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From the time I was born, Lucifer knew I had a prophetic calling on my life, and that as
an adult, I would grow up to become one of his archenemies. I would learn as an adult
how to expose, attack, and tear down the strongholds that he would create to control and
destroy the House of Jacob. To thwart my efforts, he assigned one of his top ranking
generals to distract me I would abort my mission. Growing up through churchianity
(demonic teaching with through spiritual worship) or simply the system of Christian
religion, I always felt there was something missing or wrong. I was miserable and I could
not figure out why. Therefore, Yah choose a bible detective with discernment as my
partner. I was the kid always looking at the pastors or leaders behavior, because I wanted
to make sure mine lined up with his or hers (the leader) since they were supposed to be
Yahweh’s example of righteousness on the earth. Although I loved Yahoshua, I hated
religion because there was something phony about it. There was just something wrong
with the whole thing, for I knew the pastors that chased the young girls, spent money on
new cars and clothes. Some how I accepted it because that deception did not bother me as
much as what I could not put my finger on it at that time. Out of 100,000 plus
CHURCHS, by luck, I had landed in the denomination that had everything wrong, and
would chase out everyone else that was right or had a different prophetic view. Yes, this
is where the power of discernment first perfected. Even though my Sunday (goddess)
teacher taught the brainwashing side of the bible, I knew that something was missing or
changed. I thought why or what kind of god would let another race do what happened to
the blacks (Hebrews) and turn right around and let them (gentiles) teach us how to be
good without apologizing to us first. The teaching of Yahweh representing love was not
seen in churches then or now. Therefore, I learned early that I needed to know Yahweh
for myself. This is what my mother told me at an early age. After the death of my older
brother Andre who really was a father to me in a lot of ways, taught that you can beat the
devil only thru the Father. I recognize that without the supernatural power of the Elohim,
this or any other information that I state could not be written. Yah alone holds the keys to
all the mysteries. I found that studying and writing Yah’s words was a long, lonely,
demanding life long experience. I received my official calling on Mother’s day 2005.
Really, your call begins the day you recognized that something is just not right on that
day I began learning him for my self. In fact, the revelation has taken years to understand
and is ongoing. It took years to put it on paper. The writing covered a period of years and
putting the Scripture references in a step-by-step systematic order with the Most High
took years and is ongoing. Finalizing the information is hard because of revelations are
being revealed daily. In addition, for a period of forty- three nights, Yahweh showed how
to follow him and to be obedient to his laws and diet in the spirit and to still witness to his
people held in captivity (Jail). This followed by nights of visits to scripture places and
times. I see now that the Elohim was preparing me even when as a child I had dreams
about YAH. After my eyes were opened, I had a very strong love for the lost and wanted
to see souls saved. Later the Elohim appeared to me and told me that I was chosen for a
special assignment, He said, "My child, I will manifest myself to you to bring people out
of the darkness and into the light. For the Elohim has chosen you for a purpose, to write
and make a record of the things I will show and tell you (Deut. 29:29). "I am going to
reveal unto you the reality of hell on earth, that many may be saved, many will repent of
their evil ways before it is too late. “ Your soul will be taken out of your body, by the
Elohim, and ascend into other places that I want you to see. I will also show you visions
of the levels of heaven and other places and give you many revelations." For this purpose
you were born, to write and tell what you have been shown and told. For these things are
faithful and true. Your call is to let the world know all that Yahweh have shown and
taught you teach them that Yahweh sent a ransom for them from this torment. Let them
know the effort that I have and am going thru to save them if they would listen and study
my words. He said, "I am Yah, your Elohim, and I wish to give you a revelation to
prepare the Saints for My return and to turn many to righteousness. The powers of
darkness are real and My Laws and judgments are true. "My child, in the Spirit I will
show you many things which I want the world to know. I will appear to you many times;
I will take your spirit out of your body and will actually show you scripture, and
revelation some known and some unknown. "I want you to write, remember, verify and
become a scripture detective tell of the visions and all the things I reveal to you. You and
I will walk through Scripture history together. Make a record of these things, which were,
are, and are to come. My words are true, faithful, and trustworthy. I Am That I Am, and
there is none beside Me." All at once, I wanted to give Him my whole life to be used by
Him, to help save Israel from their sin. I knew, by His Spirit, it actually was Yah there
with me. There are no words to express His divine presence. However, I know that I
know it was the Elohim because of the revelations that was made. "Behold, "I am going
to take you by My Spirit so that you may be able to verify the record of my chosen
people the Hebrew Israelites, tell them and the whole earth that what is real, and to bring
the lost out of darkness and into the light of the knowledge of me.

This journey picked up speed with a book called Return to Glory, in it was a reference to
the Falasha Jews. I looked up Falasha Jews being obedient and my life has not been the
same. My wife and I have sacrificed everything we have jobs, family, friends, our sanity,
love ones, church and pastors. The Most High said to forsake all and follow Him, “I have
given you much knowledge, those who listen will find life.” There's truth in freedom,
when they set themselves against the deception, they will find truth in Me. Hallowed by
MY Name, MY SABBATHS,MY Kingdom will come, MY will be done on earth as it
is in Heaven. Yet many call upon another Name and are living in torment and deception.
The false light gives them largeness of life, grand appearances, deceptions and what they
discern is not of Me. They will scorn you and rebuke you; they will mock you and
degrade you. Stand tall it is Me they scorn and rebuke. It is Me they mock and degrade.
You are My mouthpiece and have been appointed even before your time to walk to serve
Me in these days.

Does not My Word say to test the spirits? They refuse to accept My warning and they
carry on in their delusions. Tell them to repent! To repent for not listening to My words,
for not studying and for following after man's doctrine (Christianity). Listen to the
Prophets of the Beast as they "call unto Me" in their strange tongue yet it is not I who
answers. They serve their father the devil. Curses and vanity comes from their lips and
they think they are worshipping Me with wrong names on the wrong day equals strange
fire, and you know what I do to strange fire.

Did not I teach this to you years ago? To stop cursing My Name?. Yes, because you
sought My heart and I revealed it to you. Now tell them! Do not hide or keep this from
the hearers (like Jonah tried to do) because I know you want to. I love you and I know
your heart. Moreover, I know you are burdened by yet even more enemies in the false
camp and more will arise against you. They will call you false because they want to cling
to their own traditional deceptions. Tell them to seek My heart for truth and I will reveal
it to them. If they seek Me they won't have a leg to stand on to persecute you. Stand
against all giants my sons and daughters, stand against those who mock you, and try to
limit your roles when I said I will pour out my spirit on all flesh ESPECIALLY
WOMEN. Eve was not the problem she exposed it, The Most High says brothers and
sisters stay in Me and reveal My Words to the world... I will lead you to them. I will see
and know who comes against My servants and I will deal with them. I know you are
weary of these attacks and maliciousness from your brethren, but I tell you this, MY
people have ears to hear and those who do not are Not MY Bride. Hebrew Believers
in the Word of Yahweh have been expecting the last days of Biblical prophecy to surface.
Believers in every age have anticipated its arrival, and with each turn of a century they
were sure it was going to happen, but it did not. Is it time now? Are the last days
prophesied throughout the Bible here? Yes... We know some followers are not prepared
for curve balls (tricks of the enemy). What if things don't happen exactly as they are
expecting? We know to expect certain things, but how we come to the arrival and
conclusion of those things is something people are not aware of. They watch the daily
news for signs of the times but the problem is they do not know all the signs, symbols
and words plus the news is controlled so the public is not getting the info they need to
watch the times. Another problem is there are those who would have you think that
anything contrary to what they preach or hear isn't the truth, but the problem is what they
are preaching isn't the truth! And in many cases, simply are not preaching at all, they are
repeating something another pastor said on TV. I am not saying I have all the answers,
but my Father and his complete book (including the Apocrypha) does. I am but one of
several Followers who have found The FATHER AND THE Way, and called to SPEAK
this revelation. The only thing I can do is what the Father has led me to do and that is
bring to the forefront things that have been covered up, hidden, or changed that brings us
into end time events. Prophecies, visions, dreams and words all attributed to Yahweh
are filling our internet forums, bookstores, pulpits, conferences, seminars, and even
churches. It is the beast agenda of Revelation 13 and it is gaining momentum everywhere
you look.

Most people know that those pictures in churches AND on fans are false interpretations
of a white god but can not explain why are they believe it to be true. Yet when this one
(the white false messiah) comes how many will be deceived by him and that picture?
What I have been seeing, the majority people the churches are strangely silent and asleep.
They are not preaching the truth of the Scriptures warning of a false messiah, or that the
false messiah’s name would be jesus christ. Which beast will the populace fall for
Babylon or The false Messiah or both? Scripture shows it will be both. Yet I’m still
prayerfully neither. However, there are always the gullible Saints who after all have
already achieved an immeasurable amount of success with the gullible, strongly
delusional, sleepy and falsely lead Christians in captivity.

The ministers of today make salvation sound to easy. All you have to do is believe and
you will be saved, what does saved mean when you will always sin. Those of us, who
truly are ambassadors for the TRUTH, are hated of all men because we strive to walk in
the law. The world has been deceived into believing that the Holy, and Righteous ways of
The Creator of all things, has been done away with. How could man think that he does
not have to obey the One who holds the very breath that he breathes?

1Pet. 4:17-18 Peter says…"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the House
of YHWH; and if it first begin with US (The House of Israel), what shall the end be of
them that obey NOT the gospel of YHWH (the Kingdom Gospel? And if the righteous
scarcely were saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
Rom 2:13-14 But glory, honor, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the
Hebrew first, and also to the Gentile; For there is no respect of persons with YHWH. For
as many as have sinned without the law shall also perish without the law; and as many as
have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law For not the hearers of the law are just
before YHWH, but the doers of the law shall be justified".

When Yahweh said to be fruitful and replenish the earth meaning he had destroyed what
was there, hence a new beginning which he would create man in his own image to dwell
here. The TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL (apple) is a long-disguised
object of pagan erotic, spiritual discovery, and they painted it as the Fall from Grace
because of its awesome power to unlock the mind, and the heart of the worlds humans
seemed horrifying to conventional organized religions. The Great Old Ones (FALLEN
ANGELS) Would not teach us without also begetting their kind among us. The
DEMONIC gods have always taken humans unto themselves - even if just to make
contact with your primordial soul. Or seduce you and to break through into the
transcendent ecstasy of your own spirit and thereby all sinful knowledge came unto the
world; their gift to us. (In addition, when you slice an apple in half, not top to bottom but
across its center, you will find a five-pointed star) what most call the Star of David.
Lucifer was here and his first chance on earth he saw what was happening and, from that
time, has set out to destroy man because he was envious that Yahweh had created man in
His own image, Lucifer wanted to be like Yahweh and Yahweh had created man in his
own image. The battle lines were drawn. From that point on, Lucifer would do everything
he could to destroy Yahweh’s creation and those created in His (Yahweh’s) image.
The United States has been set up as a demonic command center, and Satan used
Yahweh’s chosen people to set it up and he went further to brainwash them into
worshiping his demonic religion. The first settlers supposedly came here for freedom of
religion more like freedom to pervert the truth, every demonic religion in the world is
here, all the pagan symbols, ideals and worship is here all the filthy birds of the world is
here, this has been Lucifer’s version of (paradise) his version of the garden. Kidnapped
and held in captivity are Yahweh’s chosen ones, (ISRAEL) we know what happens to
hostages when the kidnapper’s demands are not met.

What does the Bible call today's churches? MYSTERY LAID WASTE (TRUE
America, harlots are the churches. They have prostituted the truth for lies. If you are
worshiping in the Christian churches, you are worshipping a false Savior. If you are
celebrating the Christian traditions and dogma of the Christian churches today, you are
celebrating a false gospel. How can I say this? Because Yahweh is the same yesterday,
today, and forever he changes not. And if you are not following the example Yahweh,
Yahoshua and His Apostles set, then you are not following HIM. If you are not
celebrating His feasts, keeping His Torah laws and observing His commandments
you are not HIS but a clever deceptive counterfeit. They follow church after church
instead of just seeking Yahweh Himself. They blindly accept what their pastors and
leaders tell them because it is just what they have done all their lives and to think
otherwise goes against the brainwashing of the religious establishment. The fear of
questioning is put into them (you are made to feel demonic) instead of following the
commands to be Berean. “And search the Scriptures for ourselves. You cannot
protect yourself from error if you do not seek Yahweh Himself for the truth. Man
should never replace Yahweh. To place your Pastor as your only teacher and above
Yahweh you are bordering on stupidity and defiantly idolatry because you have made
him a god. Because we are to seek Him, not man. We have gone from generation to
generation in Spiritual limbo because man has replaced Yahweh in every Christian
church. Christian Doctrines, theologies and ideologies, have all replaced HIM. I hold no
religious affiliations. My only affiliation is in Yahweh. Christians would do well to
realize they don’t have to spend all their time trying to tell everyone “what Paul really
meant” and just admit he was a self appointed apostle. Yahweh did not institute the
Christian church; Yahweh only allowed the building of the temple, by Solomon, after the
continual persistence of David, the Hebrew word which translates into church, means
nothing more than an gathering or assembly. I am one for bible quotes, so you will just
have to start reading, and be completely entranced by the wealth of information, within
the pages of the Torah, and the Bible. We are not to take the lazy way out like our fore
fathers, who only read the quotes given them by their priests and pastors.

For thought…….. Psalms 146:3, Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man,
in whom there is no help. When I started praying and asking the Elohim to reveal the
truth in all things to me He led me into one thing after the next. In addition, as I learned
what it was He was showing me or leading me to I put the information on paper. It has
been a journey, and it has been exhausting, but it is also everything I asked for, the truth.
The truth is not easy and after you get over many of the initial shocks and have time to
heal from those lies that have been stacked in your mind, then the truth does not become
shocking anymore it becomes interesting. "What next" becomes the mind set? This whole
world is just one big abomination. If it is not one evil thing it's the next. It is everywhere.
It is oozing in every piece and part of this planet especially the united snakes (states of
America). Yet amongst it all are His chosen people shining His light in a dark and evil
planet that rejects Him and them. I'm not talking about the false Mithraic, Eurocentric
and Paulinized Christianity that pervades Babylon and fills the purses of the whores of
Babylon (the rest of the world). But those He has brought out from among them who can
recognize what they are and who they are in the wilderness are the lovers of truth who
seek and ask Him for the truth instead of sitting on piles of eroding information filled
with deceptions and errors.

I don't know where He will lead me in the future other than to start building a way to
inform, and teach His people the truth. Many of you that are enlighten will lose their
home or have to leave their homes because of the coming destructions, wars, terror
attacks, bio-attacks, violence and mayhem. The Elohim is preparing places for His
chosen people around the world. While others will be given the ears to hear, others will
not. Many will be tested in the trials and persecutions coming because their knowledge of
faith hasn't been perfected and He will test them with persecutions and even death to see
if they really love Him and they will become martyrs for Him, He will allow them to die
or be killed. Others will fulfill their ministries i.e. (persecutions) for Him and then go
home but first we must renew our mind. To initiate your Deprogramming, you must think
of yourself as having been kept in a box since your birth—your family has also been
raised inside that same box; thus—due to incognizance—they had no alternative but to
keep you in that box. Everyone you know and meet is generally inside that exact same
box. Of course, neither you nor they would know what life is like outside that box.
Understand that inside this box is a set of rules that you are told to live by. You DON’T
know anything different. That box you have lived in your whole life is actually a system .
. . a system that has become your memory . . . a memory that “THEY” have programmed
you with. You have been programmed for a calculated and planned purpose. .THAT
HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE Most High. The European American ruling elite
and their agents, from George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to Bill Clinton and the
Bushes, have clearly understood that their preeminent status, class dominance, and
economic superiority are contingent upon carefully managing the thinking processes and
cleverly exploiting the labor of the Hebrew (Israelites) American minorities. During the
time of Washington and Jefferson two of America’s most notorious slave owners, “all”
Hebrew (Negro)s in the 13 British North American colonies (which later became the
United States) were in bondage, both physically and psychologically. Then America
receives instruction from the Ha’Satan stating, “Having a fool is one of the basic
ingredients of and incidents to the making of the slavery system.” -Willie Lynch
(devil in the flesh) read his letter if you get a chance.


The object of this increase in biblical knowledge is to inform the African-American

Community (Hebrews) to the truth that Hebrews from conception to our realization in
history and Scripture started in Africa. These native African people, who were and are
black people, therefore those of African descent need to reclaim Yahweh as there Creator
and continue uplifting, teaching, the symbol of Divine Strength, which was stolen,
changed, hidden, and misplaced from us by the Europeanist Christians, who receives
there orders from Catholics, Jesuits, (the Black Pope) . Ignorance and apathy are the great
enemies of freedom and self- determination, those who don't struggle to study and know
the truth and be the truth walking, should not complain about their predicaments, but in
reality should expect them. Only the chosen who struggle against Satan’s lies using the
scriptural truth as the weapon of illumination will be able to free the lost minds. We have
woefully and painfully forgotten the Hebrew Spirit within us. Spirit and Truth must shine
forth again! This truth is to be told to every human in the world, and received by those
who want it. Guess what people? It will not happen either until our community takes it
upon itself to see it happen, to educate ourselves biblically and spiritually on what we
have lost thru corruption, to illuminate the minds of the Elders and youths with the truth.
What we need is thinkers not blind believers. Blind belief has been instilled into (Israel)
our American mind is damaged so deep that physical surgery is required for most. We
have found that the thinking and mental progression of most black Americans (Hebrew
Israelites) is slowed down and in many cases halted all together. Clear Spiritual Biblical
Studying and thinking gives us more practical and "spiritual valued Knowledge" than all
the blind false faith in two worlds. This form of ignorance has been the cause of many
unpleasant episodes in our history. Therefore, truth breaks the chains of ignorance,
including some of our most cherished and demonically aged beliefs, which have proven
to be false. When we finally realize what has happened all we can do is bring to light
what has been hidden, denied, changed, or what simply has not been asked of our father
because of ignorance. Ok it is not a big surprise to many folks know that Satan's seat is
the Vatican. Satan is a dragon. In addition, that is where the Draconians (demons) are,
then that is where Satan is. It was revealed that Cain sought to establish his own approach
to Yah. The Bible says Cain was a false teacher who sought to establish a false way to
Yah and labels false approaches to Yah as "the way of Cain". It says, "For there are
certain men (false teachers) crept in unawares (quietly, secretly), who were before of old
ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of Yah into
lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord Yah, and Yahoshua. Woe unto them! For they
have gone in the way of Cain" ( Jude 4,11).

Cain's approach to Yah was not only one of rebellion, but the birth of religion a
man made approach to Yah.

Remember: The first step in deprogramming yourself from mass-media

brainwashing, to freeing yourself and your neighbors, from its evil clutches, is to
recognize that you and they are, indeed, brainwashed. It gets a lot easier, and things
begin to get much clearer from there on.

My wife (MiYahani) and I (Mal’akyah) have sought the Most High and put together
this and more information. with some more Hebrews put together by the spirit we
are to help you out of bed (Spiritually). Everything we teach is from the Most High
so it is scripturally accurate.



Our mission is to seek out the lost sheep of the House of Israel dispersed among the
Gentiles, who are called and chosen to receive a love for the Truth. We hope this is your
objective also, and that we can work together often to accomplish it as we are enabled to
by the Spirit of Yahweh. The Creator seeks your worship on His holy Sabbath day, and
Satan, seeking to be like the Creator, wants your worship on his Sunday. That which you
will choose is your own decision in regards to yourself.

Through the gift of the Holy Spirit the simplicity of the scriptures are revealed in a
manner that can be easily understood by the sincere of heart, the meek and the simple.
Hebrew worshippers (to whom this doctrine was first delivered), will find within this
composition of verses a new perspective to their own understanding of faith as well. The
scope of these documents is indeed broad and the work is equally as encompassing. This
work is not unorthodox in regards to maintaining scriptural integrity. However, it is
unorthodox in its presentation of those scriptures. Thanks to Yahweh, the Father who
through the Holy Spirit has made clear to us these mysteries bringing to pass his will in
ways which would otherwise remain incomprehensible to the natural mind?.

Most of us grew up going to Sunday school at Church. We learned a lot, but what I
really learned was to listen, memorize scripture and ask no questions concerning race.
When I got older every Pastor that I met has told me that we are to study to show our
selves approved. We have to remember the difference between studying and memorizing
scriptures. Studying entails proving scripturally every thing we do, say or hear is
accurate. If asked to prove that your Pastors message heard in church is scripturally
sound could you? The Most High demands this from us. It would be both curious and
interesting if we could trace a connection between the significance of the names of the
Hebrew tribes and those to whom it applies to now, we can only if we study. In ancient
times, names were much more significant than they are to-day, and the tribal names in
particular possessed for the Hebrews a symbolic meaning, but this does not appear to
have induced the same response in today’s Church groups. Hebrew tribes were equated
sacred stones connecting the colors and symbolic meanings of the stones with the
characteristics or fortunes of the tribes. The ancient Hebrew writers performed a task in
associating names of the Most High with the Sabbath, and to reveal the chosen people to
today’s world. The story told by the Old Testament prophets pertains to Hebrews (so-
called blacks) who descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Nevertheless, Satan
altered this fact to keep Hebrews in a substandard position. We refer to this oppression
as "Babylon", the scripture supports that we would be held in captivity for 400 years with
obvious references to slavery, cultural tyranny and brainwashing that all blacks must
overcome in order to see what our Father is doing for us. To greater understand the
rejection of the TRUTH; most “Christians” neglect the foundation of the Bible (KJV
etc…) opting instead for our Leaders word to substitute for the SPOKEN WORD of the
Creator. 2 Tim. 2:15 said …to study to show thy self approved... The “so-called black
man's history" originates in the Hebrew Scriptures which was translated into the King
James Scared Names Bible. The many prophecies of the Bible are like the pieces of a jig-
saw puzzle, which can only be divinely understood thru The Most High. Then we can fit
them together to give us a grand mosaic of Yah’s redemptive purposes for the past,
present and for the future. Many Saints feel that the inspiration of the whole Bible leads
to the conclusion that the whole Bible is of equal theological value… dividing the history
into specific periods according to how Yah is said to have dealt with humanity. From
before the fall, Yah related to man through his conscience and the law (ABBARU)
the father’s langue. These laws were always for Israel (Hebrews) first, and then to the
Gentiles", they are the two groups of believers Yah will join in unity. Since the Hebrews
have always accepted "The Messiah”. In contrast, Hebrewlism (the body of doctrines
concerning the names, places, culture, events, people and the human soul in its relation to
death, judgment, sin, heaven, and hell) teaches that the wide road leading to destruction is
the Christian Church and it has nothing in Yahweh dealings with the Hebrews. When
the Gospel was preached to the Gentiles there was a big out pouring and gentiles were
saved in thousands, but that was the gospel for the gentiles instead it has been harnessed
and rehashed as gospel for the Hebrews. And some thought Yah had turned his back on
Israel. However, he only tried to provoke them to jealousy and back to him, but Yah's
continued plan and favor of the Hebrew Israelites will be revealed to non-believers when
they are in the mist of the great tribulation, sadly for most it will be too late to recognize
their means to salvation. For example, from the Fall to Noah, Yahweh communed
with man through his conciseness, prayer (ABBARU) and establishment of His
Laws, from Moses to Eternity, He communed with man by the re-establishment of
His Laws, conciseness and prayer (HEBREW). Yahweh always had a "plan for the
ages.” The questions between law and grace, prophecy and mystery, Israel and the
FOLLOWERS OF THE WAY, were all answered thru the life and teachings of the
PROPHETS but we have to study and pray to receive the hidden mysteries. Why do
you think YHWH spoke in parables? Answer, because there were people he didn’t
want to know what he was saying. Many who study the Scripture intellectually AND
devotionally find that selecting more than one translation approach is useful in
interpreting and applying what they read. For example, a very literal translation may be
useful for individual word or topical study, while a paraphrase may be employed for
grasping initial meaning of a passage. The most well-known movement to translate books
of the Scripture appeared in the 3rd century BC. Most of Scripture existed then in
Hebrew, secret books were often preserved for use within the esoteric circles of the
divinely knit believers, found themselves outside the realm of understanding, and
therefore came to apply the term "apocryphal" to, what they claimed to be, heretical
works which were forbidden to be read. Although they were composed mostly in
Hebrew, they were not accepted. The Reformers who were not ANOINTED or called by
the Father did not consider these books on a par with the rest of the Scriptures; thus the
custom arose of making a Apocrypha an separate section in the Scriptures or even THE
ACT of omitting them entirely. Who gave man the power to edit the Fathers words and
books? The three main books of the Apocrypha not accepted by Catholics scholars (man)
and Most Christian scholars (man) are 1-2 Esdras and the Prayer of Manasseh. The
theme of the Book of Enoch dealing with the nature and deeds of the fallen angels also
infuriated the later Church fathers why?. Nobody gave credence to the book's teaching
about angels. A MAN named Rabbi Simeon ben Jochai in the second century A.D.
pronounced a curse upon those who believed it (Delitzsch, p. 223). So books was
denounced, changed, transliterated, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and shredded - and
last but not least, lost (and DEMONICLY forgotten) for SEVERAL thousands years.
But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Enoch found its way back into circulation
two centuries ago. The same persistence in prayer, guidance, and studying is responsible
for PUTTING BACK INTO the EARTH THE TRUTH of The Most High and the Sacred
NAMES, PLANS (LAWS), and HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE; therefore I challenge you to
pray with an open mind for guidance and study to prove all things Scripturally

This is a trail of tears - there will be hurt and loss, there will be anger but once WE come
through that know that we will be among the blessed and protected of Yah. Out of change
and repentance comes healing and understanding. We are going face a critically
important decision - once you see the truth, you have to act on it or suffer the
consequences like the red pill or the blue pill of the movie “The Matrix”. If you
READ and STUDY from this point forward, you will never be ON MILK again. Pray
for guidance and strength.

