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The Sachar Committee report of 2006 revealed that scheduled

castes and tribes of India are not limited to the religion of Hinduism.
The 61st round Survey of the NSSO found that almost nine- tenths of
the Buddhists, one-third of the Sikhs, and one-third of the Christians in
India belonged to the notified scheduled castes or tribes of the
Drop that the list also shows that how diverse India when it comes to
2. Indicate that there are also ethnic grouping within a specific region.
Governments approach to diversity issues of the state. (Indias
1. it has a commitment to multiple values - liberty and
- It has a place not only for the right of individuals to profess their
religious beliefs but also for the right of religious communities to
establish and maintain educational institutions crucial for the survival
and sustenance of their distinctive religious traditions.
2. Because it was born in a deeply multi-religious society, it is
concerned as much with interreligious domination as it is with intrareligious domination.
3. There are boundaries, of course, but they are porous. This allows the
state to intervene in religions, to help or hinder them without the
impulse to control or destroy them. This involves multiple roles:
granting aid to educational institutions of religious communities on a
non-preferential basis; or interfering in socio-religious institutions that
deny equal dignity and status to members of their own religion and to
those of others (for example, the ban on untouchability and the
obligation to allow everyone, irrespective of their caste, to enter Hindu
temples, whilst potentially correcting gender inequalities),
1. Continuity of traditions

A vast of Hindus is illiterate but aware of the laws of karma or the

implications of violating caste rules and their commitment in their
2. Division of labor
The caste system promoted division of labor and specialization of
knowledge which helped each family perfect and improve their
vocational skills and continue them from generations to come.
3. Bonds of Brotherhood
The caste system contributed to the development of caste guilds in the
urban areas, which acted like social and labor unions. They united
people together under a common purpose and provided some kind of
social against unfair competition and unjust exploitation of areas.
4. Purity in lineage
- Since inter marriages outside your caste is prohibited, many families
were able to maintain the purity of their lineage.
5. Unity in Diversity
- The caste system was not a system of mere division of labor. It
emphasizes the underlying unity of all the castes and their divine
nature as products of great cosmic sacrifice, arising from various parts
of the universal being.
1. Exploitation of the weak.
- The Hindu caste system had inherent weakness, which rendered it
unjust and exploitative over a period of time, giving rise to social
injustices, disabilities and inequalities among the vast majority of
2. Disunity and division of loyalties
The caste system divided the society vertically and horizontally into
several groups and bred distrust and resentment. It promoted disunity,
distrust and caste prejudices among the people.
3. Foreign Domination
it weakened peoples resolve to stand united against foreign invasion.
4. Low Self esteem
The caste system lowers the self esteem of many and makes them feel
bad about their social status and caste identity.
5. Preferential Treatment

The caste system was based on birth rather than individual talent and
vocational choice. This created many disabilities for talented
individuals belonging to the lower caste.
6. Instrument of oppression
- The caste system became an instrument of oppression in the hands
of socially privileged castes. Landlords and wealthy merchants
exploited the lower caste and subjected them to inhumane treatment.

The caste system might have served its purpose in ancient times, but
dies not fit into the values and principles of modern times, such as
democracy, fundamental rights, individual freedom, equality and non
Hess and Torney survey it can be assessed with the help of twelve
factors. Viz. family influence, political party affiliation of the parents,
political activities during school and college days, friends influence,
influence of caste association, influence of religious institutions, impact
of television, radio programs and print media, influence of political
party and acquaintance with the Member of Legislative Assembly and
Member of Parliament.
It could be noted that out of the total 204 respondents 59.84 percent of
them have family influence towards political socialization and the rest
of them have no family influence in this regard. The political party
affiliation of the parents enables 54.93 per cent of the respondents to
become political socialized.
The male respondents have got major influence of Family, political
party affiliation of the parents, political activities during school and
college days, friends, caste association, religious institutions, impact of
television, radio programs and print media, influence of political party
membership, acquaintance with Member of Legislative Assembly and
Acquaintance with Member of Parliament towards their political
socialization. In general female respondents lag behind the male
respondents in their political socialization process.

The Hindu respondents have got major influence of family, political

party affiliation of the parents, political activities during school and
college days, impact of television, radio programs, print media and
Acquaintance with member of parliament towards their political
socialization process. The Christian respondents have got major
influence of friends towards their political socialization process. The
Muslim respondents have got major influence of caste association,
religious institutions, political party membership, and acquaintance
with the Member of Legislative Assembly towards their political
socialization process.
The undergraduate level educated respondents have got major
influence of Political party affiliation of the parents, caste association,
religious institutions, impact of radio programs and acquaintance with
Member of Legislative Assembly towards their Political socialization.
The secondary level educated respondents have got major influence of
political activities during school and college days, friends, impact of
television and radio programs and Acquaintance with Member of
Parliament towards their political socialization. The primary level
educated respondents have got major influence of Family and political
party membership towards their political socialization.
The respondents in the income group 25,000-50,000 have got major
influence of family, political activities during School and college days,
friends, caste association, religious institutions, impact of television
and radio programs, print media, political party membership,
acquaintance with Member of Legislative Assembly and acquaintance
with Member of Parliament towards their political socialization. In
general respondents in the income group Rs.50, 000-75,000 lags
behind with the respondents of the low-income group in respect of
their overall factors of political socialization.

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