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I am not a failure: M A David S Kumar

600 words

Anthony David Swaroop Kumar.M
Looking at the pile of books she had to study, Phoebe
sighed. Examinations loomed up large in her sight. I shouldnt have
wasted all my time earlier in the year. Instead, if only I had prepared for
these exams right from the beginning like Tabitha. She thought,but
now it is too late. What shall I do now?
The days flew past.
Bleary eyed with lack of sleep, Phoebe struggled to
keep awake in the exam hall. Every now and then, her mind went blank.
Somehow, she managed to sit till the exam was over and hurried to go
out. She met Tabitha outside the hall. Wasnt it a good paper Phoebe?
opined Tabitha, "Most of us have written well. We should be getting good
marks. How about you? Phoebe just managed to smile weakly.
* * * * * * *
Three weeks later.
Hi Phoebe, said Tabitha, Our exam results have just
come on the website. Did you see? I did, blurted out Phoebe, "I failed
in two subjects Do not worry Phoebe; assured Tabitha, You still
passed in one subject. You can clear the others in just six more months.
However, Phoebe was far from reassured. I have failed
in two subjects. I am losing six months of my career. Everyone will look
down on me. I have failed. I am a failure. The fact is that I did not deserve
to pass. Do I deserve then to live? she mused. Neither music nor books,
which were her favorite hobbies, helped her this time.
Forlorn and sad, she sat alone in her darkened room
and thought, I am a failure. I am so insignificant. No one cares for me. I
might as well die


I am not a failure: M A David S Kumar

600 words

Trring, trring.the bell rang interrupting her

depressive thoughts. Who is it? she asked as she reluctantly opened the
door. Tabitha walked in with their senior friend Sheba. I just wanted to
spend some time with you Phoebe, said Sheba, "I heard you had failed in
two subjects
Tears now flowed freely from Phoebes eyes.
"Shebakka, she sobbed, I am a failure. No one cares for me.
Dont ever say that Phoebe, said Sheba. Dont you
remember? Our Lord Jesus Christ cares for you. He died on the cross for
you and for me even while we were yet sinners. Doesnt that give us some
Tabitha came close to Phoebe and hugged her. "Phoebe, my
dear, we all love you. We care for you. You are not a failure. You can
always try again.
I know exactly how you feel Phoebe, began Sheba, I also
failed once some years ago. I too felt miserable and blue. But I
encouraged myself in the Lord. Do you remember the life of King David?
Once when he was most discouraged and when even his own men talked
of stoning him for his failure, he encouraged himself in the Lord. Phoebe,
the Lord cares for you. The Word says that He will never leave you nor
forsake you. You have become His daughter. How can you ever think that
He will leave you Phoebe?
She came close to her and held her hand. "You are definitely not a
failure Phoebe. Dont give importance to such feelings. The fact remains
that The Lord loves you. And so do we!
The beginnings of a smile hovered on Phoebes lips. "Thank
you dear sisters, for reminding me. The Lord loves me. I am not a failure.

2004: M A David S Kumar.


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