(Jer. 30:4-7) "Now these are the words that YHWH spoke concerning
Israel and Judah, 'For thus says YHWH: ... Ask now, and see 'whether a
man is ever in labor with child?' So why do I see every man with his hands
on his loins like a woman in labor, and all faces turned pale? Alas! For
that, day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob's
trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.



Psychological Slavery - Incarceration by Eurocentric belief,
language and value systems that pervert Hebrew allegiance
and subservience to European political, religious, dietary and
economics needs and ideas. (Akbar, 1984).


Gen 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that
they were naked. In addition, they sewed fig leaves together and made loin
coverings for themselves.


Isa 14:12 How349 art thou fallen5307 from heaven,4480, 8064 O Lucifer,1966 son1121
of the morning!7837 how art thou cut down1438 to the ground,776 which didst
weaken2522, 5921 the nations!1471

• Deu 4:3 Your eyes5869 have seen7200 (853) what834 the LORD3068 did6213
because of Baal Peor,:1187 for3588 all3605 the men376 that834 followed1980, 310
Baal Peor,,1187 the LORD3068 thy God430 hath destroyed8045 them from
among4480, 7130 you.
• Baal Peor = MANS RELEGION (Christianity)


Rev 22:16 I1473 Jesus2424 have sent3992 mine3450 angel32 to testify3140 unto
you5213 these things5023 in1909 the3588 churches.1577 I1473 am1510 the3588 root4491
and2532 the3588 offspring1085 of David,1138 and the3588 bright2986 and2532
morning3720 star.792


(2Ki 18:31) “Do not listen… for thus said the DECEIVER … Make peace with
me by a present and come out to me, and let each of you eat…and each of you
drink the waters…of his own cistern (MIND), aka do, eat, drink what you like
forsake the law, do not listen to it. Baal Peor,


• (Hos 9:10) “I found Yisra’ĕl like grapes in the wilderness. I saw your
fathers as the first-fruits on the fig tree in its beginning. They
themselves have gone to Baal Peor, and separated themselves to
shame, and became as abominable as that which they loved.


Then the eyes….mind
of both of them were opened…….conscience
and they knew…….. felt, understood, the had knowledge
that they were naked……..without the Father’s covering (sinned)
And they sewed…….. they planned, they attempted, to hide or altered
fig ………(The Father ‘s choice fruit Y’srael)
leaves…… for the healing of the nation
and made loin coverings ……. to atone for their sins
for themselves…mans first attempt at self righteousness or (Baal Peor)

The HEART and MINDS of both of them opened! THE SELF-






(1Jo 3:4 Whosoever3956 committeth4160 sin266 transgresseth also the

law:4160, 2532, 458 for2532 sin266 is2076 the3588 transgression of the law.458 )


Gen 3:21 Unto Adam121 also and to his wife802 did the LORD3068 God430
make6213 coats3801 of skins,5785 and clothed3847 them.
It’s interesting that the FATHER didn’t tell not to worry about the sin
because my son is coming to atone for this sin.

But instead the Father atone for it himself ,this is the standard.
Gen 4:14 Behold,2005 thou hast driven me out1644, (853) this day3117 from4480, 5921
the face6440 of the earth;127 and from thy face4480, 6440 shall I be hid;5641
and I shall be1961 a fugitive5128 and a vagabond5110 in the earth;776 and it
shall come to pass,1961 that every one3605 that findeth4672 me shall slay2026
• This proves two points first it proves that there were
other people on earth and second that the LAW was in
effect because he was afraid of death which is the
penalty for murder.

Oral The First way of teaching Law



Gen 3:8 And they heard the sound of ‫ יהוה‬Elohim walking about in the
garden in the cool of the day, and Aḏam and his wife hid themselves from
the presence of ‫ יהוה‬Elohim among the trees of the garden.
Gen 3:9 And ‫ יהוה‬Elohim called unto Aḏam and said to him, “Where are you?”
Gen 3:10 And he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid
because I was naked, so I hid myself.”
Gen 3:11 And He said, “Who made you know that you were naked? Have you
eaten of the tree of which I commanded (LAW) you that you should not
Now there is no doubt that the Father spoke to them regularly, and he was
in the process of teaching, and communing with them verbally (ABBARU).
Without an Oral LAW you would never be able to learn the Torah."
Deu 4:6 “And you shall guard and do them, for this is your wisdom and your
understanding before the eyes of the peoples who hear all these laws, and
they shall say, ‘Only a wise and understanding people is this great nation!’
What is the source of our wisdom? The Torah tells us -- the Torah is
the source! We have the Oral Law, which is MEDITATING on the word,
the Written Tradition, or scripture many refer to as the Bible. Anyone
who has ever tried to learn the Scriptures alone knows that they are a
closed book, full of confusing and difficult-to-understand statements. The
Torah is general and briefly worded, and lacks detailed directions. Obviously,
commentary is necessary. This commentary is of the FATHER, also known as
the Oral Law, MEDITATING on the word or the Oral Torah. The
Written Bible is completely incomprehensible without MEDITATING on the
word. Most Hebrew words change their meaning when pronounced
differently. Without MEDITATING on the word, how can we determine the
true meaning of the words of the Hebrew Scriptures, written since they
were written without vowels? You can't read the alphabet if no one tells
you what they mean. And you think you don't need the knowledge of pre
Hebrew Oral Torah in order to understand the words of the Torah?
Oral Torah came from the Father and was passed down from generation to
generation until its interruption by the deceiver. After the garden
meditating on the word, dreams and praying became the way of Oral Torah.
It was an advanced civilization undoubtedly because of their copying and
adding to what the Father had taught in the garden. This “instant
civilization” replaced the earlier ADAMIC group. IN THE GARDEN, [some
like having the start immediately after the Flood]. The Sumerian civilization
was depended heavily on trade with areas outside Mesopotamia. It
flourished until the time it was eclipsed by Babylonian power. The Original
Literary works were studied and copied, and new ones were composed. The
language they instituted itself was “precisely the opposite grammar and
vocabulary that the FATHER STARTED “ABBARU”.” Cuneiform, replaced
The Fathers verbal and mental word to pass on verbally to all generations
thus we have the world’s first writing, ultimately a very simple and efficient
technique. We sometimes do not give our ancestors credit for their vast

NATUFIANS wrote the first codes, established the first civilization

The Original Israelites /Africans / Nubians

Amorites, Hittites, Hyksos, Ebla-ites all Natufians

Thus, when we connect the dots to HABIRU AND HYKSOS we get a

clear picture: most names ironically start with "H".... Hmmmm case for identity, we
begin and the HEBREWS, the HURRIANS, the HITTITES





• LULUWA = (ISIS)..GIVER OF LIFE (ANKH) she was 1ST female
born, married CAIN also called khnemet. (BLACK).
CAIN’S DECENDANTS would have that privilege the fallen
angels gave them in prowess, astronomy, math, engineering,
navigation, man made demonic law, etc. Cain’s descendants knew
that the best way to capture people’s minds was by “religion.”
Cain means the "forger”. Today’s world religions characterize the
original “anti-Creator” (Ha’Satan) way of life. Historically, they
have kept the chosen people (Israel = Blacks, Indians, Mexicans)
not only “enslaved to the LIE,” but also in most cases more
primitive mentally and spiritually than ever before

The Fathers (Natufian) SEEDLINE

• ABLE = (HORUS)..attributes of The Creator was killed (BLACK)

• SETH = (SET)..Attributes of Adam.. (BLACK)
• HAWATHA = NEPHTHYS = 2nd female, married Seth, also called

The Garden of EDEN (Natufia)… Nubia… Edin/Edinu (Sumerian Eridug,

Akkadian Eridu...., in the beginning it contained nothing but Natufians
/Nubians. Fertile Crest, First True Followers (Nubians) Community or
garden) The first city and its city-garden created by the Father is Eden, or
(Eridu) in the southern Mesopotamian plain.



Ezek 16:1-26…1Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2Son of
man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations, 3And say, Thus saith the
Lord GOD unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of
Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite. 4And as
for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut,
neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted
at all, nor swaddled at all. 5None eye pitied thee, to do any of these
unto thee, to have compassion upon thee; but thou wast cast out in the
open field, to the lothing of thy person, in the day that thou wast born.
And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I
said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee
when thou wast in thy blood, Live. 7I have caused thee to multiply as the
bud of the field, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou art
come to excellent ornaments: thy breasts are fashioned, and thine hair is
grown, whereas thou wast naked and bare. 8Now when I passed by thee, and
looked upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love; and I spread my
skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness: yea, I sware unto thee, and
entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD, and thou becamest
mine. 9Then washed I thee with water; yea, I throughly washed away thy
blood from thee, and I anointed thee with oil. 10I clothed thee also with
broidered work, and shod thee with badgers’ skin, and I girded thee about
with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk. 11I decked thee also with
ornaments, and I put bracelets upon thy hands, and a chain on thy neck.
And I put a jewel on thy forehead, and earrings in thine ears, and a
beautiful crown upon thine head. 13Thus wast thou decked with gold and
silver; and thy raiment was of fine linen, and silk, and broidered work; thou
didst eat fine flour, and honey, and oil: and thou wast exceeding beautiful,
and thou didst prosper into a kingdom. 14And thy renown went forth among
the heathen for thy beauty: for it was perfect through my comeliness, which
I had put upon thee, saith the Lord GOD. 15But thou didst trust in thine own
beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy
fornications on every one that passed by; his it was. 16And of thy garments
thou didst take, and deckedst thy high places with divers colours, and
playedst the harlot thereupon: the like things shall not come, neither shall it
be so. 17Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my gold and of my silver,
which I had given thee, and madest to thyself images of men, and didst
commit whoredom with them, 18And tookest thy broidered garments, and
coveredst them: and thou hast set mine oil and mine incense before them.
My meat also which I gave thee, fine flour, and oil, and honey, wherewith I
fed thee, thou hast even set it before them for a sweet savour: and thus it
was, saith the Lord GOD. 20Moreover thou hast taken thy sons and thy
daughters, whom thou hast borne unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed
unto them to be devoured. Is this of thy whoredoms a small matter, 21That
thou hast slain my children, and delivered them to cause them to pass
through the fire for them? 22And in all thine abominations and thy
whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou
wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood. 23And it came to pass
after all thy wickedness, (woe, woe unto thee! saith the Lord GOD ;) 24That
thou hast also built unto thee an eminent place, and hast made thee an high
place in every street. 25Thou hast built thy high place at every head of the
way, and hast made thy beauty to be abhorred, and hast opened thy feet to
every one that passed by, and multiplied thy whoredoms. 26Thou hast also
committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbours, great of flesh; and
hast increased thy whoredoms, to provoke me to anger.



• Amorite…Eblaite and Amorite. So far, researchers know little
about either of these languages, which lie in a direct line behind
biblical Hebrew. However, archaeologists have uncovered
thousands of tablets that contain material in both languages. Many
years will pass before all of it becomes available and can be
accurately studied. Preliminary reports indicate that many of the
place names of Genesis appear on the texts. They are written in
cuneiform The Bible uses the term Amorite in a slightly more
general and popular sense, referring to the pre-Israelite native
population of the land. This makes it essentially synonymous with
Canaanite By the time of the Israelite invasion; the two terms had
become interchangeable. However, what was the original
relationship between the two groups? That the patriarchs were
somehow connected with the Amorites.
• HYKSOS…. we should note that the pharaohs of Rameses’ time
used the very names employed by the Hyksos kings of Egypt (1730–
1570 b.c.; see “Egyptians” ). Rameses worshiped the same gods that
the Hyksos kings worshiped. Therefore, the Hebrew has worked on
these cities with the Hyksos. In fact, the Hyksos wouldn’t have
had good reason to oppress the Israelites, since they were also of
Semitic origin A group called the Hyksos (“rulers from a foreign
land”) took control of the nation. Joseph’s rise to an important
position in the house of Potiphar (Genesis 39) and his appointment
to the task of collecting grain during the years of plenty (Genesis
41) may have been made possible because other foreigners had
significant places in the Hyksos government. Some of the Hyksos
were the people of Israel, but few know this view today. The
Hyksos used the bow, body armor, the horse and chariot, and a new
defensive wall system for Egyptian cities. But in spite of their
military power, they were driven out of Egypt when the New
Kingdom began. Actually, these Hyksos kings found it a little
difficult to find someone in Egypt who would be loyal and faithful
to them. Faithfulness was certainly characteristic of Joseph. His
confidence that God was moving in his life produced in him
faithfulness to whomever he was attached. By the way, the Hyksos
kings were later expelled from Egypt, which I believe to be the
reason that in Exodus 1:8 we read: “Now there arose up a new king
over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.” The Pharaoh of the oppression
certainly had no fellow-feeling with the Hebrews!
• Hittites Ephron the Hittite. They were then settled at the town
which was afterwards, under its new name of Hebron .Old
Testament tradition there were a number of local Amorite
Kingdoms in Palestine and Syria during the second millennium BC. In
some passages of the Bible there is a clear distinction between
Amorites and Canaanites; in others the two terms would seem to
overlap. But the usages of the two terms are not consistent nor
the general view of the character of the Amorites.

• Ebla.. It was an important city-state in two periods, first in the

late third millennium BC, then again between 1800 and 1650 BC.
The site is most famous for the archive of about 15,000 cuneiform
tablets found there,[1], dated from around 2250 BC, written in
Sumerian script to record the Eblaite language — a previously
unknown Semitic language.

• Several centuries after its destruction by the Akkadians, Ebla

managed to recover some of its importance, and had a second apogee
lasting from ca. 1850 to 1600 BC. Its people were then described as
Amorites. The first known ruler of Ebla in this period was Megum, an
Ensi (governor) for Ur III during the reign of Amar-Sin of Ur. [22]
Ibbit-Lim was the first attested king. Ebla is mentioned in texts from
Alalakh from ca. 1750 BC. The city was destroyed again in the
turbulent period of 1650 – 1600 BC, by a Hittite king (Mursili I or
Hattusili I). This is attested to only by the fragmentary Hurro-
Hittite Song of Release.[23] Ebla never recovered from its second
destruction. The city continued as a small village until the 7th century
AD, then was deserted and forgotten until its archaeological

Some of the other PRE- Hebrew societies Akan, Nubia, etc.

• The Bible uses the term Amorite in a slightly more general and
popular sense, referring to the pre-Israelite native population of
the land. This makes it essentially synonymous with Canaanite By
the time of the Israelite invasion; the two terms had become
interchangeable. However, what was the original relationship
between the two groups, that the patriarchs were somehow
connected with the Amorites.
Amorites + Hittites = Natufians/ Israelites

Eblaite and Amorite. So far, researchers know little about either of

these languages, which lie in a direct line behind biblical Hebrew
(NATUFIANS). They are written in cuneiform . A group called the Hyksos,
Shepherd Kings (“rulers from a foreign land”) took control of the nation.
Joseph’s rise to an important position in the house of Potiphar (Genesis 39)
and his appointment to the task of collecting grain during the years of plenty
(Genesis 41) was made possible because other had significant places in the
Hyksos government.
• 6000 B.C. Eridu "Then, in Gen. 2:38, we enter the ever intriguing
"Garden of Eden." Very strictly, it is not "the garden of Eden" at
all, but "a garden in Eden." It has to be grasped very clearly that
the garden was simply a limited area within a larger area "Eden,"
and two are not identical, or of equal area. A realization of this
simple but much neglected fact opens the way to a proper
understanding of the geography of Eden and its environment. Thus,
out of "greater Eden," a river flowed into the garden (2:10), "to
water the garden"; and at that point ("there" in Hebrew, sham) it
was divided into four "heads." Adam and Eve in Eden were
preceded by the Nubians / pre -Israelite descendants of the Iron
Age I and II intermarriages with cuneiform-literate Canaanites(or
cursed Nubians)

• NOD east of Eden where Cain started his kingdom Noe (“stirring up”),
an Egyptian city better known as Thebes (Ezek. 30:14–16; Jer. 46:25).
It was the capital of Upper Egypt. Nob (“prophecy”), a city of the
tribe of Benjamin located northeast of Jerusalem, within sight of the
city (1 Sam. 21:1; 22:19).
• Habaru……Emim, el-Khuds east of Eden after the fall, all of Canaan fell
to Habiru and only Salem was holding out. We are told that the
Jebusites lived in Salem and that Pre - Israel intermarried with them.
Jebusite scribes were trained in cuneiform and Pre - Israelite
descendants of the Iron Age I and II had intermarriages with
cuneiform-literate Jebusites. Abdu Heba had his name morphed by
the Habirus into Jebus or Jebusites?

• The Canaanites were the "wealthiest", most corrupt and among the
most horrific culture the middle east had ever known. The "Child
Sacrificers" would prey on the entire world and wanted to wrest their
riches from them AND FINALLY DID.
• Nobah (“prominent”), a town of Gad east of the Jordan (Judg. 8:11).
Nod (“vagabond”), an unidentified land east of Eden to which Cain fled
after the murder of Abel (Gen. 4:16) suppose it to be China.
• Nophah (“fearful”), a city in Moab (Num. 21:30). It is not referred to
elsewhere and may not be a place name. However, it may be another
name for Nobah, Noe, or Nod.
• 5,000 B.C. The city of Enoch (of NOD) was CAIN’S first. According
to Mesopotamian, EGYPTIAN Ubaids… (Ivrim, el-Khuds) myths (FROM
• Eridu (ADAM) to work in his city-garden, harvest crops and present
the produce to Enki (god) in his Temple.
• afterwards of Flood all called Nubians(new beings)
• The main groups of the Shemites are the following ...
• East Shemites: Akkadians / Assyrians / Babylonians
• West Shemites: Amorites / Canaanites / Hebrews / Aramaeans /
• South Shemites: North Arabs / South Arabs / Ethiopians

• 4,000 B.C. Shemites (circa 3300-3100 B.C.) or colonies of Habba

Kabira and Jebel Aruda where started pre-flood
• 3800 B.C. thru 2181 B.C When Nimrod began his kingdom and
apostasy, also the Kingdom of Ta’ssti was started.
• He and his mother-wife Semiramis early began insinuating their false
religion, and warfare, into and onto that great Sumerian civilization.
• Many “Shemites” fled to various parts of the world, bringing their
advanced knowledge and skills with them. Old Shem himself moved to
and dwelt in Salem. He is known in Scripture as Melchizedek, and King
of Salem or Jerusalem, which means “city of peace.”
• Nimrod of the Hebrew Scriptures, also caused a mass migration of
Shem-ites out of the land of Sumeria, especially those who refused
the pagan religion imposed on the populace by him and his mother-wife
• Nimrod brought with his empire this anti-Creator’s way of life, which
undoubtedly caused his own demise, for history recounts how he died.
• Shem, a “preacher of righteousness” who had gone to live where
Jerusalem is today, had to chase him down and kill him (Nimrod).
• He (Nimrod) was killed on a Friday (13th) in Egypt, which was part of
his empire at that time. Nimrod’s wife-mother, Semiramis (they were
called Isis and Osiris in Egypt), claimed he was resurrected the
following Sunday and lives today in spirit form.
• As the women wept for Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14) Tammuz being another
name of Nimrod. This season of “weeping” is to be our modern days
• 3600 B.C. The end of the Old Kingdom was when an Ethiopian leader
(Narmer) who won the conquest of lower Egypt Menes. This period
gave birth to Egypt and both UPPER and LOWER lands were united,
and ran by Kemet (pre- Hebrews).
• 3150 B.C. – Zoser builds step pyrmids (Saqqara complex)
• 2630 – Khufu directs the building of the Great Pyramids Dashur and
• El `Elyon … Ebla. (Emim, el-Khuds. Kulaba)
• 2500 BC Sumerians….(el-Khuds) The Code of Hammurabi, the building
of Sun temples, the use of text inscribed on tombs(King Unas) these
earlier groups mixed from Seth and Cain’s side, the Sumerians were
the first of the “empire” builders that passed through the lineage of
Shem and Abraham Seth’s side, down through the Flood and
afterward, would have been obedient to the Almighty and taught by
• The Hebrew Scriptures contend that Noah’s Flood was worldwide. The
false belief system designed by Satan and was started by Cain and
then carried across the Flood by Noah’s son Ham, to be continued by
Cush, Nimrod, and Semiramis, or rather it began with Nimrod and his
wife is very consequential.
• Noah’s son Cush (Nimrod’s father) started it. Two chief “religions,”
Nimrod’s and Shem’s, were extant in the ancient world [and still are
• 2323 – Mentuhotep unifies Kemet
• 2040 – Senwosret WHO IS NUBIAN establishes a colony in

• Chaldeans the Tribe of Ham led by Nimrod, conquered the Sumerian

(Shem-ite) cities in Mesopotamia the first world empire. Perhaps it is
Abram/Abraham who rejects the motifs originally associated with
Inanna/Ishtar with, denying and challenging the Mesopotamian
explanations regarding the origin of man and his purpose in life and
how he came to serve gods in their city-gardens in the “edin” of
Sumer? That is to say Abraham whose father once was a polytheist at
Ur of the Chaldees who worshipped the many gods and goddesses of
Edin later repudiated them and embraced only _one_ God, Yahweh-
Elohim of the Garden in Eden.
• Chaldea…UR (Urfa, el-Khuds) Terah’s birthplace, Ur was an
inseparable cult in Abram’s day.” The Great God of Ur was "Sin"also
known as Urfa
• Ubaids (Hebrew, or Zadoks) were a village-based society of farmers
• SHAVEH [SHAY vuh] a valley near Jerusalem(plain of the double city)
• Salem, el-Khuds Zadoks (first Priesthood) Melchezidek (Shem) had
established a sacred city .
• Zadoks …Hebrews…Abraham (blessed by Melchezidek the Priest of
SALEM later called Yerusalem)
• Yurusalem was Urushalem and previously Salem, of which Melchizedek
was king (Gen. 14:18), was a natural abbreviation for what we call
Jerusalem. Thus, Yurusalem appears in the Bible as early as the time
of Abraham, although the city had been inhabited for centuries
before that time.
• HARAN…. Abraham (blessed by Melchezidek the Priest of SALEM)
• Abraham was met by the king of Sodom and by Melchizedek after he
defeated Chedorlaomer (Gen. 14:17–18). This valley was the place
where Absalom erected a monument to himself, a pillar that came to
be called “Absalom Monument” 2 Sam. 18:18). A plain in Transjordan
near the city of Kiriathaim of Moab (Gen. 14:5). Enkidu and Shamhat
and The Emim were defeated on this same plain by Chedorlaomer, a
valley in Moab, Gen. 14:5. 10 miles westward from Medeba, and
afterwards belonged to Sihon, king of Heshbon. i.e. plain of the double
city, Numbers.32:37
• (1) He is at the right location: Ur (modern Tell al Muqayyar, also
rendered Mugheir, south of Babylon); Isa 22:19 ‘And I shall drive you
from your office, and you shall be ousted from your position.
• (2) He lives in the right period of time for the transformation or
recasting to be done. 2Ch 20:17 ‘It is not for you to fight in this.
Position yourselves, stand still and see the deliverance of ‫ יהוה‬with
you, O Yehudah and Yerushalayim!’ Do not be afraid nor fear, go out
against them tomorrow, for ‫ יהוה‬is with you.”
• (3) He has "THE MOTIVE": He being portrayed as THE SON OF a
polytheist who has a revelation that there is only One God and thus he
repudiates the gods and goddesses he originally worshipped; Isa 52:11
Turn aside! Turn aside! Come out from there, touch not the unclean.
Come out of her midst, be clean, you who bear the vessels of ‫יהוה‬.
• (4) His descendants keep alive through the millennia the notion he is
the one who abandoned polytheism and returned to the revelation
there is only one God Act 7:3 and said to him, ‘Come out of your land
and from your relatives, and come here, into a land that I shall show
• (5) Abraham and his immediate progeny are portrayed as nomadic
tent-dwelling shepherds of the steppe between Ur, Haran, Damascus
and Beersheba, and having lived at Ur he KNEW this lifestyle was
against Yah. DESPISED and MOCKED by Sumer and Akkad, about
primal man and his relationship with his Creator. Abram and his
brothers were sons of Terah, recorded in Hebrew records as “a maker
of idols.” The Hebrew text sets Abram’s birth at about 2000 BC.

