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Major goals in 8th grade science include doing well on STAAR and being prepared

for high school science classes. While science investigations are often fun, hard
work will be required to accomplish our goals. Parents, I encourage you to e-mail
or call me with specific concerns about your child.

An Introduction...

Welcome to 8th Grade Science

with Mrs. Zavala

Interactive Notebook
Science Textbook
Pencils (2)
Black or Blue Pens

Extra-Strength Glue Stick

Materials Required Daily:

Grades are as follows:


Major Assessments

A+ = ++
A = +
B+ =
B = C = ok
D = X
The days HOMEWORK is to be recorded each day in the students agenda. You
should expect homework at least 2 nights a week. All homework is due at the

beginning of class by the time the bell rings.

Tests will be announced in advance and should be recorded with the homework in
the agenda.

Be prepared to have quizzes all through the units of study. These quizzes will
often be used to determine what type of assignments need to be done to master
a concept. Classwork quizzes are also a sure you are reviewing
the material daily.

Attendance is Important!
Try as hard as you can to be in class everyday; it makes school easier.
If you are absent, its important that you catch up quickly. It is the
students responsibility to obtain make-up work. Work will be labeled
with your name in the correct periods folder. If you need more
information, stop by at the end of the day before you leave school.
Students have until the next class period to complete make-up work for
each day absent. Tests announced before an absence may be given the
SAME day a student returns. Make-up test are given after school so as
not to miss further instruction. Work not made up results in zeros!
Retesting & Late Work Policies

You may retest if you earn below 70% on a MAJOR grade. The
retest will be after school and the date will be announced when you
receive your score. The material covered will be the same but the
format may be changed. Dont expect the same test. With other
major grades, you will be given an alternate assignment to
complete. The retest/alternative assignment is averaged with the
original to determine the recorded grade.
Classwork turned in late will have 10 points deducted. Classwork
will not be accepted for a grade after the next class period. Late
homework will not receive a grade but can be turned in for teacher
feedback and enrichment.

Interactive Science Notebooks and Textbooks

The science textbook is interactive so you will write directly in your text. You will use an
Interactive Notebook (INB) to process all other class information and organize assignments,

notes, and maintain handouts. If your INB and text are not in class you will not be able to

do your work, therefore

*after school detentions are assigned when either item is not

brought to class .
If you lose your text book you will need to buy a new one as soon as possible to keep your
grade up.
You cant be tardy nor can instruction be missed to get materials from your locker.
INBs will be graded on content, organization and the completeness. Incomplete INBs also
make test preparation more difficult and lower grades may result. All notes and
assignments must be complete and included, even for days you were absent. Keep up

with your INB on a daily basis because they maybe graded at any time.

713-295-5240 ext. 064269

Lets Communicate!

My website:

Use Parent Connect to reach GradeSpeed

My email :

The textbook is online through the HUB

1 Box of Tissues

2 rolls of Paper Towels

1 Manual Pencil Sharpener

Supplies to be turned in

1 Canister of Clorox Wipes

Student maintained supplies

Compositions Book

Highlighter (Any color)

Pencils (2)

Blue or Black Pens

Colored Pencils (Set of 12)

Red Pens (2)

Manual Pencil Sharpener (1)

Braded 9X12 mailing envelope

Glue sticks (6-10 this year)



(Print your first and last name)
Classroom Rules

Arrive on time with all materials.

Keep hands, feet ,and objects to yourself.

Work during all work times.

Follow directions when given.

Follow all CHAMPS expectations

Supplies are due Aug. 29 (B) or Aug 30 (A)

I have read and understand the information in Mrs. Zavalas Welcome Letter
My class period ___________

Student and Parent will need to sign this

copy below and return it to science
(Print your first and last name)

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