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Implementation Reflection

Adan Rodriguez

Teaching diverse students is something that moves me as an educator.

Diverse student can be seen as difficult subjects due to the different barriers they

face when learning. This is inclusive to all diverse students including students with
learning disability, English Language Learners, migrant students, gifted students,
and diverse students based on ethnicity. My future goal after the military is to be
able to teach diverse students, especially students who are at risk. My area of focus
was providing diverse students additional sessions immersing them in an
environment that prepares them for taking high stake exams and standardized
While Im not currently in a classroom, I believe my action research plan can
be implemented at the lowest level. Action research is meant to put the educator in
the role of researcher. It provides us with firsthand experience and an opportunity
to implement our own vision. By improving students learning while injecting
developmental ideas into the classrooms daily. I selected this area because diverse
students are not performing as well as their counterparts in standardized testing.
My daughters local school district is no different, underperforming in high stake
testing with diverse students.
The next step for my action research project is to continue to refine it through
implementation. As you progress through an action research project students and
teaching methods evolve. The cycle of knowledge in action is never ending, you
continue to refine the process by either adjusting your plan or continuing with the
method depending if students are responsive to it or not. I would also like to
lengthen my action research project from four weeks to eight weeks. This will allow
me to gather more information and ensure students attend enough of either before
or after school sessions. Giving the students the necessary time to become fully
immersed in the process of improving their test scores.

Action research is a process that educators can use to improve students

learning by identifying problem areas in their classroom. Like parents know their
children, educators know their subjects and they know what areas they struggle in.
I will use it in my future classrooms to be able to assist my pupils an areas they
need. It is a great way to provide solutions to students who are struggling.
Especially in subjects that are needed to be successful in their educational goals.
Action research and Knowledge in Action (KiA) are very similar processes.
They are process that are used to identify problem areas in a classroom. Once an
area has been identified, research is conducted on the best practices and process.
Knowledge in action beginning premise is another way to identify a problem, once
you have identified it, you improve it and examine information on it before
implementation. As in action research you implement your plan, evaluate it and
refine the process. In KiA you measure and evaluate outcomes of the premises you
implemented. Once your conducted your reflective processes in both methods you
either begin a new premise if your project was successful or you refine your
implementation plan.
This course best aligns with standard number six assessment the teacher
understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their
own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teachers and learner
decision making. This course has taught me that not every student falls into one
assessment method. The newest and perhaps least used method by me is the
affective method. This method is great and should be used by all educators.
Especially when you are teaching diverse students. Learning differences are
defined as the teacher uses understanding of individual difference and diverse
cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable

each student to meet high standards. The GPO outcomes that best mirror MAT 729
Research based Assessment and my area of focus are disposition number eight
promoting student learning utilizing assessment, technologies, and best
instructional practices. Assessments are necessary to ensure students are
understanding the content that is being taught. While we tend to focus high stake
test we must realize that students need to be assessed thoroughly with constructive
Assessing students has always been more than assigning letter grades. It will
always be about ensuring students are retaining the necessary knowledge to be
successful in their educational goals and careers. As educators we want all
students to do well in school, we accomplish this by using different methods of
assessment. Remaining stagnate when we assess will only further produce
students who are not prepared to enter the next grade. It will only help the cycle of
underperforming diverse students remains in place. Breaking this cycle means
breaking the norms of student evaluation.

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