• The family of Terah was a notable one. They were prominent people of
their day. That Terah was a maker of idols, and images of worship,
suggests that he supported the religious belief system that existed in
their day Egyptology.
• The Egyptian religion was obsessed with the afterlife; but this
afterlife was only for the pharaoh and his high-ranking officials.
Abram was a businessman who promoted trade between the
Babylonians and the Hittites. He was wealthy enough in his day to
purchase land in Canaan, command his own private army, and even
defeat a coalition of kings.
• As a notable, Abram enjoyed wealth and probably visited the city of
Babylon where stood the great Temple of Marduk, yet another god of
the Chaldeans. Of course, Marduk is thought to have been another
name for the former ruler of the known world, a man we remember
best as Nimrod.
• Abram went with his family to Haran, lived there for a time, and left
at the age of 75. Haran recorded children, two sons, Lot and Iscah,
and a daughter, Milcah and Sarai before he died a premature death.
• (Book of Jasher) 12:26 And Haran died when they had cast him into
the fire, and he was burned to ashes, for his heart was not perfect
with the Elohim; (is the cause of his death) and those men who cast
him into the fire, the flame of the fire spread over them, and they
were burned, and twelve men of them died.
• (Book of Jasher) 12:29 And the king ordered Abram to be taken out
from the fire; and his servants approached to take him out and they
could not, for the fire was round about and the flame ascending
toward them from the furnace.
• Both Abram and his brother Nahor, married their nieces, Sarai and
Milcah, respectively, both daughters of their third brother, Haran it
is not recorded either.
• The spirits behind the construction of the Tower of Babel appears to
have been Nannar, a moon god. “a whole quarter of the city of Ur was
set apart for him, and he was called the Exalted Lord, the Crown of
Heaven and Earth, and the Beautiful Lord who shines in Heaven. On
the terrace was the ziggurat, with twin temples, the day houses of
the moon god and his consort, the goddess Nin-Gal. Another temple
was called The House of Great Plenty. This was the secret ritual of a
harem, of the moon god.
• Shem was the Scriptural Melchizedek, an ancient man so old that he
was thought to be without mother or father. Shem had gone to live in
Salem, which later came to be known as Jerusalem, Abraham had
grown- up. Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils of war to him after the
battle with the Kings (Genesis 14:14-16).
• 1996 BCE Abraham was born.
• 1896 Amhose reunifies Kemet.
• 1846 BCE Shem died and that means he was 9 Generations removed
and lived around Abraham for 150 years, and Isaac was 50 years old.
• It was the same area that the patriarch Abram later migrated to
Salem is Jerusalem, which means “city of peace. , he and his progeny
being known as “shepherd kings”
• Ham with the spirit of (Cain) jealous of his brother Shem
POSSESSING the spirit of (Abel, Seth, YHWH), began to take over
immediately post-Flood after its sudden reappearance. Of Ham’s four
sons (Cush, Canaan, Mizraim, Phut), Cush begat this Nimrod, the
“mighty hunter before (against) the Elohim.” Genesis 10:10 says, “And
the beginning of his (Nimrod’s) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and
Accad, and Calneh.”
• Assyrians the word has wide latitude of meaning among the classic
authors, encompassing Babylonians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians
• Babylon could not properly have existed as a city until Nimrod, by
establishing his power there, made it the foundation and starting
point of his greatness. Although the Hebrew Scriptures say that the
beginning of his kingdom was Babylon, our understanding is that the
Babel builders, when their speech was confounded, were scattered
abroad on the face of the earth, and they therefore deserted both
the city and the tower which they had commenced to build.
• Nimrod’s father, Cush, a son of Ham, the son of Noah, is credited with
starting the building of Babel, as he also is credited with starting the
great apostasy FALSE RELIGION that Nimrod continued and it
continues today as Christianity.

Cain's approach to THE FATHER was not only one of rebellion, but the
second birth of self religion. And the third Demonic approach to THE
FATHER. And Adam knew his wife Eve, who was pregnant by Samael (Satan),
and she conceived and bare Cain, and he was like the heavenly beings, and not
like the earthly beings, and she said, I have gotten a man from the angel of
the Lord. The tree of knowledge was also a means to reproduction to
produce humans; they felt they would be like The Father, but the deceiver
manipulated them genetic in sexual knowledge. Knowledge is to "know."
Knowing means to perceive, experience, learn. It is also used as a euphemism
of "to know someone" sexually as when Adam "knew" his wife. The terms eat,
touch, and know are often used in Biblical lingo for sexual relations. Lucifer
was the way of knowing good and evil. He was the Tree of the Knowledge of
Good and Evil because through him they would learn evil, they would perceive
evil, and they would experience it. Who was the tree of life in the Garden of
Eden? The spoken word or Law. Who was the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil? Jesus / Lucifer. How do we 'eat of the tree?" We commune. We
were never to commune with the deceiver, and in this instance he seduced
Eve, impregnated her, and began his own genealogical offspring and seed line
on this earth that is part of us today. Before Adam even had a chance to
consummate his relationship with Eve, she was already pregnant with
Lucifer's child, Cain. Thus, the Immaculate Conception that is talked about
in the New Testament making EVE the virgin that did not marry, or Virgin

(Num 24:13) If518 Balak1111 would give5414 me his house1004 full4393 of silver3701
and gold,2091 I cannot3808, 3201 go beyond5674 (853) the commandment6310 of the
LORD,3068 to do6213 either good2896 or176 bad7451 of mine own mind;4480, 3820 but
what834 the LORD3068 saith,1696 that will I speak?1696

(Pro 29:11) A fool3684 uttereth3318 all3605 his mind:7307 but a wise2450 man
keepeth7623 it in till afterwards.268
• So know it is time for the Father’s chosen to speak

And The Fig Tree
Jer 24:1-10 The LORD3068 showed7200 me, and, behold,2009 two8147
baskets1736 of figs8384 were set3259 before6440 the temple1964 of the
LORD,3068 after that310 Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon894 had
carried away captive1540 (853) Jeconiah3204 the son1121 of Jehoiakim3079
king4428 of Judah,3063 and the princes8269 of Judah,3063 with854 the
carpenters2796 and smiths,4525 from Jerusalem,4480, 3389 and had brought935
them to Babylon.894
Jer 24:2 One259 basket1731 had very3966 good2896 figs,8384 even like the
figs8384 that are first ripe:1073 and the other259 basket1731 (JESUS THE
MORNING STAR) had very3966 naughty7451 figs,8384 which834 could not3808
be eaten,398 they were so bad.4480, 7455
Jer 24:3 Then said559 the LORD3068 unto413 me, What4100 seest7200 thou,859
Jeremiah?3414 And I said,559 Figs;8384 the good2896 figs,8384 very3966 good;2896
and the evil,7451 very3966 evil,7451 that834 cannot3808 be eaten,398 they are so
evil.4480, 7455
Jer 24:4 Again the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 unto413 me, saying,559
Jer 24:5 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 the God430 of Israel;3478 Like
these428 good2896 figs,8384 so3651 will I acknowledge5234 (853) them that are
carried away captive1546 of Judah,3063 whom834 I have sent7971 out of4480
this2088 place4725 into the land776 of the Chaldeans3778 for their good.


will discuss that second time further in.

Jer 24:6 For I will set7760 mine eyes5869 upon5921 them for good,2896 and I
will bring them again7725 to5921 this2063 land:776 and I will build1129 them, and
not3808 pull them down;2040 and I will plant5193 them, and not3808 pluck them

Jer 24:7 And I will give5414 them a heart3820 to know3045 me, that3588 I589
am the LORD:3068 and they shall be1961 my people,5971 and I595 will be1961
their God:430 for3588 they shall return7725 unto413 me with their whole3605
Jer 24:8 And as the evil7451 figs,8384 which834 cannot3808 be eaten,398 they
are so evil;4480, 7455 surely3588 thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 So3651 will I
give5414 (853) Zedekiah6667 the king4428 of Judah,3063 and his princes,8269 and
the residue7611 of Jerusalem,3389 that remain7604 in this2063 land,776 and
them that dwell3427 in the land776 of Egypt:4714

Jer 24:9 And I will deliver5414 them to be removed2189 into all3605 the
kingdoms4467 of the earth776 for their hurt,7451 to be a reproach2781 and a
proverb,4912 a taunt8148 and a curse,7045 in all3605 places4725 whither834, 8033 I
shall drive5080 them.

Jer 24:10 And I will send7971 (853) the sword,2719 (853) the famine,7458 and the
pestilence,1698 among them, till5704 they be consumed8552 from off4480, 5921
the land127 that834 I gave5414 unto them and to their fathers.1

Hab 3:17 Though the fig tree does not blossom, And there is no fruit on
the vine, The yield of the olive has failed, And the fields brought forth
no food, The flock has been cut off from the fold, And there is no herd
in the stalls, WHY ?
This is because of sin, again which is transgression of the law.




The cult of Mithra. It was created on its own virtue to not only worship
pagan beliefs and practices, but to incorporate and mock HEBREW CULTURE
that Satan knew Yahweh would incorporate into His people. It emphasized a
personal faith, the conflict of good and evil, and the reward of virtue and
punishment of wickedness in the afterlife, the end of the world and the
powers of hell. The religion spread from Persia through the Roman Empire
from 68 BC until the 3rd century AD, thus becoming a serious rival to
CHRIST-ianity, and yet those in the churches today are barely even aware
of its existence. If you ask most CHRIST-ians today who Mithra is, most
wouldn't have any idea. A question that has fascinated archaeologists and
historians for centuries is just who were the Sumerians, the “sudden
civilization” that appeared in full swing in Mesopotamia over 4,000 years
ago? The Almighty repeated to Isaac an unconditional promise He had made
with Abraham: Gen. 26: 3-5, 24 (TKN) Reside in this land, and I will be with
you and bless you; I will assign all these lands to you and to your heirs,
fulfilling the oath that I swore to your father Abraham. I will make your
heirs as numerous as the stars of heaven, (MEANING YOU WILL
NEVER BE KILLED OFF) and assign to your heirs all these lands, so that all
the nations of the earth shall bless themselves by your heirs—inasmuch as
Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge: My Commandments, My Laws, and
My Teachings... That night THE FATHER appeared to him and said, ‘I am
THE GOD of your father Abraham. Fear not, for I am with you, and I will
bless you and increase your offspring for the sake of My servant Abraham.’”
Isaac’s son Jacob [Israel] inherited this promise. It is our contention that
all non gentiles (Blacks, Indians, Mexicans,etc…) in the United States, the
British Commonwealth countries, Western Europe, and all the four corners
of the world are the Israelite Tribes and therefore the inheritors of this
promise to our forefathers.

But who were the Sumerians, and what do they have to do with us today?
Israel, Isaac, and Abraham can be traced back to Shem, one of the three
sons of Noah. Shem’s lineage inherited the responsibility of keeping intact
the knowledge and true worship of the CREATOR. Shem was the great-
grandfather of Eber (Gen. 10:21). The word Hebrew is a derivative of the
word Eber Exhaustive Concordance numbers H5680, H5677, and H5674).
Shem was born 98 years before the Flood of Noah’s time and lived 502
years after it. He began his kingdom before the Deluge, (flood) continuing it
afterwards with his own name Shem, or Sem. The “r” in Sumer was not
pronounced in the Hebrew, nor was the “h.” It was from his name that we
know it today as the Sumerian civilization. Read also Gen. 11:10-30.

The Roman Catholic Church has kept that history silent and hidden when it's
one of the major reasons so many of our early brethren were killed.

Mithraism was incorporated into the church and became a large part of
Christ-ianity itself. In addition, that is why you will not hear much about it
from the church. They do not want you to hear or understand that Christ
-ianity is fake and was given to the populous as “the TRUE” religion. NO
church we have today resemble the following of the early believers and what
they lived and died for. We have been sold down the river of deception
STARTING IN THE GARDEN. Mithraism established in the early years
after Adam and Eve had left the garden, and went out among the pagan
nations, Satan is not stupid. Satan's Mithra was a great and deceptive
imitation of the FATHERS word. Who was Mithra? He appealed to
everybody and at one time was a dominant god followed by almost every
nation throughout the history of mankind utilizing many different names
such as Buddha, Horus, Krishna, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, Baal, AMEN Ra (the sun
god), Bel, Marduk, Apollo, and about 15 others. Originating from Persia,
Mithraism was both god and goddess as a bi-gender god, both male and
female. Hmmm


Israelites were persecuted and killed because they wouldn't bow to the Sun-
god worship and had to go underground to meet on the Sabbath (Saturday),
and yet today Christ-ians all over the world meet on Sun-god day to worship.


Our struggles are no different from

Adam and Eve in the garden


CREATOR: also known as worshiping in spirit and in TRUTH with the
FATHERS word being the only TRUTH.
2. FIRST WORK was to tend (protect, nourish) the garden Gen 2:8 And
the ELOHIM planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the
man whom he had formed. Gen. 2:15, 15And the ELOHIM took the man,
and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

THE Garden is a group of individuals:

FAITH.. Heb 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see
death; and was not found, because The Father had translated him: for
before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased The Father. "
3. BE FRUITFUL and MULTIPLY You can tell a tree by the fruit it
bears. Fruit: the righteousness of truth (tree), MULTIPLY increase
this among people.
4. SUBDUE to overcome, to calm Gen. 1:26,And The Father said, Let us
make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion:
over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that
creepeth upon the earth

The Doctrine of Demons

Amo 9:13) “Look, the days are coming declare The Father “that the
ploughman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who
sows seed. And the mountains shall drip new wine, and all the hills melt.
The Thought behind The Doctrines of Demons

THE OBJECTIVE of the enemy of your soul is to keep you from the truth,
and waste your time so you will die without it. He must distract you, or lead
you to think other “smarter” or “educated” men have it all figured, and all
you have to do is get dunked, go to a Sun-day assembly, and pay, pray, pay.
Arise, shine, for your light has come! The bookstores are filled with books
that explain away our confusion. There are even books now that seek to
prove that the Author of the Writings is in fact Who they claim it is, using
special computer analysis. Names, phrases, etc., are found to be embedded in
“harmonics”, where words are built into a secret code, like in cryptography.
This proves that the Torah is Supernatural. What happens when you know
more truth than what your preacher teaches? CAMOUFLAGED PAGANISM
Christianity “(Doctrine)” means teaching. It’s a Latin word, related
to“document” (written instruction) and “doctor”, meaning “teacher”. We have
all been trained or programmed from birth with various traditions, rituals,
and customs; all paganism is targeted at children. How we keep track of time
is a world-wide type of programming. Here we will look into how we came to
be trained to think of and organize time ~ in our days, months, and years.
There were always 12 hours in every “daytime”. “Noon”, Latin nones (9), was
the 9th hour from sunrise, or 3 p.m. in the ancient world. Each day of the
week was originally referred to by a number. The 7th day also had a name:
Shabbat, meaning rest

SUN-DAY (day #1) From Latin dies Solis, the Day-of-the-Sun. Since
Babylon was established, Pagans have worshipped the Sun. Here’s a few of
the names they’ve used: Baal, Shamash, Moloch, Ahura-Mazda, Dagon, Sol,
Marduk, Mithras, Krishna, Amon-Ra, Aton, Woden (Odin), Zeus, Deus, and
the Druid / Teutonic “God”. You may recall that the Pharaoh and the Caesar
(Khazar/Czar) were worshipped as the sun. This began with the first king,
Nimrod, This pattern of worshipping the sun, moon, planets, and stars
permeated the Babylonians, Persians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans,
Celts, Mayans, Aztecs, and Indians. The governments were the religion. If
they were “good” Pagans, at death they would be transported to the skies
(Heaven) to live with their deities. This was called Nirvana, Shambala, or
Elysian Fields. The Roman Consul/Emperor Constantine I gave us the term
Sun-Day, which he also called Sol Invictus Mithras (the day of the
unconquerable sun, Mithras). In 321 CE he decreed under the penalty of
death that all artisans, merchants, and people of his Empire cease work on
the Venerable Day of the Sun, to honor Mithras. It was a weekly ritual of
sun-worshippers to assemble at dawn on this day to greet the sun at its
rising. A great pillar, or sun-ray obelisk was the solar religion’s primitive high
place, condemned by Scripture as a “pillar of jealousy” ~ secretly
interpreted as a male fertility symbol., The Romans considered anyone who
did not worship the sun to be an atheist and a traitor, since Caesar was the
sun enthroned in a man. Religion, politics, and sports were all different
facets of the same thing. Sun-Day.

MON-DAY (day #2) The Day-of-the-Moon.To the Romans, lunae dies. The
Old English term was monan daeg, as translated from Latin, where mona
means moon. Mona Lisa means “moon lily”. We get our word month (moonth)
from mona, the 29.5 day orbital cycle, but this 2nd weekday is named what it
is because it has been dubbed the moon’s day! The moon was identified with
Artemis (Diana), but in some cults the sun and moon were the ‘eyes of
heaven’. Artemis is depicted with the crescent moon beneath her feet as if
riding in a boat ~ exactly as you will see Miryam (Mary) in Roman Catholic
illustrations. The Astral King, the sun, and his sister the moon, were the
dominant figures that shaped the astro-biological mind. The futility of
honoring Pagan deities resulted because their foolish hearts were darkened,
because they did not honor or give thanks to the Creator, though His
invisible attributes are clearly seen.

TUES-DAY (day #3) Tyr’s Day: “day of Tiu”. Teutonic Druid-Celtic idol.
Unable to help themselves, the population of the Angles and Saxons were
kept under control by various Druid priest cults. Like any other Pagan
religion, the population lived in fear and ignorance, while the parasite fed off
of them and kept them brain-washed. The Druids still worship the sun at
Stonehenge every Summer Solstice. Tyr, or Tiu, was the Norse deity of war,
considered the son of Odin (Woden). The French call this day Mardi (Mar’s
Day), after Mars, the Roman’s deity of war! Mardi Gras is the French name
meaning “fat Tuesday”, still bearing the name of the Roman deity. This
festival falls the day before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, both to
be discussed later.

WEDNES-DAY (day #4) Well, DUH ~ as expected by now, it’s another

Pagan idol’s name! An elder in Iceland couldn’t stand it anymore, and changed
the days back to numbers for that island several hundred years ago. By
saying it’s “Wednesday”(Woden, Odin), we are declaring it to be Woden’s
Day. Considered highly skilled in magic (majik), this Celtic deity was, to the
Teutonic Pagan, the husband of Freya, or Frigga. The Romans honored
Mercury on this day, calling it Mercurii dies (Mercury’s Day). This mid-week
evening was highly regarded as a night of majik ~ the Druids met to hold
hands in a circle, chant, enchant, cast spells, and do it while surrounding a
burning cross, the symbol of Woden (Odin). Some believe the Celtic crux is a
Pagan majik symbol, the Trifolium clover leaf representing Woden, Frigga,
and Thor. A very secretive society, it rose up mainly in the South (US) after
the civil war, to reassert “white supremacy” by terroristic methods. The
Druids were very nationalistic, so it was difficult for Rome to conquer them.
The only way “Christianity” could win them over was to absorb their culture.
This is called inculturation.“Syncretisms” — the attempt to reconcile or
combine differing beliefs in philosophy or religion by uniting them — mixes
of two or more behaviors together, re-inventing the meaning “on the
surface”. Is this the real reason some Christians meet together on this
night? Catholics have always had a “novena” session on this night.

THURS-DAY (day #5) The Celtic Thor’s Day; the deity of thunder and son
of Woden and Freya. The same as Taranus,Thor was associated with
thunder; the Dutch donder, or Germanic donner (one of Santa’s reindeer!).
The Romans honored Jupiter on this day, which was originally IU-PITAR,
meaning Jovis-father.“Jove” corresponds to Zeus. The altar of Zeus, used at
every Olympic game, is lit by a torch. The altar is shaped like a “T”. Thor’s
emblem was the hammer, secretly interpreted as the letter “T”, harkening
back to Tammuz (Babylonian Duzu), the son of Nimrod and Semiramis.

FRI-DAY (day #6) Old English Frigedaeg, this was Frey Day or Frigga Day.
Frigga was the wife of Woden. The fertility concept associated with this day
is very ancient. The Greeks honored Aphrodite on this day, and the Romans
venerated Venus (Astarte). This day was the Egyptian’s day of Isis, depicted
with the symbol of the fish on her head. The fish symbol pre-dates the
Egyptians, coming from the Phoenician/Philistine cult of Dagon (Jdg. 16:23,
1Sa. 5:2). “Dag” is Hebrew for fish, and the Latin is Pisces. It was chosen by
Pagans because a female fish lays hundreds, sometimes thousands, of eggs ~
a symbol of fertility. Frigga’s emblem was also the FISH, hence it is seen
today that Roman Catholics inculturated this into avoiding red meat on this
day, replacing it with fish: the “fish fry” (even the word “fry” is describing a
young fish). “ICHTHYS” (“fish”). ΙΧΘΥΣ doesn’t mean “Christ”, but fish.
With considerable craft, the fish has become a Christian symbol, due to a G
r e e k a n a g r a m , Ιησουζ − Χριστοζ − θεου − Υιοζ −Σωτηρ (Iesous Christos
Theou Huios Soter). Not to worry, it’s only a manmade tradition—too bad it
just spells “fish”.

SATUR-DAY (day #7) This was the Greco-Roman Day of Saturn. Saturn
was the Romans’ deity of agriculture, corresponding to the Greeks’ deity
Cronus. This day was dedicated to Saturnus, as was the big party at the end
of the Roman year at the Solstice, Saturnalia. Satur Day was also called
Sater Day, and is unmistakenly linked to other Greco-Roman mythology. The
SATYR, Baphomet a goat-legged half man with horns and pointed ears, was
believed to be a drunken, lecherous demon with an abnormal sexual appetite.
The 7th day, the commemoration of Creation in which we honor the Creator
AS the Creator has told us is a EVER LASTING COVENANT do not listen to
from sunset “Frey Day” to sunset “Satyr Day” ~ changed to his “Sun Day”
under penalty of death, by only the authority of a man! All theologians and
scholars admit there is no Scriptural basis for this change, but it was done
by the authority of “the Church”. This day which was set-apart at Creation
to be a day of complete rest from work “superseded” by traditions that
served to unite Pagans with the Nazarene sect by Caesar who ruled as a
religious king. The Sabbath is the “sign” of the Everlasting Covenant,
indicating who we worship.





Isa 44:5 One2088 shall say,559 I589 am the LORD's;3068 and another2088 shall
call7121 himself by the name8034 of Jacob;3290 and another2088 shall subscribe3789
with his hand3027 unto the LORD,3068 and surname3655 himself by the name8034
of Israel.3478
Isa 44:6 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 the King4428 of Israel,3478 and his
redeemer1350 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 I589 am the first,7223 and I589 am
the last;314 and beside4480, 1107 me there is no369 God.430 HOW MANY DID
Isa 44:8 Fear6342 ye not,408 neither408 be afraid:7297 have not3808 I
told8085 thee from that time,4480, 227 and have declared5046 it? ye859 are
even my witnesses.5707 Is there3426 a God433 beside4480, 1107 me? yea,
there is no369 God;6697 I know3045 not1077 any.

The Glaring Changes TO THE LAW

the earth beneath, or that third and fourth generation]

[is] in the water under the of them that hate me; And
The Law of YHWH earth: Thou shalt not bow showing mercy unto
I. Thou shalt have no other down thyself to them, nor thousands of them that love
gods before me serve them: for I the and keep my commandments
II. Thou shalt not make unto LORD thy God [am] a III. Thou shalt not take the
thee any graven image, or any jealous God, visiting the name of the LORD thy God in
likeness [of any thing] that [is] iniquity of the fathers vain; for the LORD will not
in heaven above, or that [is] in upon the children unto the
hold him, guiltless that taketh VI. Thou shalt not kill. II (actually III) Thou shalt
his name in vain. VII.Thou shalt not commit not take the name of the
IV. Remember the sabbath day, adultery. Lord thy God in vain.
to keep it holy. Six days shalt VIII.Thou shalt not steal. III (actually IV)
thou labour, and do all thy work: IX. Thou shalt not bear Remember that thou keep
But the seventh day [is] the false witness against thy holy the Sabbath day. (The
Sabbath of the LORD thy God: neighbour. Sabbath Commandment has
[in it] thou shalt not do any X. Thou shalt not covet been radically altered.)
work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy thy neighbour’s house, thou IV (actually V) Honor thy
daughter, thy manservant, nor shalt not covet thy father and Thy mother.
thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, neighbour’s wife, nor his V (actually VI) Thou shalt
manservant, nor his not kill.
maidservant, nor his ox, VI (actually VII) Thou shalt
nor his ass, nor any thing not commit adultery.
that is thy neighbour’s VII (actually VIII)
Thou shalt not steal.
nor thy stranger that [is] within VIII (actually IX)
thy gates: For [in] six days the Thou shalt not bear false
LORD made heaven and earth, witness against thy
the sea, and all that in them neighbour.
[is], and rested the seventh The Law of YHWH IX (actually X, first part)
day: wherefore the LORD As Changed By Man Thou shalt not covet thy
blessed the Sabbath day, and Seal Removed neighbor’s wife.
hallowed it. I. I am the Lord thy God. X (actually X, second part)
V. Honour thy father and thy Thou shalt have no strange Thou shalt not witness
mother: that thy days may be gods before me. (The against thy neighbour.
long upon the land which the second commandment has
LORD thy God giveth thee. been omitted.)
Chaldee and Hebrew were substantially the same REGION of people, except
one MAN and his family believed and followed THE CREATOR. ABRAHAM
was called out from his, people (Chaldee).The original Scriptural Hebrews
were Black people who were ruthlessly persecuted later by unbelieving men
(Romans/Gentiles). The Roman-Hebrew War in 66 A.D. marked the peak of
this persecution and the end of the original Black Hebrews (Hebrew-
Israelites) as a nation. As predicted in this war Jerusalem was overthrown,
the Temple was destroyed and the Black Hebrews were scattered. The loss
of life was appalling. So many Hebrews were slain that the whole lake of
Galilee was red with blood and covered with corpses. It was estimated that
one million one hundred thousand perished in the siege of Jerusalem alone
which describes the first of the beginnings of their massive genocide.
Seeking to escape destruction, millions of original Black Biblical Hebrews
fled into AFRICA Later their descendants were captured and brought to
America in chains by Cruel Born Again Saved Holy Ghost filled and that
with Fire Christian slave-traders. The original Hebrew were Black, where
did white Jews come from the Khazars. These groups... [Khazars esp., plus
Edomites & other ethnic groups] make up modern Jewry today. Although the
black Hebrew-Israelites are the real descendants of ancient Israel, this
truth is not known by many and it is 'the world's best kept secret.' Because
of slavery and scattering, the Hebrew-Israelites are not known to the world
as true Israel...
Some scholars, teachers and ministers teach that the Father has completely
cast them away, but the Father said, 'I have chosen thee, and have not cast
thee away.' (Isa. 41:9, last part.) Although the children of Israel went into
captivity, a remnant has returned as was predicted. The prophecy of Ezekiel
37th chapter tells of the spiritual resurrection of the people of Israel, who
will be perpetually betrothed to Father in truth and in righteousness."

