r/bodyweightfitness Recommended Routine: Warm-Up ( 10-15 Min.)

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/r/bodyweightfitness Recommended Routine

Warm-up (~10-15 min.)

Do all stretches in the Dynamic Stretches section, and perform all holds in the Bodyline Work section.

Dynamic Stretches: 5-10 reps each

Shoulder Rolls (Standing & Floor)

Scapular Shrugs
Band: Straight Arm Overhead Pull Downs
Band: Straight Arm Chest Flies
Band: Dislocates
Wrist Mobility Exercises (10+ reps)
Front / Side Leg Swings

Bodyline Work: 10-60s hold each

Side Plank (Left & Right)
Reverse Plank
Hollow Hold
Arch Hold

Skill Work (~10 min.)

Set a timer and go practice your handstand and support progressions, resting as necessary. When the time is
up, youre done. Only pick one progression level. Choose the progression which is best suited for your current fitness
level. As you advance, choose the higher progression levels.

Handstand: 5-10 minutes

Level 1: Wall Plank

Level 2: Wall Handstand
Level 3: Freestanding Handstand

Support: 2-3 minutes

Level 1: Parallel Bar Support

Level 2: Ring Support Hold
Level 3: Rings Turned Out (RTO) Support Hold

Strength Work (~40-60 min.)

Strength Work is setup to be done in pairs with 90 seconds of rest between each alternating exercise in the pair. For
example, Pair 1 Pull-up, rest 90s, Ring Dips, rest 90s, Pull-up, rest 90s, Ring Dips, rest 90s, Pull-up, rest 90s, Ring
Dips. After the final set of each pair, you can choose to rest anywhere from 90 seconds to 3 minutes before moving onto
the second pair of exercises. As with the Skill Work, only choose one progression to work on in each exercise of the pair.
All exercises are to be done in a 10x0 tempo. That means 1 second down, no pause at the bottom, explode up and no
pause at the top. When exploding up, its the intent that matters. If the actual movement is slow, that doesnt matter.
Just dont artificially slow it down.

Pair 1 (NOTE: If you cant do diamond push-ups and horizontal rows, yet, simply skip these for now.)
Pull-up Progression: 5-8 reps (x3)
Dipping Progression: 5-8 reps (x3)

Level 1: Pull-up Negative

Level 2: Pull-up
Level 3: L-Sit Pull-up
Level 4: Pullover

Pair 2
Squat Progression: 5-8 reps (x3)

Level 1: Assisted Squat

Level 2: Squat
Level 3: Step-up
Level 4: Deep Step-up

Pair 3
Push-up Progression: 5-8 reps (x3)

Level 1: Vertical Push-up

Level 2: Incline Push-up
Level 3: Full Push-up
Level 4: Diamond Push-up
Level 5: Rings Wide Push-up
Level 6: Rings Push-up
Level 7: Rings Turned Out Push-up
Level 8: RTO Pseudo Planche Push-up

Level 1: Parallel Bar Dips

Level 2: Ring Dips
Level 3: Rings L-Sit Dips

L-Sit Progression: 10-30 sec holds (x3)

Level 1: Foot Supported L-Sit

Level 2: One-Leg Foot Supported L-Sit
Level 3: Tuck L-Sit
Level 4: Advanced Tuck L-Sit / One-Leg L-Sit
Level 5: L-Sit

Row Progression: 5-8 reps (x3)

Level 1: Vertical Rows

Level 2: Incline Rows
Level 3: Horizontal Rows
Level 4: Wide Rows
Level 5: Tuck Front Lever
Level 6: Tuck Ice Cream Maker
Level 7: Tuck Front Lever Row
Level 8: Advanced Tuck Front Lever Row

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