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Hodo we have been focusing on your ability to express your feelings and communicate with others, and
confidence to take risks. Today you made friends with Lara and together you played on the slide, as
soon as you got to the top of the slide you hesitated and waited for your friend Lara to go down first, as
you watched her I realised maybe you were a little scared as it was a higher slide than the one you had
been playing on earlier. Teacher Maha stood beside the slide and reassured you that she would be there
to catch you if you needed her, however you decided not to go down at that point. After Lara had gone
down several times I noticed you chatting with her, unfortunately I couldnt hear the conversation,
however I presumed she was telling you to sit down behind her and go down with her as that is what you
did. After that I could see your confidence growing as you slid down the slide by yourself several times.
The smile on your face showed me you were happy with your progress.
Later in the afternoon I saw you again with Lara and this time you were playing in the water trough with
a paint roller, at first you decided to paint the ground and then when you watched Lara paint the fence
you painted the fence to.
REVIEW OF LEARNING: Hodo your confidence is growing and you are becoming more social and are making
friends with more of the children. The communication between you and Lara was great, you took some
risks today Hodo and they paid off you are now happy to go down the slide by yourself so this is a great
achievement. We will continue to give you new experiences which will encourage communication between
your teachers and your peers. Kia kaha well done.
T. Lynda June 2016

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