The fake “Jews" were a heavy part of the African slave trade in the
America! Counterfeit Jews: the hated, white "Khazars" who have usurped
the Hebrews!... Historians are now recognizing that all of eastern so-called
"Jews" are actually "Khazars" and have NO Shemitic roots whatsoever! The
Khazars are the real "anti-Shemites" who have labeled themselves as
Zionists and "Hebrews" to deceive the world in furthering their own plans
for global & political RULE

In times past our people understood the curse that came upon the flesh of
those who displeased The Father, This curse was called leprosy. Today
because of false teachers we have been taught that the blackness of the
skin of a person is due of sin or a curse. This they try to justify by their
made up fable of the curse of Ham. Let’s first examine the disease called
leprosy. Leprosy is a plague in the skin that begins with discoloration. When
the Elohim plagued/cursed a person in their flesh he did it by making their
skin leprous, white as snow. Below we will read a few examples of the Elohim
smiting those who disobeyed his law, and the results of leprosy.

The result of leprosy was that of your skin changing to white and at
times your flesh being consumed (Leviticus 13:1-3). An example was
Gehazi the servant of the prophet Elisha, when Na’aman the Syrian was
miraculously cured of his leprosy by the words of Elisha. Then Na’aman
desired to reward Elisha the prophet but he refused to take anything from
him. Despite Elisha’s desire, his servant Gehazi disobeyed his words and
secretly took goods from Na’aman (2nd Kings 5:1-26).

2nd Kings 5:27 “The leprosy therefore of Na’aman shall cleave

unto thee (Gehazi), and unto thy seed for ever. And he went
out from his presence a leper as white as snow.” Exodus 4:6 “And
the ELOHIM said furthermore unto him (Moses), Put now thine hand into thy
bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold,
his hand was leprous as snow.” Verse 7: “And he said, Put thine hand into thy
bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of
his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.” It would not
be a miracle to change Moses hand to white skin color if he was already
white. Therefore, his other flesh was black and it was changed to white to
give Moses a sign from the Elohim. From the beginning, when man was
created from the earth, he resembled but a man of dark complexion for
Adam was created from the soil. Genesis 4:14 “Behold, thou hast driven me
out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid;
and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to
pass, that every one that find me shall slay me.” Verse 15: “And the ELOHIM
said unto him, therefore whosoever slays Cain, vengeance shall be taken on
him sevenfold. And the ELOHIM set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him
should kill him.” When Cain transgressed by killing his brother Abel; the
Elohim set a mark upon his flesh. This mark upon Cain was leprosy thus you
have the first white or cursed black man, This is showing us that the people
of the land were of color especially Cain’s parents, Adam and Eve. Let us
further examine the scriptures concerning leprosy. Leviticus 13:12 “And if
leprosy break out abroad in the skin; and the leprosy cover all the skin of
him that hath the plague from his head even to his foot, wheresoever the
priest looketh;” Verse 13: “Then the priest shall consider: and, behold, if the
leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the
plague: it is all turned white: he is clean.” By examination of the scriptures
we must understand that a person that is white all over his flesh is a leper.
An example of this happening to a person of color is an Albino, which
resembles the skin color of a white person. Another characteristic of the
plague is the changing of the hair color to white or yellow (blonde). Leviticus
13:29 “If a man or woman have a plague upon the head or the beard;” Verse
30: “Then the priest shall see the plague: and, behold, if it be in sight
deeper than the skin; and there be in it a yellow thin hair; then the priest
shall pronounce him unclean. Sounds like the picture is painted for us of how
the biblical Israelites do NOT look. In conclusion, we have learned that the
curse of the skin called leprosy changed the skin to white and it was a
terrible plague to have for it consumed your flesh. Furthermore, in the
history of the so-called curse of Ham, nothing is mentioned as far as skin
color. Please read Genesis 9:18-29 and also the whole chapter of Leviticus 13
to fully understand the other traits of leprosy.


From our youth we are taught that all Africans are black, yet in movies such
as the Ten Commandments we are shown white actors playing the role of the
Egyptians. Although Hollywood would portray this picture to you, do not be
deceived. For all ancient historians have documented the physical traits of
the Egyptians; even the Egyptians left behind portraits of themselves for us
to view.

You may be asking yourself, why is the skin color of the Egyptians
important? The light of the glorious gospel is that you are a special people,
the REAL Hebrews, to whom pertains the promises of eternal life. As the
scripture states this world is geared to blind the minds of our people from
remembering the name of Israel.

Exodus 2:17 “And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses
stood up and helped them, and watered their flock.” Verse 18: “And when
they came to Reuel their father, he said, How is it that ye are come so soon
to day?” Verse 19: “And they said, An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand
of the shepherds, and also drew water enough for us, and watered the
flock.” Moses an Israelite from the tribe of Levi, was always confused from
his birth for an Egyptian. Have you ever pondered upon this? How would
Pharaoh’s daughter raise Moses as her own if he was white? When Reuel’s
daughters met Moses they describe him to be as an Egyptian to their father.
What does that mean? That the physical appearance of the Israelites could
be compared to that of an Egyptian; therefore, Moses was a man of color
(black); not as Hollywood portrays him as a so-called white man. Yet Moses
was not the only Israelite confused to be an Egyptian in the Bible.. All the
Israelites of every tribe were people of color, because the patriarchs were
in physical appearance as the Egyptians. Joseph was sold into Egypt by his
brothers and when they were come into the land to buy corn he spoke to
them by an interpreter. Genesis 42:23 “And they knew not that Joseph
understood them; for he spake unto them by an interpreter.” They did not
recognize Joseph but thought him to be an Egyptian until he revealed
himself unto them. …” If Joseph was a so called white man he would stand
out from the rest of the Egyptians. Likewise, when Jacob was buried the
Canaanites mistakenly thought the Egyptians alone mourned for him.

Genesis 50:7 “And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up
all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the
land of Egypt,” Verse 8: “And all the house of Joseph, and his brethren, and
his father's house: only their little ones, and their flocks, and their herds,
they left in the land of Goshen.” Verse 9: “And there went up with him both
chariots and horsemen: and it was a very great company.” Verse 10: “And
they came to the threshing floor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan, and there
they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation: and he made a
mourning for his father seven days.” Verse 11: “And when the inhabitants of
the land, the Canaanites, saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, they said,
This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was
called Abel-mizraim, which is beyond Jordan.”

Notice the Canaanites did NOT say this is a grievous mourning to the
Egyptians and the Hebrews. These scriptures are examples of what the GOD
of this world would want you to be blinded of. If you are not yet convinced
by the word of YHWH who are the Biblical Israelites (Hebrews), read below
a few descriptions given by the Israelites themselves.


Songs of Solomon 1:1 “The song of songs, which is Solomon's.” This book
was written by Solomon concerning himself and of how much he loved the
Elohim. Songs of Solomon 1:5 “I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of
Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.” Solomon
stated that he was black but comely which means physically good looking. He
went further in his description by stating “as the tents of Kedar”, which is a
grandson of Abraham and his name means dark skin. Therefore Solomon said
he is dark as the people of Kedar and black as his own curtains.

The book of Lamentations was written by Jeremiah concerning the woes that
befell Israel after the invasion of Babylon. He was dismayed of the state
Israel was in, and in this book he gave us vivid descriptions. Lamentations 4:8
“Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their
skin cleaves to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.” There
should be no doubt in your mind that Jeremiah is speaking of their bodies
since he said their visage which means face is blacker than a coal.
Lamentations 5:10 “Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible
famine.”. Those of Black, Hispanic or Native American descent fit
the full descriptions of the Bible. We have been conditioned to
believe lies, but now the truth shall set you free. Remember that
we are created in the image of the Heavenly Father, the Creator
of all things. He has defined beauty, for all wisdom comes from him.
Therefore, we should wash our minds from the self hatred implanted in our
heart to divide us and destroy Israel. Because our Father the Savior was
also a man of color proving that through out the ages you have been lied to
of who are the Israelites and what beauty is. He made us in his image and
likeness which means he is as black us.

This scripture proves that the head is talking about the hair in the head of
a person. Wisdom of Solomon 4:9 “But wisdom is the gray hair unto men,
and an unspotted life is old age Daniel 7:9 “I beheld till the thrones were
cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as
snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the
fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.” Daniel gives us a small
description of the Most High yet powerful enough to understand that the
appearance of the most High’s hair is like that of pure wool. Therefore
our people are beautiful like the Creator that made them. We range from a
light to a dark brown like a speckled bird Jer 12:9 Mine heritage5159 is unto
me as a speckled6641 bird,5861 the birds5861 round about5439 are against5921 her.
With this wisdom brothers and sisters we hope you recover from the snares
of the devil and proclaim your Biblical Heritage and embrace it. Det.33:29
“Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the
ELOHIM, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellence! and
thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their
high places.

Det.29:29, The secret things are The Father’s but are revealed to his


“I hate your (SATANS) Feast Days (HOLIDAYS).” SAY’S the Creator



WHAT is RIGHT? You must decide for yourself

with FASTING and PRAYING then STAND faithful for that
decision before THE FATHER AND remember to always study

We can see how much this man knew of his own family history. I don’t
imagine that he was carrying with him a written record at this time, yet he
carried this information in his mind.

[Gen. 50:20].But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but THE
FATHER meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to
save much people alive.




Before Israel went into captivity

Before Israel went into captivity, the Most High had given them a calendar different from
the rest of the world when he brought them forth up out of the land of Egypt. He gave
them certain days to follow, certain months to observe, certain years to observe, and
certain times that they should be observed. Israel was separate from every nation upon
the face of the earth. They only had the Most High as the true power, while all the nations
envied and despised them because the Most High had chosen Israel as his people instead
of them. So the moment Israel didn't keep their end of the covenant, which they made
with the Most High, they lost their connection with the Most High. Therefore in the
process, the other nations could then get their hands on Israel, because they were
separated from their power, the Most High. Each nation of the heathens had a system in
which they used to name the days of the week and months, but Israel's calendar given
unto them by the Most High was separate from every nation on the face of the earth.

So with the other nations knowing Israel fell do to following after their gods and customs,
they knew that if they could enslave Israel, they could force them into continuing to
follow their gods and customs, which in the process would keep Israel cut off from the
Most High therefore giving dominion unto them. All the nations came together in
agreement to take down the chosen people of the Most High, and enslave them and
separate them through their religions, because each of their religions gave honor unto
other gods and not the Most High. So through the nations, Israel began to learn of and
follow other gods, which brings us to todays subject. What gods and goddesses are Israel
serving today behind America's days of the week and months? Ask yourself, why is it not
taught in your home and in your schools and in your churches, where the names of the
days of the week and months and planets come from? Open your book of scriptures and
show where he named the days and months and planets as this world has. Oops you can't
because the Most High is not of the world.

John Hawkins of Plymouth is widely acknowledged to be the pioneer of the

English slave trade, because he was the first to run the Triangular trade,
making a profit at every stop. In 1564, Queen Elizabeth I partnered with
him by renting him the huge old 700-tonne ship Jesus of Lubeck, and he set
forth on his second longer and more extensive voyage along with three small
ships. Hawkins sailed to Borburata, privateering along the way. By the time
he reached Borburata, he had captured around 400 Africans. After
Borburata, Hawkins sailed to Rio de la Hacha. The Spanish officials tried to
prevent Hawkins from selling the slaves by imposing taxes. Captain Hawkins
refused the taxes and threatened to burn the towns. After selling his
slaves, Captain Hawkins sailed to a French colony in Florida for a respite.
Captain Hawkins returned to England in September 1566, his expedition a
total success as his financiers made a 60% profit.
Off the coast of Africa, near Sierra Leone, Hawkins captured 300-500
slaves, mostly by plundering Portugese ships, but also through violence and
subterfuge promising Africans free land and riches in the new world. He sold
most of the slaves in what is now known as the Dominican Republic. He
returned home with a profit and ships laden with ivory, hides, and sugar.
Thus began the British slave trade.
On his return to England Queen Elizabeth, livid, assailed Hawkins charging
that his endeavor, "...was detestable and would call down vengeance from
heaven upon the undertakers." When Elizabeth became fully aware, however,
of the profits to be made she joined in partnership with Hawkins and
provided him with the "Jesus of Lubeck," a.k.a., "The Good Ship Jesus."
Question: Why did our people downfall?

Deuteronomy 29:26 - For they went and served other gods, and worshipped
them, gods whom they knew not, and whom he had not given unto them:
Deuteronomy 32:17 - They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom
they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared
not. Prior to this event we never heard or SEEN JESUS.
FYI: We never knew JESUS prior to being taken captive. The slave masters
murdered our men in front of our women, then told them they loved them
and that if they didn't want to see the same thing happen to their children
that happened to the men, pray to (JESUS). Out of fear, they wanted
Y’srael to pray to the torture ship of three months, the one that started the
murder of over 140 Million Hebrew Y’sraelites. I thank all Goyims for being
obedient to the Fathers plan for our salvation. This is the salvation of
JESUS the ship to help us fulfill scripture.

FYI: We were a Hebrew tongue speaking people, before we fled out of

Jerusalem in 70AD running from Roman Persecution. We ran into Africa we
arrived on the Ivory Coast of West Africa, such as Sierra Leone and Nigeria
and Ghana, we didn't go into the African parts such as Egypt, Libya, Ethopia.
Israelites had a culture not to mix and mingle with other nations, so the
Hamethic people we didn't fool with. We stayed in Africa for 1300 years
until the Africans got mad and conspires with the Arabs to sell us to the
Europeans like John Hawkins who took us captive on cargo slave ships. There
was no J or U or us sound in our Hebrew language, so our people didn't know
this new God named Jesus until they forced our women to learn about him
and pray to him and teach their children of him. Wakeup, the first ship that
brought us here was named Jesus gosh!

Question: How did we get to America? Thru the DELIVERANCE AS

Deuteronomy 28:68 - And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt (BONDAGE)
again time by the way of ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou
shalt see it (your land) no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your
enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.
FYI: The Most High said we would come into Egypt again by way of ships, not
literal Egypt but spiritual bondage Egypt. Egypt is always used as reference
to bondage and slavery, because in Egypt we were enslaved 120 years. The
Most High is letting us know that we would go into slavery again and would be
taken into slavery by ships and we would be sold as slave men and slave
women, and no man should buy us. No man should buy us meant no man should
deliever us out of this bondage as Moses did before in Egypt.

Question: When we were to be brought into bondage again by way of ships,

(North America), what was our language? Certainly not English (kum-bi-Yah)
was a frequently sung slave song it is ……HEBREW OUR LANGUAGE that is
Deuteronomy 28:49 - The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far,
from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle (U.S.A.) flieth; a nation
whose tongue thou shalt not understand;
FYI: We were brought off the Ivory Coast of West Africa on slaveships to
North America. The head ship was called JESUS of Lubeck, so if according
to prophecy these nations tongue we would not understand, then how is
JESUS our God WHEN HE IS A SHIP. Wakeup, prophecy said this nation
shall come from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth. Now ask
yourself, is it a coincidence that America's symbol is the Eagle? Now look at
the map below and see that North America is far, and from the end of the
Cargo Slave Ships We Came Over In As Prophecy Said!

We Are The Children Of Israel Folks Wakeup Your Not Black You Have Been
Lied To We Are Hebrews Who Came Over To America As Punishment
Because Our Fore parents Didn't Keep The Covenant They Made With The
Most High. We Are From Jerusalem Not Africa Jerusalem Is The Holy City
Not Mecca!

Packed On Cargo Slave Ships like The Ship Mercy, The Good Ship Jesus, The
Grace of God Ship, and so forth. Packed like Sardines!
Auction Block It Was Prophecy

We Would Be Sold!

(Deut 28:68) And there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and

Hebrew Israelites knew that - Jesus was the God of the Western World,
our people were forced to acknowledge him as our new God. We knew nothing
about him, never heard of this SHIP or English man who is really Cesare
Borgia put up by the Catholic Church as JESUS. Wakeup folks you think they
love you enough to tell you the truth? We not even suppose to be making
mention of any of these Western World Gods given unto us to worship.
Exodus 23:13 - And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect:
and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out
of thy mouth.

Once you become enlightened to the truth, you can't continue to worship the
Most High in ignorance by cleaving to that which is not of God. Thought and
knowledge are one, to think correctly is to have correct knowledge. Wrong
thinking comes from ignorance. Correct thinking comes from knowledge. The
first and only evil is ignorance, good is growth in knowledge. To sin is to be
ignorant of the Law. Ignorance is the evil that leads to all other forms of
evils including pride, malice, and hatred. All knowledge is mental, all
knowledge has one origin that is the Creator.

America Before Columbus

Rixon Stewart

The Hidden History of the Promised Land

It may sound a little over the top but it’s really no overstatement to say
that much in our modern world is based on falsehood and fabrication. We are
told, for example, that Columbus ‘discovered’ America in 1492, yet there is
plenty of evidence to suggest that others had visited America before
Columbus: including visitors from ancient Egypt, Phoenicia and medieval
Europe. Despite this modern authorities continue to push the lie that
“Columbus discovered America.” They were indeed native to the Americas
but they were not its original inhabitants, who according to various tribal
legends, had disappeared eons before in a series of cataclysms.



The Order of the Knights Templar was originally founded in Jerusalem in 1118, when
nine French Knights asked King Baldwin to be allowed to protect pilgrims traveling to
the Holy Land. Their request was granted and significantly they were also granted
permission to stay in the ruins of Solomon’s Temple; for it was here, according to
some researchers, that they made discoveries that would ultimately change the very
course of history. Once established in the ruins they began excavations that yielded
untold treasures, both in terms of material wealth and even more precious
knowledge. It was through this knowledge that the original Templar’s obtained an insight
that allowed them to question much of orthodox Christianity. An insight through which
they recognized that the established Church had misinterpreted much of the original
Christian teaching: including the Virgin Birth, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and
reincarnation. According to writer and researcher David Hatcher Childress: “To the
Templars, the true church, one that taught mysticism, reincarnation and good works was
being suppressed by a dark power that called itself the one true faith.” And just in case
you thought that Christianity never taught anything about reincarnation, take note: prior
to the Council of Nicaea the idea of reincarnation was an integral part of the Christian
faith. That ended however with the first Council of Nicaea in A.D.325. More than simply
being a political and military power though they also became a force to be reckoned with
in the fields of cultural and metaphysical endeavour too. For it was the Templar’s who
instigated the first stonemasons guilds and introduced new building methods with skills
inspired, in part, by what they had learned in Jerusalem.
Eze 17:22 Thus said the Master ‫יהוה‬, “And I shall take of the
top of the highest cedar and set it out. And I Myself shall
pluck off a tender one from the topmost of its young twigs,
and plant it on a high and lofty mountain.

Deu 28:13 “And ‫ יהוה‬shall make you the head and not the tail. And you shall
be only on top, and not be beneath, if you obey the commands of ‫ יהוה‬your
Elohim, which I command you today, to guard and do.

The Time of the Gentiles,Goyims is over.

Isaiah 59:20, The LORD has promised to rescue the city of Zion and Jacob’s descendants who turn
from sin.21 The LORD says: “My people, I promise to give you my Spirit and my message.
These will be my gifts to you and your families forever. I, the LORD, have spoken.” and
Jeremiah 31:31 The New Agreement with Israel and Judah 31 The LORD said: The time will surely
come when I will make a new agreement with the people of Israel and Judah. 32 It will be different from
the agreement I made with their ancestors when I led them out of Egypt. Although I was their God, they
broke that agreement. 33 Here is the new agreement that I, the LORD, will make with the people of Israel:
“I will write my laws on their hearts and minds. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
Time of the Gentiles will run out
(The Father SAID)



Ecc. 12:1313Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear YHWH,
and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14For
YHWH shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing,
whether it be good, or whether it be bad.



Isaiah 1:3 “The ox knoweth his owner and the ass (donkey) his master's crib:
but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.”
The so-called Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans do not know or
consider the true nationality of Israelites according to the Bible. Have you
ever asked yourself, who are the children of Israel according to the Bible?
This important question is not frequently considered among the true
descendants of Israel. Today we pray that your eyes be opened to
understand your heritage.

Now the sons of Jacob (ISRAEL) were Twelve:

Gen 49:1-28…

1. Reuben ( Jacob’s firstborn) Seminole Indians Reuben, you

are my oldest, born at the peak of my powers; you were an
honored leader. Uncontrollable as a flood, you slept with my
wife and disgraced my bed. And so you no longer deserve the
place of honor.
2. Simeon – Dominicans Simeon and Levi, you are brothers,
each a gruesome sword. I never want to take part in your plans
or deeds. You slaughtered people in your anger, and you crippled
cattle for no reason. Now I place a curse on you because of your
fierce anger. Your descendants will be scattered among the
tribes of Israel.
3. Levi – Haitians SAME AS ABOVE
4. Judah – (so-called) American Blacks Judah, you will be
praised by your brothers; they will bow down to you, as you
defeat your enemies. My son, you are a lion ready to eat your
victim! You are terribly fierce; no one will bother you. You will
have power and rule until nations obey you and come bringing
gifts. You will tie your donkey to a choice grapevine and wash
your clothes in wine from those grapes, your eyes are darker
than wine, your teeth whiter than milk.
5. Issachar – Mexicans Issachar, you are a strong donkey
resting in the meadows. You found them so pleasant that you
worked too hard and became a slave.
6. Zebulon – Guatemala to Panama Zebulun, you will settle
along the seashore and provide safe harbors as far north as
7. Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) – Puerto Rico/ Cubans
Joseph, you are a fruitful vine growing near a stream and
climbing a wall. Enemies attacked with arrows, refusing to show
mercy. But you stood your ground, swiftly shooting back with
the help of Jacob’s God, the All-Powerful One his name is the
Shepherd, Israel’s mighty rock. Your help came from the God
your father worshiped, from YAHWEH All-Powerful. God will
bless you with rain and streams from the earth; he will bless
you with many descendants. My son, the blessings I give are
better than the promise of ancient mountains or eternal hills.
Joseph, I pray these blessings will come to you, because you are
the leader of your brothers.
8. Dan – Dan, you are the tribe that will bring justice to
Israel. You are a snake that bites the heel of a horse, making
its rider fall. Our Elohim, I am waiting for you to save us.
9. Benjamin -West Indies Benjamin, you are a fierce wolf,
destroying your enemies morning and evening.
10. Naphtali - Argentina and Chile Naphtali, you are a wild
deer with lovely fawns
11. Gad – American Indians Gad, you will be attacked, then
attack your attackers.
12. Asher – Colombians and Uruguay Asher, you will eat food
fancy enough for a king.







