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The word valiant can also be defined as brave, courageous, heroic, fearless, bold.
In this talk,please take note of these 3 points
1.How was Barak Valiant or brave?
2.How did it show that he did not seek glory from men.
3.What lessons do we learn from his example?
Son of Abinoam of Kedesh in the territory of Naphtali. During an early period in the
time of the judges the Israelites fell away from true worship, and for 20 years God
permitted them to be oppressed by Jabin, the king of Canaan. They cried out to
Jehovah for relief, and it was then that Barak became their God-appointed leader.
(Jg 4:1-3)
Whereas the Israelites Canaanite oppressors were heavily armed, a shield could
not be seen, nor a lance, among forty thousand in Israel. (Jg 5:8)
Imagine being in battle, facing an army with every sort of weaponry at their
disposal, while you have nothing, not even a shield. What would you do? How would
you face that army, would you have courage to go in battle?
Barak listened to Jehovahs Prophetes and did not rely on his own understanding. Vs
Barak assembled 10,000 men on Mount Tabor and was ready to engage in battle
with Jabins military chief Sisera, who entered the torrent valley of Kishon with his
army and its 900 war chariots.
When the Israelites marched into the valley plain, God caused a flash flood that
turned the battlefield into a quagmire and immobilized the Canaanite chariots.
Baraks men prevailed, and all the camp of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword.
Sisera himself sought refuge in the tent of Jael, but she killed him while he slept.
Jg 5:15-16.
Because, Barak acted courageously, Israel had no further disturbance for forty
years. .many godly men and women have displayed similar faith and courage.After
the victory, Barak sang a song in praise of Jehovah,giving him all the glory and not
seeking glory from men.this song is recorded in chapter 5.
Throughout these last days, Jehovah has thwarted all efforts to eliminate his
people. (2 Tim. 3:1) As a result, opposers have been shamed. In country after
country, opponents have failed miserably in their effort to silence Jehovahs
Witnesses. In those lands, the steadfastness and endurance of worshippers of the

one true God have served as a witness to righthearted ones, and many have
searched for Jehovahs name. In a number of lands where Jehovahs Witnesses
were once viciously persecuted, there are now tens of thousands, even hundreds of
thousands, of happy praisers of Jehovah. What a triumph for Jehovah! And how
embarrassing for his enemies!

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