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How to bandage an ankle

1. Place the heel of the foot on your

palm for support. Position the end of
the bandage on the inside of the
ankle, just above the ankle bone.
Take two turns around the ankle,
securing the end of the bandage.

2. Now support the leg by holding the

front of the foot. Wrap the bandage
diagonally across the front of the
foot, from the inside ankle bone to
the little toe.

3. Place your hand under the heel to

hold the bandage in place, then
continue to wrap underneath the foot,
straight across the sole towards the
big toe.

4. Continue diagonally across the

front of the foot, from the big toe to
the inside ankle bone. Take one turn
around the ankle. Repeat from step
2, working towards the ankle.

5. Cover three-quarters of each of

the previous strip each time, but
leave the toes uncovered. When the
foot is covered, wrap the ankle twice
and fasten the bandage.

6. To check circulation, press a toe

nail. It should turn pale when pressure
is applied, then turn quickly back to
pink again. Keep checking at intervals
for swelling.

Presented jointly by Malaysian Red Crescent Society and the Malaysian media in
conjunction with the "First Aider in Every Home" campaign. Call 03-4578122

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