With the Christianization of the Negro slaves, who are the nation of Israel,
came the fulfillment of the prophecy to confound them through the worship
of gods of wood and stone, which literally meant idol or false gods. The
worship of JC whom many believe is gods son, became the chains of
confusion on the brains of the Israelites. Confusion set in and the truth was
sealed. (Isaiah 29:9-11) In addition, we were taught Jesus through the
New Testament by our Christian enslaver after riding on the ship Jesus.
We have been told that jesus fulfilled the Law, and it has been done
away with. A lie. The Creator's Law is forever. but remember in the
beginning Adam and Eve were lied to about what the father said. We
have also been taught that JC died for our sins. Absurd...a lie! Worse than all
that is we have been brainwashed into thinking that if we just believe what
they have told us in their doctrine of falsehood, we will never die now don’t
that sound like what was said in the Garden of Eden.
Many people would be surprised to know that Christian concepts developed in
the Roman Catholic Church and were later amended in other denominations
of Christianity. Catholicism is the mother of all Christianity. However, there
are other branches of Christianity, which differ in doctrine. Even the
concept of the trinity of God was opposed by the concept of monotheism
and caused a split within the early church hierarchy. The Nicaea Creed
represented the outcome of the debate over this issue in the days of
Emperor Constantine.
Emperor Constantine's conquering symbol was the sign of the cross. With
the symbol of the cross, he established Christianity through war and
bloodshed. Prior to the establishment of the Byzantine Empire, Hebrew
were viewed as heretics and were severely persecuted. An investigation
into the rise of Christianity in Rome will show that the Popes were guilty
of many hideous crimes. In later times, ships were also blessed by Church
leaders, while these same officials of the Church taught that Black slaves
were cursed by God. The Bible was used to justify their claim. Blacks
were considered the children of Ham. The defenders of the plantation
owners quoted the words in Genesis "cursed be Canaan" before many court
magistrates. One particular ship was named, The Good Ship Jesus." Today,
the original history of how this popular dogma called Christianity, was
founded, has been forgotten by many people and never known nor understood
by far to many others, especially Blacks.
Many people believe that because there are millions of Christians throughout
the world it's doctrine must be true. Yet, the manner in which it has spread
has not been considered. They think the great numbers form a majority
which is interpreted as some kind of success or victory. However, the fact
of the matter is whom the Creator supports is the majority. The power to
establish truth with a few righteous people is no more difficult to do than
with a great number of people. (See Gideon's Army, Judges 7:1-7) There is
absolutely no difference!
The World stage has been bombarded with enormous corruption. Confusion
is widespread. Most societies of the world have corrupted their ways. There
is great despair everywhere. Nations are in desperate search for answers
and solutions to enormous problems of every sort. In the streets of the
world, there is a strong sense among all people that the end to the present
reign of religious and political powers is near. If so many people are right
why has God decreed only a righteous remnant will be saved? An earnest
investigation into Biblical history will show that there has been a gross
distortion of the truth in Christian doctrine which was taught to the
slaves. The Negro's love for God and worship has been exploited.
European Christian conquerors throughout used the sword to enslave the
bodies of their slaves and reversed it to form a cross which was used to
enslave their minds. In no way, was Christianity the only religion forced
upon Negro slaves.
In this regard by no means does Christianity stand alone. Many people
throughout history have imposed their spiritual beliefs upon their captives.
This includes our Israelite ancestors under King David. Islam was also forced
upon many people of Africa who were conquered by Moslems centuries ago.
In no way is this intended to be an attack on Christians or Muslim individuals,
these are merely historical facts. There are sincere and good individuals,
who practice both of these religions. Within my own extended family there
are relatives, whose persuasion has been to expose both these religions and
their beliefs. These happen to be people whom I love and respect. However,
this personal respect and love for them does not alter the historical facts.
Most Hebrews would say that they would like to know the truth about their
history and heritage. Nonetheless, few are willing to handle the pain and
sorrow that comes with the truth. The fact of the matters is "the truth."
hurts. As ones' wisdom increases so does one's sorrow. The greatest pain
and sorrow is the truth; which will cause the destruction of what has been
taught though Christian indoctrination to the Hebrews.
For many Blacks, Christianity, is a very sensitive issue. Trampling on their
beliefs causes great pain. Through Christian doctrine, God has been created
in their minds as a man. In fact, in the minds of most people who have
been indoctrinated by Euro-gentile religious beliefs, God is a white man
who looks exactly like those who conquered and subdued them. This
simply is not true. Europeans know this is not true. Why then were we taught
this and why do many of us continue to perpetuate and support this
falsehood? The answer is simple. It was a means of exploitation. They
continue to exploit our ignorance. We have paid a dear price for not knowing
the truth. The truth has a price, with perhaps some measure of pain and
sorrow. But, the cost for not knowing the truth is much greater.
The overwhelming evidence in the teachings of Moses and the prophets of
Israel indicate that the Creator is the spirit of all flesh and he does not
change. (Malachi 2:10) This point is consistently maintained throughout the
Old Testament. In Genesis 1:1; we are told that the spirit of the Creator
hovered over the waters in the beginning of creation. Numbers 23:19 and
1Samuel 15:29 and Hosea 11:7 each of these precepts states: God is not a
man. They also state God is not the son of man. From an Israelite
understanding, the Creator is the spirit who made man, placed the breath of
life (spirit=ruach/Hebrew) into man and caused man to become a living soul.
It is an abomination to relegate the Creator to the position of a lowly man,
an image, or any creature in the universe. This fundamental concept in the
Old Testament, was changed in the New Testament. Christianity is viewed as
idolatry in light of Old Testament teachings. There is no place on earth
where people would accept their history from the hand or pen of a foreigner.
Hebrews must view writings in the Old Testament as their own and also
understand that the writings in the New Testament are teachings of a
foreign people at best. The Hebrews are mentally and spiritually confused.
They are in a state of amnesia concerning their history and origins as a
Any falsehood embraced by Blacks, has been actively encouraged and even
financed by the establishment as a whole. It is to their advantage that
Blacks world-wide remain mentally and spiritually asleep. Initially, to
educate a slave was forbidden in American society. The Black man and
woman has been viewed as a sleeping giant who no one wants to awaken
Nevertheless, this sleeping giant is awakening. Israelites are becoming
conscientious through a gradual process of enlightenment. However, many
Blacks remain ensnared in a mesh of confusion within their own minds.
The enlighten remnant is strategically kept out of the media. In recent
times the strategy has been to allow some Israelites to appear in national
television on shows calculated to discredit them. Israelites who are able to
discuss the issues intelligently and are equipped to clarify the issues do not
receive much exposure as those who are not knowledgeable of historical
The First Council of Nicaea and the "missing records"
Thus, the first ecclesiastical gathering in history was summoned and is today
known as the Council of Nicaea. It was a bizarre event that provided many
details of early clerical thinking and presents a clear picture of the
intellectual climate prevailing at the time. It was at this gathering that
Christianity was born, and the ramifications of decisions made at the
time are difficult to calculate. About four years prior to chairing the
Council, Constantine had been initiated into the religious order of Sol
Invictus, one of the two thriving cults that regarded the Sun as the one
and only Supreme God (the other was Mithraism). Because of his Sun
worship, he instructed Eusebius to convene the first of three sittings on the
summer solstice, 21 June 325 (Catholic Encyclopedia, New Edition, vol. i, p.
792), and it was "held in a hall in Osius's palace" (Ecclesiastical History,
Bishop Louis Dupin, Paris, 1686, vol. i, p. 598). In an account of the
proceedings of the conclave of presbyters gathered at Nicaea, Sabinius,
Bishop of Hereclea, who was in attendance, said, "Excepting Constantine
himself and Eusebius Pamphilius, they were a set of illiterate, simple
creatures who understood nothing" (Secrets of the Christian Fathers,
Bishop J. W. Sergerus, 1685, 1897 reprint).
This is another luminous confession of the ignorance and uncritical credulity
of early churchmen. Dr Richard Watson (1737-1816), a disillusioned Christian
historian and one-time Bishop of Llandaff in Wales (1782), referred to them
as "a set of gibbering idiots" (An Apology for Christianity, 1776, 1796
reprint; also, Theological Tracts, Dr Richard Watson, "On Councils" entry,
vol. 2, London, 1786, revised reprint 1791).

From his extensive research into Church councils, Dr Watson concluded

that "the clergy at the Council of Nicaea were all under the power of
the devil, and the convention was composed of the lowest rabble and
patronised the vilest abominations" (An Apology for Christianity, op.
cit.). It was that infantile body of men who were responsible for the
commencement of a new religion and the theological creation of Jesus

The Church admits that vital elements of the proceedings at Nicaea are
"strangely absent from the canons" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii,
p. 160). We shall see shortly what happened to them. However, according to
records that endured, Eusebius "occupied the first seat on the right of the
emperor and delivered the inaugural address on the emperor's behalf"
(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. v, pp. 619-620). There were no British
presbyters at the council but many Greek delegates. "Seventy Eastern
bishops" represented Asiatic factions, and small numbers came from other
areas (Ecclesiastical History, ibid.). Caecilian of Carthage travelled from
Africa, Paphnutius of Thebes from Egypt, Nicasius of Die (Dijon) from Gaul,
and Donnus of Stridon made the journey from Pannonia. Up until the First
Council of Nicaea, the Roman aristocracy primarily worshipped two Greek
gods-Apollo and Zeus-but the great bulk of common people idolised
either Julius Caesar or Mithras (the Romanised version of the Persian
deity Mithra). Caesar was deified by the Roman Senate after his death
(15 March 44 BC) and subsequently venerated as "the Divine Julius".
The word "Saviour" was affixed to his name, its literal meaning being
"one who sows the seed", i.e., he was a phallic god. Julius Caesar was
hailed as "God made manifest and universal Saviour of human life", and
his successor Augustus was called the "ancestral God and Saviour of the
whole human race" (Man and his Gods, Homer Smith, Little, Brown &
Co., Boston, 1952). Emperor Nero (54-68), whose original name was Lucius
Domitius Ahenobarbus (37-68), was immortalised on his coins as the
"Saviour of mankind" (ibid.). The Divine Julius as Roman Saviour and
"Father of the Empire" was considered "God" among the Roman rabble
for more than 300 years. He was the deity in some Western presbyters'
texts, but was not recognised in Eastern or Oriental writings.
Constantine's intention at Nicaea was to create an entirely new god for
his empire who would unite all religious factions under one deity.
Presbyters were asked to debate and decide who their new god would
be. Delegates argued among themselves, expressing personal motives for
inclusion of particular writings that promoted the finer traits of their
own special deity. Throughout the meeting, howling factions were
immersed in heated debates, and the names of 53 gods were tabled for
discussion. "As yet, no God had been selected by the council, and so
they balloted in order to determine that matter... For one year and five
months the balloting lasted..." (God's Book of Eskra, Prof. S. L. MacGuire's
translation, Salisbury, 1922, chapter xlviii, paragraphs 36, 41).
At the end of that time, Constantine returned to the gathering to
discover that the presbyters had not agreed on a new deity but had
balloted down to a shortlist of five prospects: Caesar, Krishna, Mithra,
Horus and Zeus (Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325). Constantine was
the ruling spirit at Nicaea and he ultimately decided upon a new god for
them. To involve British factions, he ruled that the name of the great
Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Saviour-god, Krishna
(Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and thus Hesus Krishna would be the
official name of the new Roman god. A vote was taken and it was with a
majority show of hands (161 votes to 157) that both divinities became
one God. Following longstanding heathen custom, Constantine used the
official gathering and the Roman apotheosis decree to legally deify two
deities as one, and did so by democratic consent. A new god was proclaimed
and "officially" ratified by Constantine (Acta Concilii Nicaeni, 1618). That
purely political act of deification effectively and legally placed Hesus
and Krishna among the Roman gods as one individual composite. That
abstraction lent Earthly existence to amalgamated doctrines for the
Empire's new religion; and because there was no letter "J" in alphabets
until around the ninth century, the name subsequently evolved into

"Jesus Christ".
How the Gospels were created
Constantine then instructed Eusebius to organize the compilation of a
uniform collection of new writings developed from primary aspects of the
religious texts submitted at the council. His instructions were:
"Search ye these books, and whatever is good in them, that retain; but
whatsoever is evil, that cast away. What is good in one book, unite ye
with that which is good in another book. And whatsoever is thus brought
together shall be called The Book of Books. And it shall be the doctrine
of my people, which I will recommend unto all nations, that there shall
be no more war for religions' sake."
(God's Book of Eskra, op. cit., chapter xlviii, paragraph 31)
"Make them to astonish" said Constantine, and "the books were written
accordingly" (Life of Constantine, vol. iv, pp. 36-39). Eusebius amalgamated
the "legendary tales of all the religious doctrines of the world together as
one", using the standard god-myths from the presbyters' manuscripts as his
exemplars. Merging the supernatural "god" stories of Mithra and Krishna
with British Culdean beliefs effectively joined the orations of Eastern
and Western presbyters together "to form a new universal belief"
(ibid.). Constantine believed that the amalgamated collection of myths
would unite variant and opposing religious factions under one
representative story. Eusebius then arranged for scribes to produce "fifty
sumptuous copies ... to be written on parchment in a legible manner, and in a
convenient portable form, by professional scribes thoroughly accomplished in
their art" (ibid.). "These orders," said Eusebius, "were followed by the
immediate execution of the work itself ... we sent him [Constantine]
magnificently and elaborately bound volumes of three-fold and four-fold
forms" (Life of Constantine, vol. iv, p. 36). They were the "New
Testimonies", and this is the first mention (c. 331) of the New
Testament in the historical record. With his instructions fulfilled,
Constantine then decreed that the New Testimonies would thereafter be
called the "word of the Roman Saviour God" (Life of Constantine, vol. iii, p.
29) and official to all presbyters sermonising in the Roman Empire. He then
ordered earlier presbyterial manuscripts and the records of the council
"burnt" and declared that "any man found concealing writings should be
stricken off from his shoulders" (beheaded) (ibid.). As the record
shows, presbyterial writings previous to the Council of Nicaea no longer
exist, except for some fragments that have survived.

Deut 28:49 “The Elohim shall bring a nation against thee from far, from
the end of the earth, [as swift] as the eagle flies; a nation whose tongue
thou shall not understand."

The continuous bondage that our people found themselves in was a direct
result of our disobedience to the commands of our Creator. After the
slaughter and dispersion from our land by the Romans in 70 AD, the
Hebrews, continued to be persecuted. Other European ships and pirate
ships were the only enemies that the European forts had to watch out
for. One area in the fort was death cells they called a door to death.
These cells held pirates and rebellious slaves, with little or no air,
prisoners were given no food at all. Another little known fact is that
surprisingly the slave trade placed the majority of our people in South
America, particularly in the Brazil region and in the Caribbean islands. As
we know, the remainders of our people were dropped off here in America.

The conditions that the Hebrews endured on the slave ships were
atrocious. Crammed in the ship’s hull the living was chained together next
to dead and sick. The European shipmen often threw living Hebrews
overboard the ship if they felt that they had overloaded the ship. This
made them living shark’s food. The Triangular Slave trade route was an
agonizing beginning to 400 year captivity for the Kingly tribe the House
of Judah in a strange land that Genesis 12 prophesized of to Abraham.
The remaining Hebrews are found in many African countries today:
Ethiopia, Uganda, South Africa, Sudan, the list goes on. Hidden by
their color, and often mistaken for Hamitic Africans, those are
practicing Hebrews. The remainders of the tribes are still in the
European nations remaining from early slave sales. We now await the
return of the Most High for our promised salvation as we continue to
our best efforts keep the law and testimony of the YHWH.


The New World or Pre-Planning for the NEW WORLD ORDER

The slave trade was a barter trade. The Hebrew slaves were not
exchanged for money. To entice African kings, white traders lay
before them cloth, beads or empty sea shells (which were highly
valued by Africans), rum, iron bars, and guns -- lots of guns. A
Hebrew woman could be purchased for 60 gallons of rum and seven
pieces of cloth; a man in his prime for iron bars, two small guns, and
gun powder.
The human cargos of Hebrew Israelites were truly sold for nothing! Led
by greed, African kings were swept up in the evil trade of THE
FATHER‘S people for mere trinkets, liquor and the deadly weapons of the
Europeans! The trade in flesh was an evil that would haunt Africa and her
descendants for 400 years! Thousands of years ago, the prophet Joel
foretold that the Africans would sell the Hebrews to the Europeans. He
also prophesied about what would befall the Africans as a result of this
evil act: "And they have cast lots for my people and have given a boy for
an harlot, and sold a girl for wine that they might drink...The children
of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have you sold unto the
Grecians (The word Grecians [or Greeks] were sometimes used in the
scriptures to represent all European/Gentile nations) that you might
remove them far from their borders. Behold I will raise them out of
the place where you have sold them and will return your recompense
upon your own heads." (Joel 2:3-8). "Shake yourself from the dust;
arise; and sit down; O Jerusalem; loose yourself from the bands of
your neck, O captive daughter of Zion. For thus saith the ELOHIM,
Ye have sold yourselves for naught; and ye shall be redeemed without
money...Now therefore, what have I here, saith YHWH that my
people are taken away for nothing? They that rule over them make
them to howl; saith THE FATHER; and my name continually every day is
blasphemed" (Isaiah 52:2-5).
Haven't you ever wondered why in the past 400 years not one
African King has ever asked an American President to "LET MY
PEOPLE GO?" Why? Because of what we have just attested to - that the
Hebrews (12 Tribes of Israel) and the Africans (Egyptians, Ethiopians,
etc.) -- were descended from two different sons of Noah; the Africans
from Ham and the Israelites from Shem (Gen. 10:6, 20, 21-32). They
ARE NOT the same people at all! The so-called Negro has been deceived
by Satan's lies as to the nature of his true identity! Only a careful study
of the Sacred Scriptures and the curses placed upon the Hebrew people
will convince you of this truth. Let's examine Deut., chap. 28, verse
68: This scripture tells us that the Hebrews would be taken into
Egypt (bondage) again, only this time, via huge ships. This prophecy
certainly came to past with the transporting of Negro (Judah) slaves
during the Trans Atlantic "Middle Passage." "The slaves were delivered
to the captains hand-cuffed and tied together by arms, legs and necks.
They were kept in this manner on board the ship to prevent mutinies or
attempted suicides. There were so many Hebrews (Yahudah) packed in
the between decks that when they lay down, there was not one inch of
space between them! The (tribe of JUDAH) blacks were stretched out
face to face in two lines. In the space between their feet were others
lying down? The ship was packed to the brim."
Since Europeans had already adopted the view that Hebrews (JUDAH)
were less than human and mere "chattel" property, they were treated as
such on these slave ships. The horrific stench of sickness and disease,
death and dying were more than sometimes even the crew could stomach!
The dead and dying were thrown overboard as meat for the sharks. The
rest lay in blood and excrement throughout the 90day voyage. This is
the legacy of the so-called "civilized" European !

Blood, Sweat, Tears and Toil

In search of new lands for growing cotton tobacco, indigo, rice and sugar,
many colonists pushed farther and farther inland away from the coast to
the Mississippi, then across it. With the colonists went their Negro
slaves (JUDAH)! The wilderness first had to be cleared -- the trees and
brush cut away, the swamps drained, the roots and rocks removed --
before the plowshares could be sunk into virgin earth. For this heavy
preliminary labor, black hands (JUDAH’S) were most useful, indeed
necessary. Upon the backs of strong black men, women and children (of
Yisrael)-- This is how America made her wealth -- through the blood,
sweat, tears and toil of my people, THE APPLE OF THE FATHER’S EYE,
the true Hebrews!

The South's Conception of the Ideal Colored Worker" -

With Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin, cotton had soon become the
number one export from America and by 1850 more than 3,000,000 bales
(three-fourths of the world's cotton) was being supplied by the Gulf States.
As a result more and more slaves (Children of Yisrael) were needed to work
the fields as Southern planter’s instituted large-scale methods of
cultivation. Judah (Hebrews - so called Negro) did it all! The sowing, reaping,
building up and the cutting down, the digging and turning of the soil, the
grinding -- we pulled up potatoes, planted fruit trees, plowed the land, and
cared for the livestock. We killed and salted the unclean swine, built their
huge plantation homes, cared for the white man and their children, made
their clothes, their food and their furniture -- only to face more work day
after day from sun-up to sundown! We did it all, yet received no benefit
from our labors just as the Scriptures had said! And you shall grope at
noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and you shall not prosper in your
ways; and you shall be only oppressed and spoiled ever more, and no man shall
save you. You shall betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her; you
shall build an house, and you shall not dwell therein; you shall plant a vineyard
and shall not gather the grapes thereof...The fruit of your land, and all your
labors shall a nation which you know not eat up; and you shall be only
oppressed and crushed always.You shall carry much seed out into the field,
and shall gather but little in... You shall plant vineyards and dress them, but
shall neither drink of the wine, nor gather the grapes...The stranger that is
within you shall get up above you very high; and you shall come down very
low...Therefore shall you serve your enemies which YHWH shall send against
you, in hunger and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things; and
he shall put a yoke of iron upon your neck until he have destroyed you."
(Deut. 28:29-30, 33, 38-39, 43, 48)



Although skin color does not determine our nationality, yet it is imperative
to learn that the Bible gives the physical description of the righteous nation
of Israel. By learning that great men such as Solomon, Moses were men of
dark skin color (black) it brings a sense of pride and it helps to destroy the
lies taught to our people. Baruch 4:3 “Give not thine honour to another or
the things that are profitable unto thee to a strange nation.” Therefore, the
scripture is going to teach us that those who you had believed to be
Hebrews are not the descendants of the Biblical Israelites.

The South's Conception of the Ideal Colored Worker" - Strong but

headless, therefore brainless. New York World Cartoon

One must have a clear understanding of the captivity so the prophecy will
be easier to comprehend.“
Deut 28:49 The Elohim shall bring a nation against thee from far, from
the end of the earth, [as swift] as the eagle flies; a nation whose
tongue thou shall not understand." We often think of slavery existing
only after the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, which began in mass around the
1600’s. This however, is far from the truth. During that time however, we
knew our true heritage and referred to ourselves not as Blacks or
African Americans, but as Hebrews, the Holy People, and the Hebrew
Israelites of the Scriptures.





.With the Christianization of all people with hue in their skin including the
Negro slaves, all who make up the nation of Israel, came the fulfillment of
the prophecy to confound them through the worship of gods of wood and
stone, which literally meant idols or false gods. After the intial worship of JC
whom many believe is god in flesh and or his son, became the chains of
confusion on the brains of all Israelites. Confusion set in and the truth was
sealed. (Isaiah 29:9-11) In addition, we were taught the New Testament by
our Christian enslavers and their boss Jesus The Christ. We have been told
that the Law has been done away with. A lie. The Creator's Law is forever.
Deu 4:40 Thou shalt keep8104 therefore (853) his statutes,2706 and his
commandments,4687 which834 I595 command6680 thee this day,3117 that834 it may go
well3190 with thee, and with thy children1121 after310 thee, and that4616 thou mayest
prolong748 thy days3117 upon5921 the earth,127 which834 the LORD3068 thy God430
giveth5414 thee, forever.3605, 3117

We have also been taught that JC died for our sins. Absurd...a lie!
Lev 7:7 As the sin offering2403 is, so is the trespass offering:817 there is one259
law8451 for them: the priest3548 that834 maketh atonement3722 therewith shall
have1961 it.

Which of THE FATHERS WAYS did he fulfill the SIN OFFERING? The correct
answer is none. The father had given a way to atone for all of Israel sin without a
hue – man sacrifice. Some transgressions of the law require the death penalty,
like blaspheming against the Father.
1. Exo 29:14 But the flesh1320 of the bullock,6499 and his skin,5785 and his dung,6569
shalt thou burn8313 with fire784 without4480, 2351 the camp:4264 it1931 is a sin
2. Exo 30:10 And Aaron175 shall make an atonement3722 upon5921 the horns7161 of it
once259 in a year8141 with the blood4480, 1818 of the sin offering2403 of
atonements:3725 once259 in the year8141 shall he make atonement3722 upon5921 it
throughout your generations:1755 it1931 is most holy6944, 6944 unto the LORD.3068
3. Lev 4:3 If518 the priest3548 that is anointed4899 do sin2398 according to the sin819 of
the people;5971 then let him bring7126 for5921 his sin,2403 which834 he hath sinned,2398
a young1121, 1241 bullock6499 without blemish8549 unto the LORD3068 for a sin
4. Lev 4:20-34 And he shall do6213 with the bullock6499 as834 he did6213 with the
bullock6499 for a sin offering,2403 so3651 shall he do6213 with this: and the priest3548
shall make an atonement3722 for5921 them, and it shall be forgiven5545 them. Lev
4:21 And he shall carry forth3318 (853) the bullock6499 without413, 4480, 2351 the camp,4264
and burn8313 him as834 he burned8313 (853) the first7223 bullock:6499 it1931 is a sin
offering2403 for the congregation. Lev 4:33 And he shall lay5564 (853) his hand3027
upon5921 the head7218 of the sin offering,2403 and slay7819 it for a sin offering2403 in
the place4725 where834 they kill7819 (853) the burnt offering.5930 Lev 4:34 And the
priest3548 shall take3947 of the blood4480, 1818 of the sin offering2403 with his finger,676
and put5414 it upon5921 the horns7161 of the altar4196 of burnt offering,5930 and shall
pour out8210 all3605 the blood1818 thereof at413 the bottom3247 of the altar:4196
5. Lev 5:6-18 And he shall bring935 (853) his trespass offering817 unto the
LORD3068 for5921 his sin2403 which834 he hath sinned,2398 a female5347 from4480
the flock,6629 a lamb3776 or176 a kid8166 of the goats,5795 for a sin offering;2403 and
the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for5921 him concerning his
sin.4480, 2403
6. Lev 5:7 And if518 he be not3808 able to bring5060, 3027, 1767 a lamb,7716 then he shall
bring935 (853) for his trespass,817 which834 he hath committed,2398 two8147
turtledoves,8449 or176 two8147 young1121 pigeons,3123 unto the LORD;3068
one259 for a sin offering,2403 and the other259 for a burnt offering.5930
7. Lev 5:12-18 Then shall he bring935 it to413 the priest,3548 and the priest3548
shall take7061 his handful4393, 7062 of4480 it, even (853) a memorial234 thereof, and
burn6999 it on the altar,4196 according to5921 the offerings made by fire801 unto
the LORD:3068 it1931 is a sin offering.2403 Lev 5:13 And the priest3548 shall
make an atonement3722 for5921 him as touching5921 his sin2403 that834 he hath
sinned2398 in one4480, 259 of these,4480, 428 and it shall be forgiven5545 him: and
the remnant shall be1961 the priest's,3548 as a meat offering.4503 Lev 5:17
And if518 a soul5315 sin,2398 and commit6213 any259 of these things4480, 3605
which834 are forbidden3808 to be done6213 by the commandments4687 of the
LORD;3068 though he knew3045 it not,3808 yet is he guilty,816 and shall bear5375
his iniquity.5771 Lev 5:18 And he shall bring935 a ram352 without blemish8549
out of4480 the flock,6629 with thy estimation,6187 for a trespass offering,817
unto413 the priest:3548 and the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for5921
him concerning5921 his ignorance7684 wherein834 he erred7683 and knew3045 it
not,3808 and it shall be forgiven5545 him.
8. Lev 6:25 Speak1696 unto413 Aaron175 and to413 his sons,1121 saying,559 This2063 is the
law8451 of the sin offering:2403 In the place4725 where834 the burnt offering5930 is
Killed7819 shall the sin offering2403 be killed7819 before6440 the LORD:3068 it1931 is most
holy.6944, 6944 Lev 6:26 The priest3548 that offereth it for sin2398, (853) shall eat398 it: in
the holy6918 place4725 shall it be eaten,398 in the court2691 of the tabernacle168 of the
9. Lev 7:36 Which834 the LORD3068 commanded6680 to be given5414 them of4480, 854 the
children1121 of Israel,3478 in the day3117 that he anointed4886 them, by a statute2708
forever5769 throughout their generations.1755 Lev 7:37 This2063 is the law8451 of the
burnt offering,5930 of the meat offering,4503 and of the sin offering,2403 and of the
trespass offering,817 and of the consecrations,4394 and of the sacrifice2077 of the
peace offerings;8002
10. Lev 9:7 And Moses4872 said559 unto413 Aaron,175 Go7126 unto413 the altar,4196 and
offer6213 (853) thy sin offering,2403 and thy burnt offering,5930 and make an
atonement3722 for1157 thyself, and for1157 the people:5971 and offer6213 (853) the


Num 15:25 And the priest3548 shall make an atonement3722 for5921 all3605 the
congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 and it shall be forgiven5545 them;
for3588 it1931 is ignorance:7684 and they1992 shall bring935 (853) their offering,7133
2Ch 29:21 And they brought935 seven7651 bullocks,6499 and seven7651 rams,352 and
seven7651 lambs,3532 and seven7651 he goats,6842, 5795 for a sin offering2403 for5921 the
kingdom,4467 and for5921 the sanctuary,4720 and for5921 Judah.3063 And he
commanded559 the priests3548 the sons1121 of Aaron175 to offer5927 them on5921 the altar4196 of
the LORD.3068
Ezr 6:17 And offered7127 at the dedication2597 of this1836 house1005 of God426 a hundred3969
bullocks,8450 two hundred3969 rams,1798 four703 hundred3969 lambs;563 and for a sin
offering2409 for5922 all3606 Israel,3479 twelve8648, 6236 he goats,6841, 5796 according to
the number4510 of the tribes7625 of Israel.3479 Neh 10:33 For the shewbread,3899,
and for the continual8548 meat offering,4503 and for the continual8548 burnt
offering,5930 of the sabbaths,7676 of the new moons,2320 for the set feasts,4150
and for the holy6944 things, and for the sin offerings2403 to make an
atonement3722 for5921 Israel,3478 and for all3605 the work4399 of the house1004 of our
God.430Eze 45:17 And it shall be1961 the prince's part5921, 5387 to give burnt
offerings,5930 and meat offerings,4503 and drink offerings,5262 in the feasts,2282 and in the
new moons,2320 and in the sabbaths,7676 in all3605 solemnities4150 of the house1004 of
Israel:3478 he1931 shall prepare6213 (853) the sin offering,2403 and the meat
offering,4503 and the burnt offering,5930 and the peace offerings,8002 to make
reconciliation3722 for1157 the house1004 of Israel.3478


Eze 45:25 In the seventh7637 month, in the fifteenth2568, 6240 day3117 of the
month,2320 shall he do6213 the like428 in the feast2282 of the seven7651 days,3117 according to
the sin offering,2403 according to the burnt offering,5930 and according to the meat
offering,4503 and according to the oil.8081
Worse than all that is we have been brainwashed into thinking that if we just
believe that he (THE FLESHY VERSION OF THE FATHER) died for us in their
doctrine of falsehood, we will be saved, my question is saved from what. Since
JC has been here what have we been saved from. Saved FROM KNOWING
SLAVE MASTER uh can we say WOE.

