutions, and the news media. Russian citizens and sympathizers were
trained in organizational infiltration, community cell operations for business, government
and religious institutions.

The Soviets took Notice of the economic, class, ethnic, religious, and racial divisions in
America. Soviet Operatives were instructed to fan the flames of division to promote strife
and promote the expenditure of resources. The program targeted each American
Institution and every right / privilege protected by the Constitution. The plan was named
The Khrushchev Doctrine and in the latter part of the 20th Century U.S. Intelligence
operatives were following millions of Soviet agents / sympathizers that had infiltrated,
established residence, married, had families, purchased property, been elected to office,
and otherwise had assimilated into the American culture.

Mr. Trump like Republican leaders before him thinks that he and Putin are on the same
page. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There is no looking into his eyes and
seeing his soul. He has no soul. What Trump fails to understand is that Putin headed the
KGB, is an expert in espionage, HUMINT, SIGINT, and Counter Intelligence. He was
raised on and has perfected the Khrushchev Doctrine and when he meets with Western
Heads of State, he is guided by one of the tenants of that Doctrine.

Any serious contender for the office of President knows this, and so informed acts
accordingly. To do otherwise is to surrender this Nation and its people to those that
would do us harm..

Khrushchev learned from his predecessors but especially from Stalin. Writing about the
World War II leader he provided a glimpse of what life was like under Stalins Russia.

Since the reign of Khrushchev, each successive dictator has sought to achieve world
domination. Integral to achieving that objective is the placement and control of Soviet
spies, surrogates and sympathizers in positions of influence and power, in and out of
government to achieve the goal of conquering America from within.
A Simple Plan
The Khrushchev Doctrine epitomized Russian thinking. Develop a weapon system that is
basic but functions. No frills. Deploy the system and use it over and over until victory.
When implemented, the Khrushchev Doctrine targeted Constitutional guarantees, trust of
government and fellow citizens, pitted Federal power against State power, attached the
power and effectiveness of government, reduced the ability of government to raise
revenue to address national problems and to project world power. And they packaged it
in such a way as to make it believably and American idea.

The First Amendment prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of

certain individual freedoms. Under the Khrushchev Doctrine:
(1) Freedom of religion was enforced by limiting and criticizing any
religion that was not traditionally Christian.
(2) Freedom of speech was to be limited if critical of the governing political
(3) Freedom of the press was to be undermined at every opportunity
making those that traditionally exposed corruption to be viewed as corrupt.
(4) Freedom of assembly was to be restricted in order to limit the message.

(5) Right to petition for redress undermined by attacking the issue and
credibility of person(s) seeking redress.
The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms.
Under the Khrushchev Doctrine the Second Amendment is promoted as paramount. Khrushchev
believed that a distrustful, suspicious, and fearful American citizenry that is armed is more likely
to bring down the American way of life than any invading Army.
The Sixth Amendment protects the rights to an individual accused of a crime.
A primary principle of the Khrushchev Doctrine is to instill a lack of confidence in and fear of
each other and the American authority figures. Citizens are encouraged to take up arms against
authority. Second Amendment Solution.

The Ninth Amendment declared that individuals have other fundamental

rights, in addition to those stated in the Constitution.
Under the Khrushchev Doctrine Americans are encouraged to exercise their individual rights to
the detriment and disregard of the rights of their neighbors and causing mistrust and tension.
The Tenth Amendment establishes balance of power between the federal and
state governments.
Khrushchev believed that the bury America objective could be achieved by emphasizing
State(s) rights over Federal rights and promoting State independence as the true test of
The Fourteenth Amendment: Granted due process and equal protection to
former slaves and to all persons "subject to U.S. jurisdiction".

Khrushchev and his supporters knew that despite the racial tension in America, the races had
come together to fight and win against aggressors in World War I, World War II, the Korean War,
and was doing so in Vietnam., despite the problems of desegregation throughout the Southern
States. Under the Khrushchev Doctrine, Soviet agents infiltrated the Civil Rights movement
encouraging a more militant approach to the exercise of civil rights. Other Soviet agents joined
and provided financial support to racists groups such as the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan where
they encouraged heinous acts against minorities. These actions were promoted as the
preservation of the White Race and State(s) Rights

The Fifteenth Amendment prohibits the use of race in determining

whether a citizen ay vote.
The Khrushchev Doctrine promoted racial animus as a tactic at the community
level encouraging division of schools, communities, churches, work places,
governments. Denial of the right to vote is easier when you do not know or
associate with those you seek to discriminate against.
The Sixteenth Amendment removed Constitutional constraints that limited
the power of Congress to lay and collect taxes on income.
The economic power of the United States is could not be challenged or matched
by the Soviets. The only option was to target the source of that economic power.
They did so by attacking taxation as an anathema to economic posterity. With

reduced revenues, the Doctrine reasoned that community support programs

instrumental in creating upward mobility should be eliminated as too costly.
Business organizations were encouraged to use their influence to encourage
elected officials to reduce taxes which coincidentally increased business net
The Twenty-second Amendment: Limits an elected president to two terms in
office, a total of eight years.
After World War II, the Soviets feared the unifying skills and popularity of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Khrushchev Doctrine focused on limiting
the popularity and political power of future American Presidents. This led to the
advocacy for limiting the terms of future American Presidents while the Soviet
leader remained able to promote his world order aspirations indefinitely.

As we enter this political season Americans are not just deciding who will govern
this Nation for the next four or eight years. Americans are deciding whether to
surrender to their way of life to the likes of Vladimir Putin and the Russian


Surrogates who walk amongst us, who serve in positions of influence and power
over us.
Khrushchev prophesized We wont have to fight you; WELL SO WEAKEN
YOUR ECONOMY, until youll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.
This is the future Khrushchev predicted for us. And this is the situation we now
face. The Republicans have nominated for President a divisive candidate who
epitomizes that personality envisioned by Khrushchev to bring America to its
Donald Trump has abused fellow Americans and the American business model
for his own selfish benefit, and brags about doing so. He makes being taken
advantage of the victims fault. He praises Vladimir Putin as a strong leader and
sees no problem with Putins vison of a world order where Russian Armies
occupy their neighbors bringing them under the protection of the Russian

Donald Trump has much to answer for. He married Melinia Trump, who
admitted that she was born, raised, and schooled in the communist system

existent in her native Slovenia. In her book, Melinia Trump brags that her father
was a communist who rose to positions of influence knowing the art of the
deal. She characterizes her life story as a rise from a Communist Village in
Slovenia to the White House.
In November 2016, Americans will decide the future of this Nation. Do we remain the America
envisioned by the founding fathers of do we accept the definition others attempt to hang around
our necks?


Ellis S. Frison, Jr., J.D.


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