Many people would be surprised to know that Christian concepts developed in

the Roman Catholic Church and were later amended in other denominations of
Christianity. Catholicism, is the mother of all Christianity. However, there are
other branches of Christianity which differ in doctrine. Even the concept of the
trinity of God is opposed by monotheism (thou shalt have no other god before
me) and caused a split within the church hierarchy. Emperor Constantine's
conquering symbol was the sign of the cross. With the symbol of the cross, he
established Christianity through war and bloodshed. Prior to the establishment of
the Byzantine Empire, Christians were viewed as heretics and were severely
persecuted. An investigation into the rise of Christianity in Rome will show that
the Popes were guilty of many hideous crimes. In later times, ships were also
blessed by Church leaders, while these same officials of the Church taught that
Black slaves were cursed by God. The Bible was used to justify their claim.
Blacks were considered the children of Ham. The defenders of the plantation
owners quoted the words in Genesis "cursed be Canaan" before many court
magistrates. One particular ship was named, The Good Ship Jesus." Today, the
original history of how this popular dogma called Christianity, was founded, has
been forgotten by many people and never known nor understood by far to many
others, especially Blacks. Satan could not come out and say in the New Testament that
he overthrows the FATHER, because we just saw in the Hebrew Scripture that he could
not do it, he tried it and he failed. Therefore, he knows that if he inspires a book he must
be more subtle, more crafty, and cunning. It can have inconsistencies and it can be so
muddled that different groups arrive at different doctrines from its pages. It can be
written so that people can prove most anything out of its pages. It can even profess a
different godhead from the Hebrew Scripture {i.e. a trin~ity (3) or a twin~ity (2) as
compared to the individual Being, the One (1) true CREATOR} and he can palm it off as
a three-in-one type of polytheism. One thing his book cannot do; it cannot have Satan
win. That is the fact established firmly and securely in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28.

In the streets of the world, there is a strong sense among all people that the end
to the present reign of religious and political powers is near. If so many people
are right why has God decreed only a righteous remnant will be saved? An
earnest investigation into Biblical history will show that there has been a
gross distortion of the truth in Christian doctrine which was taught to the
slaves. The Negro's love for God and worship has been exploited.
European Christian conquerors throughout used the sword to enslave the
bodies of their slaves and reversed it to form a cross which was used to
enslave their minds. In no way, was Christianity the only religion forced
upon Negro slaves.

In this regard by no means does Christianity stand alone. Most people

throughout history have imposed their spiritual beliefs upon their captives.
This includes our Israelite ancestors under King David.

Islam was also forced upon many people of Africa who were conquered by
Moslems centuries ago. In no way is this intended to be an attack on
Christians or Muslim individuals, these are merely historical facts. There
are sincere and good individuals, of these religions. Within my own
extended family there are relatives, whose persuasion has been to expose
both these religions and their beliefs. These happen to be people whom I
love and respect. However, this personal respect and love for them does
not alter the biblical facts.

Most Negroes would say that they would like to know the truth about their history
and heritage. Nonetheless, few are willing to handle the pain and sorrow that
comes with the truth. The fact of the matters is "the truth." hurts. As ones' wisdom
increases so does one's sorrow. The greatest pain and sorrow is the truth; which
will cause the destruction of what has been taught though Christian indoctrination
to the Negroes.

For Blacks, Christianity, is a very sensitive issue. Trampling on their slavery

beliefs causes great pain. Through Christian doctrine, God has been created in
their minds as a man. In fact, in the minds of most people who have been
indoctrinated by Euro-gentile religious beliefs, God is a white man who
looks exactly like those who conquered and subdued them. Why then were
we taught this and why do many of us continue to perpetuate and support this
falsehood? The answer is simple. It was a means of exploitation. They continue
to exploit our ignorance. We have paid a dear price for not knowing the
truth. The truth has a price, with perhaps some measure of pain and
sorrow. But, the cost for not knowing the truth is much greater.

The overwhelming evidence in the teachings of Moses and the prophets of Israel
indicate that the Creator is the spirit of all flesh and he does not change.
(Malachi 2:10) This point is consistently maintained throughout the Old
Testament. In Genesis 1:1; we are told that the spirit of the Creator hovered over
the waters in the beginning of creation. Numbers 23:19 and 1Samuel 15:29 and
Hosea 11:7 each of these precepts states: God is not a man. They also state
God is not the son of man. From an Israelite understanding, the Creator is
the spirit who made man, placed the breath of life (spirit=ruach/Hebrew)
into man and caused man to become a living soul.

It was then and still is an abomination to relegate the Creator to the

position of a lowly man, an image, or any creature in the universe. This
fundamental concept in the Old Testament, was changed in the New
Testament. Christianity is viewed as idolatry in light of Old Testament

There is no place on earth where people would accept their history from
the hand or pen of an abusive foreigner. Israel must view writings in the
Old Testament as their own and also understand that the writings in the
New Testament are teachings of and for a foreign people. The Negroes are
mentally and spiritually confused. They are in a state of amnesia concerning their
history and origins as a people.

Any falsehood embraced by Blacks, has been actively encouraged and even
financed by the establishment as a whole. It is to their advantage that Blacks
world-wide remain mentally and spiritually asleep. Initially, to properly educate a
slave was and still is forbidden in American society. The Black man and woman
has been viewed as a sleeping stupid giant who no one wants to awaken. Why?

Nevertheless, this sleeping giant is awakening. Israelites are becoming

conscientious through a gradual process of enlightenment. However, many
remain ensnared in a mesh of confusion within their own minds.

The enlighten remnant is strategically kept out of the media. In recent times the strategy
has been to allow some Israelites to appear in national television on shows calculated to
discredit them. Israelites who are able to discuss the issues intelligently and are
equipped to clarify the issues do not receive much exposure as those who are not
knowledgeable of historical facts.

Excerpts from the book; Israelite and Jews:TheSignigficant Difference by Cohen

Michael Ben Levi



Ha’Satan(Lucifer) acting like the father had a son

JC / Satan


Never understood that


The Forged (FALSE)Origins of The New Testament

In the fourth century, the Roman Emperor Constantine united all
religious factions under one composite deity, and ordered the
compilation of new and old writings into a uniform collection
that became the New Testament.

Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 14, Number 4 (June - July 2007)
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.,:

What the Church doesn't want you to know

It has often been emphasized that Christianity is unlike any other religion, for it stands or
falls by certain events which are alleged to have occurred during a short period of time
some 20 centuries ago. Those stories are presented in the New Testament, and as new
evidence is revealed it will become clear that they do not represent biblical realities. The
Church agrees, saying:
"Our documentary sources of knowledge about the origins of Christianity and its
earliest development are chiefly the New Testament Scriptures, the authenticity of
which we must, to a great extent, take for granted."
(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, p. 712)

The Church makes extraordinary admissions about its New Testament. For example,
when discussing the origin of those writings, "the most distinguished body of academic
opinion ever assembled" (Catholic Encyclopedias, Preface) admits that the Gospels "do
not go back to the first century of the Christian era" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley
ed., vol. vi, p. 137, pp. 655-6). This statement conflicts with priesthood assertions that
the earliest Gospels were progressively written during the decades following the
death of the Gospel Jesus Christ. In a remarkable aside, the Church further admits that
"the earliest of the extant manuscripts [of the New Testament], it is true, do not date back
beyond the middle of the fourth century AD" (Catholic Encyclopedia, op. cit., pp. 656-7).
That is some 350 years after the time the Church claims that a Jesus Christ walked
the sands of Palestine, and here the true story of Christian origins slips into one of
the biggest black holes in history. There is, however, a reason why there were no
New Testaments until the fourth century: they were not written until then, and here
we find evidence of the greatest misrepresentation of all time.

It was British-born Flavius Constantinus (Constantine, originally Custennyn or

Custennin) (272-337) who authorized the compilation of the writings now called the New
Testament. After the death of his father in 306, Constantine became King of Britain, Gaul
and Spain, and then, after a series of victorious battles, Emperor of the Roman Empire.
Christian historians give little or no hint of the turmoil of the times and suspend
Constantine in the air, free of all human events happening around him. In truth, one of
Constantine's main problems was the uncontrollable disorder amongst presbyters
and their belief in numerous gods.
The majority of modern-day Christian writers suppress the truth about the development
of their religion and conceal Constantine's efforts to curb the disreputable character of the
presbyters who are now called "Church Fathers" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol.
xiv, pp. 370-1). They were "maddened", he said (Life of Constantine, attributed to
Eusebius Pamphilius of Caesarea, c. 335, vol. iii, p. 171; The Nicene and Post-Nicene
Fathers, cited as N&PNF, attributed to St Ambrose, Rev. Prof. Roberts, DD, and
Principal James Donaldson, LLD, editors, 1891, vol. iv, p. 467). The "peculiar type of
oratory" expounded by them was a challenge to a settled religious order (The Dictionary
of Classical Mythology, Religion, Literature and Art, Oskar Seyffert, Gramercy, New
York, 1995, pp. 544-5).

Ancient records reveal the true nature of the presbyters, and the low regard in
which they were held has been subtly suppressed by modern Church historians. In
reality, they were:
"...the most rustic fellows, teaching strange paradoxes. They openly declared that
none but the ignorant was fit to hear their discourses ... they never appeared in the
circles of the wiser and better sort, but always took care to intrude themselves
among the ignorant and uncultured, rambling around to play tricks at fairs and
markets ... they lard their lean books with the fat of old fables ... and still the less do
they understand ... and they write nonsense on vellum ... and still be doing, never
(Contra Celsum ["Against Celsus"], Origen of Alexandria, c. 251, Bk I, p. lxvii, Bk III, p.
xliv, passim)

Clusters of presbyters had developed "many gods and many lords" (1 Cor. 8:5) and
numerous religious sects existed, each with differing doctrines (Gal. 1:6). Presbyterial
groups clashed over attributes of their various gods and "altar was set against altar" in
competing for an audience (Optatus of Milevis, 1:15, 19, early fourth century). From
Constantine's point of view, there were several factions that needed satisfying, and he set
out to develop an all-embracing religion during a period of irreverent confusion. In an
age of crazed ignorance, with nine-tenths of the peoples of Europe illiterate, stabilizing
religious splinter groups was only one of Constantine's problems. The smooth
generalization, which so many historians are content to repeat, that Constantine
"embraced the Christian religion" and subsequently granted "official toleration", is
"contrary to historical fact" and should be erased from our literature forever (Catholic
Encyclopedia, Pecci ed., vol. iii, p. 299, passim). Simply put, there was no Christian
religion at Constantine's time, and the Church acknowledges that the tale of his
"conversion" and "baptism" are "entirely legendary" (Catholic Encyclopedia,
Farley ed., vol. xiv, pp. 370-1).
Constantine "never acquired a solid theological knowledge" and "depended heavily on
his advisers in religious questions" (Catholic Encyclopedia, New Edition, vol. xii, p. 576,
passim). According to Eusebeius (260-339), Constantine noted that among the
presbyterian factions "strife had grown so serious, vigorous action was necessary to
establish a more religious state", but he could not bring about a settlement between rival
god factions (Life of Constantine, op. cit., pp. 26-8). His advisers warned him that the
presbyters' religions were "destitute of foundation" and needed official stabilisation
Constantine saw in this confused system of fragmented dogmas the opportunity to
create a new and combined State religion, neutral in concept, and to protect it by
law. When he conquered the East in 324 he sent his Spanish religious adviser, Osiris
of Córdoba, to Alexandria with letters to several bishops exhorting them to make
peace among themselves. The mission failed and Constantine, probably at the
suggestion of Osiris, then issued a decree commanding all presbyters and their
subordinates "be mounted on asses, mules and horses belonging to the public, and travel
to the city of Nicaea" in the Roman province of Bithynia in Asia Minor. They were
instructed to bring with them the testimonies they orated to the rabble, "bound in
leather" for protection during the long journey, and surrender them to Constantine
upon arrival in Nicaea (The Catholic Dictionary, Addis and Arnold, 1917, "Council
of Nicaea" entry). Their writings totalled "in all, two thousand two hundred and
thirty-one scrolls and legendary tales of gods and saviours, together with a record of
the doctrines orated by them" (Life of Constantine, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 73; N&PNF,
op. cit., vol. i, p. 518).
The First Council of Nicaea and the "missing records"
Thus, the first ecclesiastical gathering in history was summoned and is today known as
the Council of Nicaea. It was a bizarre event that provided many details of early clerical
thinking and presents a clear picture of the intellectual climate prevailing at the time. It
was at this gathering that Christianity was born, and the ramifications of decisions
made at the time are difficult to calculate. About four years prior to chairing the
Council, Constantine had been initiated into the religious order of Sol Invictus, one
of the two thriving cults that regarded the Sun as the one and only Supreme God
(the other was Mithraism). Because of his Sun worship, he instructed Eusebius to
convene the first of three sittings on the summer solstice, 21 June 325 (Catholic
Encyclopedia, New Edition, vol. i, p. 792), and it was "held in a hall in Osius's palace"
(Ecclesiastical History, Bishop Louis Dupin, Paris, 1686, vol. i, p. 598). In an account of
the proceedings of the conclave of presbyters gathered at Nicaea, Sabinius, Bishop of
Hereclea, who was in attendance, said, "Excepting Constantine himself and Eusebius
Pamphilius, they were a set of illiterate, simple creatures who understood nothing"
(Secrets of the Christian Fathers, Bishop J. W. Sergerus, 1685, 1897 reprint).
This is another luminous confession of the ignorance and uncritical credulity of early
churchmen. Dr Richard Watson (1737-1816), a disillusioned Christian historian and
one-time Bishop of Llandaff in Wales (1782), referred to them as "a set of gibbering
idiots" (An Apology for Christianity, 1776, 1796 reprint; also, Theological Tracts, Dr
Richard Watson, "On Councils" entry, vol. 2, London, 1786, revised reprint 1791). From
his extensive research into Church councils, Dr Watson concluded that "the clergy at
the Council of Nicaea were all under the power of the devil, and the convention was
composed of the lowest rabble and patronised the vilest abominations" (An Apology
for Christianity, op. cit.). It was that infantile body of men who were responsible for
the commencement of a new religion and the theological creation of Jesus Christ.
The Church admits that vital elements of the proceedings at Nicaea are "strangely absent
from the canons" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, p. 160). We shall see
shortly what happened to them. However, according to records that endured, Eusebius
"occupied the first seat on the right of the emperor and delivered the inaugural address on
the emperor's behalf" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. v, pp. 619-620). There
were no British presbyters at the council but many Greek delegates. "Seventy Eastern
bishops" represented Asiatic factions, and small numbers came from other areas
(Ecclesiastical History, ibid.). Caecilian of Carthage travelled from Africa, Paphnutius of
Thebes from Egypt, Nicasius of Die (Dijon) from Gaul, and Donnus of Stridon made the
journey from Pannonia.

It was at that assembly, and with so many cults represented, that a total of 318
"bishops, priests, deacons, subdeacons, acolytes and exorcists" gathered to debate
and decide upon a unified belief system that encompassed only one god (An Apology
for Christianity, op. cit.). By this time, a huge assortment of "wild texts" (Catholic
Encyclopedia, New Edition, "Gospel and Gospels") circulated amongst presbyters and
they supported a great variety of Eastern and Western gods and goddesses: Jove, Jupiter,
Salenus, Baal, Thor, Gade, Apollo, Juno, Aries, Taurus, Minerva, Rhets, Mithra, Theo,
Fragapatti, Atys, Durga, Indra, Neptune, Vulcan, Kriste, Agni, Croesus, Pelides, Huit,
Hermes, Thulis, Thammus, Eguptus, Iao, Aph, Saturn, Gitchens, Minos, Maximo, Hecla
and Phernes (God's Book of Eskra, anon., ch. xlviii, paragraph 36).
Up until the First Council of Nicaea, the Roman aristocracy primarily worshipped
two Greek gods-Apollo and Zeus-but the great bulk of common people idolised
either Julius Caesar or Mithras (the Romanised version of the Persian deity
Mithra). Caesar was deified by the Roman Senate after his death (15 March 44 BC)
and subsequently venerated as "the Divine Julius". The word "Saviour" was affixed
to his name, its literal meaning being "one who sows the seed", i.e., he was a phallic
god. Julius Caesar was hailed as "God made manifest and universal Saviour of
human life", and his successor Augustus was called the "ancestral God and Saviour
of the whole human race" (Man and his Gods, Homer Smith, Little, Brown & Co.,
Boston, 1952). Emperor Nero (54-68), whose original name was Lucius Domitius
Ahenobarbus (37-68), was immortalised on his coins as the "Saviour of mankind"
(ibid.). The Divine Julius as Roman Saviour and "Father of the Empire" was
considered "God" among the Roman rabble for more than 300 years. He was the
deity in some Western presbyters' texts, but was not recognised in Eastern or Oriental

Constantine's intention at Nicaea was to create an entirely new god for his empire
who would unite all religious factions under one deity. Presbyters were asked to
debate and decide who their new god would be. Delegates argued among themselves,
expressing personal motives for inclusion of particular writings that promoted the finer
traits of their own special deity. Throughout the meeting, howling factions were
immersed in heated debates, and the names of 53 gods were tabled for discussion.
"As yet, no God had been selected by the council, and so they balloted in order to
determine that matter... For one year and five months the balloting lasted..." (God's
Book of Eskra, Prof. S. L. MacGuire's translation, Salisbury, 1922, chapter xlviii,
paragraphs 36, 41).
At the end of that time, Constantine returned to the gathering to discover that the
presbyters had not agreed on a new deity but had balloted down to a shortlist of five
prospects: Caesar, Krishna, Mithra, Horus and Zeus (Historia Ecclesiastica,
Eusebius, c. 325). Constantine was the ruling spirit at Nicaea and he ultimately
decided upon a new god for them. To involve British factions, he ruled that the
name of the great Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Saviour-god,
Krishna (Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and thus Hesus Krishna would be the
official name of the new Roman god. A vote was taken and it was with a majority
show of hands (161 votes to 157) that both divinities became one God. Following
longstanding heathen custom, Constantine used the official gathering and the Roman
apotheosis decree to legally deify two deities as one, and did so by democratic consent. A
new god was proclaimed and "officially" ratified by Constantine (Acta Concilii
Nicaeni, 1618). That purely political act of deification effectively and legally placed
Hesus and Krishna among the Roman gods as one individual composite. That
abstraction lent Earthly existence to amalgamated doctrines for the Empire's new
religion; and because there was no letter "J" in alphabets until around the ninth
century, the name subsequently evolved into "Jesus Christ".
How the Gospels were created
Constantine then instructed Eusebius to organize the compilation of a uniform collection
of new writings developed from primary aspects of the religious texts submitted at the
council. His instructions were:
"Search ye these books, and whatever is good in them, that retain; but whatsoever is
evil, that cast away. What is good in one book, unite ye with that which is good in
another book. And whatsoever is thus brought together shall be called The Book of
Books. And it shall be the doctrine of my people, which I will recommend unto all
nations, that there shall be no more war for religions' sake."
(God's Book of Eskra, op. cit., chapter xlviii, paragraph 31)

"Make them to astonish" said Constantine, and "the books were written accordingly"
(Life of Constantine, vol. iv, pp. 36-39). Eusebius amalgamated the "legendary tales of all
the religious doctrines of the world together as one", using the standard god-myths from
the presbyters' manuscripts as his exemplars. Merging the supernatural "god" stories
of Mithra and Krishna with British Culdean beliefs effectively joined the orations of
Eastern and Western presbyters together "to form a new universal belief" (ibid.).
Constantine believed that the amalgamated collection of myths would unite variant
and opposing religious factions under one representative story. Eusebius then
arranged for scribes to produce "fifty sumptuous copies ... to be written on
parchment in a legible manner, and in a convenient portable form, by professional
scribes thoroughly accomplished in their art" (ibid.). "These orders," said Eusebius,
"were followed by the immediate execution of the work itself ... we sent him
[Constantine] magnificently and elaborately bound volumes of three-fold and four-
fold forms" (Life of Constantine, vol. iv, p. 36). They were the "New Testimonies",
and this is the first mention (c. 331) of the New Testament in the historical record.
With his instructions fulfilled, Constantine then decreed that the New Testimonies would
thereafter be called the "word of the Roman Saviour God" (Life of Constantine, vol. iii,
p. 29) and official to all presbyters sermonising in the Roman Empire. He then
ordered earlier presbyterial manuscripts and the records of the council "burnt" and
declared that "any man found concealing writings should be stricken off from his
shoulders" (beheaded) (ibid.). As the record shows, presbyterial writings previous to
the Council of Nicaea no longer exist, except for some fragments that have survived.
Some council records also survived, and they provide alarming ramifications for the
Church. Some old documents say that the First Council of Nicaea ended in mid-
November 326, while others say the struggle to establish a god was so fierce that it
extended "for four years and seven months" from its beginning in June 325 (Secrets of
the Christian Fathers, op. cit.). Regardless of when it ended, the savagery and violence it
encompassed were concealed under the glossy title "Great and Holy Synod", assigned to
the assembly by the Church in the 18th century. Earlier Churchmen, however, expressed
a different opinion.

The Second Council of Nicaea in 786-87 denounced the First Council of Nicaea as "a
synod of fools and madmen" and sought to annul "decisions passed by men with
troubled brains" (History of the Christian Church, H. H. Milman, DD, 1871). If one
chooses to read the records of the Second Nicaean Council and notes references to
"affrighted bishops" and the "soldiery" needed to "quell proceedings", the "fools and
madmen" declaration is surely an example of the pot calling the kettle black.
Constantine died in 337 and his outgrowth of many now-called pagan beliefs into a new
religious system brought many converts. Later Church writers made him "the great
champion of Christianity" which he gave "legal status as the religion of the Roman
Empire" (Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire, Matthew Bunson, Facts on File, New
York, 1994, p. 86). Historical records reveal this to be incorrect, for it was "self-
interest" that led him to create Christianity (A Smaller Classical Dictionary, J. M.
Dent, London, 1910, p. 161). Yet it wasn't called "Christianity" until the 15th
century (How The Great Pan Died, Professor Edmond S. Bordeaux [Vatican
archivist], Mille Meditations, USA, MCMLXVIII, pp. 45-7).
Over the ensuing centuries, Constantine's New Testimonies were expanded upon,
"interpolations" were added and other writings included (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley
ed., vol. vi, pp. 135-137; also, Pecci ed., vol. ii, pp. 121-122). For example, in 397 John
"golden-mouthed" Chrysostom restructured the writings of Apollonius of Tyana, a first-
century wandering sage, and made them part of the New Testimonies (Secrets of the
Christian Fathers, op. cit.). The Latinised name for Apollonius is Paulus (A Latin-
English Dictionary, J. T. White and J. E. Riddle, Ginn & Heath, Boston, 1880), and the
Church today calls those writings the Epistles of Paul. Apollonius's personal attendant,
Damis, an Assyrian scribe, is Demis in the New Testament (2 Tim. 4:10).

The Church hierarchy knows the truth about the origin of its Epistles, for Cardinal
Bembo (d. 1547), secretary to Pope Leo X (d. 1521), advised his associate, Cardinal
Sadoleto, to disregard them, saying "put away these trifles, for such absurdities do
not become a man of dignity; they were introduced on the scene later by a sly voice
from heaven" (Cardinal Bembo: His Letters and Comments on Pope Leo X, A. L.
Collins, London, 1842 reprint).

The Church admits that the Epistles of Paul are forgeries, saying, "Even the
genuine Epistles were greatly interpolated to lend weight to the personal views of
their authors" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vii, p. 645). Likewise, St
Jerome (d. 420) declared that the Acts of the Apostles, the fifth book of the New
Testament, was also "falsely written" ("The Letters of Jerome", Library of the
Fathers, Oxford Movement, 1833-45, vol. v, p. 445).

The shock discovery of an ancient Bible

The New Testament subsequently evolved into a fulsome piece of priesthood

propaganda, and the Church claimed it recorded the intervention of a divine Jesus Christ
into Earthly affairs. However, a spectacular discovery in a remote Egyptian
monastery revealed to the world the extent of later falsifications of the Christian
texts, themselves only an "assemblage of legendary tales" (Encyclopédie, Diderot,
1759). On 4 February 1859, 346 leaves of an ancient codex were discovered in the
furnace room at St Catherine's monastery at Mt Sinai, and its contents sent shockwaves
through the Christian world. Along with other old codices, it was scheduled to be burned
in the kilns to provide winter warmth for the inhabitants of the monastery. Written in
Greek on donkey skins, it carried both the Old and New Testaments, and later in time
archaeologists dated its composition to around the year 380. It was discovered by Dr
Constantin von Tischendorf (1815-1874), a brilliant and pious German biblical scholar,
and he called it the Sinaiticus, the Sinai Bible. Tischendorf was a professor of theology
who devoted his entire life to the study of New Testament origins, and his desire to read
all the ancient Christian texts led him on the long, camel-mounted journey to St
Catherine's Monastery.
During his lifetime, Tischendorf had access to other ancient Bibles unavailable to
the public, such as the Alexandrian (or Alexandrinus) Bible, believed to be the
second oldest Bible in the world. It was so named because in 1627 it was taken from
Alexandria to Britain and gifted to King Charles I (1600-49). Today it is displayed
alongside the world's oldest known Bible, the Sinaiticus, in the British Library in
London. During his research, Tischendorf had access to the Vaticanus, the Vatican
Bible, believed to be the third oldest in the world and dated to the mid-sixth century
(The Various Versions of the Bible, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, 1874, available in the
British Library). It was locked away in the Vatican's inner library. Tischendorf asked
if he could extract handwritten notes, but his request was declined. However, when
his guard took refreshment breaks, Tischendorf wrote comparative narratives on
the palm of his hand and sometimes on his fingernails ("Are Our Gospels Genuine or
Not?", Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, lecture, 1869, available in the British Library).

Today, there are several other Bibles written in various languages during the fifth and
sixth centuries, examples being the Syriacus, the Cantabrigiensis (Bezae), the Sarravianus
and the Marchalianus.
A shudder of apprehension echoed through Christendom in the last quarter of the 19th
century when English-language versions of the Sinai Bible were published. Recorded
within these pages is information that disputes Christianity's claim of historicity.
Christians were provided with irrefutable evidence of willful falsifications in all modern
New Testaments. So different was the Sinai Bible's New Testament from versions then
being published that the Church angrily tried to annul the dramatic new evidence that
challenged its very existence. In a series of articles published in the London Quarterly
Review in 1883, John W. Burgon, Dean of Chichester, used every rhetorical device
at his disposal to attack the Sinaiticus' earlier and opposing story of Jesus Christ,
saying that "...without a particle of hesitation, the Sinaiticus is scandalously
corrupt ... exhibiting the most shamefully mutilated texts which are anywhere to be
met with; they have become, by whatever process, the depositories of the largest
amount of fabricated readings, ancient blunders and intentional perversions of the
truth which are discoverable in any known copies of the word of God". Dean
Burgon's concerns mirror opposing aspects of Gospel stories then current, having by now
evolved to a new stage through centuries of tampering with the fabric of an already
unhistorical document.
The revelations of ultraviolet light testing
In 1933, the British Museum in London purchased the Sinai Bible from the Soviet
government for £100,000, of which £65,000 was gifted by public subscription. Prior
to the acquisition, this Bible was displayed in the Imperial Library in St Petersburg,
Russia, and "few scholars had set eyes on it" (The Daily Telegraph and Morning
Post, 11 January 1938, p. 3). When it went on display in 1933 as "the oldest Bible in
the world" (ibid.), it became the centre of a pilgrimage unequalled in the history of
the British Museum.
Before I summarise its conflictions, it should be noted that this old codex is by no means
a reliable guide to New Testament study as it contains superabundant errors and serious
re-editing. These anomalies were exposed as a result of the months of ultraviolet-
light tests carried out at the British Museum in the mid-1930s. The findings revealed
replacements of numerous passages by at least nine different editors. Photographs
taken during testing revealed that ink pigments had been retained deep in the pores
of the skin. The original words were readable under ultraviolet light. Anybody
wishing to read the results of the tests should refer to the book written by the
researchers who did the analysis: the Keepers of the Department of Manuscripts at
the British Museum (Scribes and Correctors of the Codex Sinaiticus, H. J. M. Milne
and T. C. Skeat, British Museum, London, 1938).

Forgery in the Gospels

When the New Testament in the Sinai Bible is compared with a modern-day New
Testament, a staggering 14,800 editorial alterations can be identified. These
amendments can be recognised by a simple comparative exercise that anybody can and
should do. Serious study of Christian origins must emanate from the Sinai Bible's
version of the New Testament, not modern editions.
Of importance is the fact that the Sinaiticus carries three Gospels since rejected: the
Shepherd of Hermas (written by two resurrected ghosts, Charinus and Lenthius),
the Missive of Barnabas and the Odes of Solomon. Space excludes elaboration on
these bizarre writings and also discussion on dilemmas associated with translation
Modern Bibles are five removes in translation from early editions, and disputes rage
between translators over variant interpretations of more than 5,000 ancient words.
However, it is what is not written in that old Bible that embarrasses the Church, and this
article discusses only a few of those omissions. One glaring example is subtly revealed in
the Encyclopaedia Biblica (Adam & Charles Black, London, 1899, vol. iii, p. 3344),
where the Church divulges its knowledge about exclusions in old Bibles, saying: "The
remark has long ago and often been made that, like Paul, even the earliest Gospels
knew nothing of the miraculous birth of our Saviour". That is because there never
was a virgin birth.
It is apparent that when Eusebius assembled scribes to write the New Testimonies, he
first produced a single document that provided an exemplar or master version.
Today it is called the Gospel of Mark, and the Church admits that it was "the first
Gospel written" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vi, p. 657), even though it
appears second in the New Testament today. The scribes of the Gospels of Matthew
and Luke were dependent upon the Mark writing as the source and framework for
the compilation of their works. The Gospel of John is independent of those writings,
and the late-15th-century theory that it was written later to support the earlier
writings is the truth (The Crucifixion of Truth, Tony Bushby, Joshua Books, 2004,
pp. 33-40).

Thus, the Gospel of Mark in the Sinai Bible carries the "first" story of Jesus Christ
in history, one completely different to what is in modern Bibles. It starts with Jesus
"at about the age of thirty" (Mark 1:9), and doesn't know of Mary, a virgin birth or
mass murders of baby boys by Herod. Words describing Jesus Christ as "the son of
God" do not appear in the opening narrative as they do in today's editions (Mark
1:1), and the modern-day family tree tracing a "messianic bloodline" back to King David
is non-existent in all ancient Bibles, as are the now-called "messianic prophecies" (51 in
total). The Sinai Bible carries a conflicting version of events surrounding the "raising of
Lazarus", and reveals an extraordinary omission that later became the central doctrine of
the Christian faith: the resurrection appearances of Jesus Christ and his ascension
into Heaven. No supernatural appearance of a resurrected Jesus Christ is recorded
in any ancient Gospels of Mark, but a description of over 500 words now appears in
modern Bibles (Mark 16:9-20).
Despite a multitude of long-drawn-out self-justifications by Church apologists, there is no
unanimity of Christian opinion regarding the non-existence of "resurrection" appearances
in ancient Gospel accounts of the story. Not only are those narratives missing in the Sinai
Bible, but they are absent in the Alexandrian Bible, the Vatican Bible, the Bezae Bible
and an ancient Latin manuscript of Mark, code-named "K" by analysts. They are also
lacking in the oldest Armenian version of the New Testament, in sixth-century
manuscripts of the Ethiopic version and ninth-century Anglo-Saxon Bibles. However,
some 12th-century Gospels have the now-known resurrection verses written within
asterisksÑmarks used by scribes to indicate spurious passages in a literary document.

The Church claims that "the resurrection is the fundamental argument for our
Christian belief" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. xii, p. 792), yet no
supernatural appearance of a resurrected Jesus Christ is recorded in any of the
earliest Gospels of Mark available. A resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ is
the sine qua non ("without which, nothing") of Christianity (Catholic Encyclopedia,
Farley ed., vol. xii, p. 792), confirmed by words attributed to Paul: "If Christ has
not been raised, your faith is in vain" (1 Cor. 5:17).

The resurrection verses in today's Gospels of Mark are universally acknowledged as

forgeries and the Church agrees, saying "the conclusion of Mark is admittedly not
genuine ... almost the entire section is a later compilation" (Encyclopaedia Biblica,
vol. ii, p. 1880, vol. iii, pp. 1767, 1781; also, Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. iii, under the
heading "The Evidence of its Spuriousness"; Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii,
pp. 274-9 under heading "Canons"). Undaunted, however, the Church accepted the
forgery into its dogma and made it the basis of Christianity.
The trend of fictitious resurrection narratives continues. The final chapter of the Gospel
of John (21) is a sixth-century forgery, one entirely devoted to describing Jesus'
resurrection to his disciples. The Church admits: "The sole conclusion that can be
deduced from this is that the 21st chapter was afterwards added and is therefore to be
regarded as an appendix to the Gospel" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. viii, pp.
441-442; New Catholic Encyclopedia (NCE), "Gospel of John", p. 1080; also NCE, vol.
xii, p. 407).

"The Great Insertion" and "The Great Omission"

Modern-day versions of the Gospel of Luke have a staggering 10,000 more words than
the same Gospel in the Sinai Bible. Six of those words say of Jesus "and was carried up
into heaven", but this narrative does not appear in any of the oldest Gospels of Luke
available today ("Three Early Doctrinal Modifications of the Text of the Gospels", F. C.
Conybeare, The Hibbert Journal, London, vol. 1, no. 1, Oct 1902, pp. 96-113). Ancient
versions do not verify modern-day accounts of an ascension of Jesus Christ, and this
falsification clearly indicates an intention to deceive, and we all know who the
deceiver is, he deceived eve in the garden and now he is deceiving her offspring to
finish his master plan.
Today, the Gospel of Luke is the longest of the canonical Gospels because it now
includes "The Great Insertion", an extraordinary 15th-century addition totalling around
8,500 words (Luke 9:51-18:14). The insertion of these forgeries into that Gospel
bewilders modern Christian analysts, and of them the Church said: "The character of
these passages makes it dangerous to draw inferences" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Pecci ed.,
vol. ii, p. 407).
Just as remarkable, the oldest Gospels of Luke omit all verses from 6:45 to 8:26,
known in priesthood circles as "The Great Omission", a total of 1,547 words. In
today's versions, that hole has been "plugged up" with passages plagiarised from
other Gospels. Dr Tischendorf found that three paragraphs in newer versions of the
Gospel of Luke's version of the Last Supper appeared in the 15th century, but the Church
still passes its Gospels off as the unadulterated "word of God" ("Are Our Gospels
Genuine or Not?", op. cit.)

The "Expurgatory Index"

As was the case with the New Testament, so also were damaging writings of early
"Church Fathers" modified in centuries of copying, and many of their records were
intentionally rewritten or suppressed.
Adopting the decrees of the Council of Trent (1545-63), the Church subsequently
extended the process of erasure and ordered the preparation of a special list of
specific information to be expunged from early Christian writings (Delineation of
Roman Catholicism, Rev. Charles Elliott, DD, G. Lane & P. P. Sandford, New York,
1842, p. 89; also, The Vatican Censors, Professor Peter Elmsley, Oxford, p. 327, pub.
date n/a).
In 1562, the Vatican established a special censoring office called Index
Expurgatorius. Its purpose was to prohibit publication of "erroneous passages of
the early Church Fathers" that carried statements opposing modern-day doctrine.
When Vatican archivists came across "genuine copies of the Fathers, they corrected
them according to the Expurgatory Index" (Index Expurgatorius Vaticanus, R.
Gibbings, ed., Dublin, 1837; The Literary Policy of the Church of Rome, Joseph
Mendham, J. Duncan, London, 1830, 2nd ed., 1840; The Vatican Censors, op. cit., p.
328). This Church record provides researchers with "grave doubts about the value of all
patristic writings released to the public" (The Propaganda Press of Rome, Sir James W.
L. Claxton, Whitehaven Books, London, 1942, p. 182).
Important for our story is the fact that the Encyclopaedia Biblica reveals that
around 1,200 years of Christian history are unknown: "Unfortunately, only few of
the records [of the Church] prior to the year 1198 have been released". It was not
by chance that, in that same year (1198), Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) suppressed
all records of earlier Church history by establishing the Secret Archives (Catholic
Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. xv, p. 287). Some seven-and-a-half centuries later, and
after spending some years in those Archives, Professor Edmond S. Bordeaux wrote How
The Great Pan Died. In a chapter titled "The Whole of Church History is Nothing but
a Retroactive Fabrication", he said this (in part):
"The Church ante-dated all her late works, some newly made, some revised and
some counterfeited, which contained the final expression of her history ... her
technique was to make it appear that much later works written by Church writers
were composed a long time earlier, so that they might become evidence of the first,
second or third centuries."
(How The Great Pan Died, op. cit., p. 46)

Transfer of Sabbath Rest to Sunday:

Pope Sylvester I (314-335 A.D.)

Decrees the Pope Sylvester instructed the clergy to keep the feriae. And, indeed,
from an old custom he called the first day [of the week] the "Lord's [day]," on which the
light was made in the beginning and also in the beginning of Genesis it is written that
God said concerning each day: on the first, "Let there be light:; on the second, "Let
there be a firmament"; on the third, "Let the earth bring forth verdure"; etc. But
he [Sylvester] ordered [them] to call the Sabbath by the ancient term of the law, [to
call] the first feria the "Lord's day," because on it the Lord rose [from the dead],
Moreover, the same pope decreed that the rest of the Sabbath should be transferred
rather to the Lord's day [Sunday], in order that on that day we should rest from
worldly works for the praise of God.7

Note particularly, he says that "the same pope [Sylvester I] decreed that the rest of
the Sabbath should be transferred rather to the Lord's day [Sunday]."8 According
to this statement, he was the first bishop to introduce the idea that the divinely
appointed rest of the Sabbath day should be transferred to the first day of the week.
This is significant, especially in view of the fact that it was during Sylvester's pontificate
that the emperor of Rome [Constantine] issued the first civil laws compelling men to rest
from secular labor on Sunday, and that Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea, was the first
theologian on record to present arguments, allegedly from the Scriptures, that Christ did
transfer the rest of the Sabbath day to Sunday.
Rabanus Maurus, Liber de Computo (A book Concerning Computation), Chap. XXVII ("Concerning
Festivals"), as translated by the writer from the Latin text in Migne's Patrologia Latina, Vol. CVII, col.

------------, De Clericorum Institutione (Concerning the Instruction of the Clergymen), Book II, Chap.
XLVI, as translated by the writer from the Latin text in Migne's Patrologia Latina, Vol. CVII, col. 361.

The wording in the Latin text reads: "Statuit autem idem papa ut otium Sabbati magis in diem Dominicam
transferretur, ut ea die a terrenis operibus ad laudandum Deum vacaremus."

Source: Sabbath and Sunday in Early Christianity, by Robert L. Odom, © 1977 by the
Review and Herald Publishing Association (An Adventist publishing house), pages 247-

Supporting Professor Bordeaux's findings is the fact that, in 1587, Pope Sixtus V
(1585-90) established an official Vatican publishing division and said in his own
words, "Church history will be now be established ... we shall seek to print our own
account"Encyclopédie, Diderot, 1759). Vatican records also reveal that Sixtus V
spent 18 months of his life as pope personally writing a new Bible and then
introduced into Catholicism a "New Learning" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed.,
vol. v, p. 442, vol. xv, p. 376). The evidence that the Church wrote its own history is
found in Diderot's Encyclopédie, and it reveals the reason why Pope Clement XIII
(1758-69) ordered all volumes to be destroyed immediately after publication in 1759.

Gospel authors exposed as imposters. Therefore they are not Gospels written
"according to Matthew, Mark, Luke or John", as publicly stated. The full force of this
confession reveals that there are no genuine apostolic Gospels, and that the Church's
shadowy writings today embody the very ground and pillar of Christian foundations and
faith. The consequences are fatal to the pretence of Divine origin of the entire New
Testament and expose Christian texts as having no special authority. For centuries,
fabricated Gospels bore Church certification of authenticity now confessed to be false,
and this provides evidence that Christian writings are wholly fallacious.
After years of dedicated New Testament research, Dr Tischendorf expressed dismay at
the differences between the oldest and newest Gospels, and had trouble understanding...
" scribes could allow themselves to bring in here and there changes which were not
simply verbal ones, but such as materially affected the very meaning and, what is worse
still, did not shrink from cutting out a passage or inserting one."
(Alterations to the Sinai Bible, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, 1863, available in the
British Library, London)
Unger is saying that you cannot take the Septuagint and match it word for word
with the original Hebrew, because it does not match. Then he says:
"Although, it is indispensable in the textual criticism of the
Hebrew Old Testament, the varying quality of its translation
necessitates judicious caution.
Whoa! Unger readily admits that it is not a word for word translation. However, he
tells you that you can go back and judge the "Hebrew Old Testament" by this admittedly
corrupt Septuagint. A book, which has an unknown origin, a book enshrouded in legend,
a book of much uncertainty, produced by the "Midnight Monks," and then they use it to
judge the Hebrew Scriptures! After years of validating the fabricated nature of the New
Testament, a disillusioned Dr Tischendorf confessed that modern-day editions have
"been altered in many places" and are "not to be accepted as true" (When Were Our
Gospels Written?, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, 1865, British Library, London).

Just what is Christianity?

The personage of Jesus Christ was made narrator for almost all religions". This explains
how narratives from the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, appear verbatim in the
Gospels today (e.g., Matt. 1:25, 2:11, 8:1-4, 9:1-8, 9:18-26), and why passages from the
Phenomena of the Greek statesman Aratus of Sicyon (271-213 BC) are in the New
Quotes from the semi-legendary Greek poet Epimenides (7th or 6th century BC) are
applied to the lips of Jesus Christ, and seven passages from the curious Ode of Jupiter (c.
150 BC; author unknown) are reprinted in the New Testament.
Tischendorf's conclusion also supports Professor Bordeaux's Vatican findings that
reveal the allegory of Jesus Christ derived from the fable of Mithra, the divine son
of God (Ahura Mazda) and messiah of the first kings of the Persian Empire around
400 BC. His birth in a grotto was attended by magi who followed a star from the
East. They brought "gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh" (as in Matt. 2:11) and
the newborn baby was adored by shepherds. He came into the world wearing the
Mithraic cap, which popes imitated in various designs until well into the 15th
Mithra, one of a trinity, stood on a rock, the emblem of the foundation of his
religion, and was anointed with honey. After a last supper with Helios and 11 other
companions, Mithra was crucified on a cross, bound in linen, placed in a rock tomb
and rose on the third day or around 25 March (the full moon at the spring equinox,
a time now called Easter after the Babylonian goddess Ishtar). The fiery destruction
of the universe was a major doctrine of Mithraism-a time in which Mithra promised
to return in person to Earth and save deserving souls. Devotees of Mithra partook in
a sacred communion banquet of bread and wine, a ceremony that paralleled the
Christian Eucharist and preceded it by more than four centuries.
Christianity is an adaptation of Mithraism welded with the Druidic principles of the
Culdees, some Egyptian elements (the pre-Christian Book of Revelation was
originally called The Mysteries of Osiris and Isis), Greek philosophy and various
aspects of Hinduism.

Why there are no records of Jesus Christ

It is not possible to find in any legitimate religious or historical writings compiled
between the beginning of the first century and well into the fourth century any reference
to Jesus Christ and the spectacular events that the Church says accompanied his life. This
confirmation comes from Frederic Farrar (1831-1903) of Trinity College, Cambridge:
"It is amazing that history has not embalmed for us even one certain or definite saying or
circumstance in the life of the Saviour of mankind ... there is no statement in all history
that says anyone saw Jesus or talked with him. Nothing in history is more astonishing
than the silence of contemporary writers about events relayed in the four Gospels."
(The Life of Christ, Frederic W. Farrar, Cassell, London, 1874) "We must frankly admit
that we have no source of information with respect to the life of Jesus Christ other than
ecclesiastic writings assembled during the fourth century."
(Codex Sinaiticus, Dr Constantin von Tischendorf, British Library, London)
Pope Leo X (d. 1521) called Christ a "fable" (Cardinal Bembo: His Letters..., op. cit.).














May your name be forever written in "THE BOOK OF

THE LIVING" and it can be if you choose

(Ezek 9:4). Love THE ETERNAL, Walk in His Way, and
Sigh and Cry over the abominations done in AND TO

(Jer. 30:4-7) "Now these are the words that THE FATHER spoke
concerning Israel and Judah, 'For thus says THE FATHER: ... Ask now,
and see 'whether a man is ever in labor with child?' So why do I see
every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor, and all faces
turned pale? Alas! For that, day is great, so that none is like it; and it
is the time of Jacob's trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.

The reason I believe this is important for Hebrews is because THE FATHER
does state that BOTH Israel and Judah will be brought back from captivity.
Thus, both tribes of Israel will have to repent in captivity in order to be brought
out from captivity.
What will the Hebrews of the FALSE religion have to repent of?
Obeying the NEW TESTAMENT, Rabbis, Pastors, Evangelist, Prophets,
sages, and oral traditions of state, rather than strictly observing what The
Hebrew Scriptures (TORA) state so plainly.


Does the New Testament Exalt the NAME of the Most High?

"I will make known my holy name among my people Israel. I will no longer let my holy
name be profaned, and the nations will know that I THE FATHER am the Holy One in
Israel" Ezekiel 39:7

How does the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth feel about HIS Holy Name? How important is
HIS Name to HIM? How important should HIS Holy Name be to Israelites? The nations for that
matter? Does the New Testament exalt the Name of the Most High? The Holy One of Israel?
What is in a name?

It is imperative that Israelites realize that the entire Holy Scriptures (Hebrew Scriptures) exalts,
honors, glorifies and speaks about the importance of the Name of the Holy One of Israel. His

"I will display my glory among the nations, and all the nations will see the punishment I inflict and
the hand I lay upon them."

"From that day forward the house of Israel will know that I am their Elohim."

"And the nations will know that the people of Israel went into exile for their sin, because they were
unfaithful to me. So I hid my face from them and handed them over to their enemies, and they all
fell by the sword."

"I dealt with them according to their uncleanness and their offenses, and I hid my face from
them." Ezekiel 39:21-24

"And wherever they went among the nations they profaned my holy name, for it was said to them,
these are THE FATHER’S people, and yet they had to leave his land."

"I had concern for my holy name, which the house of Israel profaned among the nations where
they had gone."
Therefore say to the house of Israel, 'This is what THE FATHER says: It is not for your sake, O
house of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the sake of my holy name which you
have profaned among the nations where you have gone."

"I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, the
name you have profaned among them."

"Then the nations will know that I am THE FATHER declares THE FATHER, when I show myself
holy through you before their eyes." Ezekiel 36:20-23.

The Holy One of Israel had Ezekiel foretell the time when by the gathering of Israel out from
among the nations, HIS Holy Name and everything associated by the MEANING of HIS Holy
Name, would cause the nations to know that HE is THE FATHER.

"Therefore this is what THE FATHER says; I will now bring Jacob back from captivity and will
have compassion on all the people of Israel, and I will be zealous for my holy name."

"They will forget their shame and all the unfaithfulness they showed toward me when they lived in
safety in their land with no one to make them afraid. When I have brought them back from the
nations and have gathered them from the countries of their enemies, I will show myself holy
through them in the sight of many nations."

Then they will know that I am THE FATHER their Elohim, for though I sent them into exile among
the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind."

"I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit on the house of Israel,
declares THE FATHER." Ezekiel 39:25-29

There is nothing my important to the THE FATHER of Israel then HIS Holy Name as these
important passages clearly show. It also should be of the utmost important and clear to Israelites
that HE will use Israel to SHOW HIMSELF HOLY THROUGH THEM.

My question is how can this be done when Israelites are busy directing awakening
Israelites to JC/Yeshua and the NT? When I speak with Israelites still looking to the Greek
writings, the so-called "New Testament," for spiritual guidance, I am at a loss how they
can consider using these books that do not exalt THE FATHER and HIS Holy Name!

Does the New Testament exalt THE Father’s Holy name? These are questions we need to
honestly ask ourselves. If we truly have a love for THE FATHER and HIS WORD we should know

How important should HIS Name be to Israelites?

There is no question that we as Israelites are to honor, exalt sing praises to and glorify
THE FATHER's Holy name. Anyone reading the Old Testament can note that constantly
throughout, HIS Name is to be praised.

"Glorify THE FATHER with me; let us exalt his name together." Psalm 34:3
"All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name."
Psalm 66:4

"I will give thanks to THE FATHER because of his righteousness and will sing praise to
the name of THE FATHER Most High." Psalm 7:17

"Like your name, O Elohim, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand
is filled with righteousness." Psalm 47:10

" I will praise Elohim's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving." Psalm 69:30

"Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge you, on the kingdoms that
do not call on your name.."

"Help us, O Elohim our Savior for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins
for your names sake." Psalm 79:6,9

By now, you should have realized my use of the "Tetragrammaton" (four letters)
the four consonants that make up the Creator's, name. The Tetragrammaton
appears nearly 7,000 times in the writings of the Old Testament (Hebrew
scriptures from Genesis to Malachi,) thus there can be no question that the writers
of the Old Testament considered the using of HIS Holy Name just as important as
His Word. The Tetragrammaton "represented" THE FATHER's Holy Name. The
reader supplying the vowels as he read the name in Hebrew.

It was long thought and believed that the Tetragrammaton did not appear anywhere in
that first translation of the hebrew scriptures. Yet they placed the Tetragrammaton in that
Greek text in Hebrew letters. Again, I would remind you that THE FATHER’S Name is of
paramount importance to him as it should also be to us. I have shown that the use of
HIS name was used widely throughout the OT. That is NOT the case in the NT.

Why wasn't THE FATHER's Holy Name important enough to be included in the NT?
Was His Name important?
I hear Christians and other using the phrase PTL (Praise the Lord!) What Lord are they
praising since this phrase is taken from the Psalms in the OT?

If JC/Yeshua is not THE FATHER then why are they praising him?
If He was THE FATHER, then why was His Most Holy Name that He said he is
ZEALOUS for, not found anywhere in these books called the New Testament?

If this is not reason enough to seriously reconsider utilizing writings that do not even
honor the Creator with his name, then Israelites simply do not want to be led by the Spirit
of the Holy One of Israel.
Furthermore, if the writers of the NT who were supposedly "inspired " by the Most
High, to "teach" and "correct," failed to make any mention of THE FATHER in their
writings, were they really "inspired" by the Most High?

What is in a Name?
When we think of the word "name" we usually associate the use of this word as a way to identity
or distinguish a person place or thing from another. Most often we use it in the context of a proper
noun such as "Jeremiah" or "Moses." This is the most common use. However, if we take a closer
look at THE FATHER's written word, the word "name" can have a far greater and broader use.

"The memory of the righteous will be a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot."

"A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold."
Proverbs 10:7 22:1

"A good name is better than fine perfume and the day of death better than the day of birth." Eccl

"My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun." Malachi 1:11.

In the above cases, we see the use of the word "name" in the context not of identifying or
distinguishing one person or thing from another, but in the context of one making a good name
for himself or having a good reputation or personal record.

Conversely, when we say that because of some bad course a person has lost his good name we
are not talking about a "name" in the common sense, but in a much broader sense.

Of greater importance then is the latter much broader meaning behind the name because as in
this case, it actually deals with what he himself actually IS and has DONE as evidenced by the

"Elohim said to Moses, I am THE FATHER. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as El
Shaddai (THE FATHER Almighty) but by my name THE FATHER I did not make myself known to
them" Exodus 6:2

"All the nations may walk in the name of their gods; we will walk in the name of THE FATHER our
Elohim for ever and ever." Micah 4:5

Just as a "name" can be used in the case of representing ones reputation or personal record, a
"name" can also be used to refer to the authority by which something is done as "in the name of
the law". The same expression "in the name of" can also mean that the one claiming to speak or
act "in the name of" another, claims "authority" to represent that person.

"But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say,
or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death." Deuteronomy 18:20

Everything THE FATHER is, is represented in his name THE FATHER. HE IS the Eternal,
Everlasting UNTIL Everlasting, King of the Universe, who causes to be what HE causes to be. He
delivers, and redeems and saves. That is who HE IS. That is what He HAS DONE.

"And who is like your people Israel--the one nation on earth that Elohim went out to redeem as a
people for himself, and to make a name for himself and to perform great and awesome wonders
by driving out nations and their gods from before your people, whom you redeemed from Egypt?
2Sam 7:23

Israelites and others who still look to the NT and JC/Yeshua as the focal point in the outworking
of the Holy One of Israel's purpose need to be cognizant of the fact that no where in the NT is
THE FATHER’S name exalted. Instead the name of JC as Lord is exalted.

When the Holy One of Israel said HE hid His face from His people because of the profaning of
His Holy name, our scattering and punishment was a fulfillment of those very words. The nation
of Israel was to be a light unto all nations as we carried the fame HIS awe inspiring Holy Name
had in all the earth.

I might add that just because Yehoshua means "THE FATHER saves" does not mean we are to
exalt Yehoshua and him being a "savior" over THE FATHER who says HE is our Savior and none

"Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am Elohim, and there is none
else." Isaiah 45:22

"But I am THE FATHER your Elohim, who brought you out of Egypt. You shall
acknowledge no Elohim but me, no savior except me." Hosea 13:4

In His service December 7, 1999 Yehudah Benyamin ben Yisrael Servant of the Most High
Paul was led by whom?. Yet the Saints today ignore all the warning signs that
he wasn't whom or what he portrayed himself to be. Paul quotes from
Mithraic scriptures when he cites, "And did all drink the same spiritual
drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that
Rock was?" I Cor. 10:4 Paul often quoted from Mithraic dogma, the Hillel
inspired "Mithraic" Talmud, or misquoted the Old Testament. So they are
ruling the universe through DIVINATION


2Cor.11:13-15, Satan and his can be transferred into an angel of light

And who is the light of this world.(JESUS)
Isa. 14:12-15—how art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of
the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken
the nations!

For thou hast said in thy heart,

(1)I will ascend into heaven,…

(2)I will exalt my throne above the stars of THE FATHER,
(3)I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the side of the
(4)I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
(5)I will be like the Most High.

There is no way to THE FATHER but His Way. All other attempts are vain and will be
condemned and judged as failures by THE FATHER Himself. There is no other person
who can take THE FATHER ‘s place (Attention ,JESUS AND Paul). Religion is used
as a robber among mankind. They all preach their own way to heaven or to THE
FATHER despite what HE said was the only way. They interpret their own reasoning,
written materials and demonic delusions to define THE FATHER and how to be with
Him. And they won't work, they will all fail and already have. They are not being led by
the Spirit of THE FATHER they are being led by the false Angel of Light, Satan himself.

Hold on, My Child! Joy comes in the morning.

The darkest hour is right before the dawn.



Can you turn your back on things that you, your family and friends, have
probably believed for years or even generations?
Can you be the one in ten thousand who will respond to the truth?
Are you part of the remnant?
Will you make a stand for the (THE FATHER)?
Will you worship His way, on His day?
Will you keep His Feasts at His times?
the pages, you seen are proof, demonstrated in Scripture. You will see things
that will help you understand why the (THE FATHER) is so angry with the
shepherds (pastors, ministers, priests, rabbi's and church members).

Gen. 3:4 "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:"
History's First Great Deception.



Now I lay me down to sleep (THE FATHERweh I going to deny my soul true

I pray to THE FATHER My soul to keep (I am asking you to please hold

and guide my soul thru my denial)

If I should die before I wake. (If I die before you open my spiritual eyes,
ears, mouth, mind)

I pray to Elohim my soul to take.(Please forgive me Elohim and chose me to

be in paradise)

Father and guardian save the night.(THE FATHERweh guard the those
who are in spiritual darkness )

Wake me up to the morning light.(open my eyes and mind to your secret

knowledge daily)

Our parents, parents, parents taught us this prayer to cover us and our
kids in case we didn’t come BACK into the knowledge. So if you still feel
sleepy remember to pray what your parents taught you. Those who are
tired of sleeping in church and life we have a lot to learn in very little


Just Give Me The Truth THE FATHER

Shall we begin?
The conclusion of the matter

Jesus Christ is a False Messiah

According to Jesus’ admissions, as well as the Bible’s prophecies, Jesus of Nazareth
could not have been the Messiah. This of course, would invalidate Christianity as we
know it. The compilation presented here shall be split in three sections. The first shall be
the biblical prophecies that were made in order to identify the messiah, which Jesus does
not fulfill. The second shall be the prophecies that Christians use to say that Jesus was
the Messiah, yet they clearly fail. The third set shall be the prophecies and statements
Jesus made yet they are false and have never came true.

Prophecies to Identify the Messiah, Which Jesus Does Not Fulfill:

1) Matthew 1:23 says that Jesus (the messiah) would be called Immanuel, which means
"God with us." Yet no one, not even his parents, call him Immanuel at any point in the
2) The Messiah must be a physical descendant of David (Romans 1:3 & Acts 2:30). Yet,
how could Jesus meet this requirement since his genealogies in Matthew 1 and Luke 3
show he descended from David through Joseph, who was not his natural father because
of the Virgin Birth. Hence, this prophecy could not have been fulfilled.

3) Isaiah 7:16 seems to say that before Jesus had reached the age of maturity, both of the
Jewish countries would be destroyed. Yet there is no mention of this prophecy being
fulfilled in the New Testament with the coming of Jesus, hence this is another Messiah
prophecy not fulfilled.

Prophecies Christians Use to Verify Jesus as the Messiah, Yet Clearly


4) The gospels (especially Matthew 21:4 and John 12:14-15) claim that Jesus fulfills the
prophecy of Zechariah 9:9. But the next few verses (Zechariah 9:10-13) show that the
person referred to in this verse is a military king that would rule "from sea to sea". Since
Jesus had neither an army nor a kingdom, he could not have fulfilled this prophecy.

5) Matthew (Matthew 2:17-18) quotes Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:15), claiming that it was a
prophecy of King Herod’s alleged slaughter of the children in and around Bethlehem
after the birth of Jesus. But this passage refers to the Babylonian captivity, as is clear by
reading the next two verses (Jeremiah 31:16-17), and, thus, has nothing to do with
Herod’s massacre.

6) John 19:33 says that during Jesus’ crucifixion, the soldiers didn’t break his legs
because he was already dead. Verse John 19:36 claims that this fulfilled a prophecy:
"Not a bone of him shall be broken." But there is no such prophecy. It is sometimes said
that the prophecy appears in Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12 & Psalm 34:20. This is not
correct. Exodus 12:46 & Numbers 9:12 are not prophecies, they are commandments.
The Israelites are told not to break the bones of the Passover lamb, and this is all it is
about. And Psalm 34:20 seems to refer to righteous people in general (see verse Psalm
34:19, where a plural is used), not to make a prophecy about a specific person.

7) "When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt." Hosea
11:1. Matthew (Matthew 2:15) claims that the flight of Jesus’ family to Egypt is a
fulfillment of this verse. But Hosea 11:1 is not a prophecy at all. It is a reference to the
Hebrew exodus from Egypt and has nothing to do with Jesus. Matthew tries to hide this
fact by quoting only the last part of the verse ("Out of Egypt I have called my son").

8) "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah,
yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings
forth have been from of old, from everlasting." Micah 5:2 The gospel of Matthew
(Matthew 2:5-6) claims that Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem fulfils this prophecy. But this is
unlikely for two reasons.
A) "Bethlehem Ephratah" in Micah 5:2 refers not to a town, but to a clan: the clan of
Bethlehem, who was the son of Caleb’s second wife, Ephrathah (1 Chronicles 2:18, 2:50-
52 & 4:4).

B) The prophecy (if that is what it is) does not refer to the Messiah, but rather to a
military leader, as can be seen from Micah 5:6. This leader is supposed to defeat the
Assyrians, which, of course, Jesus never did. It should also be noted that Matthew
altered the text of Micah 5:2 by saying: "And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah"
rather than "Bethlehem Ephratah" as is said in Micah 5:2. He did this, intentionally no
doubt, to make this verse appear to refer to the town of Bethlehem rather than the family

Statements Jesus Made Which Are False:

9) Jesus in John 14:12 & Mark 16:17-18 said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that
believeth in me, the works that I do shall he also; and greater works than these shall he
do; because I go unto my Father." This implies that Jesus’ true followers should be able
to routinely perform the following tricks: 1) cast out devils, 2) speak in tongues, 3) take
up serpents, 4) drink poisons without harm, and 5) cure the sick by touching them and
MANY other of Jesus’ "works". Curiously I have yet to see a Christian that can do any
of the above on demand.

10) In John 14:13-14 Jesus stated: "And whatsoever ye ask in my name I do, that the
Father may be glorified in the son. If ye ask any thing in my name, I will do it." In
reality, millions of people have made millions of requests in Jesus’ name and failed to
receive satisfaction. This promise or prophecy has failed completely.

11) Paul says Christianity lives or dies on the Resurrection (1 Corinthian 15:14-17). Yet
Jesus said in Matthew 12:40 that he would be buried three days and three nights as Jonah
was in the whale three days and three nights. Friday afternoon to early Sunday morning
is only one and a half days, so he could not have been the messiah by his own and Paul’s

12) Jesus’ prophecy in John 13:38 ("The cock shall not crow, till thou [Peter] hast denied
me three times") is false. Mark 14:66-68 shows the cock crowed after the first denial, not
the third.

13) In Mark 10:19 Jesus said: "Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit
adultery, Do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy
father and mother." Jesus needs to re-read the Ten Commandments. There is no Old
Testament commandment against defrauding. The only relevant statement about
defrauding is in Leviticus 19:13 , which says : "Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor."
This is an OT law, but is not listed with the Ten Commandments. Surely, if Jesus was
god incarnate he would know the commandments.
14) "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, but
he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven" (John 3:13). If
Jesus is in heaven, how can he be down on earth speaking? Moreover, according to 2
Kings 2:11 ("and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven") Jesus was not the only
person to ascend into heaven, nor was he the first. Elijah preceded him and apparently
Enoch did also ("And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him"--
Genesis 5:24).

15) In Luke 23:43 Jesus said to the thief on the cross, "Today shalt thou be with me in
paradise." This obviously has to be false, for Jesus was supposed to lay dead in the tomb
for three days following his crucifixion.

1 6) Jesus says : "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and
hate thine enemy" (Matthew 5:43). This statement does not exist in the OT either. In
fact, Proverbs 24:17 says, "Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart
be glad when he stumbleth…"

17) Jesus is reported to say: "The law and the prophets were until John: since that time
the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it" (Luke 16:16). Certainly
every man is not pressing to enter the kingdom of God. The very fact that an atheist (one
third of the world’s population does not believe in a god) proves this verse to be false.

18) "Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the Sabbath days the priests in the
temple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless?" (Matthew 12:5) Nowhere does the OT
state that the priests in the temple profaned the Sabbath and were considered blameless.

19) "Yea; have ye never read, 'Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast
perfected praise'" (Matthew 21:16). Jesus is quoting Psalm 8:2, which says, "Out of the
mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies…".
"Perfect praise" has little to do with "ordaining strength because of thine enemies."
Another misquotation!

20) "But I say unto you, That Elias is indeed come, and they have done unto him
whatsoever they listed, as it is written of him" (Mark 9:13). There are no prophecies in
the OT of things that were to happen to Elijah.

Jesus, in all his "God incarnate" wisdom, contradicts himself:

21) Jesus consistently contradicts himself concerning his Godly status. "I and my father
are one." (John 14:28) Also see Philippians 2:5-6 Those verses lead us to believe that he
is a part of the trinity and equal to his father being a manifestation of him. Yet, Jesus also
made many statements that deny he is the perfect men, much less God incarnate. Take
the following for example: "Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that
is God" (Matthew 19:17). "My father if greater then I." (John 14:28) Also see Matthew
24:26 Clearly, Jesus is denouncing the possibility of him being the Messiah in those three
22) Jesus said, "whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire" (Matthew
5:22). Yet, he himself did so repeatedly, as Matthew 23:17-19 and Luke 11:40 & 12:20
show. Clearly Jesus should be in danger of hell too?

23) Does Jesus support peace, or war? Matthew 5:39 "Resist not evil, but whoever shall
smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Also note Matthew 6:38-42 &
26:52 where Jesus teaches non-resistance, Non-violence. Now read (Luke 22:36-37)
Where Jesus commands people to take arms for a coming conflict. (John 2:15) Jesus
uses a whip to physically drive people out of the temple.

24) Matthew 15:24 Jesus said, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of
lsrael,". This would of course mean that he is here only to save the Jews. The scriptures
repeatedly back up this notion that Christ is savior to the Jews and not the gentiles (see
Romans 16:17, Revelations 14:3-4 & John 10). The contradiction lies in what Jesus later
tells his followers: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations" (Matthew 28:19).

25) Can we hate our kindred? Luke 14:26 Jesus says "If any man come unto me, and
hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brother, and sisters, yea, and
his own life also, he can not be my disciple." John 3:15 "Whosoever hateth his brother
is a murderer." Also see Ephesians 6:22, 5:25, & Matthew 15:4

26) Even many of the staunchest defenders of Jesus admit that his comment in Matthew
10:34 ("I came not to send peace but a sword") contradicts verses such as Matthew 26:52
("Put up again thy sword into his place: for all that take the sword shall perish with the

27) Deuteronomy 24:1 & 21:10-14 all say that divorce is allowed for the simple reason if
a "man no longer delighteth in his wife". Yet Jesus comes along and breaks his father’s
law by saying in Matthew 5:32 that adultery is the only way one can be divorced.

28) In Mark 8:35 Jesus said: "...but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the
gospel’s the same shall save it." How could Jesus have said this when there was no
gospel when he lived? The gospel did not appear until after his death.

29) Matthew 6:13 Jesus recites a revised prayer and states, "Don’t bring us into
temptation." God is the cause of everything, even Satan. God has been leading people
into temptation since the Garden of Eden. Otherwise, the trees of life and knowledge
would have never been there.

30) Matthew 12:1-8 Jesus thinks it’s okay to break his father’s laws, by breaking the
Sabbath day. He states that he is basically exempt for such fiascoes and that he is Master
of the Sabbath.

31) John 3:17 Jesus contradicts himself when he says, "God didn’t send his son into the
world to condemn it, but to save it." Jesus seems to forget his own stories.
32) James 4:3 If your prayers are not answered, it’s your own damned fault. This is in
direct contradiction to where Jesus says "seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be known
to you".

33) "If Jesus bears witness of himself his witness is true" John 8:14, "If I bear witness of
myself it is not true." John 5:31

34) "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20), versus "For
ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always" (Matthew 26:11 , Mark
14:7, John 12:8) and "Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am thither ye
cannot come" (John 7:34). Is this the kind of friend one can rely on?

35) "And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another,
committeth adultery against her" (Mark 10:11 & Luke 6:18), versus "And I say unto you,
Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another,
committeth adultery" (Matthew 19:9). In the book of Matthew, Jesus said a man could
put away his wife if one factor-- fornication--is involved. In Mark and Luke he allowed
no exceptions.

36) Jesus is quoted: "Judge not, and ye shall be not judged; condemn not, and ye shall
not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven" (Luke 6:37 & Matthew 7:1), versus
"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24).
Jesus stated men are not to judge but, then, allowed it under certain conditions. As in the
case of divorce, he can’t seem to formulate a consistent policy.

37) "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46, (also note the time
before crucification where Jesus prays for the "cup to passeth over me") versus "Now is
my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour?’ No, for this
purpose I have come to this hour" (John 12:27 RSV). Jesus can’t seem to decide whether
or not he wants to die. One moment he is willing; the next he isn’t.

38) In Luke 23:30 ("Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, fall on us, and to the
hills, cover us") Jesus quoted Hosea 10:8 ("...and they shall say to the mountains, cover
us; and to the hills, fall on us"). And, like Paul, he often quoted inaccurately. In this
instance, he confused mountains with hills.

39) "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all
things. But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they know him not, but have
done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them.
Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist" (Matthew
17:11-13). John the Baptist was beheaded, but Jesus was not. And what did John the
Baptist restore? Nothing!

40) We are told salvation is obtained by faith alone (John 3:18 & 36) yet Jesus told a man
to follow the Commandments-Matthew 19:16-18 (saving by works)-if he wanted eternal
41) In Luke 12:4 Jesus told his followers to "Be not afraid of them that kill the body." But
Matthew 12:14-16, John 7:1, 8:59, 10:39, 11:53-54, & Mark 1:45 show that Jesus
consistently feared death. Jesus went out of his way to hide, run, and attempt escape
from the Roman and Jewish authorities.

42) Matthew 5:28 says to sin in "your heart" is considered a sin in itself. The messiah is
supposed to be God incarnate, not able to sin, yet in Matthew 4:5 & Luke 4:5-9, Jesus
was tempted by Satan in the desert, which is sinning in his heart. Jesus also took upon all
the sins of the world during his crucifixion, so how can it be said that "Jesus was the
perfect man without sin"? This would lead one to believe he was not the Messiah.

43) Jesus told us to "Love your enemies; bless them that curse you," but ignored his own
advice by repeatedly denouncing his opposition. Matthew 23:17 ("Ye fools and blind"),
Matthew 12:34 ("0 generation of vipers"), and Matthew 23:27 (". . . hypocrites . . . ye are
like unto whited sepulchres. . .") are excellent examples of hypocrisy.

44) Did the people of Jesus’ generation see any signs? (Matthew 12:38-40) Jesus
announced that no signs would be given to that generation except the Resurrection itself.
(Mark 8:12-13) Jesus announced that no signs would be given to that generation. (Mark
16:20) They went out preaching, and the Lord confirmed the word through
accompanying signs. (John 20:30) Jesus provided many wonders and signs. (Acts 2:22)
Jesus provided many wonders and signs. (Acts 5:12 & 8:13) many signs and wonders
were done through the apostles.

45) Jesus commands the disciples to go into Galilee immediately after the resurrection.
Matthew 28:10 Jesus commands the disciples to "tarry in Jerusalem" immediately after
the resurrection.

46) Matthew 28:18 & John 3:35 both tell that Jesus said he could do anything. Yet Mark
6:5 says Jesus was not all powerful.

47) Jesus says in Luke 2:13-14 that he came to bring peace on earth. Matthew 10:34
Jesus back peddles and says he did not come to bring peace on earth.

48) Did Christ receive testimony from man? "Ye sent unto John and he bare witness
unto the truth. But I receive not testimony from man." John 5:33-34 "And ye shall also
bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning." John 15:27

49) Christ laid down his life for his friends. John 15:13 & 10:11 Christ laid down his life
for his enemies. Romans 5:10

50) Deuteronomy 23:2 says that bastards can not attend church unto the tenth generation.
If Jesus was spawned by Mary and Jehovah as the Bible claims then he is technically a
bastard and should not be the leader of the church.
Jesus Lied
Jesus Lied About Prayer

Jesus is quoted many times in the Bible saying that a believer can ask for anything
through prayer and receive it. He even goes so far as to say that mountains and trees can
be thrown into the sea simply by praying for it. This is clearly a lie, and can be proven to
be a lie by any believer. Simply pray for that to happen. Or better yet ask God to move
the mountains or trees behind your house. He could make a lot of converts this way.

Here are the quotes from Jesus that proves that he lied:

1) And Jesus answered and said to them, "Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do
not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this
mountain, `Be taken up and cast into the sea,' it will happen. "And all things you ask in
prayer, believing, you will receive." (Matthew 21:21-22 NAS)

2) Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be
opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to
the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8 NAB)

3) Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may
ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three
have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst. (Matthew 18:19-20 NAS)

4) Amen, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the
sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it shall
be done for him. Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will
receive it and it shall be yours. (Mark 11:24-25 NAB)

5) And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door
will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Luke 11:9-13 NAB)
6) And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in
the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it. (John 14:13-14 NAB)

7) If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it
will be done for you. (John 15:7 NAB)

8) It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and
bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give
you. (John 15:16 NAB)

9) On that day you will not question me about anything. Amen, amen, I say to you,
whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you. Until now you have not asked
anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete. (John
16:23-24 NAB)

A lot of Christians ignore what Jesus actually says in the Bible. They also tend to add
things to the actual words to make them say something else. If you honestly and
truthfully read these quotes, without adding to them, it is very easy to see that Jesus is not
saying that God will think about your prayers. He says God will grant all your prayers.
Clearly, God doesn’t grant all prayers and this proves that Jesus was a habitual liar.









Andre Larmar Ford




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